Saksan nelivuotissuunnitelma
Adolf Hitlerin taiteilijanura
The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich
vase with flowers
Hofbräuhaus, Munich
Nude woman
Belvedere, Vienna
Standesamt München
Vienna State Opera
Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ
Hitler's prophecy
Night and Fog Program
Neuschwanstein Castle
Prague in the Fog
Neuschwanstein Castle
diary manuscript (part 1 of A-version) by Anne Frank
Neljä vapautta
National Recovery Administration
Marssi Roomaan
Gottbegnadeten list
Der Soldat Tanaka
Geiger-Müller tube
Jossuf crossing the desert
Afternoon among the Cypress
The Victory of Culture over Force (Victorious Spirit)
Song of the Sea (The Three Graces)
John Zeile
The Grape (The Wine Maker)
Spring Dance
Monterey Cypress, California
Käthe-Kollwitz-Ufer 90, Dresden
Villa Haenel
Regerstraße 8
Blessing of the Earth
Figürliche Szene
Frau mit Pferd
Kniender Akt
Landschaft mit Figuren
The guitar player
The Artificial Rose
Female nude
The shallows
Neuruppiner Stadttor in Gransee
Fabrik von Loewe & Co.
Straße in Üskyp (Mazedonien)
Viktoria-Ufer (Spandau)
An der Travemünder Straße
Am Kaiserdamm
Marienkirche in Gransee
Johannastraße in Spandau
Gartenstraße in Berlin N
Am Wedding
Straße in Teltow in der Mark
Müllerstraße Ecke Seestraße Berlin-Wedding
Kiefern mit roter Wolke
Brunnen in Veles (Mazedonien)
East Prussian landscape
list of books burned in 1933
Fischmarket in Bergen
View of Vigsnes at Karmøy
From my atelier
House Wall in Grez
The young Carpenter
Portrait of the Painter Amaldus Nielsen
The Painter's Workshop
Portrait of a Man
Deck with Capstan
From a Cabin
Salmon Fishing
Hjalmar Johnssen
General Kharkov
The Downtrodden
Never Again War (Nie Wieder Krieg)
The People
Death in Water
Aus vielen Wunden blutest du, O Volk (You Bleed from Many Wounds, Oh People)
Mutter mit Kindauf auf dem Arm (Mother with Child on Her Arm)
Betendes Mädchen (Girl Praying)
Begrüssung (The Greeting)
Zertretene - Leichnam und Frauenakt am Pfahl (The Downtrodden - Corpse and Nude Woman at a Post)
Brot! (Bread!)
Gefallen (Killed in Action, or News from the Front)
Tod packt eine frau (Death Seizes a Woman)
Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait)
Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait)
Whetting the scythe.
Mutter mit Kind auf der Arm
Mother with her Dead Son
Praying Woman
Vladslo German war cemetery
Woman with Dead Child
Mother with two children
Desolation and despair
Mother with her dead son
Mother with two children
De Carmagnole
Zeichnung zu Volks
Moeder met slapend kind
Mourning Parents
Trauerndes Elternpaar
Mother with two children
Die Gefangenen
In God's Hands
The Lovers
Never Again War (Nie Wieder Krieg)
Sleeping Child
Head and Hands of a Working Man
Woman and Death
Self-Portrait, Drawing
Out of Work
Child's Head
Weinende Frau
The Mothers
Wilhelmine Mohr
Study of a Standing Woman
The Homeless
Arming the Vault
Four People Seated on a Bench
Mother and Child
Study of a Man
The Survivors
Death, Mother and Child
Prisoners Listening to Music
Two Nudes
Two Heads
Sitzende Frau
Portrait of a Young Man
Self-Portrait as a Young Woman
The Survivors (Die Uberlebenden)
The Downtrodden (Zertretene)
Unemployment (Erwerbslos)
Bettelnde (Begging)
The People (Das Volk)
The Widow II (Die Witwe II)
The Widow II (Die Witwe II)
"Help Russia" ("Helft Russland")
Cemetery for the Victims of the 1848 Revolution (Marzfriedhof II)
The Battle Field (Schlachtfeld)
Woman Meditating II (Nachdenkende Frau II)
The Ploughmen (Die Pfluger)
Woman and Children Going to Their Death (Fraumit Kindern in den Tod Gehend)
Unemployment (Arbeitslosigkeit)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Woman Entrusting Herself to Death (Frau vertraut sich dem Tode an)
Armament in a Vault (Bewaffnung in einer Gewolbe)
Memorial to Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt fur Karl Liebknecht)
Memorial to Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt fur Karl Liebknecht)
Death by the Roadside (Tod auf der Landstrasse)
Woman Entrusting Herself to Death (Frau vertraut sich dem Tode an)
Death in the Water (Tod im Wasser)
Death Reaches into a Band of Children (Tod greift in Kinderschar)
Death Recognized as a Friend (Tod wird als Freund erkannt)
Death Holding a Girl in His Lap (Tod halt Madchen im Schoss)
The Call of Death (Ruf des Todes)
Hunger (Hungar)
Mother Pressing Infant to Her Face III (Mutter, Saugling an ihr Gesicht Druckend III)
Woman and Death (Tod und Frau)
The Carmagnole
Working-Class Woman with Earring (Arbeiterfrau mit dem Ohrring)
Departure and Death (Abschied und Tod)
Scene from Germinal (Szene aus Germinal)
Sitting Worker (Sitzender Arbeiter)
Self-Portrait at the Table (Selbstbildnis am Tisch)
Run-over (Uberfahren)
Death and Woman Struggle for the Child (Tod und Frau um das Kind Ringend)
Working-Class Woman with Sleeping Child (Arbeiter Frau mit Schlafendem Jungen)
The Widow I (Die Witwe I)
The Volunteers (Die Freiwilligen)
Young Couple (Junges Paar)
The Sacrifice (Das Opfer)
Municipal Shelter (Stadisches Obdach)
Mothers II (Mutter II)
The Parents II (Die Eltern II)
The Volunteers (Die Freiwilligen)
Woman with Bowed Head (Gesenkter Frauenkopf)
Bread (Brot)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Germany's Children are Hungry! (Deutschlands Kinder Hungern!)
The People (Das Volk)
Working Class Woman, Left in Profile (Arbeiterfrau in Profil nach Links)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Visit to the Hospital (Besuch im Krankenhaus)
The End - Old Man with a Rope II (Das Letzte - Alter Mann mit Strick II)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Self-Portrait from the Front
Small Self-Portrait Facing Left (Kleines Selbstbildnis nach Links)
Self-Portrait in Profile (Selbstbildnis im Profil)
Death with Woman (Tod mit Frau im Schoss)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Sick Woman and Her Children (Die Kranke und ihre Kinder)
At the Doctor's (Beim Arzt)
In the Waiting Room of the Children's Doctor (In der Sprechstunde des Kinderartztes)
Woman Meditating I (Nachdenkende Frau I)
Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Mutter mit Kindauf auf dem Arm (Mother with Child on Her Arm)
Self-Portrait with Hand on Forehead (Selbstbildnis mit der Hand an der Stirn)
Woman Covering Her Mouth with Right Hand (Halbfigur einer Frau mit der rechten Hand den Mund Bedeckend)
Woman Resting Her Chin on Her Right Hand (Frau, das Kinn in die rechte Hand Gestutszt
Head of a Working Class Woman in Three Quarter Profile to the Right (Kopf einer Arbeiterfrau im dreivertelprofil nach Rechts)
Self-Portrait, Three quarters Right (Selbstbildnis, dreiviertel nach Rechts)
Hamburg Pub (Hamburger Kneipe)
Hamburg Pub (Hamburger Kneipe)
Suburb (Vorstadt)
The Downtrodden (Zertretene)
Death (Tod)
Woman at the Cradle (Frau an der Wiege)
The End (Ende)
The Storm (Sturm)
Conspiracy (Beratung)
Despair (Not)
Despair (Not)
Conspiracy (Beratung)
Begrüssung (The Greeting)
Four Men in a Pub (Vier Manner in der Kneipe)
Return from Market (Stehende Mutter, ihr Bublein futternd)
Self-Portrait in Profile (Selbstbildnis im Profil)
The Sacrifice (Das Opfer)
The Parents (Die Eltern)
The Widow I (Die Witwe I)
The Widow II (Die Witwe II)
The People (Das Volk)
The Widow I (Die Witwe I)
The Return Home
Poster for German Handicraft Exhibition (Plakat der deutschen Heimarbeit-Ausstellung)
Never Again War (Nie Wieder Krieg)
Girl Holding a Child (Madchen ein Kind Tragend)
The People (Das Volk)
The Sacrifice (Das Opfer)
The Sacrifice (Das Opfer)
The Wait (Das Warten)
Mothers, Give Your Surplus (Mutter Gebt von eurm Uberfluss)
Self-Portrait in Profile Facing Right (Selbstbildnis in Profil nach Rechts)
The Sacrifice (Das Opfer)
Woman with Folded Hands (Frau mit ubereinandergelegten Handen)
At the Church Wall (An der Kirchenmauer)
Memorial to Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt fur Karl Liebknecht)
Memorial to Karl Liebknecht (Gedenkblatt fur Karl Liebknecht)
Pregnant Woman (Schwangere Frau)
Revolt (Aufruhr)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis von vorn)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
The Storm (Sturm)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Self-Portrait in Profile Looking Right (Selbstbildnis in Profil nach Rechts)
Small Male Head with Hands I (Kleiner Mannerkopf mit Handen I)
Small Male Head with Hands II (Kleiner Mannerkopf mit Handen II)
Female Nude (Frauenakt)
Female Nude (Frauenakt)
Selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait)
Self-Portrait (Selbstbildnis)
Woman Meditating II (Nachdenkende Frau II)
The Ploughmen
Peasant Woman in a Blue Shawl
Betendes Mädchen (Girl Praying)
