0x Labs

0x Labs

Services de blockchain

We help WEB 3 projects get financed

À propos

WEB 3 Serial-entrepreneur helping the next generation of WEB 3 builders.

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Services de blockchain
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
WEB 3, WEB 3 Startup Funding, Blockchain et grants


Employés chez 0x Labs


  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    Why is August a good time to apply for WEB3 grants? ☀🌊 With the drop in activity over the summer period, many WEB3 projects postpone their applications for WEB3 grant programs until September, here are 5 reasons why projects should apply in August: 1️⃣ Less Competition: With the summer holidays, there are often fewer projects applying in August. Less competition -> your project is more likely to be noticed and funded. 2️⃣ Liquidation of Annual Budgets: Many foundations seek to liquidate their budgets in Q3 – Q4, in order to reallocate it for year N 1. Applying in August positions you advantageously to benefit from these available funds. 3️⃣ Anticipation of September Activities: In September, blockchain foundations are extremely active in awarding grants. (see. Point 02) Applying in August allows you to get ahead of the rush and capture their attention before their schedules become overloaded. 4️⃣ Increased Evaluator Attention: In August, active evaluation committee members often have more time to review proposals in depth, which can work in your project's favor. 5️⃣ Reinforced Support: Foundation teams are often less requested in August. You can therefore benefit from more personalized support and advice to refine your request and maximize your chances of success. To conclude this post, the entire 0xlabs team wishes you a happy summer vacation 😎☀ On our side, activity remains assured for the entire summer period! My DMs are open ALL SUMMER if you have any needs 📩 #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    Are you a WEB3 gaming project looking for grants? Everyone knows how close we are to the WEB3 Gaming ecosystem, This is why this week, for the ETHCC, & on the occasion of the pitch competition for the WEB3 Gaming event organized by Blockchain Game Alliance & Cryptosquare for which we are partners, we are offering our 02 month program to the winners, The link to register, as well as all the information below: https://lnkd.in/eTJvEpj9 Hoping to see many of you there! Good luck to all participants 🤞 & Thank you again Edouard Estour for your trust

