MEGA International

MEGA International

Développement de logiciels

PARIS, FR 51 610 abonnés

See the Bigger Picture

À propos

MEGA International is a global SaaS software company headquartered in Paris, France, with offices in 10 countries. We create leading software solutions for Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Analysis, Governance, Risk and Compliance and Data Governance. Our goal is to guide companies in their business transformation initiatives. We believe that transformation is a collaborative effort and requires people to “see the bigger picture” on how the organization operates, so we created a single SaaS platform that connects IT leaders, process owners, risk managers and data governance officers. We give them access to a single repository that helps them collect, visualize, analyze, and communicate information to better plan and adapt to change. We are a team of 350 multi-cultural, passionate, and dynamic professionals who create, sell and implement software for the largest companies. We support more than 2000 clients in 52 countries, including large banks, insurance companies, public administration, airspace, energy, and many more. We believe that a company’s success is based on its people, so we make it a priority to hire the best and help our employees evolve and grow within the company.

Site web
Développement de logiciels
Taille de l’entreprise
201-500 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Enterprise architecture, Business architecture, IT architecture, IT portfolio management, Governance, risk and compliance, Risk management, Internal control, Internal audit, Compliance, Digital transformation, IT strategy delivery et Corporate governance



Employés chez MEGA International


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    51 610  abonnés

    🚀 The AI revolution is here, and businesses must adapt to thrive! 🚀 Enterprise architects play a key role in this transformation, ensuring compliance and guiding strategic decisions. Our latest blog by Paul Estrach outlines 7 crucial factors for success, from data quality to aligning AI projects with business goals. Don't miss these insights to stay ahead in the AI game! 🤖 Read more: #MEGA #AI #EnterpriseArchitecture

    7 Key Factors for Successfully Navigating the AI Revolution

    7 Key Factors for Successfully Navigating the AI Revolution

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour MEGA International, visuel

    51 610  abonnés

    🌍 MEGA International Joins the United Nations Global Compact 🌍 We are thrilled to announce that MEGA has become a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest international initiative promoting sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). By joining the United Nations Global Compact, we commit to upholding its ten principles, encompassing human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption. This formalization aligns with our ongoing #CSR approach, which has been guided by the #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs) methodology since 2023. The SDGs, adopted by the United Nations in 2015, serve as a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all by 2030. Considering all 17 SDGs, MEGA has identified six as priorities, aligning with our core activities: 📚 Quality Education (4) ⚖️ Gender Equality (5) 💼 Decent Work and Economic Growth (8) 🏗️ Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (9) 🌱 Responsible Consumption and Production (12) 🌍 Climate Action (13) We are proud of this commitment and look forward to contributing to a more sustainable future. Learn more in our press release ⬇️ #Sustainability #UNGlobalCompact #UnitingBusiness #MEGA Luca de Risi Eric Roussel Sylvie Chabe Olivia OUADIA Leslie Robinet Virak KOEUT

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    51 610  abonnés

    🎉 [PARTENARIAT] 🎉 Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer notre collaboration avec Altanis Protect, un acteur majeur en protection et sécurité informatique ! 🔐 Face aux enjeux croissants en cybersécurité, ce partenariat nous permet d'assurer au mieux la continuité des activités des entreprises en renforçant la protection des actifs critiques et en garantissant des plans de continuité robustes. 🔍 La cartographie IT et métier joue un rôle crucial en fournissant une vue d'ensemble détaillée de l'infrastructure et des processus, facilitant ainsi l'identification des points critiques et des interdépendances. Elle permet également de renforcer la sécurité en protégeant efficacement les actifs critiques et en garantissant une gestion optimisée et conforme aux régulations en vigueur. 📈 Restez connectés pour découvrir comment notre partenariat avec Altanis Protect peut transformer votre gestion des risques et renforcer votre sécurité informatique. #RiskManagement #GRC #Innovation #MEGA #Cybersécurité #RSSI

    Voir le profil de Laure ZORDAN, visuel

    Ingénieure d’affaires Cybersécurité & RGPD chez ALTANIS PROTECT

    [PARTENARIAT] Altanis Protect est heureux de vous annoncer son nouveau partenariat avec MEGA International, le spécialiste de l’architecture d’entreprise ! Soucieux de répondre à toujours plus de vos besoins, ce partenariat nous permet d’aider les organisations à mieux comprendre la manière dont elles fonctionnent ainsi que les ressources dont elles disposent dans l’objectif d’optimiser leur mode de fonctionnement. Pourquoi la cartographie IT et métier est-elle essentielle ? 🔍 Clarté et visibilité : Elle offre une vue détaillée de votre infrastructure IT et des processus métiers, identifiant les points critiques et les interdépendances. 🛡️ Protection renforcée : Avec une cartographie précise, protégez vos actifs critiques contre les cybermenaces de manière plus efficace. 🚀 Optimisation et conformité : Assurez une gestion optimisée de vos processus métiers et une stricte conformité aux régulations, telles que le RGPD. 🌟 Décisions stratégiques : La cartographie métier permet une meilleure prise de décision en visualisant les impacts des changements sur l'ensemble de votre organisation. Restez connectés ! Nous reviendrons bientôt avec de nouveaux exemples illustrant comment notre nouveau partenariat renforce la sécurité informatique et optimise la gestion des risques. Demandez plus d’informations sur : #RiskManagement #GRC #Innovation #MEGA #Cybersecurité #RSSI

    • Partenariat Altanis Protect/Mega International
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    51 610  abonnés

