Informations générales sur WPCleaner. |
Discussion (en)
Discussion sur WPCleaner et questions sur son fonctionnement. |
Suggestions d'orthographe et de typographie gérées par WPCleaner. |
Aide à l'utilisation de WPCleaner. |
Installation de WPCleaner. |
Cette page contient la configuration de WPCleaner. Elle a été créée à partir du modèle et sa documentation associée. Merci de les surveiller de temps en temps pour voir si de nouveaux paramètres ont été ajoutés et peuvent être utiles pour la configuration.
Si vous avez des questions ou des suggestions sur la configuration, merci de prendre contact.
Chaque paramètre est défini en utilisant le format suivant :
<nom du paramètre>=<valeur du paramètre> END
Un paramètre peut être défini sur plusieurs lignes, par exemple pour du texte multi-lignes ou pour une liste de valeurs.
# This parameter is used for displaying WPCleaner help page in a browser.
# If you don't have an help page for WPCleaner on your wiki, you can use a link to an other wiki.
help_url=http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipédia:WPCleaner/Aide END
# This parameter is used as a link in comments, so it should be as short as possible.
# Using a redirect page can be a good idea (for example, on enwiki, there's the WP:CLEANER redirect).
# If you don't have an help page for WPCleaner on your Wiki, you can use a link to an other wiki.
help_page=WP:WPC END
Configuration générale
# This parameter is used to tag modifications done with WPCleaner.
general_wpcleaner_tag=WPCleaner END
# This parameter is used when a | (pipe) character is needed inside a template, an internal link, ...
general_pipe_template=! END
# This parameter is used when a ' (apostrophe) character is needed inside a template, an internal link, ...
general_apostrophe_template=' END
# This parameter is used to create an anchor in the text (like <span id="XXX"></span>)
Ancre|1|true END
# This parameter contains a list of numeric identifiers of namespaces that are considered as encyclopedic.
# By default, the namespaces that are considered encyclopedic are 0 (Main), 6 (File), 10 (Template) and 14 (Category).
104 END
# This parameter allows to define templates for creating an external link
# <name of the template>|<name of the parameter for the url>
Lire en ligne|lien
# This parameter allows to group templates in a template group with common characteristics
# <name of the template group>|<name of template 1>|…|<name of template n>
# A group can also contain other groups with the syntax <name of the template group X> instead of <name of the template X>
Article|Article|Cita noticia|Cite article|Cite journal|Cite Journal|Lien news|Périodique
Lien web|Cita web|Cite press release|Citeweb|Cite web|Lienweb|Lien web|Lien Web|Référence web|Site web
Ouvrage|Cite document|Ouvrage
Biblio| Article| Chapitre| Lien web| Ouvrage
Patrimoine mondial|Infobox Patrimoine mondial
# This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used to warn editors about editing the article.
En cours|intro
En travaux
Règle des 3 révocations END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that prevent modifying articles in bot mode.
general_nobot_templates=Nobots END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used to format text in several columns.
Colonnes|1|nombre END
# This parameter contains a list of pairs of templates that can be used to format text in several columns
Début de colonnes|Fin de colonnes|nombre END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create a list of tasks.
À faire END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create a link to the list of tasks in a subpage.
Évaluation multiprojet
Wikiprojet END
# This parameter contains the subpage title used for the list of tasks.
general_todo_subpage=À faire END
# This parameter is used to request the deletion of a subpage for the list of tasks.
# general_todo_subpage_delete=<noinclude>{{SI|wpc=oui|Tous les liens vers des homonymies ont été corrigés}}</noinclude> END
# This parameter is used to force the use of a subpage for the list of tasks in the main namespace.
# general_todo_subpage_force=true END
# This parameter is used to force the use of a subpage for the list of tasks in other namespaces.
# general_todo_subpage_force_other=<true|false> END
# This parameter is used to configure WPCleaner for fixing spelling and typography.
Wikipédia:Liste de fautes d'orthographe courantes|Suggestion|1|2,3,4,5,6|commentaire|auto|oui
Wikipédia:WPCleaner/Suggestions|Suggestion|1|2,3,4,5,6|commentaire|auto|oui END
# This parameter is used to configure WPCleaner for fixing spelling and typography.
Wikipédia:WPCleaner/Typos END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link with one of its parameter.
