À propos

Depuis plus de 30 ans, Délifrance développe des produits de boulangerie, pâtisserie, viennoiserie et traiteur pour les professionnels de la restauration, la grande distribution et les artisans boulangers dans 100 pays à travers le monde. Forts de notre patrimoine, de nos techniques artisanales, de nos traditions boulangères et de notre exigence pour le goût et la qualité, nous permettons à nos clients du monde entier de ravir leurs consommateurs à chaque moment de la journée. Aux côtés des Grands Moulins de Paris, nous sommes fiers d’appartenir au groupe coopératif céréalier VIVESCIA. Depuis nos agriculteurs, nos meuniers, nos boulangers et nos salariés, jusqu’à nos clients, nous nous engageons collectivement à chercher des manières nouvelles et pionnières de nous améliorer, tout en cultivant le respect le plus profond pour notre patrimoine et notre volonté de le transmettre. Parce que quand on fait mieux chaque jour, on vit mieux chaque jour. Délifrance. Live everyday delicious.* *savourez chaque jour

Site web
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
Ivry sur Seine
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés


Employés chez Délifrance


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Délifrance, visuel

    44 547  abonnés

    A local action on our site of Avignon: Bees are now welcome to our Avignon site since a beehive installation project won our second edition of the CSR call for projects! This initiative is part of our CSR approach, Baking Good BETTER, and also allows us to adhere to the commitments of our Environmental Charter. By participating in the preservation of biodiversity, our site demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and limiting its impact on the environment. Thank you and congratulations to Julie B., Julie Ranvier, and Jérôme Isnard for this great initiative, in collaboration with beekeepers from BEE by BY.

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Délifrance, visuel

    44 547  abonnés

    We are very happy to announce that Group VIVESCIA’s 2030 climate objectives have been certified by the Science Based Targets Initiative, and Délifrance is proud to contribute to the Group climate trajectories! Committed since February 2023 to the SBTi trajectory of contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Group VIVESCIA and all its companies have put climate challenge at the heart of their priority issues as part of their sustainable development strategies: - Scopes 1 and 2: ↘ of 42% of GHG emissions in absolute terms within its scope of direct responsibility - Scope 3: ↘ of 29% of absolute GHG emissions in its indirect scope This certification confirms that our greenhouse gas emission reduction roadmap aligns with the latest climate science needed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, specifically limiting global warming to 1.5°C. With this certification in hand, Délifrance’s focus will be on achieving the targets set and continue to collaborate closely with all stakeholders to ensure effective implementation of our emission reduction strategies.

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Délifrance, visuel

    44 547  abonnés

    Unsere herzhaften Brioches in der aufmerksamkeitsstarken Knotenform sind der Renner im Snackbereich. In drei Geschmacksrichtungen - Olive und Grana Padano, Bergkäse sowie Speck und Käse (Foto) - können sie pur oder als Basis für ein Sandwich verwendet werden. Einfach köstlich und schnell zubereitet: Die Brioches vor dem Servieren einfach auftauen oder kurz erwärmen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: https://bit.ly/45Wc7Vj _ Our savoury brioches in the eye-catching knot shape are a big hit in the snack sector. Available in three flavours - olive and Grana Padano, mountain cheese and bacon and cheese - they can be used on their own or as a base for a sandwich. Simply delicious and quick to prepare: simply defrost or briefly warm the brioches before serving. Irresistible! Find more information here: https://bit.ly/45Wc7Vj

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Délifrance, visuel

    44 547  abonnés

    Safety Week 2024: an entire week dedicated to the “just culture”, promoting health and safety for all. Our coworkers from around the world, took part in various workshops on ergonomics, disability following an accident, equipment safety and risk identification. Each workshop was designed to communicate, share the perceptions on different risks, and prove trust, to embrace the values of a just culture. Thank you all for your participation!

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Délifrance, visuel

    44 547  abonnés

    #ZoomOn Matteo Giustini We are proud to introduce one of our Production Planner at our Liscate site in Italy. Matteo is very sensitive to CSR subjects, and Délifrance’s commitment to inclusion, quality, and safety resonates with his personal values, as he is trying to apply those principles in his daily life too. Dive into his full interview to explore his professional insights and personal talents: https://bit.ly/3W58yZJ

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