The Weavers' March
Standing Female Nude
Sans titre
Pyotr Petrovich Garin
Cat Basilio
Alice the Fox
Papa Carlo
Karabas Barabas
Tortila the Turtle
La Rue (frontispiece from Tableaux de Paris)
Há uma Gota de Sangue em Cada Poema
The Night before the Exam
Ludwig Metzl
Portrait of the Daughters of the Manufacturer Vysotsky
Portrait of an Old Woman
The Passion of Creation
Uncle Osip
Rilke in Moskau
Léon Tolstoï
B.N. Chicherin
Duas amiga
Marinha com rebocador
São Jorge e o dragão
A igrejinha
Kneeling Woman
Indian Totem pole, Yan, Queen Charlotte Islands
Indian Totem pole, Hazelton, Skeena River, British Columbia
Autumn in France
Blunden Harbour
Breton church
Scorned as Timber, Beloved of the Sky
Odds and Ends
First Nations War Canoes in Alert Bay
The Indian Church
Guyasdoms D'Sonoqua
Indian War Canoe
Community House Ucluelet
Portrait of Sophie Frank
Totem Mother
Totem and Forest
Among the Firs
Trees in France
Breton Farm Yard
Totem Walk at Sitka
Four Children in a Breton Cottage
Strait of Juan de Fuca
British Columbia Landscape
Logged-over Hillside
Inside a Forest
Forest Landscape No. 1
Forest Landscape No. 2
Memalilaqua, Knight Inlet
Totem Pole at Hazelton
Indian Hut, Queen Charlotte Islands
Potlatch Figure (Mimquimlees)
Forest Landscape
Grizzly Bear Totem, Angidah, Nass River
The Welcome Man
Fir Tree and Sky
Portrait of Woo
Arbutus Tree
Forest (Tree Trunks)
Graveyard Entrance, Campbell River
House in Brittany
Plaza Azueta
Largo (Sonnenuntergang)
Idyll (Male and Female Semi-nude in the Landscape)
Sorrentiner Küste
Die rosa Wolke
Die Insel
Südliche Felsenküste
Tal des Schreckens
Häuser in Montigny
Steiles Ufer auf Capri
Frauen am Wasser
Landschaft mit Pferden und Reitern
Landschaft mit Badenden
Der Tod der Niobiden
Die Kelter
Composition with Five Nude Figures
Blick in das Elbtal bei Königstein
"Idyll", männlicher Akt und weiblicher Halbakt in einer Landschaft
nude shepherd boy in the mountains
Zusammenbruch (Collapse)
Jünglinge mit Pferden in der Schwemme
Abe Lincoln The Great Emancipator
Family Supper (Saying Grace)
Holy Mountain IV
Table and Two Chairs
Lady of the Lake
Victorian Interior II
Victorian Interior I
The Trial of John Brown
Cabin in the Cotton
Old Black Joe
Country Doctor (Night Call)
A Chester County Art Critic (Portrait of Christian Brinton)
Mr. Prejudice
The End of the War: Starting Home
Abe Lincoln, the Good Samaritan
Giant Daffodils
John Brown Going to His Hanging
Maple Sugar Season
Pink Flowers
Warped Table
West Chester Court House
Domino Players
The Barracks
The Blue Tiger
Abraham Lincoln and His Father Building Their Cabin on Pigeon Creek
Supper Time
Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Giving Thanks
Abe Lincoln's First Book
Christmas Morning, Breakfast
Saturday Night Bath
The Buffalo Hunt
Quaker Mother and Child
Sunday Morning Breakfast
After Supper
Saying Prayers
Potted Plant in Window
Birmingham Meeting House in Summertime
Egyptian Girl at a Dressing Table
Seated Egyptian Girl
Beauty with Flowers in an Interior
A Trompe l'oeil with a Vignette
A still life with flowers in a jardiniere resting on a ledge
Theodor Billroth Operating
Christus und Johannes
Verlassener Steinbruch
Morgen im Altmühltal
Les coristes (Gutiérrez Solana)
The Choir Girls
Gathering at the Apothecary's House
Cabezas y caretas (Heads and Masks)
Procesión de la muerte (Procession of Death)
La tertulia del Café de Pombo (The Gathering at the Café de Pombo)
Pájaros (Birds)
La visita del obispo (The Bishop’s Visit)
La murga gaditana (Cádiz Street Musicians)
Las vitrinas (Showcases)
La costurera (The Seamstress)
Los caídos
Profesor de anatomía
The Outcasts
Street in Spain
Iglesia de Aldea. Ogarrio (Cantabria)
Marineros de Castro Urdiales
Masked Street Musicians (Murga ó Máscaras Tocando)
La visita del bisbe
The Pale Complexion of True Love
Women coming to Quebec in 1667, in order to be married to the French Canadian farmers. Talon and Laval are waiting for the arrival of the women
The Uninvited Guest
The Divine Playmate
Elizabeth went on her mission of pity
A shower of red and white roses was scattered over the ground
They beheld the form of Jesus of Nazareth
Elizabeth prayed to god to clothe her
Elizabeth would steal out and lay the child upon the altar
An Outcast
Some little bird sang to me most blithely
A Knight and Cupid before a castle door
Botticelli's studio: The first visit of Simonetta presented by Giulio and Lorenzo de Medici
Guinevere - 'Before the Coming of the Sinful Queen' - Tennyson
Interior of Milan Cathedral
Lancelot and Elaine: Farewell, fair Lily
The Forerunner
The Legend of Saint Giles
The Little Foot Page
The Nativity
The Poet
Time the Physician
With goodly greenish locks, all loose 'untied'
Youth and the Lady
Fair Rosamond
Petrarch and Laura at Avignon
Queen Katharine
St Clare
Rosalind and Celia
Kate Barlass
Woman reading
Dante and Beatrice
Maud is only seventeen
Bottom and Titania
Head of a tudor girl
The deceitfullness of Riches
The introduction
The Wise and Foolish Virgins
They toil not, neither do they spin
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care
Today for Me
Chivalry dying of Love for the Goddesses
Interior of Milan Cathedral
The Posthumous Child
And all generations shall call her blessed
Romeo and Juliet Farewell
The Little Foot Page
The Forerunner
The Winchester Triptych
Self-portrait with veil
Hôtel Frugès
Pendant and chain
Lorgnette and chain
Haircomb by Lalique
Snake Sugar Bowl
"Dragonfly" broach
chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Fidélité de Douvres-la-Délivrande
Hunting Dogs Footed White Wine Glass (Verre à pied, chasse chiens)
Lily of the Valley Comb
Hunting Dogs Footed Red Wine Glass (Verre à pied, chasse chiens)
Deer Inkwell (Encrier biches)
Frogs and Lily Pads (Grenouilles et Nénuphars) Vase
Hunting Dogs Plate (Assiette chasse chiens)
Two Pigeons Panels (Panneaux deux pigeons)
Stopper for a Mermaids and Frogs Decanter (Carafe sirènes et grenouilles)
Section of the Two Pigeons Panel (Panneau deux pigeons)
Mermaids and Frogs Decanter (Carafe sirènes et grenouilles)
Mermaids and Frogs Decanter (Carafe sirènes et grenouilles)
Section of the Two Pigeons Panel (Panneau deux pigeons)
Surtout de Table
Corsage Ornament
"Capricornes" (Capricorn Beetles)
Pendant 'Snakes Coiled up into a Ball', with a chain
Brooch 'Flowers in a Vase'
Green dragonfly brooch
Walking stick with art deco handle of a woman with dragonfly wings
bague « Chauve-souris »
bracelet de cheville « Chauve-souris »
pendentif « Deux coqs »
Dva přátelé
Zlé svědomí
Muž s dítětem
Dvě ženy se džbánky
Dva u zdi
The Forest
African King
Mr. Myself
Accordion Player
Children in the Garden
Mother and Child
House by the River
The Family of the Gypsy Bullfighter
The Victim of the Fiesta
Dwarf Gregorio
Corrida de toros en Eibar
Portrait de Domingo Ortega
Portrait de Belmonte
Barrès devant Tolède
La Naine Dona Mercedes
Le Palais archiépiscopal de Tarassona
Portrait de Lucienne Bréval
Portraits. Mon oncle et mes deux cousines
Victims of the Fiesta
Mountains of Calatayud
Alva B. Gimbel
Woman in Andalusian Dress
Mrs. Philip Lydig
Julia Wainwright Robbins
The Actress Consuelo
Castilian Landscape
My Uncle Daniel and his Family
Spanish Farmers at a Market
Landloper (De reizende schoolmeester)
Red Nude
My cousins
Copy of the Tears of Saint Peter, by El Greco
Portrait of a Bullfighter
Au bord de l'Oise
El Sena i Notre Dame de París
Pujada del Cremallera a Lucerna
Muntanya suïssa
El dia (còpia d'una escultura de Miquel Àngel)
Retrato del Infante Fernando de España (còpia d'una pintura de Luca de Holanda)
Paisatge de Fièsole
Passeig de xiprers (Fièsole)
Les meves cosines
Retrato del violonista Larrapidi (Portrait of the Violinist Larrapidi)
Torerillos de pueblo (Young Village Bullfighters)
Bailarina (Dancer)
Retrato de Madame Malinowska (La Rusa) (Portrait of Madame Malinowska [The Russian])
El Cristo de la sangre (Bleeding Christ)
Celestina (Matchmaker)
Don Plácido Zuloaga en su taller (Don Plácido Zuloaga in His Workshop)
Tipo de Segovia (Man from Segovia)
Retrato de Pablo Uranga pintando (Portrait of Pablo Uranga While Painting)
Cabeza de Lola (Lola's Head)
Paisaje de Calatayud (Landscape in Calatayud)
Paisaje de Alhama (Landscape in Alhama)
Lolita Muth Ben Maacha
Desnudo del clavel (Nude with Carnation)
Casas de Segovia (Houses in Segovia)
Mi prima Cándida (My Cousin Cándida)
Segovia: Old Houses
Retrato del pintor Balenciaga (Portrait of the Painter Balenciaga)
Self portrait with blue background
Retrato de Franco
Retrato de Millan-Astray
The Witches of San Millán
The Philosopher
Return of the Harvest
The Witches of San Millán
Retrato de la señora S. W. de S.
