
short obstacle course game jam game
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Urban exploration text adventure, Zork-like
Interactive Fiction
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mini game written in pygame
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micro platformer about loss
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Ludum Dare jam game, climb out of the pit...
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short visual novel adventure for vulcan jam 4
Visual Novel
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A bunny that wants to get big and take revenge on her masters...
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Collect coins to get your first broomstick, LDJam48 Game
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Short Hockey Puck game for MiniJam65
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N64-like game where you race down stairs in a cardboard box
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Short roguelike about Birmingham's Underground River, for Vulcan Jam 3
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Metroid-inspired retro platformer
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Clicker garden game
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Minimalist puzzle game, use barricades to control a bouncing ball to collect stars
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Simple Ninja Jumping Game
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Quick turn based game where you attempt to defeat a rival necromancer with a horde of undead!
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Platformer hack and slash game, about a mouse whose kingdom is rudely invaded
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Stranded on an island, you must find your way through caves to escape
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A short politial satire platformer game
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single-player card game based murder mystery
Card Game
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A hero without a real cause undertakes the impossible: directing people to the right bathroom
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puzzle game for 'remember the dead' jam 2017
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floating down a river with crazy men with spears trying to get ya
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