A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Mankind has wished since the dawn of time, but when those pleas turn dark, Heaven decides to answer. Tasked by the Archangel Michael to investigate, will our young angel Ariel follow her mission? Or will she stray from the light?

Choose wisely between three heartthrobs to serve as your investigation partner and uncover the truth.

Keldran Poly DLC: https://galengames.itch.io/dufe-cadenza

Prequel following Keldran and Ace: https://galengames.itch.io/dufe-masquerade

Format : Visual Novel

Genre : Romance, Otome, Mystery, Supernatural

Length : ~3-5 hours

Language : English

Platform : PC (Windows, Mac, Linux)

2 dateable characters (Michael, Ace)  (Keldran polyroute only in DLC)

6 unlockable CGs

4 endings

Partially voiced

Created for OtomeJam 2021. We have a really large team behind this project:

Art/Director :


Writing :

Rico Hatton (common route, Michael endings , Ace reversed end)

 LunaMakaio (Michael and Ace routes)

Music/SFX : 

Ednar Pinho

Programming :  







Copy Editing: 



VA direction: 

Ashe Thurman


Ryan Hoyle (Ace) 

Bradley Gareth (Michael)

Alex Gardipe (Keldran)

Narrative Consultant: 




Cocoon sprite art:




“They nailed the writing, the romance and as an avid reader of romance novels, it makes me unbelievably ecstatic to find an otome game that fits the bill.” -Amara

read the full review: https://aheadofthenight.wordpress.com/2021/07/08/review-galen-games-deliver-us-from-evil-dufe/

See our journey on twitter

Presskit here


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DUFE_windows 497 MB
DUFE_mac 479 MB
DUFE_linux 486 MB

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im so confused, do we play as ariel or does we the player get to make and name our own person because that is not clear AT ALL

( 2)

Tasked by the Archangel Michael to investigate, will our young angel Ariel follow her mission? Or will she stray from the light?

You play as Ariel

Looks great! It was a pleasure to be in the Queer Halloween Stories Bundle with you!

( 2)

DUFE is an excellent game - the production quality, quality of art, and the unique story featuring Angels and Demons all worked together in harmony for so many different satisfying outcomes! The difference in personality for the two (or three, DLC depending) boys was done super well and it was fun learning about each of them as you play!

100% would recommend giving it a try - the devs put a lot of heart into this and you can tell!

( 1)

Can you play as male or female?

( 1)

Female only for this title! But we have pronoun selection in our other games

Hi! I would love to know which one?

( 1)

Dual Chroma: Academy Carols and DC: Far Shore

( 1)

I knew from the point I read their profiles that Keldran was the son of Lucifer since he has his sigil there so I guess I unintentionally spoiled myself a little -_-;  And I was incredibly sus of Ace from the start, although I couldn't have predicted his ending at all! It was incredibly entertaining and well written, although I was practically screaming at Ariel at some parts...I'm sad that Keldran is only pursuable in the DLC but I do understand the creative decision in doing that. Would have loved to have played his route, but maybe I'll buy the DLC sometime in the future <3 

( 2)

The story was a bit too fast-paced for my liking, but I enjoyed it none the less. The art is pretty, and the music really sets the atmosphere. I definetely intend to check out the DLCs as well.

(1 edit) ( 3)

I really enjoyed this game and loved the wholesomeness of Ariel but she was a bit clueless at times which made things seem more awkward then cute.  I also think that heaven would be way more understanding of how the earth works especially Archangel Michael you see him riding a motorcycle in 2022.  And he would surely not put up wearing such a awful and gaudy outfit he would have slashed them both there for even providing such a insulting outfit to him.  Also AA Michael is way more taller than Ace if you go by heavenly standards.  But on a fantasy note this game was sweet and I really enjoyed the Michael route.  I can't wait to see what you create next.

( 2)

WOW such a bonafide title !!   

( 2)

This font, or perhaps just its size on the screen, made it slightly difficult to read. I would have liked a text resize option. 