Infobox Château|lien région|Lien associé à "région" (Région historique)|Région|région
Infobox Grotte|lien région|Lien associé à "région"|Région|région
Infobox Monument|lien_région|Lien associé à "région" (Région historique)|Région|région
Infobox Quartier|lien_région|Lien associé à "région"|Région|région END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.
Article connexe|1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Article détaillé|1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Article principal|1||{{PAGENAME}}
Article principal|2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Infobox Ambassade|ville
Infobox Monument|lien subdivision,lien subdivision2
Lien web|site
Voir aussi|1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.
Jumelage|1|ville END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link with one of its parameter.
# general_good_1l_templates= END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.
Homon|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homonymie)
Homonyme|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homonymie)
Homonymes|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homonymie)
Homophone|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homophonie)
Homophones|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homophonie)
Homophonie|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homophonie)
Lien h|1
Page h|1
Page h'|1
Page l|1
Voir homonyme|1
Voir homonymie|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homonymie)
Voir homonymie|2,3,4,5
Voir homonymes|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homonymie)
Voir homonymes|2,3,4,5
Voir homophone|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homophonie)
Voir homophone|2,3,4,5
Voir homophones|1|{{PAGENAME}} (homophonie)
Voir homophones|2,3,4,5
Voir paronymes|1|{{PAGENAME}} (paronymie)
Voir internationalisation|1
Voir paronymes|2,3,4,5 END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link with one of its parameter.
# general_help_1l_templates= END
# This parameter contains a list of templates that create an internal link directly with one of its parameter.
Lien homonymie|1
Lien vers un homonyme|1 END
# This parameter is used to define texts that can be frequently added.
Bandeaux|Admissibilité à vérifier|{{Admissibilité à vérifier|motif=<!-- Motif -->|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Sans sources|{{Sans sources|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|À sourcer|{{À sourcer|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Sources secondaires|{{Sources secondaires|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|À wikifier|{{À wikifier|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Fausse infobox|{{Fausse infobox|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Orthographe|{{Orthographe|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Publicité|{{Pub|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Style non encyclopédique|{{Rédaction|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Traduction à revoir|{{Traduction à revoir|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux|Problèmes multiples (complet)|<!-- PENSEZ A SUPPRIMER LES LIGNES INUTILES ! -->{{Problèmes multiples\n | niveau =<!-- Grave -->\n | thème =<!-- Sous-catégorie -->\n | à sourcer = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | sources à lier = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | sources secondaires = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | rédaction = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à recycler = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à wikifier = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | orphelin ={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à déjargoniser = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | neutralité = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | travail inédit = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | plan = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | pub = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | BPV à sourcer = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | CV = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à délister = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à désacadémiser = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | mettre à jour = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à vérifier = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | traduction à revoir = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | traduction incomplète = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | orthographe = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | internationaliser = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | typographie = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n}}
Bandeaux de section|À sourcer|{{Section à sourcer|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux de section|À recycler|{{Section à recycler|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux de section|À vérifier|{{Section à vérifier|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux de section|À wikifier|{{Section à wikifier|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux de section|Pertinence|{{Pertinence section|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux de section|Style non encyclopédique|{{Style non encyclopédique section|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}}}\n
Bandeaux de section|Problèmes multiples (complet)|<!-- PENSEZ A SUPPRIMER LES LIGNES INUTILES ! -->{{Problèmes multiples\n | niveau =<!-- Grave -->\n | section =y\n | thème =<!-- Sous-catégorie -->\n | à sourcer = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | sources à lier = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | sources secondaires = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | rédaction = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à recycler = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à wikifier = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | orphelin ={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à déjargoniser = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | neutralité = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | travail inédit = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | plan = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | pub = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | BPV à sourcer = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | CV = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à délister = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à désacadémiser = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | mettre à jour = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | à vérifier = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | traduction à revoir = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | traduction incomplète = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | orthographe = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | internationaliser = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n | typographie = {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}}\n}} END
# This parameter is used to define possible replacements for abbreviations.
abs.|absolu|{{abréviation discrète|abs.|absolu}}
C.I.A.|Central Intelligence Agency (lien)|[[Central Intelligence Agency|C.I.A.]]
