Receive messages on a Unity client app

Receive and handle messages

To receive messages, your app must assign a callback to the Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.MessageReceived event handler.

MessageReceived Event

By overriding assigning a callback to Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.MessageReceived you can perform actions based on the received message and get the message data:

public void OnMessageReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.MessageReceivedEventArgs e) {
  UnityEngine.Debug.Log("From: "   e.Message.From);
  UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Message ID: "   e.Message.MessageId);

Messages can represent different kinds of incoming data. Most commonly, messages are sent to the app after being initiated by the developer. Messages are also sent to you app to represent message sent events, message send error events, and messages deleted events. These special events can be differentiated by checking the MessageType field.

Messages Deleted

Sent to your app when the FCM server deletes pending messages. MessageType will be "deleted_messages". Messages may be deleted if:

  1. Too many messages are stored on the FCM server.

    This can occur when an app's servers send a bunch of non-collapsible messages to FCM servers while the device is offline.

  2. The device hasn't connected in a long time and the app server has recently (within the last 4 weeks) sent a message to the app on that device.

    It is recommended that the app do a full sync with the app server after receiving this call.

Send Event

Called when an upstream message has been successfully sent to FCM. MessageType will be "send_event".

Send Error

Called when there was an error sending an upstream message. MessageType will be "send_error".