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Discussion utilisateur:Daiukku

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Dernier commentaire : il y a 13 ans par Hsarrazin dans le sujet Histoire de la Guerre de Jugurtha

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Bonne continuation parmi nous, Daiukku !

Histoire de la Guerre de Jugurtha



Merci pour ta contribution très intéressante… Peux-tu, stp, me confirmer que la source que tu utilises est celle-ci ? Sinon, merci d'indiquer en PdD du texte le scan que tu utilises, afin qu'on puisse l'importer…

--Cordialement, Hélène (d) 31 décembre 2011 à 20:56 (UTC)Répondre

(I beg your pardon—I can read and understand, but cannot speak or write, French; I am afraid I must respond either in English or in German.) I have in fact been consulting the fourth edition, and Dotteville remarks in several places that he amended his translation between editions. However, the second edition, which you found, invites a much more logical page-image transcription since the Latin and French are confined exclusively to the verso and recto respectively. What do you think ought to be done? Daiukku (d) 31 décembre 2011 à 22:35 (UTC)Répondre
It's up to you to decide… on WS, we currently have several editions of the same book… we can import both, and treat them separately, as two different editions, since the translation is modified…
You are the contributor… You decide which scan you want to be imported, so that the text can be transfered in the "Page" space (and corrected with the FS right to the edition window)… which is the way we prefer to work, since it allows a much easier control and validation of texts.
Just put the link to the correct scan in the {{scan}} template on top of your text, and we'll make sure the necessary is done :)
Then, if you need help to use the edition in Page mode, you can contact me on my Discussion Page, as often as you wish… :)

PS : you should complete your Personnel page with

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de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
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, and the other languages you speak or read, putting your "native" langage first (japanese, maybe… guessing from your pseudo…) so that we know how to address you :)

For each language, except your native, where you just put the code letter, you can give a "level" explanations here

--Cordialement, Hélène (d) 1 janvier 2012 à 01:47 (UTC)Répondre

Thank you very much for the quick response. It were probably better to import the fourth edition for safety’s sake. I shall complete the pure wiki text first, then upload the scans to Commons and redact the text in page mode (perhaps ejecting the Latin column?)
By the way, I have updated my Babel box and apologize for the confusion. And Daiukku = Deioces. Such is dealing with a classicist.  :-) Daiukku (d) 1 janvier 2012 à 02:12 (UTC)Répondre
Thanks for the correction :) - do you know how to convert the PDF file to djvu before importing in Commons ? If not, the best is to ask for the uploading HERE - it will be done very quickly :)
I recommand you my "Memo for beginners" for a lot of tips (in French, but I think you can manage…)
Good night… (I will finally go to sleep, since it's now 3:30 a.m here) --Cordialement, Hélène (d) 1 janvier 2012 à 02:40 (UTC)Répondre