With the recent cancellations of open source events due to COVID-19, the future of the FOSS community is unknown.
The only way to sustain our community is together, and FOSS Responders are here to help.

On this site, you’ll find support for those directly affected by event cancellations.
Additionally, you’ll find resources for donating, volunteering, and other ways to contribute.

The need is real, and the time to act is now.

Need help?

Woe is me!

I was going to attend a conference that was cancelled. Now I need help with the costs that the conference can’t reimburse anymore.

Apply for emergency funds
Woe is me!

Our project had to cancel a small or large event and we need financial help. Without this, the project could be in real trouble!

Apply for emergency funds
Woe is me!

We were relying on these events to raise funds for our project. With event cancellations, we are struggling to get donations and publicity!

Amplify our project
Woe is me!

We rely on conferences and events to recruit new contributors and volunteers for our project. Without this we may struggle!

Recruit volunteers
Woe is me!

We cancelled our in-person event. We need to run virtual events now and we are struggling to learn how to do that!

Get advice Advice on running my community online

Offer help!

Now is time to give back to the projects we depend on.
This is how we future-proof our open source infrastructure and help millions who built the software we benefit from.

Donate to the FOSS Responders Open Collective and your funds will be used to help individuals and projects who might otherwise fall through the cracks.
Open Collective waived their fees so 100% directly support those in need.

Donate to Open Collective
I want to help crowdfund!

I’ve heard there’s open source organisations that need larger amounts of funding, I think I can help with that!

Help larger crowdfunds Help larger crowdfunds for projects
I can mentor!

We’ve been running online events, conferences and communities for a while and can help other orgs to get better with online activity.

Offer your expertise Offer your expertise with online activity
I know events that have been cancelled!

I can help with finding out what other conferences and events have been cancelled and their details. I love doing this kind of information gathering!

Contribute info on events Contribute information on cancellations

Our mission

Our purpose is to provide a crowd-sourcing approach to help those in the open source community affected by corona virus, especially in the face of event cancellations.

  • Aggregate and amplify the financial and non-financial needs of FOSS communities affected by COVID-19 via our site and FOSS Funders Events, so it is easy to find who to help and how.
  • Provide emergency funds for those falling through the cracks of the traditional open source funding channels like foundation donations and membership, GitHub Sponsors, and Open Collective.
  • Create a Resource Center for projects to find tips and tricks on how to manage fully virtual community interactions, including events.
Join FOSS responders
Our mission

Who we are

FOSS Responders is a group of individuals who came together to support and celebrate our Free and Open Source Community affected by the COVID-19 economic fallout.

Some of the companies of the companies we work for, partner with, or who have donated to FOSS Responders funds are shown below.

Find out more about us
Who We Are


On May 22nd, Indeed, the Open Source Collective, and others came together at the first Virtual FOSS Responders Funding Event.

The Virtual FOSS Responders Funding Event was designed to help support the open source community through this critical time. Conference cancellations have caused financial loss, unmet fundraising trajectories, and missed business opportunities. Together, we raised and allocated over $100,000 dollars to help out open source organizations.

If you want to participate as a FOSS Funder organization for future events, please email [email protected].

Learn More

About our programs

  • Volunteer Matching: Projects need more people on deck to help during this challenging time. Visit our FOSS Matchmaking Center to see the list of volunteer opportunities and donate your time and talents today.
  • Amplify Project Funding Needs Online: Projects and organizations need financial support to remain sustainable during this challenging time. See the list of needs and how you or your employer can contribute.
  • FOSS Funders Event: On May 22nd, 2020, we will host a FOSS Funders event to connect the needs of projects and organizations to organizations with available funds.
  • FOSS Responders Fund: We provide emergency funds to community members and projects affected by COVID-19 related event cancellations and postponements. Apply today for Individuals and projects emergency funds or donate to the fund today.
  • Online Community Management Resource Center: We are aggregating the many highly valuable tips and tricks shared by industry experts in our resource center. Find or share your resources here.
  • Cancelled Events List: We are contributing to a database of all of the cancelled, postponed, or virtual-only conferences affected by COVID-19. Take a look at the events here.


You can always email us at [email protected].

Send us a letter!

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