Spanish and an English on the balcony
Portrait of Ivan Shchukin (1869-1908)
Preparation for a Bullfight
Der Volksdichter Don Miguel von Segovia
View of the Escorial
Autoportrait de l'artiste au béret basque
Carlos de Beistegui
Anita Ramírez, in black
Spanische Bauern
El palco en los toros
La Oterito in her dressing room
The Hermit
Walking Man
Portrait d'Édouard Branly (1844-1940), physicien
Mrs. William Randolph Hearst
Lucrezia Bori
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo
My Cousin Cándida
Lucienne Bréval as Carmen
Mrs. Joseph Kerrigan
Still Life of Flowers
The Penitents
View of Toledo
Retrato de Olegario Peralbo
La gitana
Sir Robert Samuel Wright, Fellow (1861–1880)
Le nain Don Pedro
Portrait of Countess Mathieu de Noailles
Der Rinderhirte - El Vaquero
Still life with a figure of a saint XVIII
Flowers and butterflies
Conversation (F. Kowarski and T. Gronowski)
Portrait of a girl with a fan
Flowers and butterflies
Portrait of Maria Prochaska
Portrait with birds
Still life with azaleas
Still life with a basket
Land slide
Polish landscape
Still life with a small horse
Nude with a cat
Portrait of a man in a red beret (Władysław Piasecki)
The War and Us.
Self-portrait with Sicilian woman (Pomegranates)
Wisteria in bloom.
Portrait of Mrs Herse.
Portrait of Zofia Okuń née Tolkemit, the artist’s wife
Self-portrait in a Spanish costume
Autumn leaves
Aniene river
Female head
Southern landscape from Dubrovnik
Salome's dance
Śmierć Paganiniego
Autoportret z żoną na tle Anticoli Corrado.
Lady with a Muff
Mazurka de Chopin
Villa Borghese. Giardino del Lago
Musica Sacra
Apoteoza Jesieni
Small Town by Day (Badische Kleinstadt bei Tage)
Selbstbildnis vor der Litfaßsäule
Landschaft bei Berghausen
Female Nude by Plaster Head
Arbeit schändet
Der Mestize
An der Badeanstalt
Snow on Ayase river
Izumi Bridge in Rain (Izumi-bashi no ame)
In Spring
Plavenie koňa
Vlastní portrét
Selka na trhu
Venkovská svatba
Šeherezáda vypravuje Hárum al Rašidovi pohádku z Tisíce a jedné noci
Autoportrét (Vlastní podobizna)
Hlava pána v klobouku
Ženský portrét (Podobizna paní L.P.)
Podobizna paní Linky Procházkové
Podobizna muže
Krajina s továrními komíny
Zátiší s kdoulemi
Děvčátko s panenkou
Dívčí podobizna
Hlava dívky
Koncert na housle
Zátiší (Broskve)
Zátiší s černou kávou (Káva ve sklenici)
Sitzender Akt
Stillleben mit Tablett und Kuchen
Village with a Church
Still life with Pasque Flower
The Ivy Enlacing the Flower
The doctor's visit (Kafka's house)
Village Street, Leens / Yellow Inn
Jan Wiegers (kunstschilder, 1893-1959) (verso: Stilleven met fles, kom en hoed)
Paar op een strand (verso: onherkenbaar fragment)
Impression of Graveyard
Zonnebloemen met schilderij
Farm with Solitary Horseman
Blue and Brown Horse / Three Jockeys
Springende paarden met ruiters in heuvelachtig landschap
De pakhuisknecht (S-55/R)
Dravers (D-56/R)
Gestoord gesprek (S-63/R)
Theevisite onder het afdak (S-73)
Ruiters aan zee (S-77)
Portrait of Herman Poort (1886-1933)
Zonnebloemen (S-17)
Kerkgang in de sneeuw (S-13)
Stadsgezicht met sneeuw (S-24)
Stilleven met radijsjes (S46)
Boerderij in de buurt van Ommen (S-5)
Boomgaard in Onnen, 1919 (S-8)
Station (De Punt), 1920 (S-15)
Bal-masqué,1925 (S-32)
Portret van Jansje Cremer, 193901940 (S-71)
Stilleven met radijsjes
Twee paarden
Morgen in de herfst
Twee paarden
Chassidic Legends (suite I)
Hot printing van H.N. Werkman
vrouw met medicijnflesch
vrouw met gele sjaal
zittende vrouw
kop in profiel naar rechts
violoncel a
mannen met hondjes
porceleinen poppetje
mannetjes aan tafel
naaktfiguur op canapé
violoncel b
vrouw in 't groen
kompositie met figuur
naaktfiguur op canapé - variant
kompositie b
kompositie a
twee maskers
Werkmankast (S-83), Kast met 12 panelen, Kast met oudtestamentische voorstellingen,
Twee ruiters tussen bomen,
VERVALLEN Jansje Cremer (S-71), Vrouwenkop,
Stilleven met radijsjes (nieuw # 1970.0073),
Vorfrühling in Ostgalizien
Sonntag in der Lobau
Kirche in Holzern bei Säusenstein
Blick vom Belvedere auf Wien
Blick auf die Salesianerkirche
Dürnstein in der Wachau
Lusthaus im Prater
Morgen an der Donau
Ein Maitag in Dürnstein
Vienna Philharmonic brass group in rehearsal
Gardens of the Belvedere
Ein Sommertag
Portrait of the artist Nikolai Mikhailovich Plyusnin
Winners steles
Arrivée de Jules César à Genève
Ploumanac'h lighthouse
Dinan station
Château de Marson
Maison bleue
Palais du Commerce
Saint-Georges swimming pool
Ste-Onenne (Tréhorenteuc)
Église Sainte-Thérèse de Rennes
Halles centrales (Rennes)
Bains-douches de Laval
Immeuble, 7 avenue Jean-Janvier
Chapelle Saint-Alexis de Noyal-sur-Vilaine
hôtel de Farcy
Immeuble, 48 Boulevard Magenta (Rennes)
Maison, 158 rue de Nantes (Rennes)
Masonic temple, 24 rue Thiers (Rennes)
Café Glacier (Rennes)
Usine Morel et Gâté
Category:Paul Philippe Cret buildings
World War I Monument
Paul Philippe Cret records, 1919-1931 (predominantly 1919-1921)
Still-Life with a Pumpkin
Das Märchen
Bild mit dem Füllen
Composition / Sun in the Center
Abstract Composition
Bild mit blauem Haus
Beim Eichelhof in Nußdorf
Die Römische Ruine in Schönbrunn
Birkenwäldchen im Abendlicht
Heldenplatz mit Flieder
Blick von Heiligenstadt auf den Nußberg
Stimmungsstudie Abend, Michelhausen (Plankenberg)
Wassermühle in Goisern (nach Emil Jakob Schindler)
Figur in Landschaft
The Naschmarkt in Vienna
Interior at the Winter Palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736), Himmelpfortgasse, Vienna
Vor dem Festmahl
Winter Courtyard
Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
Prater Tree
Die Dr. Seipel-Straße in Mödling
Gebirgslandschaft bei Nebel mit Hammerschmiede
Outside the House (Artist's House on the Hohe Warte Hill, Vienna)
Die blaue Flasche
Abenddämmerung. Steinbruch an der Donau
At the Lunch Table
Bei der Schularbeit
Bohemians' Christmas Abroad
Funeral of a Homeguard
Elderly Woman
Landscape with a Figure
Double Portrait
Old Job (Illustration for the Poem of József Kiss)
Reclining Nude
A Candlelit Dinner
Pomník Jana Husa
August Vermeylenfonds 40, 1945-1985: kunstmap
Death Mask of Ernst Barlach (?)