C.I.A.|Central Intelligence Agency (abréviation)|{{abréviation discrète|C.I.A.|Central Intelligence Agency}}
&c.|et Compagnie|{{abréviation discrète|&c.|et Compagnie}}
and Co.|et Compagnie|{{abréviation discrète|and Co.|et Compagnie}}
& Co.|et Compagnie|{{abréviation discrète|& Co.|et Compagnie}}
et al.|et alii|{{et al.}}
& al.|et alii|{{et al.}}
etc.|et cetera|{{abréviation discrète|etc.|et cetera|la}}
etc.|et cætera|{{abréviation discrète|etc.|et cæaetera|la}}
et coll.|et collaborateurs|{{et al.}}
& coll.|et collaborateurs|{{et al.}}
f.|féminin|{{abréviation discrète|f.|féminin}}
gr.|grec|{{abréviation discrète|gr.|grec}}
gr.|grade|{{abréviation discrète|gr.|grade}}
hab.|Nombre d’habitants|{{hab.}}
impr.|imprimeur|{{abréviation discrète|impr.|imprimeur}}
Inc.|Incorporation|{{abréviation discrète|Inc.|Incorporation|en}}
J.-C.|Jésus-Christ|{{abréviation discrète|J.-C.|Jésus-Christ}}
J.C.|Jésus-Christ|{{abréviation discrète|J.C.|Jésus-Christ}}
Jr.|Junoir|{{abréviation discrète|Jr.|Junior|en}}
pl.|pluriel|{{abréviation discrète|pl.|pluriel}}
sp.|species (espèce)|{{sp.}}
spp.|species (espèces)|{{spp.}}
ssp.|sub-species|{{abréviation discrète|ssp.|sub-species|la}}
T.C.O.|Total cost of ownership|{{abréviation discrète|T.C.O.|Total cost of ownership|en}}
U.R.S.S.|Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques|{{abréviation discrète|U.R.S.S.|Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques}} END
# This parameter contains a list of search engines for templates.
# WorldCat:
# General: http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0}
# ISSN: http://worldcat.org/issn/{0}
# OCLC: http://worldcat.org/oclc/{0}
# LCCN: http://lccn.loc.gov/{0}
# BNF:
# BNF: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb{0}
# Identifier: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=NRC;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav
# Title: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav
# ISBNdb:
# General search: http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0}
# Author: http://isbndb.com/search/authors/1?query={0}
# Publisher: http://isbndb.com/search/publishers/1?query={0}
# ISSN: http://miar.ub.edu/issn/{0}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Article|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,journal,périodique,revue,titre
WorldCat|http://worldcat.org/issn/{0} |Article|issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
WorldCat|http://worldcat.org/oclc/{0} |Article|oclc
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb{0} |Article|bnf
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=NRC;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Article|ean,isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Article|journal,périodique,revue,titre
LCCN |http://lccn.loc.gov/{0} |Article|lccn
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Article|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,titre
MIAR |http://miar.ub.edu/issn/{0} |Article|issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Chapitre|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,titre ouvrage
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=NRC;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Chapitre|ean,isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Chapitre|titre ouvrage
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Chaptire|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,titre ouvrage
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Édition|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,sous-titre,titre
WorldCat|http://worldcat.org/issn/{0} |Édition|issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
WorldCat|http://worldcat.org/oclc/{0} |Édition|oclc
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb{0} |Édition|bnf
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=NRC;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Édition|ean,isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Édition|sous-titre,titre
LCCN |http://lccn.loc.gov/{0} |Édition|lccn
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Édition|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,sous-titre,titre
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/authors/1?query={0} |Édition|auteur,auteur1,nom1
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/publishers/1?query={0} |Édition|éditeur
MIAR |http://miar.ub.edu/issn/{0} |Édition|issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Ouvrage|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,sous-titre,titre
WorldCat|http://worldcat.org/issn/{0} |Ouvrage|issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
WorldCat|http://worldcat.org/oclc/{0} |Ouvrage|oclc
