
Encapsulates an App Check token, which are used to access backend services protected by App Check.

JSON representation
  "attestationToken": string,
  "token": string,
  "ttl": string


The App Check token.

App Check tokens are signed JWTs containing claims that identify the attested app and GCP project. This token is used to access Google services protected by App Check.

These tokens can also be verified by your own custom backends using the Firebase Admin SDK or third-party libraries.



The App Check token.

App Check tokens are signed JWTs containing claims that identify the attested app and GCP project. This token is used to access Google services protected by App Check.

These tokens can also be verified by your own custom backends using the Firebase Admin SDK or third-party libraries.


string (Duration format)

The duration from the time this token is minted until its expiration. This field is intended to ease client-side token management, since the client may have clock skew, but is still able to accurately measure a duration.

A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".