Der junge Reiter
Desolate Street
Small Town Street
Shelling Beans
A Lad and a Lass
Morning in a Provincial Town
Still Life with Gingerbread Heart
Poppy-seed Cake
Nubes de primavera
Hazatérő testvérek
The Silence of Sunday on the Fields
Sunday Afternoon
Detail of a Village Street
Winter Glare
Merry Landscape
Still-Life with a Gingerbread Heart
A Young Man and a Girl (1904)
Mother (1901)
Profilportrait eines Mädchens
Moses strikes the rock for water
Eröffnung des Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanals
Hamburger Konvoischiff Kaiser Leopold im Kampf
Bildnis Midia Pines
Bildnis Genja Jonas
Waldweg in der Sächsischen Schweiz
Child with Fruit
Porträt des Malers Hans Christoph
Midia Pines
Tiere in Herbstlandschaft
Männliches Bildnis
Early spring
Scarborough (London and North Eastern Railway poster artwork)
A Sunny Terrace
Torgbrunnen, Nyköping
Swedish lion statue in Narva
Exteriörskiss till bostad för Georg von Rosen
The Effect of Time On Monuments. Mock-up of the decoration of a staircase at the Tate Gallery in London
Europe or The Autumn (Rothschild Pavilion)
Caravans from the Orient
L'Amor i el Centaure. L'Amor i el Silè. Estudi per a la decoració del Saló del marquès d'Alella a Barcelona
Fragment de composició amb sobreporta i figures. Decoració Palau Béarn
Fragment de composició amb lluita de centaures. Decoració Palau Béarn
Centenario de Balmes
Centenaire de Balmes
Aquest llibre pertany á M. Bultó
Nus femenins
Estudi de figura (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 003564-D)
Lluita de Jacob amb l'àngel. Primer projecte de decoració de la catedral de Vic
Benaventurats els que ploren perquè seran consolats. Lluneta, part esquerra. Vic
Benaventurats els que ploren perquè seran consolats. Lluneta, part central. Vic
Benaventurats els que ploren perquè seran consolats. Lluneta, part dreta. Vic
Benaventurats els que ploren perquè seran consolats. Primer projecte de decoració de la catedral de Vic
La Fortuna (The Fortune)
El verano o África (Summer or Africa)
La primavera o Asia (Spring or Asia)
El otoño o Europa (Autumn or Europe)
El invierno o América (Winter or America)
Expedition of the Queen of Sheba. Mock-up of the Maurice Wendel music room in Paris
Study for the Queen of Sheba Ceiling Mural at Hôtel Carnavalet (now Musée Carnavalet)
Seventh Voyage: The Elephants Capturing Sinbad
Seventh Voyage: Sinbad Captured by Pirates
Seventh Voyage: The Elephants' Burial Ground
Sinbad Recounting his Adventures at the Feast
Fifth Voyage: Slaying the Young Roc
Second Voyage: Sinbad Rescued by the Eagle
Third Voyage: The Wicked Giant
Fourth Voyage: Sinbad Betrothed to the Young Maiden
First Voyage: Sinbad and the Whale
Le tireur de cartes monté sur une autruche
La Dame d'atour de la reine de Saba et les oiseaux dont les plumes serviront à renouveller ses coiffures
Les philosophes avec leurs livres
L'empoisonneur à gages montés sur un dromadaire
Musiciens et jongleurs
Le fou et sa marotte
Les astrologues
Le secrétaire des commandements
Chevaux bondissants
Nuages et draperies
La reine de Saba, prête à quitter son royaume pour aller retrouver le roi Salomon, est assise sur une conque de nacre
Canvases by Josep Maria Sert
Tobias and the Angel
Scrumping Apples
Catedral de Sant Pere. Pintures
Mental Calculation. In Public School of S. A. Rachinsky
Portrait of Princess D.Gorchakova
Portrait of Maria Abamelek-Lazareva
"Portrait of Adjutant-General P. P. Gesse
Portrait of K.A.Gorchakov
New fairy tale
Portrait of Princess Maria Abamelek-Lazareva
Nicholas II (1868-1918), Emperor of Russia
At the School Door
Three Boys in the Woods
Portrait of Princess Darya M. Gorchakova, née Bibikova (1883-1962), the Wife of Prince Alexander K. Gorcakov
Reading a letter
Tug of war
Major H. W. C. Lloyd, Wiltshire Regiment
Russian actor Alexander Artem (1842-1914)
Three boys playing
At school doors
Portrait of N.P. Barsukov, 1902
Road to the Jones House
The Hupper Farm
Song of the Eagle That Mates with the Storm
The Signal
The Water Burial; From Solitude Series (1906)
The James Brothers in Missouri
Reception to Washington on April 21, 1789, at Trenton on his way to New York to Assume the Duties of the Presidency of the United States
Buttonwood Farm
Kidnapped, cover illustration
Still Life with Orange
All day he hung round the cove, or upon the cliffs, with a brass telescope
Reredos design, Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Washington National Cathedral
She still cooked for us when Tom asked her, but she never touched a pill herself. If there is any harder test for will power, you'll have to show it to me
Age grows calculating, but youth is spendthrift in its generosity. Even if the boy trudged home hungry, he intended that Jesus should be fed. He gave his evening meal to the Master
Study for a Landscape Mural (country scene)
Untitled (Chadds Ford landscape, unfinished or abandoned sketch)
Then Sir Launcelot saw her visage, but he wept not greatly, but sighed
Rocky Hill
The Dusty Bottle
The Wreck of the "Covenant" It was the spare yard I had got hold of, and I was amazed to see how far I had travelled from the brig
My Mother
The Fight in the Forest The battle was now entirely terminated, with the exception of the protracted struggle between Le Renard Subtil and Le Gros Serpent
Friendship Sloop
St. Andrew's School mural, presentation painting
Anthony Adverse, slip case spine decoration
The Last of the Mohicans, endpaper illustration
William Penn, Man of Vision · Courage · Action
Men of Concord, cover illustration
Peter Stuyvesant
untitled (two trees in an orchard)
The American Mother
The Odyssey of Homer, endpaper illustration
The Siege of the Round-House It came all of a sudden when it did, with a rush of feet and a roar, and then a shout from Alan
"The eight miners followed the treacherous trail cautiously, the wind whipping the red and blue into their faces."
Untitled (chase on horseback)
The War Letter
For all the world, I was led like a dancing bear
Three Fishermen
The boarders swarmed over the fence like monkeys
Portrait of a Dog
The Crystal Gazer
John Teel, Port Clyde
Treasure Island, endpaper illustration
Apotheosis of Franklin, presentation painting
In a Dream I Meet General Washington
Study for a Landscape Mural (stream and ducks)
Portrait of Carolyn Wyeth
The Mysterious Island, cover illustration
Pyle's Barn
"Look, look!," he whispered from behind teeth that clicked like castanets. "See! He's coming!"
Walden Pond Revisited
Study for a Landscape Mural (hills and a farm)
At the Cards in Cluny's Cage But Alan and Cluny were most of the time at the cards
Study for Wyeth Family mural
The Flight Across the Lake The scout having ascertained that the Mohicans were sufficiently of themselves to maintain the requisite distance, deliberately laid aside his paddle, and raised that fatal rifle
David Balfour, cover illustration
It was after this attack that the High Command published to the German army: "The moral effect of our own gunfire can not seriously impede the advance of the American Infantry."
Still Life with Onions
I said good-bye to Mother and the cove
Still Life with Geranium and Citrus Fruit
Herring Gut
"From an upper snow platform to which the hard blocks were thrown, a second man heaved them over the bank."
Dying Winter
The Drowning
Untitled (Figure of a woman in 17th-century dress)
Brinton's Falls
She was in his arms with an inarticulate cry.
"Howdy, Shade. I see your hunt for gold hasn't improved your manners," he said mockingly.
untitled (view of Port Clyde Harbor)
Chadds Ford Landscape - July 1909
Sometimes Two or Three Would Make Up a Partnership for the Sake of Greater Safety
Then, climbing on the roof, he had with his own hand bent and run up the colors
Study for a Landscape Mural (autumn hill scene)
First Farmer of the Land
One last tremendous cut which would certainly have split him to the chin[e] had it not been intercepted by our big signboard of Admiral Benbow
Elizabeth and Essex, untitled headpiece illustration
The Fight with Old Slewfoot
Elizabeth and Essex, untitled headpiece illustration
Public Health and Morale
Dark Rosaleen, dust-jacket illustration
Then the king . . . ran towards Sir Mordred, crying, "Traitor, now is thy death day come"
Roaring River, dust-jacket illustration
Our lives depended upon our helmsman
The Bloody Angle
Country Gentleman, cover illustration
The Runaway
After a long look I saw that he did not resume his narrative. By that I knew that the stranger was troubling him.
Island Funeral
The Turkey Hunters, presentation painting
The Home Seekers
Teels Ledge, Georges Islands, Maine
Gray Day, Cannibal Shore, Maine
Zirngiebel House, Needham -- Heavy Snow
The Recipe Book
Still Life with Chipped Blue Bowl and Bittersweet
On the October Trail. (A Navajo family.)
Captain Brown, Port Clyde, Maine
A Drilling Hut at Nightfall
Heath with a Weathered Pine and a Path
Sandy Path with Distant Panorama
Foggy Landscape
The Lobsterman (The Doryman)
Commodore Hornblower
Deep Cove Lobster Man
Bronco Buster
Rural Delivery (Where the Mail Goes, 'Cream of Wheat' Goes)
"Keep your arms folded!" (Education of Trooper Brown)
Sheep Herder
Moving Camp
Illustration for "Drums"
A Trapper
Brandywine Landscape
Even as Jim looked, two men, locked and striking furiously at each other, swayed through the opening.
Untitled (view of Eight Bells)
Rose Salterne and the White Witch
Lunch for Daddy
Study for a Landscape Mural (stream and cows)
"And will you stay on--after last night?"
The Sirens
Walden Pond Revisited
Untitled (Chadds Ford landscape)
The Termagant Throwing back her light vestment, she stretched forth her long skinny arm, in derision
Onion House
Eseldorf was a paradise for us boys
The Last of the Mohicans, cover illustration
The Abdication of Attila
Still Life with Pipe
"Oh, gentle knight," said la Belle Isolde, "full woe am I of thy departing"
The battle of Stirling Castle
They were now fighting above the knees in the spume and bubble of the breakers
The Supplicant Cora had cast herself to her knees; and, with hands clenched in each other and pressed upon her bosom, she remained like a beauteous and breathing model of her sex
Untitled (N. C. Wyeth's Home, Chadds Ford)
No four-year-old in the county / Could beat him for pretty and strong
Little Breeches, with capital letter "I"
Portrait of Andrew Newell Wyeth
She belonged in this garden, in the checker of light and shadow and exotic color, slender like a young bamboo and rounded as a purple passion fruit.