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb{0} |Ouvrage|bnf
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=NRC;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Ouvrage|ean,isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Ouvrage|sous-titre,titre
LCCN |http://lccn.loc.gov/{0} |Ouvrage|lccn
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Ouvrage|isbn,isbn1,isbn2,isbn3,sous-titre,titre
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/authors/1?query={0} |Ouvrage|auteur1,nom1
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/publishers/1?query={0} |Ouvrage|éditeur
MIAR |http://miar.ub.edu/issn/{0} |Ouvrage|issn,issn1,issn2,issn3
{{Cite book}}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Cite book|title
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Cite book|title
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Cite book|title
{{Infobox Bande dessinée}}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Infobox Bande dessinée|titre
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Infobox Bande dessinée|titre
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/authors/1?query={0} |Infobox Bande dessinée|auteur,scénario
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Infobox Bande dessinée|titre
{{Infobox Livre}}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Infobox Livre|titre
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Infobox Livre|titre
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |Infobox Livre|titre
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/authors/1?query={0} |Infobox Livre|auteur
{{Infobox Presse}}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Infobox Presse|nom,titre
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Infobox Presse|nom,titre
{{Infobox Presse écrite}}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Infobox Presse écrite|nom,titre
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=TIT;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|Infobox Presse écrite|nom,titre
{{Infobox Revue}}
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |Infobox Revue|titre
WorldCat|http://www.worldcat.org/search?q={0} |ISBN|1,2,3,4,5,6
BNF |http://catalogue.bnf.fr/search.do?mots0=NRC;-1;0;{0}&&pageRech=rav|ISBN|1,2,3,4,5,6
ISBNdb |http://isbndb.com/search/all?query={0} |ISBN|1,2,3,4,5,6
Configuration des références
# This parameter contains a list of templates that can be used instead of <references/>.
Références nombreuses|groupe|références
Reflist|groupe,group|refs END
# This parameter contains the preferred separator between consecutive <ref/> tags.
general_ref_separator={{,}} END
# This parameter contains the list of other separators, eventually incorrect, between consecutive <ref/> tags.
Configuration de la mise en forme automatique
# This parameter is used to activate automatic formatting.
# auto_active=true END
# This parameter is used as a comment for automatic formatting.
auto_format_comment=Mise en forme END
# This parameter is used to define the number of space characters around titles.
auto_space_around_title=1 END
# This parameter is used to define the number of carriage returns before categories.
auto_cr_before_category=2 END
# This parameter is used to link default sort and categories.
auto_link_defaultsort_category=true END
# This parameter is used to define the number of carriage returns between default sort and categories.
auto_cr_defaultsort_category=1 END
# This parameter is used to define the number of carriage returns between each category.
auto_cr_between_category=1 END
# This parameter is used to place language links after categories.
auto_langlink_after_category=true END
Configuration des langues
# This parameter is used to define a template to mark text as being in a foreign language.
lang_template=lang||texte END
# This parameter is used to define a list of frequently used language codes.
la END
# This parameter is used as comments for translations.
translation_comment=Traduction END
Configuration des redirections
# This parameter is used to define a list of categories that can be added to a redirect page.
Cacographie:Cacographie (abréviation adjectif numéral ordinal)
Cacographie:Cacographie (accent)
Cacographie:Cacographie (casse)
Cacographie:Cacographie (dyslexie)
Cacographie:Cacographie (E accent aigu)
Cacographie:Cacographie (e dans l'a)
Cacographie:Cacographie (e dans l'o)
Cacographie:Cacographie (espacement)
Cacographie:Cacographie (o barré)
Cacographie:Cacographie (ponctuation)
Cacographie:Cacographie (trait d'union)
Cacographie:Cacographie (élision)
Apostrophe typographique
Graphie alternative
Redirection (féminin)
Redirection (langue étrangère)
Redirection (pluriel)
Redirection (singulier)