( 4)

Well, I played Ace's route and I must say when I was at the point of deciding who to choose, I felt very conflicted. lol. Michael is like the guy you know your mother would love and Ace is everything your mom has warned you against! Nevertheless, I choose Ace today. It was beautiful and well written. I can't wait to  play Michael's route tomorrow! XD

(1 edit) ( 21)

I like the art style of this game a lot. And the story is nice. (bi options are great, plus friends to lovers feel genuine) However, I find Ariel's personality to be regrettable. She blushes so much, and her obliviousness in the total lack of information is weird. I think if she were human this will be fine,

but she's an angel, with rank and work ethic. You can't exactly make her act like a high schooler on a field trip. That said, I understand working on games and the script is hard. But to sell angel as a group on the lack of progress and cluelessness, one shouldn't rely on really juvenile tropes, maybe find more specific cases surrounding angel culture to be referenced? As it stands Angels are like a bunch of buffoons, there are occasions where it can be cute, but too much makes players question how does heaven function for so long full of oblivious children. There should be a harshness to their innocence.

That said, I really think Kel route is pretty cool! poly bi options ftw. Arial's nonchalance really sells the relationship, she genuine enjoys and care for another's company.

( 3)

We also felt the same way during development and have addressed these issues as well as redeveloped some of the Michael route in a Director's cut edition releasing on March 2nd :)

I was thinking of playing it but it always crashes in my laptop lmao right when its about to start xD should I  delete tons of files or something? Idk what to do QAQ

The only thing we can think of is that your laptop doesn't meet the minimum requirements:

You could try updating your graphics card or plugging in your laptop but we can't guarantee that it will work

(3 edits)

oh thank you for the info (人*´∀`)。*゚

I checked my system. How unfortunate, my CPU is only  1.60GHz (。ノω\。) 

( 1)

is this game complete or still finishing it? o.o

You can play through 2 routes (Ace and  Michael)

mhm. I enjoyed one of the two routes very much. Even the ending was satisfying. I am looking forward to the third route.

Hi, I have the mac version downloaded from the itch app and a certain scene makes my macbook glitch out to the point where I have to restart my macbook to get my screen back to normal. Not sure if this is a glitch in the game itself or if my macbook has something wrong with it. This is the only game it has ever happened on and it always happens at the same scene. Any idea what's up with it? (P.S - love the gameplay so far <3)

Glad you like it so far! We haven't heard about this problem before and have several people with macs downloaded it and play ( including several from our team) so I assume it might be specific to yours. Would you mind telling us what scene it was and what mac version you're using :) ?

My mac is pretty old, so I reckon it's just playing up (I was planning on getting a new one for Christmas anyway).  It was the scene on Ace's route where you wake up in his apartment, then follow the butterfly (which lead you to Ace). The glitch would happen as soon as Ace appeared in the garden. Thanks for the reply btw :)

Hmmm yeah it might be because the scenes get pretty animation heavy so your macbook might not be able to handle it.  No problem, thank you for bringing it up 😊

(1 edit) ( 1)

--Accidental spoiler potential ahead: I haven't played it yet, but I have suspicions--

Uh, is the sigil in Keldran's bio clever foreshadowing or coincidence? Because if it's intentional, it's very much on the nose, in my opinion.

Edit: I saw anther comment mention Nephilim - unless you're using the word differently than I'm used to, it seems like too much of a coincidence...

( 3)

Okay, I really should stop playing the "antagonist's POV" routes first. XD


Ace's route felt both so substantial and funny to the point that, while I usually like the this-person's-already-important-to-me dynamics with LIs, playing Michael's route second kinda got spoiled for me haha. 

It was still nice, though. The whole "I trust you, we're together even when we're doing different things" energy to it especially in that scene with the cocoon? Michael's may not have been an "antagonist's POV" route, but it also has nuance.