Portrait of Henriette Wyeth
Untitled (N. C. Wyeth's Barn)
Mr. Scroggs lifted up his voice in a passionate prayer.
Pastoral of the South-west.
"Couldn't he write about common people--about cops and bums and sailors and crooks and places where reg'lar people lived?"
Magua Captures Alice He hesitated a moment; and then catching the light and senseless form of Alice in his arms, the subtle Indian moved swiftly across the plain toward the woods
"He rose to his feet and flung the six pounds of powerful explosive far out into the great snow comb."
"They cannot better die than for their natural lord," said Dick
Teel's Landing, Port Clyde, Maine
Untitled (view of Wyeth home, 1908-1911)
Blubber Island, Port Clyde, Maine
The Twentieth Century and the First The Dramatic Contrast of an English Tank in the Streets of Jerusalem
The Hunter
In the Crystal Depths
N. C. Wyeth's Studio, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
Self-portrait as a Young Man
Fairy Cove, Port Clyde
Portrait of Henriette Zirngiebel Wyeth
Still Life with Tray
The Lovers Heyward and Alice took their way together towards the distant village of the Delawares
Late Spring Morning
The Pike County Ballads, untitled tailpiece (child with lambs)
Westward Ho!, cover illustration
Henriette in the Orchard
So the child was delivered unto Merlin, and so he bare it forth
The Last of the Chestnuts
Captain Harding slays a convict
The pledge
Then he looked in her face, playing softer and softer
The Battle at Glens Falls Each of the combatants threw all his energies into that effort, and the result was, that both tottered on the brink of the precipice
Kidnapped, title page illustration
New Story Magazine, cover illustration
"See here Harjes, don't you ask me to do any of your dirty work--because I won't do it!"
Helen descends the Glen of Stones
"Ahi! If he hurts so much as the little finger of my captain," Memgumban screamed, "I shall tie you to an ant hill." And he leaped at the Chinaman with his kris
And putting their mouths to the level of a starry pool, they drank their fill
Two Pipers in Balquhidder All night long the brose was going and the pipes changing hands
Untitled (man plowing a field)
As he paused by the door with his head bowed, a firm, gentle hand was laid on his sleeve.
The Meeting of the Generals As soon as this slight salutation had passed, Montcalm moved towards them with a quick but graceful step, baring his head to the veteran and dropping his spotless plume ne
Death of Edwin
Ayrton's Fight With The Pirates
Smokey Face
"One more step, Mr. Hands," said I, "and I'll blow your brains out!"
Thanksgiving with Indians
Mending Traps, Martinsville, Maine
Oh, Morgan's men are out for you; and Blackbeard--buccaneer!...
Roping Horses in the Corral
Stand away from that girl!
The Boy Columbus on the Wharf at Genoa (The Vision of Columbus)
Богиня мурості Афіна
Portrait of a Girl
Death and the Maiden
A Witch on Pegasus
Ex Libris Kner I.
Statue of Stephanus Bathory
Dame im blauen Kleid
Zwei Schwestern
Countryside of Rome
Portrét stojacej ženy
Zvěstování - Ave Maria.
Abenddämmerung in Ober-Sievering
Pastier koní-Na Hortobágyi
Man in the Open Air
Two Nudes
Fawn (Le Jeune Cerf)
Study for "Man in the Open Air"
Woman's Head
Woman's Head in Profile, Facing Left
Standing Woman
Untitled (Female Nude Standing)
Dancing Figure
Samuel Gross
Swann Memorial Fountain
Statue of Leif Erikson (Reykjavík)
The Dance of Life Begins Early
Statue of Leif Erikson (Newport News, Virginia)
Path in Wicie
Am Wannsee
Viehmarkt in Nördlingen
The Huntsman
Still Life with Buste
Portret van Albert Verwey
Landschap bij Ploumanach
Village among the Rocks
Little Schoolgirl
Fischstillleben mit Zitrone
Landschap, rotsachtig dal, het Ploumanach
Stilleven met flessen
La Rêve du fumeur
Bloemstuk, Chrysanten
Natur Morte
De boom (L'Arbre)
Bouteilles et Fruits
Studie Veere
Farmhouse, Zandvoort, Holland
Mountaineers Attacked by Bears
Le Poète Paul Castiaux
Voorstudie van
Voorstudie Portret Albert Verwey
Le Chasseur
Dorp in rotslandschap
Studie voor 'De overvloed'
Woman with Mirror
Zeeuwse boerinnen
Bloemen in pot
De jager
De overvloed
Landschap met rotsen
Landschap te Meulan-Hardricourt
Village in the Mountains
Maisons dans les rochers à Ploumanac'h
Paysage de Ploumanac'h
Still life with fowers in a swan shaped vase
A village in a valley under a cloudy sky
Farmhouses under trees
Jardinière on a table
Still life with flower and bottles
Still life with flowers, saint and crucifix
Still life with flowers and bottle
Flowers in a crock
Still life with daisies
Still life with flowers and icon
Still life with flowers and a statue
Still life with tulips
Still life with aspidistra and sunflowers
Es ist nicht wahr.
Léglise de Gros-Rouvres
Gezicht op de Sloterkade in de winter
Jeune bretonne
Portrait of Albert Verwey (1865-1937)
Les Moissons
Pierre-Jean Jouve
Ploumanach, La Falaise
Dona asseguda
Mas Manolo
La Grille
La cuina
Bou i carro
La Llovera
Home assegut (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 207042-000)
Dona ajupida
Noia rossellonesa
La Llovera (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 004746-000)
La Cresta
Les dues catalanes
Nu masculí (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 108331-D)
Nu masculí (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 108330-D)
Retrat del pintor Joaquim Sunyer
Anell: El pecat original
Penjoll (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 113745-000)
Penjoll (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 113744-000)
Dona ajupida (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 005653-000)
La Cresta (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 004749-000)
Torero (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 010219-000)
monument aux morts de la guerre de 1914-1918
Monument to Déodat de Séverac
The cat
Femme allongée au miroir
Femme à l'enfant
Mutter mit Kindern, Skulptur von Prof. Felix Pfeifer in Bitterfeld
Der Sommermorgen
Bauernhof bei Zwettl
Trüber Abend
Alte Häuser in Gaudenzdorf
Der Wanderer
Aus der Zwettler Gegend
Silver Birches in a Landscape
Hof im Waldviertel
Stehende Frau unter Bäumen, auf einen Fluß blickend
Stillleben mit Kakteen
Bildnis eines Mädchens
Armenhäuslerin (Alte Frau am Fenster)
girl at the sea
Noah/ Östliches Dorf
Suzanne Valadon sur son lit de mort
Femme portant son enfant dans les bras
Marien Pré et la chasse au tigre
Portrait de Marien Pré
Vue de Prague
Portrait d'Edouard Herriot
Tossa de Mar
Portrait de Marien Pré
Cour du Palais Saint-Pierre à Lyon
Femme assise de profil sur une chaise
Fillette assise
Nu féminin assis
Femme au miroir
Přívoz v Troji
Španělská krajina – Skica k pohledu na Tossa del Mar
Ženský akt
Motiv aus Hamburg
Konzert - Vernissage
Glockengießerwall in Hamburg
Dame mit Rosen
Landschaft im Schnee - Hamburg
Vzpomínka na Gauguina
Park mit Papageien
Výjev z parku - Zoologická zahrada v Hamburku
Weg im Park
Scène de théâtre
Beim Essen
Portrait einer Dame mit Hut
Portrait einer Dame mit Hut (2)
Akt, Haare kämmend
Bildnis einer Frau
Still life with Japonaiserie
Stilleben mit Obst
Selbstbildnis (2)
Selbstbildnis - auf der Rückseite eine Aktzeichnung
Mädchen mit verschränkten Armen
Dame mit Dekolleté
Koně v Boulogneském lesíku
V divadle
Verpacken der Zitronen auf Mallorca
Portrait of Otto Gutfreund
Česající se žena
Josefa Putifarka
Stilleben mit Kanne und grünem Glas
Drei Akte in Landschaft - Urteil des Paris
Zátiší se džbánem
Zátiší s dózou a kalami
Zamyšlený akt
Ležící akt
V přírodě - Milenci
Liegender Akt im Garten
Akte (Bethlehemitischer Kindermord – Raub der Sabinerinnen)
Bäume an der Küste – Landschaft I
Leute am Fluß
Studie zum Bild Rettung des kleinen Moses – Töchter des Pharaos
Dcery faraonovy
Dívka v kožichu
Krajina se stavením a ženou
Krajina u Kralup
Tři akty
Modelky v ateliéru
Sedící akt
Ležící akt
Nude in a Landscape
Sedící ženský akt se dvěma tulipány
Hlava dívky
Továrna u Kralup
Tossa del Mar
Kuřácké zátiší se žlutou dózou
Natura morta
Woman with a Parrot
Podobizna sedící ženy - paní Nora Karsová
Deux filles sur la plage
Spravování sítí - Tossa del Mar
Le marche à Tossa
Zuav s koněm
Cesta s agave a domy
Akt s červeným županem
Les gants noirs
White House
Muž na balkóně
Mladý Španěl
Balet - studie k obrazu
Fille en costume traditionnel
Stojící ženská postava
Dívčí akt
Děvče na pláži
Mangeuse de cerises
Les acrobates
winterlandscape .....