Redirection de modèle
Redirection de précaution
Redirection homonymie (comics) END
# This parameter is used to define an automatic comment when categories are added to a redirect page.
redirect_categories_comment=Catégorisation de la page de redirection END
# This parameter is used to define a list of templates that can be added to a redirect page.
# redirect_templates= END
# This parameter is used to define an automatic comment when templates are added to a redirect page.
# redirect_templates_comment= END
# This parameter is used to display a warning before replacing a redirect link by a direct link.
# redirect_warning_before_replacement=Le remplacement de liens vers des pages de redirection est souvent inutile, et quelquefois dommageable. END
# This parameter contains a list of templates for writing an ISBN.
Infobox Livre|isbn_orig
Infobox Pièce de théâtre|isbn original,isbn
TomeBD|isbn_1,isbn_2 END
# This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore for an ISBN.
Infobox Bande dessinée|rechercher ISBN|non END
# This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore incorrect ISBN.
Ouvrage|doi END
# This parameter contains a list of interwikis for writing an ISBN.
# general_isbn_interwikis=
# isbn END
# This parameter contains a list of templates for requesting help about ISBN.
ISBN à vérifier||raison|date={{safesubst:CURRENTDAY}} {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}} END
# This parameter contains a comment for requesting help about ISBN.
general_isbn_help_needed_comment=Le numéro ISBN est erroné et est à corriger END
# This parameter contains a list of search engines for ISBN
Copyright Clearance Center|http://www.copyright.com/openurl.do?isbn={0}&servicename=all&WT.mc_id=wikipedia END
# This parameter contains a list of search engines for books (use general_search_engines_templates if possible).
general_isbn_search_engines_templates= END
# This parameter contains the categories for pages with ISBN errors.
isbn_errors_categories=Page avec ISBN invalide END
# This parameter contains lists of pages containing links to pages with ISBN errors.
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 069
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 070
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 071
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 072
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 073 END
# This parameter contains the page for storing a synthesis about ISBN errors.
isbn_errors_page=Projet:Correction syntaxique/ISBN invalides END
# This parameter contains the comment used to update the previous page.
isbn_errors_page_comment=Mise à jour de la liste des ISBN invalides END
# This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the ISBN errors in the article.
isbn_warning_template=Avertissement ISBN END
# This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.
isbn_warning_template_comment=Cette ligne est mise à jour de temps en temps par un robot. END
# This parameter is used as a comment when updating the ISBN warning.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of ISBN errors that still need to be fixed.
isbn_warning_comment=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste {0} [[ISBN]] à corriger END
# This parameter has the same purpose than isbn_warning_comment, but used when only one ISBN error still needs to be fixed.
isbn_warning_comment_1=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste 1 [[ISBN]] à corriger END
# This parameter is used as a comment when removing the ISBN warning.
isbn_warning_comment_done=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Tous les ISBN ont été corrigés END
# This parameter contains a list of templates for writing an ISSN.
Infobox Presse|ISSN électronique
Infobox Presse écrite|ISSN électronique
Infobox Revue|eISSN END
# This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore for an ISSN.
Infobox Presse|rechercher ISSN|non
Infobox Presse écrite|rechercher ISSN|non END
# This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore incorrect ISSN.
Chapitre|doi END
# This parameter contains a list of interwikis for writing an ISSN.
issn END
# This parameter contains a list of templates for requesting help about ISSN.
ISSN à vérifier||raison|date={{safesubst:CURRENTDAY}} {{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}} END
