English: Top of a vent chimney at Loki's Castle. The top three feet of a chimney nearly 40 feet tall are visible as the arm of a remotely operated vehicle reaches in to sample fluids. The vent is part of the northernmost hydrothermal vent field yet seen and sampled. Depth 2352.18 metres. Heading 234.
Photo released with the condition that the Centre for Geobiology of the University of Bergen must be credited, in the form "Centre for Geobiology/U. of Bergen". This permission information obtained from image page of a University of WashingtonPress Release of 24 July 2008. The University of Washington is associated with the University of Bergen's 2008 expedition through the involvement of expedition member Marvin Lilley, a University of Washington oceanographer.
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{{Information |Description=Top of a vent chimney at [[Loki's Castle (hydrothermal field)|Loki's Castle]]. The top three feet of a chimney nearly 40 feet tall are visible as the arm of a remotely operated vehicle reaches in to sample fluids. The vent is pa
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