Landscape with riding soldiers
Fighting soldiers (......)
Tête de femme de trois quarts
Tête de femme de trois quarts
Tête de jeune garçon
Portrait de femme
Les joueurs de billard
modèle féminin assis au buste nu
Portrait de femme de profil
Portrait d'homme
Nu assis de profil
Réunion mondaine
Deux personnages debouts en discussion
Dortoir de femmes
Scène de maison close
Scène de maison close
Jardin public
Le récital
Vue plongeante de ville
Paysage animé
Paysage animé
Danseurs espagnols
Nu féminin de dos devant un miroir
Deux hommes chapeautés en buste
Dame assise dans un train
Peintre dessinant un modèle
Au spectacle
Parc à Monte Carlo
Deux hommes assis de face
Femme à la voiture d'enfant et soldats
Poulain couché
Nu allongé sur le dos
Le peintre cubiste Marcoussis
Utrillo allongé jouant de la flûte
Femme au buste nu
Repos en plein air
Jeune femme à l'ouvrage
Nu féminin assis de dos
André Utter's portrait
Femme au chapeau
Fillette assise sur une chaise
Paysage citadin au mur rouge
Femme assise devant une fenêtre
Nu féminin debout
Nu féminin assis de dos
Femme au foulard
Femme étendue demi-nue
Femme en buste
Nu féminin debout
Femme chapeauté assise dans un fauteuil
Jeune femme assise de face
La famille
La porcelaine de Höchst
Paysage à Tossa de Mar
Paysage avec église
Le couple
Les danseurs
L'Homme au cheval
Portrait de Georges Kars
Portrait de Georges Kars par lui-même
Couple assis avec enfant
Portrait de Georges Kars assis
Femme a la Cruche-une Orientale
Nature Morte
Die Gattin des Künstlers
In the Park
Woman with parrot
Portrait de Richard Prè
Flowers and Monkeys
Sitting nude
Portrait de Madame Kars
La robe pointillée
Woman dressing
Adamo ed Eva
Self portrait
Hlava ženy
Krajinné zátiší - Zahrada - Park
Ležící akt
Milenecký pár a vetřelci
Městečko na jihu (Tossa del Mar ?)
Odpočívající Eržika
Operace (porod, pitva)
Pláž (Tossa de Mar)
Portrét ženy (Nevěsta Žena (Nora?) se závojem)
Pyrenejské městečko (Tossa de Mar?)
Sedící ženský akt
Sedící ženský akt
Reiter und Flaneure im Park
Portrait of the painter Utrillo
Autoportrait ou l'Homme à la pipe
La Caladoise
La Plage
Les danseurs de Flamenco
Monte Carlo
Nature morte aux fruits et legumes
Nu allonge
Petit paysan Slovaque
Portrait d'Utrillo
Portrait de femme aux roses rouges
Vue de Lyon
Portrait de femme
The pupil at the easel
My friend Pre and the tiger hunt
Red odalisque
Woman with gray shawl
Femme nue
Woman in an Armchair
Landscape in Southern France
Nu allongée
Femme assise
Cubist Still Life
Paysage avec une église
Modèle au fauteuil rouge
Femme au tricot
Cour dans la ville
Two female Nudes
Deploration du Christ
Au Colombier
La Citadelle
Nu assis
Les emballeuses de citrons
Junges Mädchen mit Rose
A woman in an armchair
Femme au ruban rose
La Signora Amb Un Lloro
Près de Vaisons dans le Vaucluse
La mangeuse de cerises
Les perroquets verts
Le ballet
La petite fille aux cerises
Nu à l'écharpe couché
Nu à la plante verte
Nu au tub
Les joueurs d'échecs
Jeune fille à la pomme
Portrait de femme
Portrait de femme de profil
Les âges de la vie
Scène avec personnages
Paysan et paysanne assis sous un arbre
Femme et enfant
Portrait d'homme assis de profil
La famille
Nu d'homme debout de dos
Académie d'homme de dos
Portrait de femme
Tête féminine
Portrait de jeune garçon
Tête d'enfant
Portrait de femme de profil
Tête de femme
Die Folgen der Trinksitte
The Children of Lir
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–1587), at Fotheringhay
The Challenge
Force and Reason
Frank Coutts
Ivory, Apes and Peacocks (The Queen of Sheba)
The Fomors (or The Power of Evil Abroad in the World)
Loch Coruisk and the Cuillins from Elgol
Masque of Love
Merlin and the Fairy Queen
Fand and Manannan
'According to your faith be it unto you'
Jehanne d'Arc et sa garde ecossaise
The Taking of Excalibur
The Children of Lir
Bruce and De Bohun
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–1587), at Fotheringhay
Portrait of a Lady
Tristan and Isolde
The Coming of Bride
Baba and Billy (portrait of the artist's daughter, Vivian)
The Unicorns
Ivory, Apes and Peacocks
Water bearer at Lake Garda
Portrét paní G. M.
Blick auf Tossa del Mar
Zátiší s hroznem vína v košíku
Sitting Man
Mužský akt
Portrait of Richard Weiner
Koupání u potoka
Bunch of Flowers
Man with Horses (Ploughing)
Ležící akt
Ranní toaleta
Elsa a Fifi
Portrét ženy
Jezdec s červenou čepičkou
Zátiší s kraby
Sedící akt
Dívka v okně
Náměstí před kostelem Tossa de Mar
Na Alstře v Hamburku - Pobřeží
V přírodě - Milenci
Francouzské pobřeží
Španělská krajina
Portrét dámy
Zátiší se zelenou sklenicí
Pletoucí žena u kamen
Stojící ženský akt
Sedící ženský akt
Standing female nude with drapery
Kopie Goyova Portrétu královské rodiny
Dvě dívčí hlavy
Podobizna mladého muže
Pobřeží s molem
Dům v zahradě
Dům v zahradě
Čtoucí žena v parku
Mittagessen vor dem Haus I
Mittagessen vor dem Haus II
Muž v buřince (nedokončeno)
Sedící akt
Mezi domy (nedokončeno)
Madona s dítětem
Studie ke svatému Jiří
Svatý Jiří
Krajina III
Stromy na pobřeží - Krajina II
Sedící ženský akt
Drei weibliche Akte – Urteil des Paris
Akt - Žena v zeleném
Dáma s kožešinovým límcem
Zátiší s houslemi
Skica k portrétu Pavly Loewensteinové
Skicář Georga Karse z let 1939/1940
Skicář Georga Karse z roku 1924
Studie chlapce v kroji
Studie ženského aktu
Studie ženy (akt)
Zátiší s ovocem, cukřenkou a konvičkou
Zátiší s kyticí ve džbánu
Zátiší s rybami
Šlejškování husy
Ženský akt
Ženský akt se závojem
Three Nudes
Landschaft auf Mallorca
Stilleben mit blauem Glas
Landschaft um Mallorca
Sunday on the Periphery
Wrapping Lemons
Statue of Honor
Büyük Utku Anıtı
Sarı Köşk Atatürk büstü
Marjory Kennedy, Mrs A.Y. Fraser, 1857 - 1930. Musician and collector of Hebridean songs
Marjory Kennedy Fraser, 1857 - 1930. Muusikko ja hebridealaisten laulujen kerääjä
Angus Og, God of Love and Courtesy, Putting a Spell of Summer Calm on the Sea
Saint Bride
Masque of Love
A Rocky Shore
A Beach Scene
Phlegethon - John Duncan
Portrait of Rachel Annand Taylor
The Taking of Excalibur
The Glaive of Light
A Sorceress
Peacocks and Fountain (decorative panel)
Hymn to the Rose
The Messenger of Tethra
The Riders of the Sidhe
The Venus that was Never Finished
Blühender Garten vorm Gewitter
Der Hafen von Toulon
Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Bildnis Dr. Anton Zimmermann
Garten im Herbst
Neckar Landscape at Gundelsheim
Rose Bed
Portrait der Sängerin H. Kraeft-Bengson
Nächtliche Alp
Paris, Montmartre
Women at harvest
Two irises
Akrobaten, Grotesker Balanceakt
Frauen vor dem Hau
Blühende Waldbäume II (Flowering Tree II)
Ernst Barlach
Denkmal 1914/18
Preparation for the Feast
Frau Hilde Radnay
Schlafender Lakai
Abend in Walde
" Rinderherde " ( Kühe an der Tränke )
" Ruhende Kälber "
Columbus Circle
Tieranatomische Wandtafeln
The Coward
Mädchen mit Maske
Der Feldherr
Meta Nierendorf geb. Corens
Die klugen und die törichten Jungfrauen
Maschinenhalle (Dreherei)
An der Kohlenrampe (2)
Monument Indië-Nederland
Monument Moerdijkbrug
De kunstenaar en de muze
Ot en Sien
Ulrik Huber
Banks of the Seine in Île de France
Retrat d'un home amb barretina
El Sena
Cap d'home jove
Dona contemplant les ruïnes de Pompeia i text amb vinyetes (4 pàgs.)
«Oració San Josep»
El Sena (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 011425-000)
Ribera del Sena a l'Illa de França
The Seine
The Seine
El Jardín
Portrait of Johannes Cornelis Wienecke (1872-1945), medalist
Portrait of Johan d' Aulnis de Bourouill (1850-1930)
Portrait of Jacobus Adrianus van Leeuwen (1870-1930)
Portrait of Hugo Rudolph Kruyt (1882-1959)
Portrait of Jacob Haverschmidt (1862-1938)
Portrait of Jan Frederik Niermeyer (1866-1923)
Portrait of Jan Anthony Cramer (1864-1952)
Portret van Jan van Leeuwen, hoogleraar Griekse Taal- en Letterkunde te Leiden
Dr. Ludwig Ebstein Ex Libris
Die Wartenden
Arrival in Theresienstadt.