When I looked at the character profiles, I was deciding between Ace and Keldran (because I didn't know Michael was already fond of the MC and that he blushes easily). I was drawn to the mercenary-ish trope Ace falls under, and to Keldran's level-headedness. Currently, the latter doesn't have a route yet, but I'll be looking forward to when he does. As someone mono(?) who once considered poly IRL for someone before (turned out they weren't even poly, just friendly), I'm pretty curious to explore that route, and to see more of Az (ahem, I mean Ace).

Lastly, I love the outfit they prepared for Michael. XD

Good work, devs!

So, what order do you recommend?

( 3)

I adored ace! His route just hit the right spots for me. Though there is a certain appeal to michael's route, friends to lovers is a wholesome trope that I gravitate towards when I am in one of my "soft" moods. 

But the more i play interactive fiction the more i realize that i have a type and that is mysterious dark haired people... i am very excited that there'll be a keldran poly route because the first time he appeared in the game i was in love. 

( 2)

Woohoo Ace is a heart-stealer, happy you liked him!

Trust me you’re not the only one with Keldran, we have a few simps on the team 😂

( 2)

...  I just want to say, that Michael's stud outfit killed me. 

But do not worry, I got better after a 15 minutes break to steady myself from laughing too hard. 

100% replay value!
Will totally dress him up like this again! 

( 1)

... goodness...  and then later on there's our bad boy's "magnum opus" meme.  
Stop it or I won't be able to Rez myself another time!   ><   HAHAHAHA

aaaahhhh  /dry a laughing tear       I love this game. 

( 1)

I read your “But do not worry” in a Michael voice 😂😂

Glad you liked it, we loved putting this poor himbo in trying situations 😆

( 5)

The character art and art direction is superb!!! 

( 4)

Love this one!  I covered it in Part 2 of my Otome Jam reviews! C: Starts at 0:15.

( 4)

The game is really good and it keeps you playing :) It's cool how the lines more serious and such were voiced. Should not get started on how good was the voice acting because I would write too much. And the way they laugh- Should stop myself but really xD

The story was also nice, and the butterflies- 

(If you're not sure if you should install the game then I recommend that you do :) )







Tbh even on Ace's route I would still ship him with Keldran- The way they interact and all also leaves a chance a for a poly relationship which I understand that will be possible in the DLC which is rly great 😌

( 1)

I just finished Ace's route and got the good ending. I loved it and I loved him too. <3
I don't wanna see the bad ending now lol...
Looking forward to the Keldran route (with Ace) in the future :D

( 4)

I finished playing both routes! This is a very nicely polished game, and I love the detail and effort taken to make the BGs fit the aesthetic. The voice acting and art were both highlights of the game - everyone's voice fit their character very well, and having the voices showing up where they did definitely accented the writing. (Also, I appreciate Michael being dorky and blushy, and his ridiculous outfits.)

( 2)

I just finished this amazing game and I can say that it was a wonderful experience! The story is so immersive, as are the really lovable characters, and I am completely in love with every detail, so I wanted to thank everyone who put in the effort to build something so unique! Thanks!

(2 edits) ( 3)

Note we had a bug on itch with the rewards showing as $0 and claims during that time are invalid. Donate here or on Kofi to get our rewards and fund our Keldran Ace polyroute: https://ko-fi.com/galengames 😊

( 4)

I'm still working my way through the game, but I ADORE everything about this so far - the dialogue, the AMAZING gui, the art style, the voices - everything is so well done!!! This jam entry is definitely one of the best - your team absolutely killed it. 

ALSO THE POLY DLC IDEA?? Ur brains are SO huge. 💚💚

Thank you so much!!! 😳❤️

( 3)

android please 🙏🏼💕

( 2)

Nice and sweet VN. Michael was so adorable :D

( 3)

So we've had a couple of comments on Michael's route -- there is no real bad ending for Michael, just two types of good endings (one happier than the other). We'll leave the task of figuring out the pattern to you 😉

( 3)

Can I just say that I'm in love with Ace? He just *swoon* anyway loooove the game so much!!  one question tho how to get a bad ending on Michael's route? 

