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Hello, all! I've looked through Fouzi's work and thus far I am very eager to start playing, but from what I understand, there's an interconnected story between the games or some sort of order to play them in, at least. Would someone please tell me where I should start from?

You can find the correct order to play the series here

I hope you will enjoy the series

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Minor Spoiler


Damn, it was one hell of a VN, definitely in my top 5.  Only have  Carmine left before i catch up to the story.  Excited to play that but it's 2 in the morning and have a exam tomorrow so gonna call it a night.  9/10 (only because of a few spelling mistakes)

p.s: what's the end credit song?

Deleted 1 year ago

gimme her

bro this game so good i fell in  love with cc these games for so good pls make one with cc and i fall in love with her ๐Ÿ˜ pls tho ๐Ÿ˜ญ cc  is my wmoan lol

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I had this game on the radar days ago but could not play till now

It was good, this time felt more of a story than a game unlike the other games(mostly bc of the "choices don't matter), counting that idk how to rate it as a game, but the plot/story along with the other games till now it is a 9.5/10 for me, was looking over for the next game release almost daily, but also the cliffhangers take a role there lol. Feels like watching an anime but without the "anime"(animation) part, but still those small animated scenes make it inmersive enough.

And that the plot is way better than many known anime romcoms(well, the games kinda with romcom elements).

Also fun fact: that "Null", "Reeva" and this game appeared on the top of most popular "Adult" games search๐Ÿ’€(in the visual novel search too during many days, but (if) you remember how i found your games lol).

now the second part of review i think(spoilers):

Surprised that nobody died, it would have been understandable if Butterfly died(again LOL) after collapsing, and that it affected Reeva mental health bc of losing her mother, her own race respect and the guy she wanted to give a second chance. Also funny that Destiny overestimated Alex powers, and went alone expecting to win, and it is arguably not a plot convenience as it was not good at all. So the story quality is still high for my standards.

Also that i theorize that Alex is turning into some version of the "T's", as he has the god powers along with all his versions, they may all "ascend" and fuse into a collective entity(much like the T's are a collective entity), and that the T's were another guy that went through that process, fusing with all their alternative versions. BTW don't answer my theory lol.

btw to end this, CC saved the world in schoolgirl clothes lmao, and young MC in a black shirt too lol. Also i guess Zero was a Nier Automata fan lol.

1-I contemplated how many choices to add a lot while working on this game but there was no way to add more choices without hurting the story and characters. This game is like the ''Avengers'' movie for the series and thus every character is determined and knows what they want ( so not much room for a lot of choices)

2- Yeah I noticed ''Reeva'' was number 1 in adult games  at one point which I guess explains why it has over 20 thousand downloads/plays. 

I didn't notice ''Null'' though and I kinda wish ''Zero One'' got featured on the top page too, that game is in my top 5 but sadly not as viewed as other games in the series.

3- Actually there were alot of planned deaths for this game . one certain character I even prepared a special song for it but decided to leave the deaths for the final game. it's more meaningful that way.

4- I don't think Destiny underestimated Alex . I mean sure Alex is super OP when using his God power but when he can't use it , he's just a human being who's good with a sword meanwhile Destiny is a ''Null ''and a ''High observer''. 

Not even a nuclear weapon can scratch her , Alex was going to die if a certain thing/someone didn't intervene.

5-Nice theory lol

6-I gave up on CC , that girl only looks good in school uniforms. The kid on the other hand is fine in his black shirt. I don't think even wearing a SWAT uniform would've gave him an advantage over the Nulls.

7- Yeah , 2B is really cool.  Too bad AL-ICE is destroyed.

Maybe the choices can still lead to bad endings, or choices that are aparently good routes but after a long travel it is a bad ending(but still provide extra information/lore), and you need to look for the specific route to get the true ending(much like in Happiness 2, "butterfly", "Null" and "Reeva")

It was my favourite part from "null", "zero-one" and "reeva", while doing a ton of saves for each choice lol. I think the slow progress from "Zero-one" played a bad trick on it, but i still liked it, it makes them more interactive i believe.

