"Hey! I can show that me I'm am very not bad at making full of hole in two minus one! Lemme sho U!" said Gerard, picking up his club.

First try is a game where you play not the golfer or the golfer's ball, but the hole. Your objective is to reach the ball before it's stop while avoiding the obstacles in your path.

For the golfer to shoot:

To move:


Game Design/Programmation: Forest

Programmation: pixalquarks

Illustration: NLGB

Music/Sound Design: Evelina


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( 1)

Ce jeu est très con, mais vu que la balle tombe toujours au même endroit on rate qu'une seule fois hélas. En tout cas y'avait une sacrée idée !

( 1)

Awesome game (and superb music) 👍

I some point though, I end up in a level where I get simultaneously the game over and hole in one screen, and I'm kind of stuck... That was fun though!

( 1)

Thank you for the comment :)

And sadly, that a bug a thought to be fixed, but it seems that no :/

( 3)

Lmao I did not expect the ball to suddenly develop a mind of its own. Nice take!

( 3)

I finally became good at golf thanks to this game! THANKS

You're welcome :)

( 2)

Hahaha very fun take on the jam theme. I love the art so much!