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    Are you looking for WEB3 Grants? To celebrate summer, I am offering a unique opportunity to WEB3 projects On Linkedin I have: - 300 connections with WEB3 grant managers / ecosystem leads within the largest WEB3 foundations - 1000 connections with WEB3 VCs / BAs To have a chance of being seen, pitch your project below in 04 lines maximum BONUS: 🎁 I offer 5x 30 min. 1-1 coaching, among the projects shared in comments #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    Polygon’s new $ MATIC Grant program Insider Tips for Nailing Your Polygon Grant Application🤫 As you all know, a week ago Polygon relaunched its community grant program initiative, offering 1Bn $POL (new Polygon token) over 10 years to help projects develop within their ecosystem. Best of all, the community grant program is open to all projects, whatever their stage of development. For the past week, I've been receiving DMs from founders asking me for help with their application, So before you rush to apply : 1️⃣ Explain explicitly what Polygon stand to gain from having you as a partner: From educating their users, to stimulating the creation of new Dapps thanks to your product, or better managing their token’s liquidity, make your added value clear to the foundation's teams. 2️⃣ Don't lie about the numbers: Your background, your traction, your number of followers will all be verified by polygon, so there's no need to artificially embellish your figures. Likewise, make your figures consistent: if you announce $300k in ARR on the deck, that same figure should appear in your executive summary. 3️⃣ Prepare all your documents carefully: Time needs to be spent on the application & certain key elements need to be included. An application that fails to present a pitch deck, a complete budget, and detailed milestones, will usually be rejected. 4️⃣ Read carefully all the advice & alphas shared by Rohit Chauhan, startup ecosystem & grant lead at polygon, he shares so much value on his twitter: https://lnkd.in/en9Fqiyg 5️⃣ Ask us for help: At 0x Labs, we've been working on exactly these topics on a daily basis for over a year with 90 WEB3 foundations (Polygon Labs, Tezos, Immutable, NEAR Protocol, AAVE, ...). We support our customers in their search for grants & partnerships, from drawing up the application file to introducing them directly to the grant managers we work with. Our DMs are open if you have any needs 📩 #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    10 mistakes most WEB3 builders make (part 1/2) from 2000 discussions with WEB3 builders 1/ B2C Projects take too long to work on their community, the best time to start was yesterday, the next best time is now! 2/ Founder take too long to release their product, which often leads to stillborn projects,As the quote says: « If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late » 3/ They do not validate their market fit with their community/target & release a product that only they want! 4/ They want to release a token without it being really useful (also applies to DAOs) 5/ They want to raise funds, without realizing how time-consuming and energy-intensive the process is, and without considering the other financing alternatives that exist in the ideation / early-stage phase At 0x Labs, we can help on the last point, for more than 2 years, we have been helping our clients put together their application file, we connect them directly with the grant managers of the more than 90 foundations with which we work: (PolygonLabs, Tezos, Immutable, Ethereum, The Arbitrum Foundation, NEAR Protocol , AAVE, ...) thus putting all the chances on their side to obtain WEB3 grants Did you recognize yourself in this post? My DMs are open if you have any needs 📩 #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    We received 800 WEB3 decks since Jan. 24, here are the 10 lessons we learned In recent months at 0x Labs, we were sent 70 decks/week, and we are at a little over 800 decks received since the start of the year, the best part, it is 100% inbound & word of mouth, here is 10 things our dealflow taught us: 1/ 35% of the WEB3 projects launched currently are GameFi (games, infrastructure & tooling) it is the most represented narrative (this is good because the foundations with which we work are crazy about it! RWA projects, infra/tooling & Defi arrive right after with respectively 15% of our dealflow. SocialFi closes the podium with around 10% of the projects we encounter 2/ The cities where we find the most builders in descending order: Bengaluru - Singapore - Dubai - London - Hong-Kong - Paris - Berlin - Manila, special mention for Lagos in Africa which sees a flourishing number of projects developing , On the other side of the spectrum, we encounter relatively few projects int the US & South America, is this due to regulations? 3/ 60% of projects that we see are early-stage projects led by 02 co-founders who are first-time entrepreneurs, The project having a beginning of traction / community engagement & beeing pre-income 4/ 980 of my 1000 calls this year were with men -> 98% of builders are men, it would be good to see more mixed teams 5/ The most frequently quoted pain points: dev - product support / marketing - communication support / funding 6/ The typical founder entered the crypto space in 2018 7/ Only 02% of founders arrive in a shirt on the call compared to 5% with the t-shirt of their favorite protocol & 30% in a black tshirt / hoodie 8/ 75% of the projects work completely remotely 9/ 40% want to launch a token coinciding with the launch of the project 10/ 75% of the projects that I see are likely to obtain grants from at least 1 grant provider among the 200 existing web3 grant programs (considering a certain stage of development of course) That’s good, at 0x Labs, we can help on the last point, for more than 2 years, we have been helping our clients put together their application file, we connect them directly with the grant managers of the more than 90 foundations with which we work: (PolygonLabs, Tezos, Immutable, Ethereum, The Arbitrum Foundation, NEAR Protocol , AAVE, ...) thus putting all the chances on their side to obtain WEB3 grants Did you recognize yourself in this post? My DMs are open if you have any needs 📩 #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    5 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Grant ❌ (from 500 discussions with WEB3 foundations) Now seems like the perfect time to apply for WEB3 grants, foundation budgets are booming & the number of projects to apply is small in comparison, with many projects unfortunately being dead during last bear market, As entrepreneurs in the WEB3 ecosystem, we're lucky to be in a sector where there are many non-dilutive funding solutions : 200 active grant programs to be exact (for a total of 1.7 billion dollars / year) But how can you make a success of your application? Here are the 05 most common reasons for rejected applications 1/ You’re looking the wrong way : Foundation’s investment theses are bound to evolve according to the health of the Crypto market. Thus, when mass-media don't talk about crypto, WEB3 projects aimed at non-web3 users are favored, & It is the opposite when they keep talk about bitcoin all day long. Foundation websites are not always updated, you need to find out about their current theses. 2/ Don’t batch your applications : Blockchains understood that adoption would also come from cross-chain projects & so it's very common to get grants from several foundations, but foundations don't expect the same thing from applications, It's therefore essential to tailor your application to each grant program you're eligible and applying for. 3/ Aim for traction before applying : In the current market, foundations crave reassurance from projects that demonstrate real-world potential. It is prudent to validate a project's interest before embarking on the application process. This does not necessarily mean that the project must be followed by 10k followers on X. But around 50 engaged daily members on a Discord for BtoC projects / 10 LOIs from partners for BtotB can definitely reassure investors. 4/ Applications are often poorly designed: Foundations are over-solicited, with dozens of applications on their online forms every day. An application that fails to present a pitch deck, a budget or detailed milestones, will usually be automatically rejected 5/ Do not use online forms on foundation websites: (if possible) This may seem counterintuitive, but you should not use online forms It is in fact often very difficult to fully explain the value of your project through the form (success rate of spontaneous applications via the forms < 2%) It is always better to favor contact with a member of the grant committee At 0x Labs, this is what we have been doing for over 02 years, After helping our clients put together their application file, we connect them directly with the grant managers of the more than 90 foundations with which we work: (Polygon Labs, Tezos, Immutable, Ethereum, The Arbitrum Foundation, NEAR Protocol , AAVE, ...) thus putting all the chances on their side to obtain WEB3 subsidies Wishing you good luck in your applications!! My DMs are open if you have any needs 📩 #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    The 0xLabs team is in mourning, Today, I planned to introduce you to the members of the 0xLabs team, But unfortunately this post will be a little different.. Last Thursday night, Arnaud Fresquet, BD at 0x Labs, died of a road accident at the age of 24, Arnaud was passionate about WEB3, He was a hard worker, always motivated, meticulous and had great ambitions, It was a pleasure to cross Arnaud’s path & a privilege to work alongside him Arnaud had a dream, with his partner & friend Maxime, they wanted to use their skills to allow all WEB3 projects to recruit quality BDs, sharing the vocabulary & codes so specific to our sector, So if you have BD needs for your project, & if you want to support Maxime in your own way in realizing his dream & that of Arnaud @GrowAgain, I recommend without hesitation to use their services, I would ask you to respect an extended response time following the current situation experienced by Maxime, your words of compassion will be greatly appreciated RIP Arnaud & Take care everyone, 🙏 Corentin

