Tikehau Capital

Tikehau Capital

Gestion des investissements

Le groupe de gestion d’actifs

À propos

Tikehau Capital est un groupe mondial de gestion d’actifs alternatifs qui gère 44,4 milliards d’euros d’actifs (au 31 mars 2024). Tikehau Capital a développé un large éventail d’expertises dans quatre classes d’actifs (dette privée, actifs réels, private equity, capital markets strategies) ainsi que des stratégies axées sur les solutions multi-actifs et les situations spéciales. Dirigé par ses cofondateurs, Tikehau Capital est doté d’un modèle économique différenciant, d’un bilan solide, d’un accès privilégié à des opportunités de transactions au niveau mondial et d’une solide expérience dans l’accompagnement d’entreprises et de dirigeants de grande qualité. Profondément ancré dans l’économie réelle, Tikehau Capital fournit des solutions de financement alternatives surmesure et innovantes aux entreprises qu’elle accompagne, et s’emploie à créer de la valeur à long terme pour ses investisseurs tout en générant un impact positif sur la société. S’appuyant sur des fonds propres importants (3,2 milliards d’euros au 31 décembre 2024), le Groupe investit son capital aux côtés de ses clients-investisseurs au sein de chacune de ses stratégies. Contrôlée par son management, aux côtés de partenaires institutionnels de premier rang, Tikehau Capital est guidé par un esprit et un ADN entrepreneurial forts, partagés par ses 778 collaborateurs (au 31 mars 2024) répartis dans ses 15 bureaux en Europe, au Moyen-Orient, en Asie et en Amérique du Nord. Tikehau Capital est cotée sur le marché réglementé d’Euronext à Paris, Compartiment A (code ISIN : FR0013230612 ; Ticker : TKO.FP). Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site : www.tikehaucapital.com.

Site web
Gestion des investissements
Taille de l’entreprise
501-1 000 employés
Siège social
Fondée en
Corporate Debt, High Yield, Leveraged Loans, Preferred Capital, Private Debt, Real Estate, Liquid Strategies, Private Equity et Capital Markets


Employés chez Tikehau Capital


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    🌟 Congratulations to Domenico Paglia, Private Equity Investment Director at Tikehau Capital, who has been included in Real Deals' Future 40 Midmarket Investment Leaders list!   This list honours dealmakers who have navigated another 12 months of challenging conditions to deliver successful outcomes for their firms and investors.   Domenico’s inclusion highlights his deep expertise in mid-market investments, with Real Deals particularly noting his pivotal role in two milestone exits last year: the successful exit of Ecopol and the IPO of EuroGroup. Additionally, it credits Domenico with being instrumental in shaping the #ESG and impact strategy of Tikehau Capital’s latest vintage of private equity #decarbonisation strategy.    ➡️ https://lnkd.in/eTyMf5iF  Finatal  #Future40 #privateequity #midmarket

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    🔥 Faster, higher, stronger With the thirty-third modern #OlympicGames opening in Paris this Friday 26 July, we’re revisiting our Deputy CEO & CO-CIO, Thomas Friedberger's latest CIO Letter, 'Faster, Higher, Stronger', which traces the evolution of the Olympic spirit and our economic system, emphasising that reconnecting with the living world is essential for sustainable preservation and preventing collapse. Discover the CIO Letter in English, “Faster, Higher, Stronger” 👉 https://lnkd.in/eSbNSvXp   Discover the CIO Letter in French, "Plus vite, plus haut, plus fort" 👉 https://lnkd.in/evJ6hzNZ #Paris #Olympics #assetmanegement

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    ⭐ We’re pleased to announce that Cecile Levi, Head of Private Debt at Tikehau Capital, has been named among the The Hedge Fund Journal’s Private Markets: 50 Women Leaders 2024. This inaugural report, in association with The Citco Group Limited, celebrates the achievements of women leaders across #privatemarkets, including private credit and debt, private equity, venture capital and infrastructure. Cécile’s inclusion in this list is a testament to her exceptional leadership and deep expertise, which have been instrumental in the development, growth, and success of Tikehau Capital’s €18.8 billion #privatedebt business. Leading a team of 40 investment professionals, Cécile has made pioneering contributions to the European credit industry. From executing Europe’s first unitranche deal to embedding ESG KPIs in direct lending transactions, her efforts and leadership have consistently driven innovation and excellence in the #privatecredit sector. Read the full report 👉 https://lnkd.in/e8Tyvn55

