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En savoir plus sur FlutterFlow

Générateur d'applications à faible niveau de code avec une interface de type glisser-déposer pour créer des applications mobiles natives.

En savoir plus sur FlutterFlow

Avantages :

FlutterFlow ave the flexibility to publish the app created as a mobile or web app directly. The community content available offers invaluable resources and insights.

Inconvénients :

APIs are a bit left behind. Authentication via it is one feature the tool is missing.

FlutterFlow - Notes

Note moyenne

Simplicité d’utilisation
Service client
Rapport qualité-prix

Probabilité de recommander le produit


FlutterFlow a reçu une note globale de 4,4 étoiles sur 5 d'après 78 avis d'utilisateurs publiés sur Capterra.

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Filtrer les avis (78)

CTO (France)
Logiciels, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois
Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées :

Une véritable aide au développement

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : L’outil nous a permis de développer rapidement des applications mobiles et web sans avoir à connaître le langage dart même pour des non développeurs

Avantages :

L’interface de flutterflow propose une véritable aide aux développements des écrans. C’est simple et facile à utiliser. Le copier-Collet est un vrai plus.

Inconvénients :

Les types de donnés manipulés dans les widgets et actions custom sont limités et oblige de temps en temps à contourner le besoin initial.

Fondateur (France)
Logiciels, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis


5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Je développe des applications mobiles pour mes clients et grace à vous je gagne un temps considérable

Avantages :

L'ensemble des widget et la rapidité de codage avec des code generés qui sont impressionnant de qualité

Inconvénients :

Le prix et la non traduction pour mon pays

Utilisateur vérifié
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Vins et spiritueux, Travailleur autonome
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

Flutter Flow review

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Avantages :

Sa rapidité d’exécution. Sa simplicité.

Inconvénients :

Peu de liberté. Pas assez de fonctionnalités.

Juan Sebastian
Juan Sebastian
CEO (Guatemala)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Logiciels, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées :

Singular Flutter Review

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Great experience building Apps!

Avantages :

Flutter flow is a great tool that allows you to build mobile and web applications in a very easy way. It is an example of the future of low code.

Inconvénients :

Can't say. I am a Flutter Flow fan and don't see any major drawbacks.

Founder (Ouganda)
Internet, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées :


5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Amazing experience with FlutterFlow. I can't complain really. It's well-priced making it super affordable to use. I love the overall quality of apps I have built on FlutterFlow more than I have on other NoCode builders, in terms of speed, UI, and scalability.

Avantages :

The quality of the NoCode apps you build on FlutterFlow is way better than the ones you get from other NoCode builders in the market such as Adalo, AppyPie, and the rest. FlutterFlow apps are a lot faster, and because you are working with Firebase, you can integrate with a lot of services easily both within FlutterFlow and also with Firebase extensions. Even better with FlutterFlow, you have access to your apps' source code! For me, this is a HUGE win in terms of NoCode builders.

Inconvénients :

There's really not much I don't like on FlutterFlow. I think the quality of apps you build with FlutterFlow is just unmatched at the moment. I think it's the best NoCode builder in the market right now. However, it's not an easy platform to use, compared to the likes of Adalo. FlutterFlow takes getting used to.

Retired (É.-U.)
Logiciels, Travailleur autonome
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois
Source de l'avis

Keep up the good work!

3,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Great!

Avantages :

The GUI awesome / Firebase interface awesome / Theme very good headed I the right direction / Run mode awesome ( would like it a little faster [I do understand though]) ***** The thing that is most amazing of all is that fact that you can run the code send the link to your email and test it on your phone ****** and yes the camera will work etc etc...

Inconvénients :

Having to redo screens that where working and then stopped for what seemed to be minor changes. I have been downloading the code from GitHub and haven't yet but want to compare the working code with the non-working code to see what is what.

Co-Owner (Pays-Bas)
Services financiers, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

FlutterFlow review

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : FlutterFlow has helped me learn Flutter as well as the general app building process. It is not as accessible as some comparable tools, but allows for much more possibilities. It has helped me build great working apps, which are 1:1 with my custom design and work very well on all platforms.

Avantages :

FlutterFlow has a relatively good learning curve, but still offers the possibility for more advanced users to extract a lot from this platform, for example with adding custom code. The rate of updates is also amazing, being almost weekly with great new features.

