Heritage (former name: erfgoed) code to keep the monuments database running, see https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Monuments_database

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  1. ad7004a Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net. by Translation updater bot · 3 weeks ago master
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Heritage - tools for Wiki Loves Monuments


A Python MediaWiki bot doing mighty things. See Commons:User:ErfgoedBot

By default, the bot connects to the monuments database using the credentials pywikibot_config.db_username and pywikibot_config.db_password. You can override them via the database_config.yml file.


To hack on it, use tox to run the tests

To spin-up a development environement simulating harvesting:

# Build Docker images
docker-compose build

# Create database tables
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint python bot -m erfgoedbot.monument_tables
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint python bot -m erfgoedbot.fill_table_monuments_all

# Start the Docker containers
docker-compose up -d

# Ensure a directory for locally written pages
mkdir -p docker_pages

# Run the bot to harvest a country
docker-compose run --rm bot python -m erfgoedbot.update_database -countrycode:ge -langcode:ka -log

# Update the monuments_all table
docker-compose run --rm db mysql -h db s51138__heritage_p --user=heritage --password=password < erfgoedbot/sql/fill_table_monuments_all.sql

# Update the statistics table
docker-compose run --rm web php ../maintenance/_buildStats.php

The web interface will be accessible on http://localhost:5000/


This tool is meant to run on Toolforge.

Dependencies are installed in a Python virtual environment (via bin/build-python.sh). In order to run Python scripts, you may want to use the Shell scripts in the bin directory:

./bin/run_erfgoedbot_script.sh erfgoedbot/update_database.py -countrycode:ge -langcode:ka -log

Monuments Database and API

A PHP API exploiting the MySQL database.

To hack on it, use Composer to run PHP tests and docker-compose to spin-up a local development environment.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dump.yml up -d

The web interface will be accessible on http://localhost:5000/


With the exception of directories containing their own LICENSE file, this repository is licensed under the MIT License.