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  • 0x Labs a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Corentin Cadieu, visuel

    J’aide les projets WEB 3 à se financer

    GameFi is the narrative that attracts the most WEB3 grants It's been 10 months now that initiatives from foundations to provide Grants for WEB3 Games have been pouring in, What do foundations like so much about this narrative? Here are the 05 main reasons: 01. This is one of the most proven use cases of blockchain to date. The blockchain easily allows GameFi projects to offer players tangible incentives in the form of tokens or NFTs & and allowing players to truly own their in-game assets driving user engagement. 02. It is a sector where communities have an important place. These communities often collaborate, compete, and contribute to the development of the game, offering a boosted user-led growth to projects. 03. Crypto & gaming circles are closely linked, Not all gamers are crypto natives, but many crypto natives are gamers, Moreovers, gamers are accustomed to immersive experiences and have a high tolerance for complexity, making them ideal consumers for crypto projects. 04. GameFi is adressed to WEB3 non-natives. By serving as enablers for blockchain adoption and, these projects are attracting new users, wallets, and transactions to the integrated ecosystem, Thereby enticing fresh developers and perpetuating a virtuous cycle for the entire ecosystem, which they love 05. It seems that it is the most represented WEB3 narrative, At 0x Labs, we receive 70 WEB3 Decks / week, 50% are GameFi projects, this represents 800 GameFi projects that have passed through our hands this year Of course, with the current very positive context for grants, the majority of WEB3 narratives are eligible for grants with a marked preference for the following narratives Gamefi / Socialfi / Learn-to-earn / RWA projects / User-friendly UI-UX projects / low-code or no-code solutions / AI / Public goods project At 0x Labs, we've been helping Web3 projects secure grants for over two year now. We support our customers from drawing up the application file to introducing them directly to the grant managers of the 90 WEB3 foundations we work with. Our DMs are open if you have any needs 📩 #web3 #grants #fundraising #blockchain

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