ExxonMobil Europe

ExxonMobil Europe

Industrie pétrolière et gazière

À propos

We are committed to doing our part in helping society meet the dual challenge of meeting the world’s growing demand for energy while reducing environmental impacts and the risks of climate change. As an important supplier of oil and gas, a major refiner of crude oil for fuels and lubricants, and one of Europe's leading petrochemical companies, employing over 14,000 people across Europe, we have been helping to meet energy demand in Europe for over a century through our main commercial brands: Esso, Mobil and Mobil1. We are committed to addressing the key challenge of energy development in Europe — developing affordable and secure supplies of energy in a safe and environmental responsible manner while maintaining EU competitiveness. Our products are marketed through a network of service stations, and also to commercial segments, such as aviation, industrial and wholesale, equipment manufacturers, and marine.

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Industrie pétrolière et gazière
Taille de l’entreprise
de 10 000 employés
Siège social


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    34 037  abonnés

    To help address the plastic waste challenge and develop a more circular economy, society will have to broaden the range of plastics that are recycled. However, certain plastic products, like those made of multiple layers and materials, cannot be easily recycled. That is where chemical recycling comes in. Chemical recycling can complement traditional mechanical recycling by breaking down hard-to-recycle plastics at a molecular level, transforming them into raw materials to make new products. Plastics are too valuable to waste. Technologies that can help increase circularity in this sector should be part of the equation. Find out more about this technology: https://lnkd.in/eJM76DWR

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Fully renewable fuel is on its way. 🚚 Esso HVO100, our new 100% biofuel, will soon be coming to the market in Germany thanks to ExxonMobil Germany ’s collaboration with our branded reseller Bürk-Kauffmann. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) is a biofuel made from certified sustainable materials (waste and residues in this case), which can help reduce GHG emissions over the entire product life cycle compared to traditional diesel fuels. Lower-emission fuels (LEFs) are key to lowering the transport sector's carbon footprint, which accounts for about 25% of global energy-related, direct CO2 emissions. Because they are so-called "drop-in" fuels, they can be used in existing fleets, providing a faster and more affordable option to minimize the cost of the energy transition. HVO100 is an excellent example of the kind of innovation needed to slash emissions from transportation. Achieving this goal will require a broad range of technology options, collaboration, sound policies, and market-based approaches. Learn more about biofuels: https://lnkd.in/eFW5Ket8

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Meet Clare Glover, senior geoscience advisor working with ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions on carbon capture and storage #CCS. Clare spent years helping find oil in areas like the North Sea. Now, she applies those same skills to identify locations to safely, securely, and permanently store CO2 deep underground. Last year, Clare worked on a project to secure licenses to test for possible CO2 storage locations in the UK North Sea. The locations in this initial licensing round could store up to 30 million metric tons of CO2 per year by 2030. That’s equivalent to around 10% of the UK’s annual emissions – based on 2021 figures. CCS remains one of the few proven technologies capable of significantly reducing emissions in hard-to-decarbonize sectors such as power generation and heavy industry. https://lnkd.in/e_mse2eh

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    Hydrogen produces zero greenhouse gas emissions at its point of use. It's also versatile - suitable for power generation, trucking, and energy-intensive industries like steel and chemicals. We are scaling up production of low-carbon #hydrogen to reduce CO2 emissions in our own facilities, and helping others do the same. While some of the infrastructure for hydrogen is already in place and demand is rising, clear, consistent, and technology-neutral policies are still needed to accelerate its deployment — particularly at a pace necessary to reach societal net-zero goals. Learn more about what’s behind this technology: https://lnkd.in/eM5MtpYC

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Congratulations to Belgian Cycling on their historic milestone at the Paris Olympics! We are thrilled to celebrate the impressive achievements of the Belgian cycling team, who have made history by winning 5 medals at the Paris Olympics – their best result ever. 🥇 🥇 🥉 🥉 🥉 Esso is a proud sponsor of Belgian Cycling and is honored to support such a dedicated and talented group of athletes. This collaboration goes beyond sponsorship; it also includes promoting cycling with our customers and organizing social rides open to all employees, many of whom are cycling enthusiasts themselves. 🚴♂️🚴♀️ Here’s to many more positive results and a bright future ahead! 🌟 Image credit: ©Photo News #Cycling #Paris2024 #Teamwork 

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Plastics are essential materials for modern living, but more technology solutions are needed to address the plastic waste challenge. To solve this problem, society will need to recycle a greater share of the products that it uses. In the EU, only about 26% of plastic gets recycled. The rest ends up in landfills or is burnt for energy recovery. This is because not all plastics can be easily recycled using traditional mechanical recycling methods. Here is where chemical recycling- also known as “advanced recycling” in other parts of the world- comes in. This technology breaks down hard to recycle plastics at a molecular level, transforming them into raw materials that can then be used to make a range of new products that society needs. Deployed alongside mechanical recycling, chemical recycling can help increase the range of plastic that is recycled, contributing to a more circular economy. Learn more: https://lnkd.in/djxB_9PS

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Last Thursday, ExxonMobil’s PRIDE network celebrated Midsummer at the Antwerp Pride with an after-work event that brought together employees from our Brussels Campus, Antwerp Refinery and Antwerp & Meerhout Polymers Plant. This was an excellent chance to build links with coworkers from other locations in a relaxed and informal setting with a vibrant atmosphere. The sun-kissed location provided an ideal backdrop for this unique networking opportunity. Diversity is our strength. That is why we continue to support initiatives that promote a more inclusive workplace and help foster an environment where everyone can feel welcome. Did you enjoy the event? Let us know!

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Today we celebrate International Youth Day. Did you know that half of the people on our planet are 30 or younger, and this is expected to reach 57% by the end of 2030? Helping the next generation develop their skills is key to meeting future challenges. That is why we partner with JA Europe to organize the Sci-Tech challenge, which aims to inspire young students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (#STEM). Learn more: https://lnkd.in/eZ4Qvsuj

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour ExxonMobil Europe, visuel

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    Carbon capture and storage #CCS could play an essential role in lowering GHG emissions from industrial sites. This technology is one of the few scalable options available today for energy-intensive industries to reduce their CO2 emissions at the exhausts of industrial plants. But what if there was a technology that could capture CO2 more efficiently, and at a lower cost? ExxonMobil has been working with FuelCell Energy to develop such a technology: carbonate fuel cells, or CFCs. CFCs show great potential to capture CO2 through a more efficient process that also generates low-carbon power, heat and hydrogen as by-products. Pending a successful pilot in Rotterdam, CFC technology could then be used at other manufacturing sites around the world. Find out how it works: https://lnkd.in/ex6j84mF ExxonMobil Benelux

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