# This parameter contains a comment for requesting help about ISSN.
general_issn_help_needed_comment=Le numéro ISSN est erroné et est à corriger END
# This parameter contains a list of search engines for ISSN
MIAR|http://miar.ub.edu/issn/{0} END
# This parameter contains a list of search engines for ISSN (use general_search_engines_templates instead).
general_issn_search_engines_templates= END
# This parameter contains the categories for pages with ISSN errors.
issn_errors_categories=Page avec ISSN invalide END
# This parameter contains lists of pages containing links to pages with ISSN errors.
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 106
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 107
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 108 END
# This parameter contains the page for storing a synthesis about ISSN errors.
issn_errors_page=Projet:Correction syntaxique/ISSN invalides END
# This parameter contains the comment used to update the previous page.
issn_errors_page_comment=Mise à jour de la liste des ISSN invalides END
# This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the ISSN errors in the article.
issn_warning_template=Avertissement ISSN END
# This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.
issn_warning_template_comment=Cette ligne est mise à jour de temps en temps par un robot. END
# This parameter is used as a comment when updating the ISSN warning.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of ISSN errors that still need to be fixed.
issn_warning_comment=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste {0} [[ISSN]] à corriger END
# This parameter has the same purpose than issn_warning_comment, but used when only one ISSN error still needs to be fixed.
issn_warning_comment_1=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste 1 [[ISSN]] à corriger END
# This parameter is used as a comment when removing the ISSN warning.
issn_warning_comment_done=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Tous les ISSN ont été corrigés END
# This parameter contains a list of templates for writing a PMID.
Cite pmid|1|false
Lien PMID|1|false END
# This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore for a PMID.
# pmid_ignore_templates= END
# This parameter contains a list of interwikis for writing a PMID.
pmid END
# This parameter contains a list of templates for writing a RFC.
RFC|1|true END
# This parameter contains a list of templates to ignore for a RFC.
# rfc_ignore_templates= END
# This parameter contains a list of interwikis for writing a RFC.
rfc END
Arguments dupliqués
# This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the duplicate arguments errors in the article.
duplicate_args_warning_template=Avertissement Argument dupliqué END
# This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.
duplicate_args_warning_template_comment=Cette ligne est mise à jour de temps en temps par un robot. END
# This parameter is used as a comment when updating the duplicate arguments warning.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of duplicate arguments errors that still need to be fixed.
duplicate_args_warning_comment=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste {0} arguments dupliqués à corriger END
# This parameter has the same purpose than duplicate_args_warning_comment, but used when only one duplicate arguments error still needs to be fixed.
duplicate_args_warning_comment_1=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste 1 argument dupliqué à corriger END
# This parameter is used as a comment when removing the duplicate arguments warning.
duplicate_args_warning_comment_done=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Tous les arguments dupliqués ont été corrigés END
Paramètre inconnu
# This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the unknown parameter errors in the article.
unknown_parameter_warning_template=Avertissement Paramètre inconnu END
# This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.
unknown_parameter_warning_template_comment=Cette ligne est mise à jour de temps en temps par un robot. END
# This parameter is used as a comment when updating the unknown parameter warning.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of unknown parameter errors that still need to be fixed.
unknown_parameter_warning_comment=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste {0} paramètres inconnus à corriger END
# This parameter has the same purpose than unknown_parameter_warning_comment, but used when only one unknown parameter error still needs to be fixed.
unknown_parameter_warning_comment_1=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Il reste 1 paramètre inconnu à corriger END
# This parameter is used as a comment when removing the unknown parameter warning.
unknown_parameter_warning_comment_done=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] : Tous les paramètres inconnus ont été corrigés END
# This parameter allows to choose whether to use the keyword __DISAMBIG__ to determine if a page is a disambiguation page.
# dab_use_disambig=<true|false> END
# If set, this parameter is used to define a list of categories that will be used (instead of MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage)
# to decide if a page is a disambiguation page or not.
# If this parameter is correctly defined and the list of categories is small (only one category is better),
# it's a more efficient way of working than using MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage.
dab_categories=Catégorie:Homonymie END
# This parameter is used as a comment for disambiguation links that have been fixed.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that have been fixed.
dab_comment=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Correction de {0} liens END
# This parameter has the same purpose than dab_comment, but used when only one disambiguation link has been fixed.
dab_comment_1=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Correction de 1 lien END
# This parameter is used as a comment for disambiguation links for which help has been requested.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links for which help has been requested.
dab_comment_help=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Demande d’aide pour {0} liens END
# This parameter has the same purpose than dab_comment_help, but used when help has been requested for only one disambiguation link.
dab_comment_help_1=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Demande d’aide pour 1 lien END
# This parameter is used as a comment for disambiguation links that still need to be fixed.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that still need to be fixed.
dab_comment_todo=, reste {0} à corriger END
# This parameter has the same purpose than dab_comment_todo, but used when only one disambiguation link still needs to be fixed.