Der Wagen
The Kids
Queue for food
Synagogue in Theresienstadt
Birches in autumn
Broom blossom
Landscape with brook
Landscape with pine forest
Pine trees
Flock of sheep on the river
Wide landscape
St. Firminus Church in Dötlingen
Birlenbacher Hütte Anno 1504
Die Birlenbacher Hütte Anno 1904
Stilleven met bloemen en Japanse vaas
Strijken van zinkstuk voor de Zuiderzeewerken
Theodor Hermann von Leschetizky monument, Türkenschanzpark
Bild I
Tor hos Trym
The new Märkisches Museum at the Waisenbrücke
Longo catalogue
Windmühle Paplitz
Im Hellergarten
Kornpuppen am Hellergut
An der Bobritzsch im Winter
Corn Stooks
Birch path on the Heller near Dresden
Biddende mensen
De Sint-Jacobskerk te Antwerpen
De dronkaard
Eenzaam paard
Door de sneeuw
Na de foor
Het sportpaleis te Antwerpen
Figuren in een landschap
Fragment uit de reeks 'De man met de steen'
In 't schipperskwartier (Ost op wandel in de volksbuurt)
De uitvaart
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
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Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
De voetballer
The pig seller
Ypres Remember
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Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
Ypres Remember
De opruimers
De bruut ("De volbrachte taak")
Verlatenheid ("Het oude paard")
Na de dagtaak ("Arme mensen")
Molen in de mist
Bestormers van het lot
Dansende vrouw
Au Comptoir (Bar")
De zoen
Oostende in de mist
Beschoten vissersboot in de haven van Oostende
Luchtaanval op de vismijn van Oostende
Luchtaanval op de vismijn van Oostende
Kursaal van Oostende
Jongenskop met rood haar
Kalenderblad April 1894
Omslag maandschrift voor vercieringskunst
Oorkonde van de Veereniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels voor de Internationale Tentoonstelling voor Boekhandel en Aanverwante Vakken te Amsterdam
Zelfportret van de schilder Carel Adolph Lion Cachet
Portrait of a man in krymka.
Wiesenlandschaft mit Wasser und Staffage
Krajobraz z rzeką
Countryside landscape with a hut
Winter landscape with a stream
Countryside landscape with a farmyard
Winter landscape with cottages
Forest landscape
Nocturnal landscape
Suburban winter landscape
Landscape – Cottages at waterside
Landscape with willows
Autumn landscape with a cottage at waterside
Landscape with a cottage
Portrait of a man
Landscape with water and bulrush
Winter landscape
Willows at waterside
Landscape with a cottage
Landscape at sunset
Summer landscape with a cottage on marshland
Landscape with cows
Pejzaż z brzozami
Landscape from the Environs of Krakow
Landscape from the Vincity of Krakow
Winter Landscape
De boom van goed en kwaad
Johannes Hellner
Skiss till gravyr på glasskål
Bretoense van Pont-l' Abbé
De schoonmaakster
Nachtelijk landschap met kersttafereel in schuur
De maaier
Portrait of Sophie Wolfers
La fileuse
Girl with fuschias
Woman at her toilet
Still life with mushrooms and a pitcher
Buddha with flower still life
The man from the Ardennes
A J.C. Eelde, secretari del Muntcollege
A Mr. L.W.A. Besier, director de la seca d'Utrecht
A J.H.L de Haas, pintor, per al seu 70è aniversari
25è aniversari de la reina mare Emma
A Jacob Van Lokhorst pel seu jubileu com arquitecte en cap
Visita de la Reina Mare a la Casa de la moneda
A Josef Israëls en el seu 80è aniversari
25è aniversari de les noces de Jbr. Mr. E.W.Berg i A.A.Lenting
A Sietske Wienecke, mare de l'artista
Sindicat general dels fabricants de sucre de Java
Sindicat General dels fabricants de sucre de Java
Generaal Karel van der Heijdenbank
Landscape with Farmhouses
Landschap met landweg, sloot en donkere lucht
Het passagiersschip ss. Gelria in het Julianadok te Amsterdam
Een viermastbark op de Maas voor Rotterdam
Revue over de jachtvloot
Opleidingsschip Hr.Ms. Admiraal van Wassenaar in het Oosterdok te Amsterdam
Het Duitse viermast-barkschip Parma te Amsterdam
Zelfportret van J. van der Linde
Botters voor de haven van Volendam
Een tjalk onder zeil
Een tjalk ter hoogte van een havenhoofd
Het klipperfregatschip Alice
Het model van een driemastschip
Een klipperfregatschip afgemeerd aan de wal
Het fregatschip Lwow afgemeerd aan de wal
Een scheepswerf
Het viermast-barkschip Alice
Het vrachtschip ss. Rossum in het Noordzeekanaal bij de Hembrug
Het passagiersschip ss. Rotterdam van de Holland-Amerika Lijn
Een tjalk onder zeil
Het ms. Colombia op zee
Het ss. Maaskerk op zee
Het ms. Oranje Nassau op zee
Het ms. Delft op zee
Gezicht op het IJ
Het s.s. 'Amstelkerk' van de Vereenigde Nederlandsche Scheepvaartmaatschappij
River with Barges and a Windmill
River with a Cottage and Trees
Windmill and a Pond
Dutch Seascape with Fishing Boats
Portrait of Hendrik Dirk Kruseman van Elten (1829-1904)
Portrait of Margaretha Rudophina Westerman Holstijn (?-1916)
Portrait of Frederik Hendrik Pont
Le laboureur
Alice by the Fireside
The Church at Bourlon
Ignacio Zuloaga as a Torero
Avenue of the Château, Bourlon, Western Front
Frederick James Furnivall (1825–1910), FBA, DLitt, Honorary Fellow (1902–1910)
The Old Gardener
Blasted Trees (blue version)
At the Window
The Beech Wood
Self Portrait
The Violinist
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Charles Conder
The artist's son and his wife
Charles Conder
An artist in France
Aliens at prayer
Exposition of the Talmud
Frank Harris
Robbie Ross
William Henry Hudson
William Michael Rossetti
Eric Gill; Alice Mary (née Knewstub), Lady Rothenstein
John Drinkwater
Sir William Rothenstein
Jews Mourning in a Synagogue
Norman Hamlet
The Butcher’s Shop under the Trees
Miss Edith Lockyer Williams
The White Cliffs, Vaucottes
Two Women
Jan Toorop
The Doll’s House
James Stephens
Woman Standing in Doorway
The Princess Badroulbadour
Barn at Cherington, Gloucestershire
Barnett Freedman
Portrait of Sir John Rothenstein C.B.E.
Mother and Child
A Scene in the Spitalfields Synagogue
The Hon. Alice Caroline Helen Buchan, Lady Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy (1908 -1993)
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
The Watch on the Rhine (The Last Phase)
Portrait of Harold Jones
Florence Beerbohm
André Gide
Sir Rabindranath Tagore
Sir Frederick Pollock
Mauritz Rothenstein
Sir Frank Short
Two Studies of Alice Mary Knewstub (later Mrs. Rothenstein)
Alice Mary Knewstub (later Mrs. Rothenstein)
George Gissing
Arthur Wing Pinero
William Henley
Sir Henry Acland, Bart.
W.A.L. Fletcher
Robinson Ellis
Viscount St. Cyres
W.R. Morfill
C.B. Fry
Friedrich Max Muller
Earl Beauchamp
James A.H. Murray
Mr. J. Conway-Rees
Walter Horatio Pater
Mr. F.W. Bussell
Professor Margoliouth
Mr. Max Beerbohm
Ingram Bywater
Hilaire Belloc
The Rev. Charles Henry Olive Daniel
Mr. Hartwell de la Garde Grissell
E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S.
Mr. James Hearn
John Scott Burdon Sanderson, D.M.
Arthur Sidgwick
Mr. Joseph Wells, M.A.
Frederick York Powell, M.A.