Btw didn't CC had her witch powers from "existence"?, also i think "existence CC" is pretty different to the other CCs, or it is bc cronologically she existed first in "Existence", then she became self-conscious

I think Destiny was kinda overconfident that Alex did not have his powers charged, she could have gone with a small army or 4-5 nulls to help her

Also i think there was a plot hole, Alex was the one that didn't tell Carmine where he was going(in the "Existence" flashbacks), while young MC was the one that said goodbye to Carmine and to wait for him, but Alex was the one that reencountered with Carmine, in "Carmine" game. Or am i wrong.

Also didn't reply this on "Carmine" but sad to not see Hassan there lol.

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1- Power from the world ''Existence'' doesn't work in the real world ( it was the T's who added magic in his world but the real world has no magic) which is one of the reasons Alex couldn't use his God power at first in Milker and the reason Butterfly kidnapped Mirall in Milker in order to push Alex into despair and reactivate his power again.

2- Yes CC in ''Existence'' is very different which has to do with the rules of the T's world. Instead of the player, CC is obsessed with Alex in this game. The future game that will take place between ''Existence'' and ''Milker'' will address this alongside ''Eva'' transformation back to ''Carmine''.

3- Alex's power didn't charge at all, it was another thing that intervened.

4- No it's not a plot hole. ''Carmine'' was ''Eva'' in ''Existence'' but once they escaped ''Existence''( in the future game I haven't uploaded yet) . Alex went into the timeline of ''Milker'' to find Mirall while Carmine went back to her timeline.

 Then in ''Milker2'' ( a game I'm still working on) Carmine comes to the Milker timeline then once that game concludes everyone returns to their timeline and Alex goes to the ''Devotion'' timeline to hunt ''Isaac''. 

This is where Alex tells Carmine to wait for him, Carmine accepted on the condition that Ellie keeps updating her on what's happening.

Meanwhile ''Goodbye Time traveler MC'' never told his  Carmine about the Null's world.

5- You shouldn't feel bad about Hassan, he has his own ''spin-off'' game in the making. Although I'm not sure if I should finish it because it's too ridiculous and more of a comedy eroge than a serious game that contrasts with the series' seriousness so far.

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Will you make an android version?

You can play the game on your phone's browser.

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Nice story

Thank you!

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huh I don't know why but this game just kinda called out to me

Must be ''Destiny'' .

Show post...

this is the first time i see any of it. it sounds kinda like anime

Yup, I love those love birds. That was a good move, making a ship to sail for Butterfly as he already destroyed what's his. As always, only Zero and CC have the clue of the 'real truth' . I'm falling into this deeper and deeper, thus I am interested how you'll wrap things up.

It would have been nice to have that android but I did love how it refer as Butterfly knew that it will be his doom due to Zero, that small details which came from the other game is a well done. I won't leave as well, until it's over.

Spoiler Alert

You really fill up gaps at the best time. This explained why Butterfly was killable and Happiness Mc's changes as the series plays. Saying things as it doesn't matter and not using us "Observers" to choose what to do is not like him! 

It became really obvious that something is interfering as I lost more choices than before, that was a good add.

I'm just laughing now as Good bye time traveler Mc is being called kid even though he is the one with college student look out of all of them. I do know that Butterfly has the oldest look but still, calling a college student a kid is funny, I hate my humors.

Now then, for the real ones. I'm curious about more on CC and Zero as these two character are probably the all knowing ones but I'm not gonna expect for now.

Question 1: Was the decrease of options intentional? If it was, that is a great choice.

Question 2: Would you explore more of CC's side just like how she knew the existence of the Player? Zero is a more mysterious than CC or maybe equal.

Anyway that was a ride for this game.

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Major spoilers for this game.








1- ''Happiness Mc'' is in his late twenties and ''Goodbye time traveler Mc'' is 22 years old but the reason Alex calls the ''Goodbye Time traveler MC'' kid is not because of the age difference but because unlike Alex who has been through so many tough experiences including being in a real massive war during his days in ''Existence'', the ''Goodbye Time traveler'' is relatively inexperienced who only been through one or maybe two experiences.

