Otto Borb

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

So, Babylon 5. I watched the series finale with my partner yesterday and as a series, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking at behind the scenes stuff, I understand why some things happened the way they were, characters leaving and new characters coming in, season 4 and 5 pacing, but it was handled pretty well. The story was solid and kept me intrigued. The cinematography was fantastic, and the 3D space stuff was nice, especially for the 90s. I feel it was an excellent package, yet not many people that I know have watched it. Now I gotta make time to watch all of the movies and the one season of spin off show, Crusade, and I’m curious to see what the new spin off show would look like (but I’m not holding my breath for it to see the light of day)

babylon 5 babylon five

Doing my first watch through of DS9, and my new favorite prop is the bread maker that Bashir put Odo into


I spotted another prop that I recognized, this time on Enterprise, and that’s cause I’ve have one that I’ve had since I was a kid. The Vulcan bomb could have been easily disarmed if someone would have got a high score!

Star Trek Star Trek enterprise star trek ent enterprise S4E7