


IoT everywhere

À propos

Créée en 2018, Kinéis est un opérateur satellitaire et un fournisseur de connectivité globale. L’entreprise hérite des quarante ans d'expertise du système ARGOS, fondé par le CNES (Agence spatiale française) et opéré historiquement par CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) pour développer une technologie fiable donnant facilement accès à des données satellitaires utiles. En vue de simplifier et de multiplier les usages des professionnels et des particuliers, Kinéis localise et connecte des objets où qu’ils se trouvent sur la planète. Ce faisant, elle déploie toutes ses capacités d’innovation technologique à réunir le New Space et l’IoT. Kinéis a levé 100 millions d’euros (CLS 32 %, CNES 26 %, Bpifrance 20 %, Ifremer, Thalès, HEMERIA, CELAD, BNP Paribas Développement, ETHICS Group, MJKD, Consuls Développement, Invest Marel, et autres.) et réalisé un CA de 7 millions d’euros en 2020 ( 40 % par rapport à 2019). Kinéis fait partie du label French Tech Next40 promotion 2021.

Site web
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Ramonville Saint-Agne
Fondée en
new space, IoT et Spatial


Employés chez Kinéis


  • Kinéis a republié ceci

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    11 993  abonnés

    [Ground Station 📡] A new Ground Remote Station has been established in Alice Springs 🦘, AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺. They are an essential component of Kinéis' seamless system in tandem with our constellation to collect data whenever, wherever in near real-time! To keep in touch with what matters to you! 🛰️ Comprising of 2 parabolic antennas and 3 Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antennas - 2 for transmission and 1 for message reception - this GRS will be a key to enhance our Global IoT connectivity. This installation is an important additional step to keep you in touch with what matters to you. 📡Our teams have been active for 7 days in one of the world's hottest and most hostile regions. Despite the challenging conditions, our dedicated team ensured a successful deployment. To find out more about our latest GRS installation, don't hesitate to read our Constell'Action. ⬇️ #IoT #InternetOfThings #iotconnectivity #GroundStation

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Kinéis, visuel

    11 993  abonnés

    [Ground Station 📡] A new Ground Remote Station has been established in Alice Springs 🦘, AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺. They are an essential component of Kinéis' seamless system in tandem with our constellation to collect data whenever, wherever in near real-time! To keep in touch with what matters to you! 🛰️ Comprising of 2 parabolic antennas and 3 Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antennas - 2 for transmission and 1 for message reception - this GRS will be a key to enhance our Global IoT connectivity. This installation is an important additional step to keep you in touch with what matters to you. 📡Our teams have been active for 7 days in one of the world's hottest and most hostile regions. Despite the challenging conditions, our dedicated team ensured a successful deployment. To find out more about our latest GRS installation, don't hesitate to read our Constell'Action. ⬇️ #IoT #InternetOfThings #iotconnectivity #GroundStation

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Kinéis, visuel

    11 993  abonnés

    🌟 Kinéis is proud to support the Proj'Azzura initiative! 🌟 👏🏽 Congratulations to the 5 students from KEDGE Business School Marseille for their incredible efforts in cleaning the beautiful, yet inaccessible coastal areas of Corsica. ⛵ The journey began on June 5th from Cavalaire-sur-Mer, and the team successfully completed the traverse in 3 weeks. During this period, they cleaned several coastal beaches, collecting over 7250 liters of waste from the sea and rocks (133 bags of 50 L). 🌐⛵ Panoptès equipped the boat with an IoT device packed with sensors, directly connected to the Kinéis satellite constellation. This solution allows for near-real-time position tracking (24 times a day) - the transmission of essential data such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, shock, - immersion to Panoptès' servers without any other connection than Kinéis satellites. It has been an honor to accompany you on this journey and to partner with Panoptès, an expert in high-value-added traceability, to provide our satellite connectivity. ✨ We are particularly proud to see these young people taking the future of our planet into their own hands and to be able to support them in this adventure. Bravo to Team Proj'Azzura! Keep up the amazing work! ✨ #KineisConstellation #Panoptès #Sustainability #Innovation #SatelliteConnectivity

  • Kinéis a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour trackvalue, visuel

