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Joseph Chadwick

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Joseph Chadwick
Nom de naissance Joseph Lewis Chadwick
John Conway, John Creighton, Joselyn Chadwick, Janet Conroy, Jo Anne Creighton, Elizabeth Grayson, Jack Barton, Jim Layne
York, Pennsylvanie, États-Unis
Décès (à 77 ans)
Tampa, Floride, Drapeau des États-Unis États-Unis
Activité principale
Langue d’écriture Anglais américain

Joseph Chadwick, né le à York en Pennsylvanie aux États-Unis, et mort en à Tampa, en Floride, est un écrivain américain, auteur de roman policier, de roman d'espionnage et de roman western.

Écrivain prolifique spécialisé dans le western, il publie à partir de la fin des années 1930 quelques centaines de nouvelles dans les pulps dédiés à ce genre. À partir des années 1950, sous son patronyme et sous divers pseudonymes, il fait paraître également plusieurs romans westerns, policiers et d'espionnage. Il a aussi rédigé des ouvrages sur les découvertes de gisements de pétrole en Pennsylvanie et les rangers du Texas.

liste non exhaustive

Signés Joseph Chadwick

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  • Rider from Nowhere (1951)
  • Gunsmoke Reckoning (1951)
  • Devil's Legacy (1952)
  • Double Cross (1952)
  • Whip Hand (1953)
  • Destination Revenge (1953)
  • Come Out Shooting (1954)
  • Rebel Raider (1954)
  • Renegade Gun (1954)
  • The Golden Frame (1955)
  • A Town To Tame (1958)
  • Madigan’s Women (1959)
  • Savage Breed (1959)
  • Man Chase (1961)
  • No Land Is Free (1962)
  • Edge of the Badlands (1962)
  • Cowboys and Cattle Drives (1967)
  • Black Velvet (1970)
  • Sabrina (1971)
  • The Last War Cry (1971)
  • A Bargain in Bullets (1972)
    Publié en français sous le titre Le Paladin du monde oriental, Paris, Gallimard, Série noire no 1626, 1973
  • The Professional (1973)
  • Hangman’s Valley (1973)
  • Last Stand for a Lawman (1973)
  • Evil Is the Night (1974)
  • Killer Trail (1975)

Signés John Conway

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  • Hell Is My Destination (1959)
  • The Dark Desire (1960)
  • A Sin in Time (1961)
  • The Apache Wars (1961)
  • The Sioux Indian Wars (1962)
  • Woman Breaker (1962)
  • The Valiant Breed (1963)
  • Hard Man from Texas (1964)
  • Love in Suburbia (1964)

Signés Jack Barton

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  • Texas Rawhider (1953)
  • Trail of the Damned (1954)
  • Ambush Range (1955)
  • Gun in His Hand (1956)
  • The Vengeance Riders (1956)
  • Day of the .44 (1957)
  • Brand of Fury (1960)

Signé Jim Layne

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  • The Swap Set (1967)

