

Construction de matériel ferroviaire

Paris, Île-de-France 7 461 abonnés

Low carbon. High simplicity. On the move.

À propos

Getlink regroupe les activités des marques commerciales que sont : - Eurotunnel, leader des échanges transmanches sous ses marques Eurotunnel Le Shuttle et Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Freight ; - Europorte, premier opérateur privé de fret ferroviaire en France ; - ElecLink, future interconnexion électrique entre la Grande-Bretagne et la France ; - CIFFCO, le premier centre de formation privé dédié aux métiers du ferroviaire. Getlink transporte chaque année, de façon responsable et dans des environnements internationaux complexes, plus de 22 millions de passagers, 1,7 million de camions, 2,7 millions de voitures, près de 2 milliards de tonnes-kilomètre de marchandises et 1 giga-watt d’électricité.

Site web
Construction de matériel ferroviaire
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société cotée en bourse
infrastructure, transport, railways, supply chain, railroad, tourism, trucks et electricity


Employés chez Getlink


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    7 461  abonnés

    Half-year results | Getlink published today robust 2024 half-year results and confirms annual EBITDA guidance    ▶ EBITDA of €424 million, after a provision of €55 million relating to the future sharing of ElecLink’s profits   ▶ Net profit at €173 million ( 7%)  ▶ Cash position at €1,497 billion  ▶ Target EBITDA for 2024 between €780 and €830 million confirmed   👉Press release available on the group's website:   #H12024 Eurotunnel ElecLink Europorte

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    7 461  abonnés

    🚄 The European Commission is investing over €7 billion in 134 transport projects to boost low-carbon initiatives, with 80% going to rail. This aligns with the EU's climate goals and the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), a policy that aims to create a coherent, efficient, and multimodal transport network across the EU. Generating less than 1% of national CO2 emissions, the rail sector provides one of the lowest carbon transport and mobility solutions. Ensuring Europe's transport network evolves towards efficiency, safety, and environmental stewardship is essential for the decarbonisation of travel and trade. By its very nature, Getlink's activities are low-carbon, and the Group is strongly committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We can only look forward to seeing these projects coming to life! #lowcarbon #transport #rail 👉

    EU to invest €7 billion into sustainable, safe and smart transport infrastructure

    EU to invest €7 billion into sustainable, safe and smart transport infrastructure

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    7 461  abonnés

    Saviez-vous que depuis 2000, plus de 4 millions d'animaux de compagnie ont traversé le tunnel sous la Manche ? 🦮🐕🦺🐩🐈 Une équipe de Groupe TF1 s’est rendue chez Eurotunnel pour découvrir comment traverser le tunnel sous la Manche avec son chien, son chat ou son furet avec LeShuttle. Sur nos terminaux français et britanniques, des équipes spécialement formées accueillent les animaux et leurs familles dans un espace dédié pour vérifier que tout est en ordre pour voyager, avant de se dégourdir les pattes dans l'aire de jeux !   En effet, les chiens, les chats et les furets voyageant avec leurs propriétaires doivent présenter leur passeport et preuve de vaccination pour être admis dans l'Union européenne. Ces contrôles existent depuis plus de 20 ans pour les animaux de compagnie entrant au Royaume-Uni et ont été mis en place en janvier 2021 avec le Brexit, lors de leur entrée dans l'Union européenne.   #highsimplicity #onthemove #holidays

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    7 461  abonnés

    High-speed rail is the future of low carbon transport in Europe!   Getlink welcomes HS1 Ltd's initiative to carry out a study on the expansion of London's St Pancras station to enhance service frequency. This will allow to accommodate more high-speed trains through the Channel Tunnel and to Europe's major cities. Making the train attractive, with modern facilities capable of handling large numbers of passengers, is essential to increase the transport sector’s decarbonisation.   At Getlink, we are ready 👍 👉We have reduced the time to market from10 to 5 years for operators wishing to launch a new service between London and Cologne, London and Frankfurt, London and Geneva, London and Zurich. 👉 The Channel Tunnel is equipped with the world's most powerful synchronous static compensator, capable of running 1,000 trains per day, and can accommodate the latest generation of high-speed locomotives.   #Lowcarbon #highsimplicity #highspeed #transport #train Eurotunnel

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    🚇The Channel Tunnel has one of the busiest railway lines in the world with 400 trains crossing the Channel every day ! Ensuring the maintenance and handling of rolling stock while minimising downtime is a daily challenge. 💪   In June 1998, the world's longest rail maintenance workshop was opened to welcome the 800m long shuttles, it is the length of 4 TGVs! 🚄🚄🚄🚄 Dedicated to regular shuttle maintenance, the workshop measures 838m and can accommodate two complete shuttles simultaneously. Trains are brought in for maintenance and each wheel is scanned by the Wheel Measurement System (WMS), which takes a series of measurements. The accuracy and frequency of these measurements makes it possible to anticipate maintenance needs. This allows the underfloor lathe to be scheduled for wheel reprofiling, ensuring that the availability of the equipment for commercial services is not affected.    Today, the maintenance of rolling stock has reached a new level and can be predicted thanks to AI! Indeed, sensors have been installed on the shuttles to provide data on various situations, such as braking, allowing some maintenance operations to be scheduled when necessary. We'll be sharing more AI stories that show how data is a real asset for maintenance and infrastructure!   #30years30stories Eurotunnel LeShuttle LeShuttle Freight