    ✨Meet Colombe Chevance, Product Designer at MEGA International✨ We're thrilled to spotlight Colombe's journey and celebrate her incredible contributions to the tech industry. Her dedication, innovation, and passion for technology inspire us all. At MEGA, we're committed to highlighting the remarkable women who are shaping the future of tech 🚀 Join us in celebrating the achievements and stories of women in tech! 👇Watch the full video to learn more about Colombe's inspiring journey and her impact on our team and beyond. #WomenInTech #MEGA #Empowerment

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    Do you struggle building your IT inventory & application-to-business capability map? 🛠️ Thanks to our new AI services, 'HOPEX Intelligence', integrated into HOPEX Aquila, you can: ✅Automate your EA inventory ✅Stop wasting time on manual analysis ✅Streamline capability mapping Discover how HOPEX Intelligence can transform your business operations and drive innovation. Check it out here: #MEGA #HOPEX #APM #EnterpriseArchitecture #AI

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    51 610  abonnés

    🎉New MEGA video series - AhEAd of Change 🎥 A few weeks ago, we shared some behind-the-scenes photos of our new video project with you! Today, we share with you the first video of the "AhEAd of Change" series. What's the concept? Once a month, we’ll release a short video featuring one of our experts, discussing a current topic or key theme to help you anticipate future developments. For this first episode, Yannick Rudloff kicks things off with a video dedicated to the new role of the Enterprise Architect! Yes, the architects of tomorrow must reinvent themselves... In your opinion, which soft skills should architects absolutely develop? 🗣️ Communication (storytelling)? 🔄 Agility and continuous improvement? ✅ Flexibility and autocompletion? We’d love to hear your thoughts 🗨️ after you check out Yannick’s insights on this topic 💡 #MEGA #video #EnterpriseArchitecture #ArtificialIntelligence

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    🥇 The Olympic Flame passed by our Paris headquarters 🔥 The 2024 Olympic Games are taking place in Paris, and we are proud that the Olympic Flame passed through Denfert-Rochereau, the neighborhood of our headquarters✨ 🏃The flame has traveled from city to city across France, lighting the way for athletes and fans. It celebrates the excellence, perseverance, and global camaraderie of the Olympic Games, which will be held in Paris from July 26 to August 11, and then from August 28 to September 8 for the Paralympic Games. At MEGA, we nurture the values of excellence and sharing, relying on team spirit to mobilize our international teams, serving our customers across the world💪 Let the Olympic Games begin: may the celebration be grand and may the best win! Happy Olympic Games to all 🎉 #Olympics #Paris2024 #MEGA #TeamSpirit

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    🚀 HOPEX Intelligence: new AI services to transform the user experience within Aquila 🎯 We're proud to announce HOPEX Intelligence, our new Artificial Intelligence (AI) suite embedded in HOPEX Aquila. This innovation transforms the user experience, automating tasks and enhancing workflows. ✨ Key Features: ✅ Hexa, the AI Companion: Ask questions and access info using natural language. ✅ Effortless Inventory & Mapping: Automates application and technology categorization. ✅ AI-driven Process Modeling: Generates BPMN diagrams from text descriptions. ✅ Enhanced Productivity: Streamlines tasks for faster onboarding and focus on high-value activities. 💡 Powered by Advanced AI, HOPEX Intelligence leverages Natural Language Process (NLP) for data categorization, machine learning for classification, smart recommendation engines, and generative AI for content creation. 🔄 Future Enhancements will include expanded Natural Language modeling, AI-generated reports, automatic business data categorization, and AI-powered architectural design assistance. Discover how HOPEX Intelligence can revolutionize your enterprise architecture experience! Read our press release ⬇️ #MEGA #HOPEXIntelligence #EnterpriseArchitecture #AI

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    🔒 Achieve Cyber Resilience by Bridging IT and Business! 🔒 Is your organization prepared to tackle the cyber resilience challenge? Our latest white paper provides comprehensive strategies for enhancing operational resiliency through a unified IT-business approach. Download this white paper about cyber resilience to: - What is cyber resilience, and why is it essential? - What are the best approaches to initiate a cyber resilience program? - Why is it important to have a holistic approach and an IT 360° view? Empower your IT leaders to build trust and protect your business from emerging threats. 📄 Download the white paper now: #CyberResilience #ITSecurity #RiskManagement #Compliance Share your thoughts and questions below! ⬇️

    Bridging IT and Business to tackle the cyber resilience challenge

    Bridging IT and Business to tackle the cyber resilience challenge

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    51 610  abonnés

    🔐 Boost Your Cybersecurity with Robust Compliance & Security Architecture! 🔐 In an era where cybercrime is skyrocketing, securing your organization's digital infrastructure is more crucial than ever. Our latest blog post explores how compliance and a strong security architecture can fortify your defenses against cyber threats. Read about: - Organizations under Cybersecurity Threats - A Plethora of Regulations and Lack of Vigilance - Towards Zero Trust: Optimizing the Organization and Security Architecture - Third-party: The Weakest Link to Meet Compliance Standards Read more to protect your business from potential cyber disruptions and ensure regulatory compliance. 📚🔍 👉 Read the full article #Cybersecurity #Compliance #SecurityArchitecture #RiskManagement Feel free to engage with any questions or thoughts below! ⬇️

    Cybersecurity via Compliance and Security Architecture | MEGA

    Cybersecurity via Compliance and Security Architecture | MEGA

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