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the middle 4 tiles on the far right wont let me place in them.

fix on its way ray cast issue with the new panel on the right of you pan you can place.

that's it fixed now thanks for spotting that :)

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I come back to this periodically, and it's really interesting to see the changes you make. Personally, I find the current unlock system pretty frustrating - it's pretty limiting, and forces you into playing particular strategies that you don't otherwise want to, purely so you can unlock other things, rather than feeling like you're progressing. I've also found that you now (moreso than before) need to have some kind of discard mechanic, in case you fill up the board and can't play anything, so can't get new cards. Deadlocks are not fun. :(

sorry you feel that way but once it's unlocked it saved so it gets players interacting with all the cards and helps new players learn them. There is also multiple cards that allow you to destroy tiles or remove cards from your deck just need to complete some achievements to unlock them.

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Lol bunnies are wild, between that and the void totem thing, and fires there's a lot of chaos to deal with and I like it

Have no idea how to play the sunflower card.  I assumed playing meadows would get me up to 4, but I guess you have to raise the max?

There are ways look at the achievements for clues. meadows have a secret that can unlock you extra energy. bunnies can be set on fire. and the void well that's just chaos could win you the game could lose you the game.

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I dig this game a lot. I've been playing it a bunch over the last few days trying to get beyond Year 6 - it's tough. It's a lot easier once you figure out some of the hidden combos, but still challenging. (I've only found a couple, I'm not sure if there's more.)

There's one strategy that I think is overall more sustainable long term, but requires a bit of luck getting a good deck for it.

I've noticed a couple of issues you might like to be aware of, though:

1) The discard gets reshuffled into the deck every turn. This can lead to you picking a card and then not drawing it for many, many turns purely because of bad luck. A better (more intuitive) system would be drawing through all of the deck, moving things to discard as you play them, and then shuffling the discard into the deck when you need to draw a new card and there's nothing in your deck. This means you're guaranteed to see all the cards in your deck within 2 deck rotations from when you've bought it.

2) There's a couple of hitbox issues. The status tracker in the top right appears to prevent you from placing tiles easily in the top right tile, and (more obviously) the top second-from-right tile. So you can click on space that's within both the box of the 2nd-right tile that doesn't appear to be covered by the status tracker and it won't do anything, but if you click in the bottom third or left third that's entirely outside of the tracker hit-box then you can still place tiles there. It's pretty annoying.

3) A similar sort of hitbox issue comes up when you have the cards raised to read details and you try and place tiles in the bottom row that aren't visually covered by the cards, but would be within a plain rectangular hitbox area of the hand overall.

Fairly minor issues, but would definitely make the game feel a lot better!

Cheers for making a really neat game.

Great feed back will have a look at some of these shortly and get them fixed. The tiles with ??? In the tiles screen are the ones with secrets. The deck usually dose work as described with it only shuffling when you have no cards to draw but think there's an issue with It getting into a funny state now and again. Will be adding deck thinning mechanics too so you can remove cards as I think this is needed late game. Year 5 is a win to me just haven't added an end screen :p highest anyone has made it is year 10

Fixes are now in let me know if your still having issues placing tiles.

Updates working nicely! Unsure if you made any changes to the deck shuffling - it mostly seemed to be behaving better, but seems to still break down a bit if you play a couple of games in a row without refreshing..?
I also managed to get that combo to go off. I need to sleep, but I'll probably see how far I can push it tomorrow.

haven't updated the deck stuff yet. but I didn't think 75 energy was possible :P also out of all the play testers you have Definity got the furthest previous best was 11.

I ended up getting to the start of year 20 with 63000/9750 coins, and no particular indication that I'll ever need to stop for any reason other than deciding to stop. I think that'll do. Genuinely really enjoyed this!

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fun and tough, made it to year 3 and I feel like I could do at least one better on the next play through.  Not a huge fan of the information of what the cards do being hidden until you purchase them.  The cards hovering and going back down was a little janky for me, like they go back down moving mouse between cards, at least on the webgl version.  Really great start, looking forward to seeing it progress :)

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will look into these issues thanks Ben. Think it's from trying to support mobile too should really have separate builds for touch and mouse support.