Signés Jo Ann Creighton

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  • House of Fury (1973)
  • The Mask of Evil (1973)
  • Guns Against the Law (1939)
  • High-Graders from Hell (1940)
  • .45 Reunion (1943)
  • Be Kind—But Draw First! (1943)
  • Range-Hog’s Gun-Lesson (1943)
  • Range-Hogs Gun Requiem (1943)
  • Guns Make the Man (1944)
  • Gunhawk’s Glory (1944)
  • The Ranger’s Ghost Walks (1944)
  • The Square-A Traitor (1944)
  • Tumble-Weedin’ to Perdition! (1944)
  • Johnny’s Bullet Bonanza (1944)
  • Sanctuary in Hell (1944)
  • The Devil’s Jackpot (1944)
  • Guardian of Purgatory River (1944)
  • The Double-Barreled Noose (1944)
  • The Drummer Deals in Death (1945)
  • Johnny Chance Sides a Button (1945)
  • Vengeance Pasear (1945)
  • Gun-Master! (1945)
  • Rawhide Boss of the Steel Trail (1945)
  • Bad Trouble at Black Hat (1945)
  • Guns Against Darkness (1945)
  • Measure of a Man (1945)
  • Red Is the Blade (1945)
  • Halfway to Hell (1945)
  • Death Bets a Blue Chip (1945)
  • Colt Chore for a Mossyhorn (1945)
  • A Rope for Painted Creek (1945)
  • Boothill Reckoning (1945)
  • Crossroads to the Owlhoot (1945)
  • False-Front (1945)
  • Once a Trooper (1945)
  • Run—or Die! (1945)
  • The Town That Wouldn’t Squeal (1945)
  • Brannigan’s Town (1945)
  • Sign of the Wild Bunch (1945)
  • Born to Gunsmoke (1945)
  • Sign of the Rebel Brigade (1945)
  • Curtain Call for a Has-Been (1945)
  • Close Shave at Survey (1946)
  • Cut-Rate Gun-Guard (1946)
  • Welcome for an Outcast (1946)
  • Some Dream of Gold (1946)
  • Thee Devil in a Man (1946)
  • Call a Man Thief (1946)
  • Devil Take the Mail! (1946)
  • Gun-Watch at Dead Man’s Crossing (1946)
  • Hangnoose Fever Hits Epitaph (1946)
  • Hangrope Reunion (1946)
  • Trial by Fire (1946)
  • Storm in Her Heart (1946)
  • And Then There Was One (1946)
  • Black Conover Pays in Blood (1946)
  • Boomers, Booty—and Bullets! (1946)
  • Desert Destiny (1946)
  • Girl on His Hands (1946)
  • Judas Wears Buckskins! (1946)
  • Renegade Brand (1946)
  • Ambush House (1946)
  • Belly-Gun Buckaroo (1946)
  • Brannigan Deals with the Devil (1946)
  • Cut a Notch for Dan (1946)
  • Man Hunt (1946)
  • Six Shots to Tombstone (1946)
  • Strange Faces West (1946)
  • Bonanza Stampeder (1946)
  • Kill-Shy (1946)
  • Pawn in a Tinhorn’s Game (1946)
  • Sierra Showdown (1946)
  • Mill of the Gods (1946)
  • Showdown at Hangnoose Tree (1946)
  • Tangled Honeymoon (1946)
  • Brannigan—Boothill Boomer! (1946)
  • Captain Blunder (1946)
  • Gambler’s Luck (1946)
  • Tejano Boss of Rebel City (1946)
  • Trouble at Blue Lode (1946)
  • Badlands Rendezvous (1946)
  • Gun-Storm Range (1946)
  • Payoff in Lead (1946)
  • Written in Hot Lead! (1946)
  • Dead Man’s Ride (1946)
  • No Law North of Dodge! (1946)
  • Payoff for a Hardrock Man (1946)
  • Ambush for One (1946)
  • Brannigan’s Bonanza War (1946)
  • Stagecoach to Hell (1946)
  • The Devil Drives ’Em North (1947)
  • Drift, Gringo, or Die! (1947)
  • Gold, Grub—and Gunsmoke! (1947)
  • Gun-Guards for the Devil’s Drift-Fence (1947)
  • Hardrock Jinx (1947)
  • Brannigan and the Forty Thieves (1947)
  • One Gun Against Texas! (1947)
  • Steamboat to Hell (1947)
  • Stop-Over at Rogues’ Station (1947)