    112  abonnés

    ET SI ON POUVAIT DETECTER ET ALERTER EN TEMPS REEL LES PROBLEMES DE VIBRATION, DE CHOC ET D’ECART DE TEMPERATURE ? 🌐 Découvrez trackvalue, l’innovation d’Europorte, filiale du Groupe Getlink, et Kerlink, en partenariat avec le réseau satellitaire Kinéis, qui fait entrer le fret dans une nouvelle ère. Retrouvez les équipes de trackvalue Value au salon InnoTrans à Berlin, du 24 au 27 septembre 2024 >RDV Hall 7.1b-262 Et le 25.09.2024 sur le speaker’corner de 16:30-17:30 > Hall 27-Level Beta-Beta 6-7, pour tout savoir sur Track Value WHAT IF VIBRATION, SHOCK AND TEMPERATURE DEVIATION PROBLEMS COULD BE DETECTED AND ALERTED IN REAL TIME? 🌐 Discover trackvalue Value, the innovation from Europorte, a subsidiary of the Getlink Group, and Kerlink, in partnership with the Kinéis satellite network, that takes freight into a new era. Meet the trackvalue Value teams at InnoTrans in Berlin, from September 24 to 27, 2024 >RDV Hall 7.1b-262 And on 25.09.2024 at the speaker'corner from 16:30-17:30 > Hall 27-Level Beta-Beta 6-7, to find out all about Track Value.   #innovation #futureofmobility #IoT #IoTsattelite #transport #FretFerroviaire #FretAerien #FretMaritime #transportmaritime #logistics #traceability #freight

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Kinéis, visuel

    11 993  abonnés

    🚀 The Latest Edition of Constell'Actions is Out Now! 🛰️🌐 In this edition, we're excited to bring you highlights from our first mission: No Time Toulouse. ✨ Success for the 1st Kinéis Launch: Rocket Lab has successfully placed the first 5 nanosatellites of our constellation into orbit. This marks a significant milestone in our journey to provide global IoT connectivity. 📡 Live Broadcast on YouTube: For our 1st launch, Kinéis produced a live broadcast on YouTube, sharing this monumental event with our global community. Relive the first launch ⬇ 🤝 Operational Success: The Kinéis-CNES teams ensured the successful post-separation operational phase of the 5 satellites with Electron, demonstrating our commitment to operational excellence and innovation. #KineisLaunch #KineisConstellaction #IoT #InternetOfThings

    Constell'Actions News | Succes for the first Kinéis Launch, Kinéis-CNES LEOP operations, 2nd batch of satellites in production.

    Constell'Actions News | Succes for the first Kinéis Launch, Kinéis-CNES LEOP operations, 2nd batch of satellites in production.

    Kinéis sur LinkedIn

  • Kinéis a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour trackvalue, visuel

    112  abonnés

    ET SI ON POUVAIT SUIVRE UN CONTENEUR OU UNE MARCHANDISE QUEL QUE SOIT LE MOYEN DE TRANSPORT SUR LES RAILS, SUR L’EAU, SUR LES ROUTES ET DANS LES AIRS ?🌐 Découvrez trackvalue, l’innovation d’Europorte, filiale du Groupe Getlink, et Kerlink, en partenariat avec le réseau satellitaire Kinéis, qui fait entrer le fret dans une nouvelle ère. Retrouvez les équipes de trackvalue Value au salon InnoTrans à Berlin, du 24 au 27 septembre 2024 >RDV Hall 7.1b-262 Et le 25.09.2024 sur le speaker’corner de 16:30-17:30 > Hall 27-Level Beta-Beta 6-7, pour tout savoir sur Track Value WHAT IF YOU COULD TRACK A CONTAINER OR A PIECE OF FREIGHT WHATEVER THE MEANS OF TRANSPORT ON RAILS, ON WATER, ON ROADS AND IN THE AIR?🌐 Discover trackvalue Value, the innovation from Europorte, a subsidiary of the Getlink Group, and Kerlink, in partnership with the Kinéis satellite network, that takes freight into a new era.   Meet the trackvalue Value teams at InnoTrans in Berlin, from September 24 to 27, 2024 >RDV Hall 7.1b-262 And on 25.09.2024 at the speaker'corner from 16:30-17:30 > Hall 27-Level Beta-Beta 6-7, to find out all about Track Value.   #innovation #futureofmobility #IoT #IoTsattelite #transport #FretFerroviaire #FretAerien #FretMaritime #transportmaritime #logistics #traceability #freight