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    The Tour de France is just starting, the occasion to remember that 10 years ago, Tour de France winner Chris Froome did what was never done before, he cycled the 50 km from the UK to France in the Channel Tunnel, 100 meters under the sea.   Froome’s world-first ride was completed in approximately 55 minutes with peak speed reaching 65 km per hour.   At the time, Froome said : “To become the first person ever to cycle through the Eurotunnel was right up there with some of the most iconic rides I’ve ever done – this must have been one of very few ‘world first’ rides left.” 🚴♀️   #30years30stories Eurotunnel #onthemove #TDF2024 #TourdeFrance

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    La Formidable Rencontre du Climat au Ministère Écologie Territoires a mis à l’honneur les lauréats du "Challenge for Corporate Climate Action" organisé par la Toulouse School of Economics dans le cadre de notre chaire "Initiative for Effective Corporate Climate Action". Getlink est fier d’avoir fait rayonner cette initiative pédagogique qui encourage l’entrepreneuriat tout en orientant l’utilité sociale et climatique de celui-ci ! 🙏Merci à la TSE pour l’immense travail préparatoire, et aux membres du jury Corinne Bach Ulrich Hege Magali Joessel Alexandra Milleret Yann Leriche Fernando Olmedo Géraldine Périchon Silvia Rossetto 🏆Longue vie aux projets des étudiants ! Katinka Bjørndal T. Anaïs Michel Maxime Pretotto Shakila BOYER #RencontresduClimat #transport #lowcarbon #highsimplicity 

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    🚅 La 3ème Rencontre du Climat organisée au Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Transition écologique pour les 30 ans de la mise en service du Tunnel sous la Manche, fut l'occasion de remettre les prix aux lauréats du concours étudiant Challenge for Corporate Climate Action créé par Getlink et TSE, dans le cadre de leur chaire commune. La vidéo récap’ de la soirée est désormais disponible, dans laquelle les gagnants s’expriment notamment sur leurs projets. Encore bravo aux deux équipes retenues ! Pour rappel : 🥇 Anaïs Michel et Katinka Bjørndal T. ont remporté le premier prix pour leur projet Foodprint, qui permet aux consommateurs d'obtenir des informations sur l'impact carbone de leurs produits alimentaires. 🥈 Shakila BOYER et Maxime Pretotto, ont pour leur part remporté le 2nd prix pour leur projet Torrent qui propose une solution innovante de récupération et stockage des eaux de pluie. 🙌 Merci encore au jury Corinne Bach Ulrich Hege Magali Joessel Alexandra Milleret Yann Leriche Fernando Olmedo Géraldine Périchon Silvia Rossetto 🔽 Ce challenge avait pour objectif d’offrir une occasion à des étudiants de proposer une solution pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. Pour en apprendre plus, consultez les liens en premier commentaire 👇

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    A infrastructure unique, expertises et savoir-faire uniques ! Le tunnel sous la Manche fête son trentième anniversaire cette année, l'occasion de remettre en lumière nos talents! Sur les terminaux d’Eurotunnel à Coquelles et Folkestone une palette diversifiée de métiers se côtoient pour accueillir 24h sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 nos clients passagers et Fret. 🎬Découvrez ici le métier de Julie Oboeuf agent d’accueil clientèle passagers et Fret. Sa mission au quotidien ? Garantir un service optimal pour une traversée simple, rapide, et dans les meilleures conditions à bord de nos navettes !   Eurotunnel LeShuttle LeShuttle Freight #TousPassionnésParNosMétiers #30ans #TunnelSousLaManche

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    Europorte, a Getlink entity, and Kerlink, have announced the development of 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲, a revolutionary traceability and monitoring solution for all freight activities (road, rail, air and sea). Track Value is the first industrial application dedicated to the freight and logistics sector to incorporate data transmission via Kinéis space connectivity🛰 The solution intends to improve the management of flows by digitizing multimodal transport activities, for better quality and reliability of services. #innovation #IoT #IoTsatellite #freight #logistics #traceability

    Europorte and Kerlink revolutionize freight by launching Track Value, the firs

    Europorte and Kerlink revolutionize freight by launching Track Value, the firs

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    7 461  abonnés

    As concessionaire of the #ChannelTunnel – the first rail infrastructure designed in open access thirty years ago by our visionary predecessors – we have been the pioneers in offering an equal service with attractive conditions giving high visibility to all rail operators. Eurotunnel has anticipated growing demand for rail with substantial investment in a upgraded electric installation that allows up to 1,000 trains passing through the tunnel every day. The company has also been working intensively to simplify the development of new-generation high-speed trains by standardising safety norms and helping manufacturers integrate them. We have collaborated with European rail infrastructure managers to simplify the launch of new direct high-speed routes. Altogether, we have managed to reduce the time-to-market down from 10 to 5 years for new rail passenger services to meet the growing demand for low-carbon mobility.   To know more about how we achieved this and what are the plans ahead, read the latest interview of Jean-Pierre Ramirez, Railway Network Director at Eurotunnel, to International Railway Journal. Thank you to Robert Preston and Kevin Smith for their keen interest. #lowcarbon #highsimplicity #onthemove

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