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    [Podcast 🔉] Tikehau Capital's Deputy CEO and Co-CIO, Thomas Friedberger, shares our angle on the news shaping the market today in under 10 mins. Listen wherever you get your podcasts 👉 https://lnkd.in/em5w8xCD --- [Podcast 🔉] Thomas Friedberger, Directeur général adjoint et Co-CIO de Tikehau Capital, vous livre son décryptage des dynamiques économiques et des marchés en moins de 10 minutes. Écoutez ce podcast sur votre plateforme favorite 👉 https://lnkd.in/efD9KeM5 #capitalmarkets #globaleconomy #assetmanagement #podcast *** Certain statements and forecasted data are based on current expectations, current market and economic conditions, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of Tikehau Capital and/or its affiliates. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements or in any of the case studies or forecasts.

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    🚀 Tikehau Capital is pleased to announce that its flagship private equity decarbonisation strategy has signed a majority investment in CEBAT SpA, a leading Italian utility infrastructure service provider and portfolio company of funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P..   📌 Headquartered in Rome, CEBAT specialises in the installation of utility networks and maintenance services which are critical for the enhancement and upgrade of electricity, water and telecommunication grids. With revenues exceeding €200 million in 2023, more than 1,000 employees and 15 operational hubs across Italy, Spain and Germany, CEBAT has completed more than 300 projects throughout its over 60 years of activity.   📌 This transaction represents the second investment of Tikehau Capital’s second-generation flagship #privateequity strategy dedicated to #decarbonisation, which focuses on investing in companies engaged in global electrification, resource and energy efficiency, low-carbon inputs, and adaptation to climate change, with the aim of supporting players across the value chain whose products and services are critical to reducing the economy’s carbon footprint. Read the press release➡ https://lnkd.in/euXaVekG   Emmanuel LAILLIER Roberto Quagliuolo Domenico Paglia Pierre Abadie Mathieu Badjeck Giuseppe D'Aniello Bianca Maria Fontanesi

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    ✨The second vintage of Tikehau Capital’s private equity strategy dedicated to #decarbonisaton has received the #Tibi2 label. The second generation of Tikehau Capital’s flagship #privateequity decarbonisation strategy focuses on investing in companies engaged in global electrification, resource and energy efficiency, low-carbon inputs and adaptation to climate change, with the aim of supporting players across the value chain whose products and services are critical to reducing the economy’s carbon footprint. 📌 The Tibi initiative was introduced in 2019 in France by Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance, under the aegis of the President of the Republic Emmanul Macron, with the aim of mobilising €7bn of savings managed by institutional investors who can fast-track the growth of innovative companies and turn them into regional or global leaders. We’re proud to recall that our private equity #regenerativeagriculture strategy and our private equity strategy dedicated to #cybersecurity have previously received this Tibi2 label, demonstrating our commitment to fostering innovation and sustainability across diverse sectors. 🙏 Thanks to our partner investors for their support and congratulations to the team on this recognition! Emmanuel LAILLIER Pierre Abadie Mathieu Badjeck Cristian Norambuena Roberto Quagliuolo

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    La DG Trésor soutient l'investissement dans les entreprises technologiques avec l'initiative #Tibi, présidée par Philippe Tibi. 🔷 Objectif : favoriser l’émergence d’acteurs financiers capables d’accélérer la croissance d’entreprises innovantes pour en faire des leaders régionaux ou mondiaux, et de participer au développement de l’écosystème technologique en France par la création d’expertises spécifiques. Le sixième comité d’homologation de la phase 2 de l’initiative Tibi a été organisé début juin 2024 et 7 fonds rejoignent la liste des fonds qualifiés à l'initiative : CPR Asset Management Biodiversité, AVP (AXA Venture Partners) Late Stage I, FAGP II, Jolt Capital V, RAISE Impact II, Tikehau Capital Decarbonization Fund II, ODDO BHF Tech opportunities. Ces 7 fonds interviennent sur des classes d’actifs variées (1 fonds coté, 5 fonds growth et 1 fonds secondaire) et des secteurs et thématiques à fort impact, comme la transition écologique ou encore la deeptech. 📌 Retrouvez les listes complètes mises à jour au 5 juillet 2024 et toutes les informations sur l'initiative ➡ https://lnkd.in/d5JXnha Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique Philippe Tibi Clément Robert Edouard Durand

