Finance :: Quote
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Welcome to the Finance::Quote webpage.

Finance::Quote is a perl module which can be used to obtain information from a variety of sources, including markets in Australia, USA, Canada, Europe, and a number of managed funds.

The latest version of Finance::Quote is (soon to be) available via CPAN, and is currently available on our download page.


2024-Nov-27 Release 1.64 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. Fixes for ASX, Comdirect, OnVista, and more.

2024-Sept-21 Release 1.63 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. New FinanceAPI module, fixes for TesouroDireto, BVB, BSEIndia, NSEIndia, and NZX.

2024-May-16 Release 1.62 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. New CurrencyFreaks currency module, fixes to YahooJSON, Fool, MarketWatch, and AEX.

2024-Apr-18 Release 1.61 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. Fixed module so EU users get required cookies and crumbs for API.

2024-Apr-15 Release 1.60 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. Fixes to a number of modules including YahooJSON. Please see the Changes file for details.

2023-Dec-31 Release 1.59 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. Fixes to a number of modules. Please see the Changes file for details.

2023-Aug-12 Release 1.58 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. Fixes to AlphaVantage, YahooWeb, YahooJSON, and Bloomberg. New modules Consorsbank (primarily Frankfurt Stock Exchange) and Stooq (primarily Warsaw Stock Exchange). See the Changes file for details.

2023-Jul-01 Release 1.57 is available from CPAN and Sourceforge. 3 new modules, YahooWeb, GoogleWeb, and MarketWatch. See the Changes file for a detailed list of updates and fixes in this release.

2023-May-29 Release 1.56 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. Change in Yahoo URL, and replaced with See Changes file in distribution for more details.

2023-May-13 Release 1.55 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. See Changes file in distribution for details.

2022-Dec-26 Release 1.54 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. A few modules updated and fixed. New modules - and

2022-Oct-08 Release 1.53 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. A few modules updated and fixed.

2022-Jul-03 Release 1.52 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. Bugs in test files removed.

2021-Jul-04 Release 1.51 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. Bugs in test files removed.

2021-Jun-26 Release 1.50 is available from CPAN and Souceforge. Deprecated modules removed, some modules updated and fixed.

2019-Jun-30 Release 1.49 is available from CPAN. Lots of bugfixes and code enhancements.

2017-Nov-05 Releases 1.39 and 1.40 are available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. These releases adds the module AlphaVantage to circumvent the shutdown of yahoo API.

2015-Aug-22 Release 1.38 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. This release encloses several website module updates.

2015-Feb-02 Release 1.37 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. This removes some dependencies to obtain better compatibility.

2014-Feb-17 Release 1.20 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. This autoinstalls Date::Calc if needed.

2014-Feb-16 Release 1.19 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. It solves Yahoo quote retrieval changes and adds 2 new modules.

2012-Sep-30 Release 1.18 is available both from CPAN and Sourveforge. It solves most used module errors.

2009-Oct-5 Release 1.17 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge.

2009-Apr-13 Release 1.16 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. Thanks to Bradley Dean a currency_lookup function is available. As usual, some modules were patched due to site modifications.

2008-Oct-26 Release 1.15 is available both from CPAN and Sourceforge. It is a bugfix release. Upgrade is strongly recommended.

2008-Oct-15 Release 1.14 considered as the latest stable release has been uploaded to CPAN and Sourceforge.

2008-Sep-21 The development of Finance::Quote is undergoing a lifting. More information is available on the developer page

2006-Jul-10 Finance::Quote 1.12 has been released. The new version includes support for new information sources, including Bourso and LeRevenu in France, and the Helsinki stock exchange in Finland. This release also fixes the problem with retrieving quotes with the DWS and VWD modules. The full set of release notes are available here. You can download this release from our download page.

2006-Jan-11 Finance::Quote 1.11 has been released. The new version includes support for new information sources, including Sharenet (South Africa) and U.S. Federal Bonds. This release also fixes the problem with retrieving currency quotes from Yahoo Finance. The full set of release notes are available here. You can download this release from our download page.

2005-Jul-04 Finance::Quote 1.10 has been released. The new version includes support for new information sources, including the New Zealand stock exchange, TD Waterhouse Canada Efunds, the Swedish Bank, the U.S. Govt. Thrift Savings Plan, and several Yahoo sources. The full set of release notes are available here. You can download this release from our download page.

2005-Jun-30 Finance::Quote 1.09 has been released. The new version includes support for new information sources, including the New Zealand stock exchange, TD Waterhouse Canada Efunds, the Swedish Bank, the U.S. Govt. Thrift Savings Plan, and several Yahoo sources. The full set of release notes are available here. You can download this release from our download page.

2003-Jul-04 Finance::Quote 1.08 was released.

2002-Apr-18 Finance::Quote 1.07 was released.

2001-Jun-26 Finance::Quote 1.06 has been released. The new version includes support for many new information sources, including Dutch stocks and indexes, UK unit trusts, managed funds from TD waterhouse, and quote lookups from The full set of release notes are available here. You can download this release from our download page.

2001-Feb-23 Finance::Quote 1.05 has been released. This version fixes some bugs that people have been experiencing with currency conversion, and also provides easier methods for users to load their custom modules at run-time. The new release is available from our download page.

2000-Nov-05 Finance::Quote 1.04 has been released. This version fixes a bug whereby the 40th symbol of a large Yahoo lookup would fail. It also removes some of the headaches people have been experiencing with the test suite. For the adventurous, support for proxy authentication has also been added. See the FAQ for more details.

2000-Oct-30 An article on Finance::Quote was featured in The Perl Journal, issue number 19. The article is a good introduction to the module and well worth reading if you are beginning to work with Finance::Quote.
Sadly, The Perl Journal is no longer published. Thanks to The Web Archive, you can find the issue here.
O'Reilly also publishes The Best of the Perl Journal. The draft article is available from our documentation page.

Older news items and SourceForge page.