
Form and track positive lasting habits

built with 💜 by me - powered by org 🦄



Keeping habits accessible and trackable has helped me form good habits. I built an app to remove friction from the tracking process, so I could increase the likelihood of sticking with it all.

I'm not a habits expert, but got inspired by James Clear's Atomic Habits. Read that book if you're interested in the topic. No affiliation here, just a great book.


You can track any positive habit you'd like to form or maintain. Some examples: exercising, watering the plants, reading, making your bed, taking your meds, calling grandma, doing yoga, drinking water, meditating, doing push-ups, flossing, taking your vitamins, eating fruit, practicing a language, playing an instrument...


Friction is one of the bad guys playing against ya when it comes to adopting and sticking with habits. Same applies to the tracking process itself. Remove friction wherever possible.

Did your habit today? Mark it done.

I tried to make Flat Habits simple and focused (I use it myself). Marking habits done should be quick and frictionless. Keep the streak going and don't break the chain.


Flat Habits focuses solely on re-enforcing positive habits. Their benefits compound over time, but only if you regularly put in the work. If you don't exercise frequently, you don't get the health and fitness benefits. If you don't water the plants, they die.

Don't let your todos compete and win over your habits

Keeping habits separate from my long list of todos has been helpful for me. Habits are the good things I must do for myself every day. No postponing allowed because "I have too many other things on my TODO list".

Privacy first

Flat Habits stores your habit data on your iPhone as a plain text file. You can view, edit, or migrate your data at any time (use export from the menu).

Flat Habit does not connect to any servers at all

Optionally, you can save your habits to a shared location or cloud (if that's your preference), so you can access habit data from multiple devices/apps.

Org text

At its core, Flat Habits stores all data to a text file, using org plain text markup. You can use your favorite editor (Emacs, Vim, VSCode, etc.) to poke at Flat Habits data.

* TODO 🧘 Meditate
SCHEDULED: <2021-05-10 Mon 08:30 1d>
:STYLE: habit
:LAST_REPEAT: [2021-05-09 Sun 11:38]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-09 Sun 8:59]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-08 Sat 8:40]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-07 Fri 8:34]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-06 Thu 8:25]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-05 Wed 9:00]
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2021-05-04 Tue 8:50]

Get in touch

User the feedback menu option from the app or email flathabits at

Privacy policy

No personal data is sent to any server, as there is no server component to this app. There are neither third party server integrations, accounts, analytics, advertising, nor hidden trackers in this app. All your data is kept on your iPhone, unless you choose a cloud provider to sync or store your data. See your cloud provider's privacy policy for details on how they may handle it.

If you choose to send feedback by email, you have the option to review and attach logs to help diagnose issues. If you'd like an email thread to be deleted, just ask.

If you joined TestFlight as a beta tester, you likely gave your email address. If you'd like your email removed, just ask. Note that TestFlight has its own Terms Of Service.

Arrow down, Twitter, Reddit, and App Store icon by Streamline.