( 2)

Aww thank you!! Ace loves you too ❤️ See our above comment for Michael 😊

( 3)

Great game, fun story and beautifully illustrated :)

( 3)

OMG, this game was amazing!!!! I really enjoyed the storyline and I played Ace route first but Michael was the sweetest!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!

(4 edits) ( 5)

I really enjoyed this game! I'm a sucker for friends-to-lovers stories so I played the Michael route first and it was so adorable omg ~ <3<3<3 I enjoyed the Ace route too, and am pleasantly surprised at our heroine's actions, heheheh ;) I'm still missing 2 CGs, so maybe those are the bad endings?

I also have a question!






If Lucifer is Keldran's parent, do we ever find out who the other parent is? Maybe there isn't one? I'm sure things are complicated with angels....?




Anyway, thanks! I'm now a fan!

( 4)

Glad you enjoyed it! ❤️ Yes, there isn’t a bad ending for Michael per se but the Ace one would be. As for your question…remember Keldran is a Nephilim.

( 4)

Ahhh, I'm dumb, haha. Thanks for answering my question!

( 3)

no you’re not dumb!! It can be hard to keep track of everything!  Still really glad you enjoyed our game ❤️ 

( 9)

Loved the game!! Ace was the sweetest 🥺💕

(4 edits) ( 14)

 It was very -pleasurably-to read about how mc's love interests are in -intimate-relationships. Very neccesary detail in the OTOME. Thanks for ruined mood. PS . I laugh so hard about amount of activity in such a small amount of time) go make more fresh accounts for it x) Sorry everyone for not being into сuсkolding)

( 14)

Thnx for the warning!

(1 edit) ( 16)

Thank for warning ❤️ I'm don't think I like playing the Otome game that LIs had feeling for each other. It really ruin my mood for Otome

( 12)

It spoiled the experience for me too. I'd read a yaoi novel if I needed gays in my soup.

( 17)

Ace is bisexual, not gay.  He's got something hinted going on with another LI, and he can fall in love with the MC.  Bisexual.

( 11)

As long as he puts his d in men, he's out of my dating pool hence a gay for me. I wrote it like that fully aware of what I'm doing.

Deleted 1 year ago
( 21)

You just... erased bisexuality? Wow.

( 26)

I respect the fact that they elected to be inclusive in hinting at one or more of the potential love-interests being bisexual, especially given that in the end, Ace has the possibility to end up with the female MC, despite the hints that he's had relationships with men in the past.  Given how prevalent biphobia can be in both queer and straight spaces, it's refreshing to have it treated with such nonchalance here.

( 8)

Wow, what the actual hell did I just read. Everyone has their preferences but being that passive aggressive is sad and a little bit pathetic.

P.S. that last comment was just plain rude. Please go drink some water and calm down.

Deleted 109 days ago
( 13)

Good for me I checked comms. No safe place even in this genre. Great.

( 1)

Safe place from what?

(2 edits) ( 12)

If I wanted to read about BL, I wouldn't choose otome! It feels like MC is 3rd wheel.When I play otome, I not only want to read a story,I want to feel loved. And   I want to be confident in men's feelings for MC. Not to know they f-k (ed) each other. This is unpleasant.

( 15)

ProTip: Not all otome has to cater to your specific desires.

This is just as petty/childish as when people complain about otome games having female romance options, or men who fall outside of their "type".

(1 edit) ( 10)

Wow, seriously. Didn't knew. It is not  specific desires, such "surprises " is a quite rare thing for otome. At least for now... Otome always was a  het genre in the first place - but suddenly it becomes for everything. Yuri is still yuri and doesn't include men, BL is genre without women as love interests, but otome suddenly became a genre for everything. wow.  I'd rather be bitter and childish than to be  fujoshit who happily watching gay party from the corner.