Inconvénients :

Not all parameters of widgets (e.g. a container), are possible to set from a variable. A (much requested) is setting color from a variable, which is not possible right now and needs timely workarounds.

Director (Afrique du Sud)
Logiciels, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées :

FlutterFlow - no code, no worriee

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : It's a game changer, I have been able to complete Apps that I would not be able to do on other platforms, not even close.

Avantages :

I have not found a single item on my no-code wish list that has not been provided for.

Inconvénients :

Documentation and support videos are not complete yet, but good enough to help me along. I can see the FlutterFlow team is working hard on it though.

Founder / CEO (R.-U.)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Services financiers, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

Next Gen App Development

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Just beyond my wildest expectations

Avantages :

Flutterflow has all the pros of Nocode software with none of the drawbacks seen with other similar app builder tools The ability to import custom code, export clean code without proprietary bulk or obfuscation makes it the ultimate tool for building a powerful, scaleable mobile app from day 1 to year 10

Inconvénients :

There are very few limitations and the team are amazing with new features and fixes being added on a weekly basis - incredible!

NoCode Engineer (Nigéria)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Services et technologies de l'information, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

FlutterFlow makes building apps simple like ABC

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Overall, building with FlutterFlow has been interesting and enable me learn how to build apps with flutter but I would not sacrifice the time saving aspect of FlutterFlow for traditional app development.

Avantages :

Ability to code custom features, download code and make further iteration in IDE, makes FlutterFlow stand out to me.

Inconvénients :

Browser lag is a major challenge especially when working on a project with more than 12 screens. Customer service and community support channels should be improved drastically. Paid users should not have to feel neglected after creating a support ticket.

Visual Developer (Équateur)
E-learning, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

One of the most powerful nocode platform

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : I have 3 years of experience using no code platform to work and also sharing content about no code platform on my YT channel, for that reason I know this is a must-see option if you want to create mobile apps.

Avantages :

You're not limited to doing development on the platform, you can export your code and that's awesome. Another thing I like is when Flutter (Google's SDK) makes updates, Flutterlfow also because Flutterflow is really easier and faster Flutter especially for people without technical knowledge.

Inconvénients :

If you are not familiar with flutter, customizing the logic of your apps is going to be difficult. The learning curve is hard.

Founder (Brésil)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Logiciels, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

So here is my feedback for you and Flutterflow support:

4,0 il y a 5 mois

Commentaires : Considering 99.9% of the time we develop solutions without any support from you, even considering the difficult times we face, we obviously expect some help from Flutterflow Support Team 0.01% of the time.
More than not having your help, the big problem is time!
It's been 1 (one) WHOLE WEEK merely to hear from you "WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING".
Of course, you can! 1. Improve your solution If you can't: 2. Improve your COMMUNICATION: don't waste people's time - 1 WHOLE WEEK to say that you CAN'T DO ANYTHING is UNBELIAVABLE! Thank you for delaying our project and not helping us!

Avantages :

Ease in the development of features, just.

Inconvénients :

Hard to integrate with other solutions and deploy Support is terrible!

Utilisateur vérifié
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Eau/gaz/électricité, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

Flutter Flow Review

4,0 il y a 4 mois

Avantages :

no code experience is the best in flutter plus directly connect it to the backend.

Inconvénients :

responsiveness plus some things can't be done by Flutter Flow like regexpressions.

AE (É.-U.)
Services et technologies de l'information, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis
Source : SoftwareAdvice

Very poor support - need to wait 2 business day

3,0 l’année dernière

Avantages :

No-code app builder for flutter. integration with firebase and cross-deployment is good.

Inconvénients :

Their support is very poor. Whenever you need assistance, you have to wait for 2 business days to receive a response, and the quality of their response is at the level of a user guide.

CEO (É.-U.)
Marketing et publicité, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Einfaches Handling kombiniert mit viel Möglichkeiten.

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Durch Flutterflow habe ich angefangen mich mit App Entwicklung auseinanderzusetzen und einiges neue zu lernen.

Avantages :

Die einfache Bedienung und vielen Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung, ohne viel Code.

Inconvénients :

Definitiv das Suchen nach UserLocation z.B. mit Algolia. Hier werden Filter benötigt damit eine einwandfreie Suche ermöglicht werden kann.