    • Initiative Tibi 7 fonds rejoignent la liste des fonds qualifiés pour soutenir l'investissement dans les entreprises technologiques
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    Tikehau Capital is pleased to announce the signing and launch of its strategic partnership with Nikko Asset Management Group. The partnership encompasses three key components designed to enhance both groups’ global investment capabilities and presence: 📌 A distribution agreement that goes into effect immediately, giving Nikko Asset Management exclusive distribution rights mainly in Japan, and non-exclusive distribution rights in other selective Asian markets, for Tikehau Capital’s products, including its European #DirectLending, Private Equity #Decarbonisation and Private Debt #Secondaries strategies. 📌 A joint venture is to be located in Singapore, with incorporation and submission of a licensing application targeted by the end of the 2024 calendar year. The objective is to jointly develop Asia focused private asset investment strategies, bringing the best capabilities of the two groups together. This joint venture aims to efficiently design and launch products to respond to the growing investor demand for private assets, while tackling strong secular investment themes. 📌 Nikko Asset Management is in the process of acquiring an equity stake in Tikehau Capital. This stake, which will remain below the first applicable statutory disclosure threshold, is a significant step in cementing the alliance between both groups. 💬 Antoine Flamarion, Mathieu Chabran, Co-founders of Tikehau Capital, and Bruno de Pampelonne, Chairman of Asia declare: "We are thrilled to officially launch our strategic partnership with Nikko Asset Management. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for Tikehau Capital in Asia, following 10 years of expansion in the region, with the successive openings of our offices in Singapore, South Korea, Japan and the upcoming opening in Hong Kong. With Nikko Asset Management’s extensive distribution network and market intelligence, combined with our robust expertise in private markets, we are well-positioned to enhance our presence and drive growth in this dynamic region. Together, we are poised to create powerful synergies that will contribute to redefine the industry landscape in Asia and deliver exceptional value to our clients." Read the press release 👉 https://lnkd.in/eN2nzE8g Lire le communiqué de presse 👉 https://lnkd.in/exXiGK4W   #asia #privatemarkets #assetmanagement

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    👏 Mélanie qualifies for the #ParisOlympics!   🏊♀️ Mélanie Henique has secured her spot in the Paris Olympics. She finished second in the 50m freestyle final with a time of 24.53 seconds on Friday, 21st June in Chartres.   📅 This summer, Mélanie will be participating in her third #OlympicGames, following her appearances in Rio in 2016 and Tokyo in 2021.   💪 Tikehau Capital is ready to support Mélanie on 27th July for the 4x100 freestyle and on 3rd and 4th August for the 50 freestyle!   #paris2024 #sports #inspiration

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    🚀 We are pleased to announce that Safran has entered into exclusive discussions with Tikehau Capital and the other shareholders to acquire its portfolio company Preligens, a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) for aerospace and defence, for an enterprise value of €220 million. 📌 Founded in 2016 by two French engineers, Preligens provides field-proven AI analytics solutions for high-end imagery, full-motion video and acoustic signals. Based in France and in five countries, including the US, Preligens counts approximately 250 employees, including 140 engineers in research & development, forming one of the largest AI teams specialising in satellite imagery in Europe. 📌 Since Tikehau Capital’s investment in Preligens in November 2020 through its flagship private equity #cybersecurity strategy, Preligens has grown to become a recognised leader in its field. Revenues have increased from €3m to close to €30m, the workforce has expanded and operations have extended to the US and Asia. The investment has also bolstered senior management, with key hires like François Bourrier-Soifer to scale French MoD contracts and Grégoire de Saint-Quentin, former Commander of the French Special Forces. Additionally, the company has recruited Jean-Yves Courtois, as CEO, formally the CEO of Orolia. 💬 Emmanuel LAILLIER, Head of Private Equity at Tikehau Capital and Augustin Blanchard, Executive Director at Tikehau Capital and board member of Preligens said: "This transaction would affirm our leadership in defence investment in Europe: investing in high-growth, innovative companies and guiding them to scale beyond their domestic markets to become market leaders in their fields. Preligens' transformative growth and leadership in AI for aerospace and defence highlight our commitment to strategic investments that create substantial value for our stakeholders, including our underwriters and the dedicated team at Preligens.” Gilles Daguet

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    “The market is in a wait-and-see mode.”   This morning, our Head of Capital Markets Strategies, Raphael THUIN joined Kriti Gupta, Guy Johnson and Anna Edwards on Bloomberg Markets Today, live from London.   Raphael shared his insights into the current dynamics influencing French and European markets and discussed potential market trajectories amidst heightened uncertainty. He also shared his view on the European market rebound and why Tikehau Capital sees sectors like energy transition, the pharmaceutical industry, defense and infrastructure as compelling investment opportunities. Watch the full interview 🎬 https://lnkd.in/eppX6vZd #markets #assetmanagement #marketoutlook

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