# dab_comment_todo_1= END
# This parameter contains the list of pages with the current list of disambiguation pages to work on.
dab_list=Projet:Liens vers les pages d'homonymie/Export à traiter END
# This parameter contains a list of page.
# Each page (normal page or category) contains a list of pages having many disambiguation links to be fixed.
Catégorie:Article contenant plus de 15 liens vers des pages d'homonymie
Catégorie:Article contenant plus de 30 liens vers des pages d'homonymie
Catégorie:Article contenant plus de 100 liens vers des pages d'homonymie END
# This parameter contains the list of templates used to indicate a normal link to a disambiguation page.
page h|Lien volontaire vers une homonymie, avec icône homonymie
page h'|Lien volontaire vers une homonymie, sans icône
page l|Lien volontaire vers une homonymie, avec lien vers ses pages liées END
# This parameter contains the list of templates in which disambiguation links should be ignored.
Voir homonymes|mef END
# This parameter contains a template name used on talk pages to list the disambiguation links in the article.
dab_warning_template=Avertissement Homonymie END
# This parameter is used as a comment with the above template.
dab_warning_template_comment=Cette ligne est mise à jour de temps en temps par un robot. END
# This parameter is used as a comment when updating the disambiguation warning.
# If the comment contains {0}, this part will be replaced by the number of disambiguation links that still need to be fixed.
dab_warning_comment=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Il reste {0} liens à corriger END
# This parameter has the same purpose than dab_warning_comment, but used when only one disambiguation link still needs to be fixed.
dab_warning_comment_1=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Il reste 1 lien à corriger END
# This parameter is used as a comment when removing the disambiguation warning.
dab_warning_comment_done=[[P:HOM|Homonymies]] : Tous les liens ont été corrigés END
# This parameter contains the list of templates that WPCleaner can suggest to add after a link to a disambiguation page to request help for fixing it.
Lequel|date={{safesubst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{safesubst:CURRENTYEAR}} END
# This parameter contains the list of templates that WPCleaner can detect after a link to a disambiguation page to tell that help has been requested for fixing it.
# This parameter should contain at least all the templates (without parameters) defined for dab_ask_help_templates_after.
Quoi END
# This parameter contains the list of templates used to indicate a link needing help to be fixed.
needing_help_templates=lh END
# This parameter contains the list of templates used to find pages where help is requested.
help_requested_templates=Lien vers un homonyme END
# This parameter contains the list of templates used to link text (to wiktionary for example).
# link_text_templates= END
# This parameter contains the interwiki code for the wiktionary (usually wikt).
wikt_interwiki=wikt END
# This parameter contains the list of templates providing links to wiktionary ("see also").
Autres projets|wiktionary END
Correction syntaxique
# This parameter can be used if this wiki is available in the Check Wiki project, but doesn't have a project page.
# check_wiki_force= true END
# This parameter is used as a link in comments, so it should be as short as possible. Using a redirect page can be a good idea.
check_wiki_project_page=P:CS END
# This parameter is used as a comment for fixing errors detected by Check Wiki.
# If this parameter is not specified, the comment is built using check_wiki_project_page.
check_wiki_comment=[[P:CS|Correction syntaxique]] END
# This parameter is used to retrieve configuration informations (errors priorites, labels, descriptions, ...).
# This page contains the configuration used by the Check Wikipedia project.
# WPCleaner can also use special parameters in this file : they are listed in the Check Wiki window of WPCleaner for each error.
check_wiki_translation_page=Projet:Correction syntaxique/Traduction END
# This parameter is used as a comment when updating a whitelist.
check_wiki_whitelist_comment=Nettoyage de la liste blanche END