The Sun Trip

The Sun Trip

Fabrication de semi-conducteurs pour énergies renouvelables

Solar bikes adventures

À propos

Adventurers on solar bikes, free to decide their course! Just like a Vendée Globe on land or a 21st century Paris-Dakar, the Sun Trip is writing a new chapter in the world of the biggest adventures. Once in Kazakhstan (2013) and in Turkey (2015), in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (2017), in China (2018) The Sun Trip is an event designed to make people dream and spark thought whilst putting humans at the forefront. THE SUN TRIP : A TECHNOLOGICAL ADVENTURE The Sun Trip showcases new forms of mobility. Each adventurer is a solar energy and eco-mobility ambassador, demonstrating their efficiency, their relevance and their humanist dimension. A solar bike is first and foremost and electric bike. Located inside the wheel or near the crankset, the engine is fueled by batteries that are themselves recharged by the sun. With solar bikes, challenges are many : yield of the photovoltaic cells, solar panel structure weight, total bike weight, rugged battery design, electrical energy transmission, mechanic reliability, etc. THE SUN TRIP : A HUMAN EPIC Young and old, experienced backpackers or budding travelers, sportspeople or dreamers, able-bodied or living with a disability, the diversity of our adventurers’ profiles are the key to the success of our concept. By fulfilling their dreams, they are writing the history of the Sun Trip, a humanistic and joyful history! With their diversity, they demonstrate that adventure can be accessible to all and that electro-solar mobility facilitates encounters. Free to cross political borders with their solar bikes, free from energetic dependencies, our adventurers are ambassadors of Humanity. They heighten people’s kindness by inspiring them with their smile and their intriguing machines.

Site web
Fabrication de semi-conducteurs pour énergies renouvelables
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Vélo solaire, Aventure, Énergie solaire, Cyclotourisme et Écomobilité


Employés chez The Sun Trip


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