


Seeing things differently

À propos

Lytid is a company developing, manufacturing, and commercializing advanced terahertz technologies to deliver innovative solutions for scientific and industrial applications. Our expertise in THz technologies was recognized with the prestigious Prism Award at Photonics West 2016 for our inaugural product, TeraCascade. This validates our capability to impact terahertz applications by developing products ranging from laser sources (i.e. Quantum Cascade Lasers and Schottky diode multipliers) to detectors (i.e. pyroelectric detectors), imaging systems, and non-destructive testing systems through radar sensors). Key applications of our terahertz technology include: • Non-Destructive Testing for quality inspections and thickness gauge • Non-invasive medical imaging • Remote sensing of explosives and drugs for security and defense • Ultra-broadband telecommunication networks Lytid is also at the forefront of optical solutions beyond THz, using InGaAs sensors to commercialize the highly performant Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) imaging system, SIRIS (Short InfraRed Imaging System). To learn more about us and our products, visit our website:

Site web
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Fondée en
Imagerie, Contrôle non destructif, Source térahertz et Qualification de matériaux


Employés chez Lytid


  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    #Structural #elements and #foam #filling inspections are also possible with the TeraHertz FMCW Radar! ✨ Check on today’s user case how our radar can work with a #thermoplastic polymer liner on a #insulating #foam in a metallic plate. In the image below it’s possible to visualize: ❇ Transparency of the insulating PU Foam ❇ High contrast offered thanks to the highly reflective metallic back panel. ❇ The included structural elements and liner topology Curious about our devices? Reach us on [email protected] to test or purchase our TeraScan product line ✨

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    Ensuring uniform density is critical for product performance and longevity. THz NDT inspections for evaluating material #density #mapping can detect different types of inconsistencies such as air pockets, contamination, or variations in material composition, which could affect the quality and integrity of the final product. In today’s use case, the density map of a wooden structure could be clearly obtained using #TeraScan. The color contrast gives all important information on the integrity of the sample. Get in touch with our experts to test your samples or purchace the system. Reach us at [email protected]

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    Stay Ahead in the World of THz! Subscribe to Lytid's Newsletter Today! 🚀 Join a community of innovators and researchers who are already benefiting from our expertise. Don't miss out on the opportunity to improve your knowledge of #TeraHertz and #photonics technology, while you get the latest updates on our innovative products and industry trends. 🔗 Subscribe Now:

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  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    #Impurities and #foreign #body detection is a big concern for various industries, including the #food industry. The right inspection of those defects is mandatory for keeping the quality and safety of the products. This task requires improving sensitivity to differentiate every component ✨ As you can see in the image below, with Lytid’s technology, the #high #contrast achieved allows for: ❇ Precise counts and density assessments of hazelnuts ❇ Chocolate volume control ❇ Detection of foreign bodies #Terahertz waves reveal that both chocolate and hazelnuts are quite transparent, while foreign bodies like glass pieces are distinctly differentiated. This highly contrasted inspection ensures that Lytid’s solution not only detects but also accurately positions non-metallic foreign bodies.

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    #Inclusions are a big concern in the composites industry, often impacting the performance and quality of materials. Dealing with hidden #particles and #water #inclusions can be challenging without the right inspections methods and devices. In a recent inspection, our #TeraScan devices were able to identified #water #inclusions in a honeycomb GFRP composite sample, demonstrating the effectiveness of our technology in maintaining high material standards. If you face issues with inclusions and other defects affecting your material’s quality, don’t hesitate to reach out and learn more about our #THz #NDT solutions. Connect with us at [email protected] to explore how we can help you ensure the highest quality in your composites. ✨

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    #Porosity is another significant concern that industries must deal with. Hidden voids and air bubbles can lead to multiple challenges in the material performance, quality, and integrity, especially when undetectable by traditional methods. Lytid’s #THz radar offer an exceptional solution to these inspection challenges. In the example below, our TeraScan product line successfully detected multiples #holes in a #glassfiber sample. Don’t compromise the quality of your materials. Choose Lytid for precise, efficient, and powerful NDT inspections. Connect with our experts to test your samples at [email protected]

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    #Delamination is a significant concern across various industries, especially in the #aerospace and #automotive sectors. These hidden defects within composite materials can lead to: ❌ Structural failures ❌ Performance degradation ❌ Increased maintenance costs ❌ Lower quality materials With our #THz #NDT radar solution, that offers great advantages over the traditional methods of Xray and ultrasound, you have a non-invasive, sensitive, and precise method in your hands. The image below showcases our radar successfully identifying delamination in a #glassfiber composite panel. Connect with our experts to test your samples at [email protected]

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    Corrosion is a costly challenge across many industries, especially in the #naval and #aeronautics sectors. Corrosion hidden behind protective coatings can lead to significant damage and high maintenance costs. Normally, inspecting these metal surfaces required removing all protective layers — a destructive and expensive process. Here is today’s use care using Lytid’s #THz #NDT radar solution! 🌟 With advanced terahertz FMCW radar technology, our solution provides a non-invasive, sensitive, and accurate method to detect corrosion traces through protective layers. As you can see in the image below, our NDT radar solution successfully identified corrosion traces on a metallic plate covered by an opaque coating. Get in touch with our specialists to test your samples at [email protected]

  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Minoosh Hemmat, visuel

    Technical Sales Engineer, Ph.D.

    Wrapping Up SPIE Astro 2024🌟 #SPIEAstro came to an end and it was truly a pleasure meeting so many from South Africa to the United States. A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and shared your thoughts on how our #SWIR #InGaAs camera could benefit your work. We loved hearing your feedback and seeing your excitement during our live demos. Here are some of the camera features that caught your attention: ➡️Deep-Cooling Cryogen and Vibration-free System: how easy it is to go down in temperature and select temperatures, ranging from ambient to 77K. ➡️Dual Mode Sensor full Linear (CTIA) and Lin/Log: the ability to see very bright as well as too faint objects in single acquisition frame while saturation never happens. ➡️Ultra-High Dynamic Range > 140 dB ➡️Ultra-Low Readout Noise < 5e: using non destructive readout for noise-reduction ➡️Customizable and Affordable , the camera's adaptability for various applications, from lab research to observatories. Thank you for your enthusiasm. We're excited to continue supporting your work with our advanced imaging technology. Check out our website page and the brochure pdf. file :

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  • Lytid a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Jean-Charles ROCHE, visuel

    Co-founder and General Manager of Lytid

    Get to know more about our PTFE lenses! 🌟 Designed to improve your #THz applications with exceptional performance, our lenses, available in various sizes and shapes, are perfect for imaging, beam shaping, and optical assemblies. Their superior quality ensures: minimal losses, making them a cost-effective choice for your needs. Explore the benefits of our #customizable options and empower your projects with Lytid's optics. Reach us on [email protected] for a quotation! 🚀

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