  • Night of the Storm (1947)
  • Brazos to Hell (1947)
  • Gun Gospel (1947)
  • Gun Journey to Hell (1947)
  • The Man Who Tamed Texas (1947)
  • The Range that Law Forgot (1947)
  • Yoke Creek Loses a Tenderfoot (1947)
  • A Town Named Linda (1947)
  • Blizzard Boomerang (1947)
  • Dead Man’s Town (1947)
  • They Grow ’Em Tough on the Brazos! (1947)
  • When Terror Rode the Border (1947)
  • Trail for Two (1947)
  • Never Bait a Texan! (1947)
  • Panhandle Burn-Out! (1947)
  • That Gun-Lucky Brannigan! (1947)
  • Hell for a Yankee Cowman (1947)
  • Ramrod of Hangtree Range (1947)
  • Trail Town Boss (1947)
  • Bullet Bargain (1947)
  • The Grave That Raised Hell! (1947)
  • Tough-Town Showdown (1947)
  • A Grave for Rowdy Jim (1947)
  • The Indian Ring (1947)
  • Six Shots for Empire (1947)
  • Hell on the River! (1947)
  • A Man for .45 Range (1947)
  • Mingaloe Hide-Out (1947)
  • Thirty Days Has Sam Reber (1947)
  • Last Chance for a Tinhorn (1947)
  • Ride the Devil’s Death-Watch (1947)
  • Treachery at Smugglers’ Crossing (1947)
  • Mystery of Magruder’s Cache (1947)
  • Send One Ranger (1947)
  • The Stubborn Fool (1947)
  • When Guns Turned West (1948)
  • Hell and High Water (1948)
  • The Bonanza King (1948)
  • Hell for Free-Staters! (1948)
  • Leave Him for the Hangman! (1948)
  • Trouble for Two (1948)
  • Bonanza Trail (1948)
  • Bait for the Hang-Rope Crowd (1948)
  • The Blizzard and the Banker (1948)
  • Bonanza Bait (1948)
  • Boomtown Buster (1948)
  • Red Runs the Pecos (1948)
  • Beyond Hell’s Frontier (1948)
  • Texican’s Deadfall Doom (1948)
  • Ranger Bait (1948)
  • Manhunt—to Hell! (1948)
  • The Mucker - Bonanza Boss! (1948)
  • Renegades Corral the Iron Horse (1948)
  • Steel Sabers—Iron Guts! (1948)
  • Rogue River Pilgrim (1948)
  • Cherokee Strip Deadline (1948)
  • Death Valley King-Buster (1948)
  • Wet Cattle-Red Grass (1948)
  • Phantom .45’s Talk Loud (1948)
  • Rangers Keep Out! (1948)
  • Trail Pirates of the Santa Fe Trace (1948)
  • Renegade’s Roost (1948)
  • Rustlers Pay in Colt Coin (1948)
  • You Can’t Kill a Texan Twice! (1948)
  • The Dude Hangs High (1948)
  • Riders of Purgatory Range (1948)
  • Death Rides the White Buffalo (1949)
  • Tally the Texas Turncoat! (1949)
  • No Range for a Cowhand (1949)
  • Trouble at Jubilee Town (1949)
  • Renegades from Texas (1949)
  • When Blood Brought the Ballots! (1949)
  • Gun-Wolves of Frozen Hell (1949)
  • Hell-Bent for Frisco! (1949)
  • Seven Rode Out (1949)
  • Slow Draw—Quick Corpse! (1949)
  • .45’s Rule Rustlers’ Paradise (1949)
  • Land of Broken Men (1949)
  • Judge Lynch Presidin’! (1949)
  • Vengeance Guns (1949)
  • Home Is the Drifter (1949)
  • Riders of No-Law Range (1949)
  • Greenhorn’s Gun (1949)
  • Ramrod of Hangrope Range (1949)
  • Manhunt to Frozen Hell (1949)
  • Wild Boss of the Wildcatter Crew! (1949)
  • Trouble Comes Riding (1950)
  • Girl Strike in Jubilee (1950)
  • Manhunters Ride Alone (1950)
  • Guns Across the Cherokee Strip (1950)
  • Raiders of the Iron Trail (1950)
  • Don’t You Die for Me! (1950)
  • Gun Queen ou Gun-Queen of the Spanish Grant (1950)
  • Gunman’s Girl (1950)
  • Trouble Rides Double (1950)
  • Tough Hand (1950)
  • Boothill Bridegroom (1950)
  • Dead Man’s Star (1950)