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Kinéis, visuel

    11 993  abonnés

    [📹 Mission I - No Time Toulouse] | 🔊Sound on! 🌌 🛰️Three weeks ago, we successfully launched our first 5 nanosatellites into orbit with Rocket Lab, marking a crucial milestone for our team and partners involved in this project. 🌌Imagine the tension and the excitement of that night, followed by an overwhelming surge of relief and joy. We captured these raw emotions that we’re now sharing with you – the celebration, the hugs, the tears of happiness... 🚀We're eagerly looking forward to the next steps and our 4 upcoming launches. Stay tuned for more updates from Kinéis as we expand our constellation and push the boundaries of Global IoT Connectivity. Thank you to our dedicated team and supportive partners for making this possible. Together, we’re reaching for the stars! 🌠✨ #IoT #internetofthings #Kineislaunch #KineisConstellation

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Kinéis, visuel

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    🌟 Kinéis Explorer : une traversée avec Persévérance ! 🌟 Saviez-vous qu'il était possible de remonter des données depuis le cercle polaire arctique ? 🌐 Kinéis est ravi de prendre part à l'aventure Persévérance qui embarque notre device de démonstration l'Explorer qui transmet différentes données: température, pression de l'air, position GPS et accéléromètre. 🚀La connectivité IoT Kinéis permet de nombreuses applications pour suivre, monitorer et alerter, quelques exemples concrets : 🌲 La détection des feux de forêts 💧 La surveillance des niveaux des cours d'eau pour alerter sur les risques d'inondations et de sécheresses. ⚓ La localisation, l'envoi d'appels de détresse depuis des navires en danger. Cela marque une belle continuité dans notre aventure, garantissant une connectivité IoT globale sans faille. 🛰 Un grand merci à Matthieu Lys pour nous faire vivre cette belle traversée ! 🌍✨ #IoT #GlobalConnectivity #IoTSolutions

    Voir le profil de Matthieu Lys, visuel

    Head of Innovation Management at Airbus Defence and Space

    Le nouveau device #Kinéis Explorer (boîtier noir ici installé sur l'un des projecteurs avant du Persévérance) fonctionne parfaitement depuis le cercle polaire arctique ! Nous naviguons actuellement à 79° de latitude Nord, cap au Sud-Est, et tous les paramètres capturés par la balise (position du bateau et données météo) sont transmis par satellite vers la Terre avec une précision de métronome. La faible consommation de la balise lui permet de rester opérationnelle plusieurs semaines, même quand l’alimentation électrique est coupée, une fonctionnalité qui est très utile en pleine mer. Cette balise aura de multiples cas d’utilisation, que ce soit par exemple : - pour détecter rapidement des départs de feu et donc limiter l’impact des incendies - pour surveiller en temps réel le niveau des cours d’eau et alerter sur les risques d’inondations - pour lancer des appels de détresse depuis des navires en danger - ou encore pour faire le suivi d’espèces animales menacées Les 5 premiers satellites de la nouvelle constellation Kinéis ont été lancés le 20 juin 2024, pour former au total une constellation de 25 satellites qui sera opérationnelle dans les prochains mois. Ces satellites vont assurer la relève du système Argos qui existe depuis les années 1980, et que Jean-Louis Etienne avait déjà utilisé lors de sa première mondiale vers le Pôle Nord en 1986. C’est une belle continuité dans l’aventure ! Bravo et merci à Kinéis pour ce partenariat. ____________________________________________ The new #Kinéis Explorer device (black box on the picture) works perfectly well from the arctic polar circle! We are currently heading South-East at 79° of Northern latitude, all the parameters captured by the device (ship position and weather data) being transmitted via satellite back to the Earth with a very good precision! The low battery consumption allows the device to remain operational several weeks, even being disconnected from any power source, quite useful over seas. This device will have multiple use cases, for example: - to detect at early stage the starting of fires and therefore limit their impact - to monitor in real time the level of rivers and provide alerts in case of flooding - to launch distress messages from ships in emergency situations - or also to track endangered animal species The first 5 Kinéis satellites have been launched on June 20th 2024, to form a global constellation of 25 satellites that will become fully operational in several months. These satellites will ensure a smooth handover with the Argos system that exists since the 80’s, and Jean-Louis Etienne had used during his world first mission to the North Pole in 1986. It is a nice continuity in the adventure! Congratulations and many thanks to Kinéis for this partnership. Jean-Louis Etienne Elsa Etienne Alexandre Tisserant Julien C Mélodie Valles Fabienne Grazzini Joanna Emery Kinéis CNES Airbus Polar Pod #Kinéis #NoTimeToulouse #innovation #space #exploration #Persévérance

