# Theengs BLE MQTT gateway

Theengs Gateway is a multi-platform, multi devices Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to MQTT gateway that leverages the Theengs Decoder library (opens new window). It retrieves data from a wide range of BLE sensors (opens new window), including the LYWSD03MMC, CGD1, CGP1W, H5072, H5075, H5102, TH1, TH2, CGH1, CGDK2, CGPR1, RuuviTag, WS02, WS08, TPMS, MiScale, LYWSD02, LYWSDCGQ, and MiFlora, and translates this information into a readable JSON format and pushes those to an MQTT broker.

Enabling integration to Internet of Things (IoT) platforms or home automation controllers like NodeRED (opens new window), AWS IoT (opens new window), Home Assistant (opens new window), OpenHAB (opens new window), FHEM (opens new window), ioBroker (opens new window) or Domoticz (opens new window).

The gateway uses the Bluetooth Low Energy adapter of your Raspberry Pi, Windows, Apple desktop, laptop, or server by leveraging Python and multi-platform libraries.


You can use Theengs Gateway as a standalone solution or as a complementary solution to OpenMQTTGateway (opens new window), as it uses the same MQTT topic structure and the same payload messages. Your OpenMQTTGateway home automation BLE sensors integration also works with Theengs Gateway.

The gateway retrieves data from BLE sensors from Govee, Xiaomi, Inkbird, Qingping, ThermoBeacon, Blue Maestro, and many more.

Last Updated: 1/10/2025, 11:14:55 PM