  • Drive Your Herd - to Hell! (1950)
  • Riders of Bushwhack Range (1950)
  • Range Outcast (1950)
  • Gun Master of the Goldfields (1950)
  • Siren of Shamrock Ranch (1950)
  • Hideout Trial (1950)
  • Mustang Ranch (1950)
  • Red Trail of No Return (1950)
  • Nightmare Ranch (1950)
  • Anvil Rock Showdown (1950)
  • Trouble Rides the Brazos (1950)
  • Tenderfoot Trouble (1950)
  • Bloody Bonanza! (1950)
  • Rider for Boot Hill (1951)
  • A Bride for Bullet Range (1951)
  • The Buckskin Militia (1951)
  • Measure Your Man (1951)
  • The Wildcatter (1951)
  • Trigger from Texas (1951)
  • Double-Cross Range (1951)
  • Riders of Purgatory Trail (1951)
  • Showdown at Crescent (1951)
  • The Apaches Ride Again (1951)
  • Ramrod of the Range ou Too Tough to Kill (1951)
  • Partners in Suspicion (1951)
  • The Boothill Vote (1951)
  • Once a Fugitive (1951)
  • Renegade Camp (1951)
  • The Dangerous Land (1951)
  • Bullets on Broken Bow (1951)
  • Home to Boot Hill (1951)
  • Maverick Brand (1951)
  • Rebel Range (1951)
  • A Man for Katie (1951)
  • A Miracle in His Holster (1951)
  • Night Riders in the Hatchets (1951)
  • Riders of the Devil’s Empire (1951)
  • Blonde Trouble at Apache Pass (1951)
  • Long Range for a Short Gun (1951)
  • Lure for the Bounty Hunters (1951)
  • The Iron Trail (1952)
  • Treachery at Coffin Creek (1952)
  • Who Shall I Kill? (1952)
  • Boomtown Bride (1952)
  • Killer—I’m A-Comin’! (1952)
  • Riders of Doublecross Range (1952)
  • Smugglers’ Moon (1952)
  • Death Rides the Star Route (1952)
  • The Girl Behind the Gun (1952)
  • Killer’s Last Chore (1952)
  • Treachery Range (1952)
  • The Bushwhacker (1952]
  • Gun-Help Wanted! (1952)
  • Target for the Wild Bunch (1952)
  • Home to Laura (1952)
  • Blood Money (1952)
  • Forbidden Woman (1952)
  • Ride with the Devil (1952)
  • Killers, Keep Off! (1952)
  • Black Sheep (1952)
  • Texans West! (1952)
  • Trail of the Comancheros (1952)
  • Blood on the Spur (1952)
  • Guns Across No Mans Land (1952)
  • Mule Deal (1952)
  • Beware the Bonanza Queen (1953)
  • Satan’s Range (1953)
  • The Devil’s Deadline (1953)
  • No Trail for a Tenderfoot (1953)
  • Badlands Homestead (1953)
  • Girl for No Man’s Land (1953)
  • A Man for the Boothill Blonde! (1953)
  • Decision by Gunsmoke (1953)
  • Man-Trap (1953)
  • Taming of the Maverick (1953)
  • The Courting at Blue Bonnet (1954)
  • Deal with the Devil! (1954)
  • Double-Cross Women (1954)
  • Rider from Hell (1954)
  • Blood on the Star (1955)
  • The Untamed Breed (1955)
  • Showdown at Rosilla (1956)
  • The Saddle Tramp (1956)
  • Trouble with the Tough Tollivers (1956)
  • Breed of the Badlands (1957)
  • Gunsmoke over Wyoming (1957)
  • Trail West to Fury (1957)
  • Trail-Town Raiders (1958)
  • Last Ride (1958)

Nouvelle signée Jackson Cole

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  • Trail of the Desert Witch (1953)

Autres publications

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  • The Texas Rangers (1963)


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À la télévision

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Notes et références

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Liens externes

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