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As there are no virus' present in the package and I have had to repeatedly explain its a false flag by users antivirus software, I will be purging any comments made stating that there's a virus.

I will be continuing to attempt bug fixes but unfortunately with the release being so far in the past I may not be able to fix everything without a great deal of effort that I don't have time for.

Did the download for the Android version disappear?

Yes, sorry I removed the android package as I'm no longer able to compile for modern devices so further bug fixes on android won't be possible

It says "double tap to more forward" on the heirloom screen but I can't figure out what to double tap

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Right click whenever it says double-tap

Thank you! I've just been having the same problem. The instructions really need to be clearer...

Is there a way to provide crash and other feedback other than here? The game is a lot of fun, even with the bugs, and I would rather not commemorate the bugs forever in place of the fact that I want to keep playing! :-)

Is there any way to turn down the volume??

It's crashing, intermittently, on Samsung Galaxy S10.  Gonna keep playing it anyway.  I love this game! 🥰

I really enjoyed your game, way more than "Reigns". I especially liked that the events are more developed and realistic in this game.

However, I'm not sure I understand how to unlock new card decks : I only got the scroll.

In addition, the voodoo doll losing its limbs didn't seem to always match what happened in the story : I lost an arm after confronting a robber, but the doll didn't.

Played this game with a friend and had a blast! Love the prompts and unlock able decks! Haven't had any errors while playing.

I've played this game for about 10 min, gone through 3 leaders, and had no errors so far. Its been a ton of fun, can't wait to see what other bits of story there are. 

The fatal error seems to occur every time I draw a Major Arcana card, leaving me unable to complete playthroughs after a few successful lives.

On mobile, attempting to double tap to speed up the text on the events/heirloom screen skips straight into the start of the game, preventing me from choosing an heirloom.

Hoping you'll be able to fix the fatal error soon, as I am really enjoying the game and would love to play more of it!

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Been loving the game, but got a game killing bug- not entirely sure it's the same one being mentioned, but feel free to disregard if that's the case!

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object ObjTarotCard:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [92,0] out of range [79,-1] - -5.choice(100043,2944000)
at gml_Object_ObjTarotCard_Draw_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_ObjTarotCard_Draw_0 (line -1)

Not entirely sure what happened, but thought you should know. 

Same here! Variable index is different (108, not 92), but I've gotten it a couple times.

I also just received this error on Android.

Same error, but with

Variable Index [98,0] out of range [79,-1] - -5.choice(100043,3136000)

Got the same error here, except that it says Variable Index [84,0] out of range [79,-1] - -5.choice(100043,2688000)

I'm sorry I know exactly what's causing the error (its an out of bounds index error on the array holding the scenario structs) I've just been opening a business and haven't had time to finish the fix, I'm hoping to fix it soon!

Enjoyable game, but a bit buggy!

-Some events lead to the wrong otucome. I got the river fording outcome on a different card (I forgot which one but will tell you which if I get it again).

-Fatal error on drawing some cards, as noted.

-I can't select the Chariot event from the menu.

-Not sure if this is a bug, but when I lost an arm, the dealer took my doll's leg off.

A bit of clarity on the following would be good:

  • What the heirlooms do.
  • What the new suits are. Just extra cards?
  • What the doll represents, such as the pins. I assume it's to do with stat losses and limb losses.

I managed to lose 3 limbs once. Impressive.

Lastly a small niggle - the explanation each time of the stats isn't required. 

Anyway I enjoy this game, unfortunately the bugs are a bit of a problem. Would love to revisit once you do some housekeeping on it though!

Another bug encountered during playing:

I can't tell what the bug you're trying to bring to my attention is

The graphics for the card is not displayed properly beyond that single pentagram thing

Here is another example of the same thing happening: this time there is no text at all and the card displayed (which might be the ace of wands? Or something?) has no graphic beyond that little stick.

I'm having a fun time playing, despite the fatal error exception mentioned below that you said you're working on fixing, but I was wondering if there was a way to speed up the text when selecting an event/heirloom without completely skipping it. Mostly as a Quality of Life thing, since I can't select a card until the text has stopped scrolling.

Right clicking while text is scrolling finishes the scroll immediately

I'm having fun playing this game, but experiencing issues that other people have noted. The fatal exception error sometimes comes up, killing your game, I don't know how to activate events at all. I can bring heirlooms into a game with me, but can't seem to use them - as in an event will happen where say I lose an arm, and I have the prosthetic arm, but I don't know how to activate it to do anything so it sits there effectively useless. 

When you patch these issues, how can we get the update? Thanks!

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Heirlooms are a passive buff not an action, they add to your stats at all times

Good to know! How do you select events? I have The Chariot and.. the something of swords it cuts off and I can't see it well. They look like options I should be able to do something with, but I don't know how to interact with them?

Incidentally I'm having a lot of fun with this game!

I keep getting the following error

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object ObjTarotCard:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [102,0] out of range [79,-1] - -5.choice(100043,3264000)
at gml_Object_ObjTarotCard_Draw_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_ObjTarotCard_Draw_0 (line -1)

It seems to occur after having played a few "lifes", though it doesn't seem tied to any specific card.

Thank you for posting the error, working on a fix now!

A fun game that's easy to digest and easy to replay. There's a bug of sorts in relation to the heirlooms when prompted to 'double tap' where I couldn't select anything but right clicking once seemed to allow me to move the game onwards. I'll definitely be coming back!

Sorry about that, my platform specific code must be broken, showing the mobile instructions instead of the pc instructions

I may be missing something but when playing on PC and getting to the screen at which you are prompted to choose an event/heirloom card the game instructs to 'double tap'. Double clicking, pressing ent/space/z/x/c/v/etc. and bunches of other keys don't really do anything, but I may be missing something obvious?

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Ah crap that's on me, my platform specific code must be broken and its telling you the mobile instructions instead of pc

I'm having the same issue, is there any button that will let you go past this?

As I've stated in other comments, right clicking is what it means from double tap, just leaking platform code will be fixed when I patch the other bugs people have found

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I'm getting the same issue, on WIndows 10. Similarly, how do we actually select heirlooms/events, and are they used up after being used once? I can't seem to get the cards to respond, other than right-clicking to continue.

Hi! The game is neat, but I wanted to let you know that I got a crash upon drawing The Emperor card. Thanks!

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Thank you so much for letting me know, I'll get on a fix asap