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  • Kinéis a republié ceci

    🚒🔥 IFSJ Fire & Safety Spotlight 🚨💧 Welcome to another edition of your trusted fire safety newsletter! Here are the highlights from our latest issue: 🔹 Data-driven Drone Detection: Kenneth Richard Geipel explains FireAI’s use of AI for enhancing firefighting with autonomous drones 🔹 Engineering Excellence: Hayley Burgess CFIOSH EngTech MIFireE C.BuildE MCABE MSc, IFE President, discusses leadership and challenges in fire safety 🔹 NFPA Elects New Chair: R. David Paulison elected as the new chairperson of the NFPA Board of Directors 🔹 Halma plc Buys Global Fire Equipment: Halma expands its fire safety sector with the acquisition of Global Fire Equipment, S.A. 🔹 Nominations Open for Next IFE President: Learn how to nominate a candidate for the IFE International President 🔹 Intersec Expo 2025 Calls for Proposals: Submit your presentation proposals for the Fire & Rescue Conference at Intersec Expo 2025 🔹 Photovoltaic Fire Safety: FRISSBE outlines measures to mitigate fire risks in PV systems 🔹 Adapting to Wildfire Challenges: Nic Lynn of Neptune Aviation Services, Inc. talks preparing for year-round wildfire threats 🔹 New Wildfire Detection Partnership: Dryad Networks partners with Kinéis for global wildfire detection 🔹 Design, Then Build: Quelfire discusses enhancing building safety through early firestopping engagement 🔹 Bahrain Civil Defence Agreement: Bahrain strengthens fire protection with a new agreement with NFPA 🔹 Restoring Wildfire Resilience: Kodama Systems' James Sedlak explores technology’s role in forest management and wildfire risk reduction 🔹 People News: Milan Dubravac re-elected as CTIF President 🔹 Project Focus: EmiControls launches fire protection solutions for EVs at Porsche track in Italy 🔹 Product Focus: Cygnus Group Ltd introduces the Mesh Analyser for better fire detection and alarm system maintenance 🔹 Video Spotlight: The Women in Engineering panel chaired by Sawsan Dahham discusses merit-based hiring practices at the IFSJ Leaders in Fire & Safety Conference Don't miss out on these crucial updates and insights. Subscribe to stay informed about the latest in fire and safety! #FireSafety #FireProtection #EmergencyResponse #Firefighting #FireEngineering #WildfireSafety #FireDetection #FireSuppression #FirePrevention #CivilDefence #BuildingSafety #SafetyInnovation #FireConference #FireLegislation #SafetyStandards #FireIndustry #SafetyTechnology #FireGrants #EmergencyServices #FireProtectionSystems #FireRiskManagement #FireSafetyEquipment #WildfireDetection #EngineeringLeadership #WomenInEngineering

    IFSJ Fire & Safety Spotlight: Detecting wildfire with drone data; Engineering excellence with Hayley Burgess!

    IFSJ Fire & Safety Spotlight: Detecting wildfire with drone data; Engineering excellence with Hayley Burgess!

    International Fire and Safety Journal (IFSJ) sur LinkedIn

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    🛰️ Kinéis Celebration🌟 🎉 Last night we had the pleasure of celebrating the success of our first launch, with our partners and collaborators in a convivial atmosphere at the DOMAINE DE PREISSAC . 🚀 We had the opportunity to discuss the history of Kinéis, our promising future, and the innovative applications being developed with our global satellite IoT connectivity. 🌐 A huge thank you to our esteemed guests for their presence, and for sharing with us their vision of Kinéis: Caroline Laurent - CNES Carsten Brinkschulte - Dryad Networks Lieutenant-Colonel Philippe Meresse - Entente Valabre Jean Philippe Richard - Bpifrance Raphael Doutrebente - Europorte Stephanie Limouzin - CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites) Yannick Delibie - Kerlink and Cedric Giorgi our master of ceremony 🚀 We are also eagerly looking forward to our next four launches, further expanding our capabilities. 🔭 Your participation made this evening unforgettable and strengthened our shared commitment to a connected future. Thank you all! 🙏 We extend our thanks to PUR'events for accompanying us in the success of this evening. #Kinéis #IoT #KineisConnectivity #Innovation #Celebration #InternetofThings ©Adélaïde Maisonabe/Nuukphotographies pour Kineis.

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