Roca (Brésil)
Marketing et publicité, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Version d’essai gratuite
Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées :

Best Platform

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Beginner

Avantages :

Easy deployment to stores and drag and drop

Inconvénients :

More tutorials to API and full templates

Desarrollador Móvil (Équateur)
Logiciels, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Version d’essai gratuite
Source de l'avis

Flutterflow es el mejor

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Ah sido muy fantástico, ya que me a facilitado bastante el trabajo y lo mejor que es robusta y puedo descargar el código de la aplicación creada con ellos...

Avantages :

Flutterflow es muy rápido, robusto y sencillo, si eres programador tiene una curva de aprendizaje sencilla, ya que es los code, la recomiendo muchísimo.

Inconvénients :

La verdad no eh encontrado un disgusto ya que tiene buen soporte y también una comunidad grande

Owner (É.-U.)
Services à la personne et aux familles, Travailleur autonome
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

The best No code out there

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : The best, it is extremely easy to build apps

Avantages :

Drag & Drop, free useful templates and the best part NO CODE

Inconvénients :

Pricing for starters might be a bit too much.

Senior Developer (Curaçao)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Logiciels, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Our solution for better performance of Flutter

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Just amazing, not only for better understood about Flutter filosofy. With easy curve of learn, and many useful tools. I improve my knowledge about flutter, thanks to this tool.

Avantages :

Very intuitive, and the integrations with the mobile stores is a plus. Very straight forward with firebase support, and languages.

Inconvénients :

Few, I think, really are minor. (Still better control of versioning, for example).

Editor (Inde)
Gestion d'organisme à but non lucratif, Travailleur autonome
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois
Source de l'avis

No support, be on your own

1,0 il y a 9 mois

Commentaires : PATHETIC, HOPELESS, USELESS - cheating money

Avantages :

Nothing, not sure whether their platform works, becos basic features are not working and even after paying for a suscription, there is NO support

Scrum Master (Afrique du Sud)
Logiciels, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Version d’essai gratuite
Source de l'avis

Awesome tool

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Avantages :

Was so easy to build and used it to prototype ideas fast.

Inconvénients :

Was tricky (different) to Outsystems and get used to a new ide

IT Support Specialist (É.-U.)
Gestion de l'enseignement, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Not a big reviewer

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : So far so good. I have not adopted it completely, but I do love to get ideas started with it.

Avantages :

I love Flutter, so this is lovely. Being able to create something quickly is ideal. From thought to real life is great.

Inconvénients :

The GUI is what I do not like the most, and it is almost in conjunction with how much I am not a fan of how errors make me feel like I am missing more information. That doesn't make much sense...I wish when you got an error in FlutterFlow, you would get specifics of what's wrong along with more or lots of generic reasons as to why you aren't or shouldn't be trying what you were trying.

Mobile Developer (Soudan)
E-learning, Travailleur autonome
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Version d’essai gratuite
Source de l'avis

FlutterFLow : The Best Choice

4,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Flutterflow is good project for prototyping and building Mobile software within no time. I Use VS Code as the primary development environment, but also using Flutterflow at the same time for prototyping and fast development.

Avantages :

User Interface. Frequently Update. Drag and Drop. Firebase Integration.

Inconvénients :

Unable to Edit My Flutter Code. Web App Only {need good internet connection - PS5 idea is more expensive}. Less tutorials for beginners {step by step and complete guide written and video tutorials}

Brand manager (Inde)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Marketing et publicité, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois
Source de l'avis

Build an app without the hassle of coding

4,0 l’année dernière

Avantages :

I love that i don't have to code and just use drag and drop feature to build an app. A person like me who doesn't know coding can build app with flutterflow

Inconvénients :

Flutter flow needs a how to guide for beginners , for them it might be complex .

Digital Marketer (Singapour)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Santé, bien-être et fitness, 2–10 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois
Source de l'avis

Only Flutter mobile app no-code builder that I use

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Great so far, better than many tools that claim to be able to build fully-functional apps that are cross platform compatible

Avantages :

What I like most: - Drag and drop functionality - Integration with Google Firebase - Design flexibility and options - Truly no-code builder with the option to export the raw code for self deployment - Limited but critical integrations available

Inconvénients :

- Limited integrations - Limited elements and components