2-The decrease in ''choices'' in this game is due to the current mindset of all three MCs. in games with lots of choices like ''Reeva'' for example, the Butterfly in that game is confused and lost, he wants to escape the Null's torture but a part of him believes he deserves to remain there which gives the player a lot of freedom with choosing his fate but in this game ''Divinity'' every MC has found his purpose and goal so making a lot of choices will go against the Characters growth over the years.

3- CC has an interesting final arc seeing as once the series is over she will probably not be able to interact with the player anymore. Not just CC but many other characters have a big final arc ( like the fact that Alex is dying which means Mirall won't to be born in the future) which is why I'm currently planning on making several side games in the series exploring these things before making the final big game in the series.

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This is a harsh yet good story.

So that's what it is, as expected. Using the Mc's mindset to decide the number of choices is a great thing to have as a sign of character development and about the Happiness Mc I never thought you'll do this. It reminds me of Ethan Winters... 

I have one last question.

Seeing how CC won't interact anymore is a threat to me, anyway doing all of this before the end is new to me. I'll be looking forward for more.

Question 3: Goodbye time traveler Mc was aware of the Observer which Destiny hired. What happened to it?

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1-In terms of the ''Happiness MC''.  his ending is not decided yet, moments before I saw your comment I was thinking about it actually while working on a remastered version for ''Happiness2 ''. 

I kinda have a general idea about how his ending will be but nothing is final.  The only thing I know for sure is that I want the "Happiness MC'' to have the most suitable ending ever, whether it will be a happy ending or a sad ending is less important to me right now.

2- The observer ''Destiny'' hired is ''You'' (the player). Destiny is a game admin ( like all high observers) she tried to use the player to further her ambitions but failed because you chose to side against her at the end of the'' Goodbye time traveler'' game and shot her.

First of all, Working on the remastered for Happiness 2 after that thief didn't work on it....

Nice, that's pure passion. 

And I'm looking forward more for the Happiness Mc's ending whatever it is. As long as story isn't set in stone yet it'll be fun to anticipate.

So in conclusion, the observer's role already fulfilled it's purpose therefore it is  now gone in the story progression?

Forgive me for a lot of questions, I really like the idea of the reader/player having a part in the story instead of just watching over the Mc.

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At the start of ''Devotion'', you can see the ''Goodbye time traveler MC'' saying something like '' they are back'' which is because they sensed the return of the player but that's it. Destiny can't use the player again as an ''observer'', CC can sense the player but if she admits it or informs other characters about the ''real truth'', the ''SYSTEM'' will delete her just like it did back in ''Null''. 

Zero also knows about the ''real truth'' but she finds it more interesting and fun to not tell anyone. 

Zero is just being Zero.

Reeva knows about ''the village'' but she has no idea about ''the real truth''

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Is this story set after "Devotion"? Also I have a theory of this timeline: In "Happiness: Story" That's the MC with Ellie. Butterfly was transported to the Nulls world after dying in "Milker", met Reeva and then met with the characters from "Devotion".

Great game, 10/10, love how you brought the MC from different timelines together. Guess now that Destiny's dead I can't get bad endings lol. The cliffhanger with Ellie is already making me impatient for the next game, is it coming in December or in January? Would love to know.

PS: Can I get the name of the music during the Destiny fight? Thanks

(2 edits)

Yes, this game ''Divinity'' takes place after the events of both'' Devotion'' and ''Reeva''. This is basically everyone meeting up in the Null's world after Butterfly saved Reeva off-screen.

The cliffhanger will take some time to be addressed since I'm now working  on a ''side game'' of the series plus because of what's revealed at the end of this game you can easily tell that the series is coming to an end soon and there are other aspects of the universe that I want to explore before ending the series for good.

I'm sad that the series is ending, but I'm also excited for new projects of yours. The storytelling is very good, and so is the background music matching the tone and the mood of the scene. I wonder if CC follows me into the new series(?).

Thanks, hopefully once the final game in the series does arrive it will give every character in the series a conclusion to their arc , be it a happy ending or not.