(12 edits) ( 19)

First off, how is a past relationship a problem for feeling secure in a current relationship? You think every guy you ever meet should have been eternally, completely unattached and should never have experienced attraction before meeting you or they can't love you? That's pretty weird and insecure to be that controlling over someone's romantic history.

Second of all, I don't know if you got the memo, but otome games are games that largely target any woman who wants to read GxB or mostly GxB romances. The men's sexualities, so long as they are interested in women, have literally nothing to do with whether it's an otome or not because characters do not have to be heterosexual to be in a GxB romance. You're just being illogically biphobic and trying to justify it as a preference supported by the genre when it's not. Even if otome were specifically for straight women, which they're not, straight women don't become suddenly not straight by romancing bi men. Give me a break.

Lastly, GL and BL romance games can and do include all kinds of sexualities and genders too. You can't whine about one otome game and then point to a hypothetical situation in different genres which you have backed up with zero evidence or context as proof that you're being victimized because someone wrote something that wasn't about you. If the game has majority GxB, BxB or GxG romances for the player to engage in, it is Otome, BL or GL respectively. Nothing else is relevant to genre definition. It's up to the author and what they want to include. No one has robbed anything from the otome audience by not catering to solely your tastes always. Stop being entitled.

( 21)

Otome games are games made for women. Straight women, gay women, bi women, poly women, cis women, trans women, ALL women. 

It's fine to dislike the content, but don't act like two men being attracted to each other is somehow antithetical to the genre.

Deleted 1 year ago
(5 edits) ( 20)

LGBT tags are to help people interested in mainly LGBT content or romances (of which there are none here because this selection has only GxB options for the player) to find suitable games. Not to help whiny homophobes avoid having to see the smallest mention of bisexual men.

Deleted 1 year ago
( 2)

Lol for every 3 games like this one there's like 7 "Het Games". 

Funny why I hardly see anyone complain about unnecessarily tragic backstories (awkwardly solved with the power of uwus) or exes there for the sake of plot, forced to have terrible personalities  again for the sake of plot but suddenly who suddenly become tame after the oh so nice MC befriends them and having no other life or personality other than being the LI's ex... surprise, because of plot.

I've seen comment sections on this site, this one's wow.

( 4)

Is it so hard to drop it without announcing your departure? We don't need self-important people.

I get that establishing expectations matters, especially in a genre that gets conflated with wish fulfillment (even if the game never advertised itself as a "build a boyfriend" game) but something tells me that demand for a tag isn't a "here's constructive criticism, this isn't media for me but I wish you well" sort of feedback but more of a "you didn't warn me, so you should feel bad you lost My interest, serves you right" comment.

( 7)

One of the best games I have ever played. I love the art and the characters. 10/10. Loved it

( 2)

Thank you!! That makes us so happy 😭

( 7)

I shall join the club in saying that I'd like to see a Keldran route :P Michael didn't do a whole lot for me, but I love Ace, and would definitely love to see more of Keldran too, haha. The art is gorgeous and the animations were super smooth :D I've played some old mobile otome games with moving mouths in the past that just looked very dodgy, haha. This looked fantastic though!

( 3)

Thank you ❤️! Michael and Ace have different audiences, so that’s not surprising 😂 We worked very hard on getting the mouth movements to work with the VA’s lines so we’re glad to hear it worked out!!

( 3)

Hello and congratulations on the release! I have just started a playthrough of the game on Youtube, and it looks good so far! 

( 1)

Thank you! We loved your playthrough, your avatar is so cute! Definitely can't wait to see more :)

( 9)

If Keldran happens is there a chance for Keldran Ace poly romance because well, your Honor, they're married

( 7)

Maybe there is, maybe there isn't 😊

I'm framing this comment in light of the recent news

( 1)


( 12)

will keldran ever get a route? it's okay if not!! i just hope so lol bc i wanna date him :3

( 5)

Weeeelll if enough people want it and are willing to support us then it may happen 😋

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