The Painter Charles Conder
Ruins at Chaulnes
Camouflaged Gun at Hervilly
Old Houses at Péronne
A 6-inch Naval Gun in Action at Montigny Farm
Oakridge Farm - Late Summer
Pratima Tagore
Portrait of Sir Bosdin Leech
Chief Marshal Sir Frederick Bowhill
Captured Machine Gun Position, Bourlon
Bourlon Church and Village
Battlefield, Bourlon
Entrance to Bourlon
The Destroyed Chateau, Bourlon
Destroyed Bridge at Huy
Avenue leading to Bourlon Wood
The Great Square at Cambrai
Bourlon Village and Pond
Interior of the Church, Bourlon
A Canadian Piper
A view of Bonn from the River
British Guns outside the University, Bonn
Brigadier General Robert Walter Paterson
Interior (Lady with a Hat)
Portrait of an Unknown Lady in a Hat
Coster Girls
Edward Gordon Craig (1872–1966), as Hamlet in 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare
Augustus John (1878–1961)
The Browning Readers
Le Grand-I-Vert (Night)
In the Morning Room
Self Portrait
The Old Quarry, Hawksworth
The Church of St Seine L'Abbaye
Sir Francis Darwin (1848–1925), Reader in Botany (1888–1904), FRS (1882), Honorary Fellow (1906)
A Corner of the Talmud School
Carrying the Law
Reading the Book of Esther
Nature's Ramparts
Evening in Benares, India
The Storm
Eli the Thatcher
War Cartoon (right panel)
War Cartoon (left panel)
Sir Ernest Debenham (1865–1952), Bt
Tree in Winter
The Watch on the Rhine
Ypres Salient
Self Portrait
Wych Elm in Winter
Self Portrait
Buffer Girls
Oakridge Farm, Late Summer
The Toilet
Sir Thomas Roe at the Court of Ajmir, 1614
Self Portrait – Principal, 1925–1930
Dessert in the Senior Common Room, Worcester College
Sir Arthur Hutchison (1866–1937)
Claude Montefiore
The Right Honourable Sir Austen Chamberlain, KG, PC, MP
Unknown Bomber Crew
Air Crew Group
Sir Arthur Dixon
South-west Wind
Mother and Child, Candlelight
Oakridge Craftsmen
Le Dent du Midi from Leysin, Switzerland
Mrs L. Barbara Hammond (1875–1961)
Spring, the Morning Room
Iles Farm, Far Oakridge, Gloucestershire
George Edward Baker (1846–1924), Fellow (1870–1910)
The Old Priest
Miss Grant
Sir Thomas Roe's Embassy to the Court of Jehangir
St Martin's Summer
Max Beerbohm (1872–1956)
Arthur Beresford Pite (1861–1934)
Avenue at Bourlon, Western Front
Flower, Fruit and Thorn Piece
Iles' Farm, Winter
Rachel Queen
Lord Cullen of Ashbourne (1864–1932), KBE, Governor of the Bank of England (1918–1920)
The Right Honourable Brien Ibrican (1864–1932), Baron Cullen of Ashbourne, KBE, Governor of the Bank of England (1918–1920)
The Cloth Hall, Ypres
Berthe Rothenstein
Princess Betty
The Right Honourable Charles Booth (1840–1916)
Rachael and Betty
Alfred Chaston Chapman (1869–1932), FRS
Barn at Far Oakridge, Gloucestershire
Moritz Rothenstein (1836–1914)
Professor Alfred Marshall (1842–1924), Lecturer in Political Economy and Fellow
Sparrows Chasing Flying Insects
Leaping Carp
Flock of Geese and Moon
The farmer and soil bacteriologist Dr. h.c. Albert von Caron (1853-1933)
Selbstbildnis im Gefängnis
Pohľad na Bratislavu z petržalského brehu
A Session of the Art Society 'Als Ik Kan'
Children of the Sea
The Painter Jacques Rosseels
Sketch of a horse
Sketch of a Horse
Study for The Mermaids
Study for Autumn
Study for The Golden Canvas of Flanders
Jacobus George Robbers (1838-1925), directeur Elsevier 1880-1925
Woman and Child
Sea Waves
Sheep in a Field (Study)
Battle Scene
The Flight from Antwerp
Sneyers, Amaat (19e eeuw)
Mertens, Charles (1865-1919); schilder, tekenaar en etser
Portrait of Max Rooses
Portrait of Max Rooses
Portrait of the painter F.P. ter Meulen, chairman of Pulchri Studio 1910-1914
Interior with a lady in a painter's studio
In the Jardin du Luxembourg
statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ
Spring Waters (Maestoso)
Portret van Sixta Heddema
Strokarton en aardappelmeel in de Veenkolonie
Roggevelden en kippeteelt
Self portrait
Portret Hannah Höch;
Shepherd with Sheep
La Femme à l'éventail
Nature morte à l'aiguière et aux fruits
Eugène Ysaÿe i Raoul Pugno a la Salle Pleyel
reclining nude
A young girl seated, wearing an elaborate red hat
Long live the Social!
Sans titre
Œillets d'Inde
El Marne a Nogent. Capvespre de setembre
Claveles lozas y frutas
Esquisse pour la mairie de Nogent-sur-Marne : Le repos - la navigation
Esquisse pour la mairie de Nogent-sur-Marne : Le canotage - le labourage - la villégiature - le jardinage
La jeunesse, esquisse pour la mairie de Nogent-sur-Marne
Inauguration d'un monument aux morts, esquisse pour la mairie de Nogent-sur-Marne
Les œillets
Christian IX
Cat with Rat
Dagmar of Bohemia
Cat's head portal
Carl Nielsen memorial
Egill Skallagrímsson
Lion´s head
Eagle's head
Bull of Saint Luke
Lion of Saint Mark
Angel of Saint Matthew
Door handle in form of a girl
Door handle in form of a snail
Queen Margareta
Standing Bull
Freezing Foal
Portrét s knihou
Chalupy v gelnickom údolí
Podobizeň profesora Otta Ludmanna
Štúdia k podobizni Maxa Kurtha
Sunday in Belgium (Oudenaarde)
Portrét dámy
Statue of Paul Kruger
Henry Lukin statue
Statue of Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr
Statue of Martinus Theunis Steyn
Statue of Sir Major General Sir Henry Timson Lukin
Virxe da Rocha
Tríptico en el Hospital de Jornaleros
La túnica del Centaure
Heroic defense of the tower of San Agustín in Zaragoza in the War of Independence
El guerrillero
La oración
La florista
Combate heroico en el púlpito de la iglesia de San Agustín de Zaragoza en el segundo sitio de 1809
La odalisca
El gran día de Gerona (19 septiembre de 1809)
Jagende Diana
Diana nach der Jagd
Retrato de Alejandrina Gessler de Lacroix
Driving the Herd
House Mountain on the Llano
Summer Time
The Waning Moon
The Approaching Herd
Double Mountain from Salt Fork
Powder River
Breezy morning
Sitting Old Woman
De dood van Ieper
De kathedraal van Antwerpen
Cies de Kalle
Het Luizengevecht te Gent
Op de markt in Gent
Oude puntgevels te Gent
Groentemarkt in Gent
Het Jan Palfijnhuis in Gent
Junk dealer
Gentse journalisten
Het hijsen van de draak op het Belfort van Gent
Verkoopster op de oude markt in Gent
Frans Masereel in his studio
Zittende naakte vrouw
Zittende naakte vrouw
De kathedraal te Reims - Herinnering aan de oorlog 1914-1918
De oogst (Herinnering aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog)
De loopgracht - Herinnering aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Picadilly Circus in Londen
The Old Market in Ghent
Bejaarde man
Bejaarde man
De sceptici
Jacobus Alijn
Het Pand in het Patershol, Gent
De Ommegang te Brussel
Mijnheer de pijp
Notre-Dame in Parijs
Oude verkoopster
Oude versteller
De schouwburg (Lohengrin)
De Sint-Niklaaskerk in Gent
London Bridge
Sint-Niklaaskerk in Gent
London Bridge
Kermis (De bedelaars)
O.-L.-Vrouwekathedraal te Antwerpen
Sint-Veerleplein te Gent
Ludgate Circus in Londen
De houten brug te Parijs
De tenor
Het plaatsen van de draak op het Belfort van Gent
Alley in Ghent
De Zuivel brug.
Huizen langsheen het water
De kerk van Oudenaerde
Oude kokette
The antiquaire Pauvresse
Het Patershol
Oude straat te Brussel
De Quai Conti te Parijs
Langsheen de Lieve
Het atelier
De schouwburg (verrekijkers)
De toverheks
Flandre Martyre - Arm Vlaanderen
De straatveger
Oude huizen
O.-L.-Vrouwekathedraal te Antwerpen
Ouderling ( Jacobus Alijn en Chapeau )
Kleine rentenier
Londen (Paria)
De hersteller
Vanuit mijn venster
Dagelijks geestesvoedsel
Oude boerderij
Op de Prondelmarkt
De kerk van Oostkerke
De man van het Belfort
De kunstenaar - Confrère
Kunstenaar uit het Patershol
Vanuit mijn venster
Jacobus Alijn
Weer klept de dood over 't Vlaanderenland
De Burg te Brugge
Het plaatsen van de draak op het Belfort van Gent
De kathedraal te Bourges
Beursdag te Brussel
De O.-L.-V.-kathedraal te Antwerpen
Rond het Gravensteen te Gent
Huize Jan Palfijn te Gent
Stadhuis te Brussel, Rue Chair et Pain
Oud Brussel
De zitbank
Picadilly Circus te Londen
Een schets
De tweeslachtige stad
De kaai
Porte Saint-Denis de Paris
Le Pont-Neuf te Parijs
Sint-Niklaaskerk te Gent
Rouen (Het grote vuurwerk)
Gruuthuse te Brugge
Fruitmarkt te Gent
De oude markt in Gent
Op de Prondelmarkt te Gent
Porte Saint-Denis de Paris
De oogst
De sceptici
Sint-Jacobsmarkt te Gent
Op de markt
De dorsvlegel
God is met ons
Verkoopster (de markt te Brugge)
Jacobus Alijn
Marktdag in Gent
Sint-Michielskerk te Gent
Markt te Oudenaarde in 1920
Oude markt in Vlaanderen
De kathedraal in Bourges
De wrok van sinjoor Antwerpen
De ommegang te Brussel
Beursdag in Brussel
De Ommegang te Brussel
In de wachtzaal
De Rolweg te Brugge
Vrouw met muts
Verkoper van oude rommel
Portret van Jacobus Alijn
De hinderlaag
Illustratie voor En Ville Morte van Franz Hellens
Illustratie voor En Ville Morte van Franz Hellens
Kop van een man (keerzijde: Ontwerp voor ophanging van werken)
Portret van Jacobus Alijn
Man aan een piano
Oude verkoopster (keerzijde: Studieblad)
Liggende naakte vrouw
Zittende vrouw op de rug gezien
Liggende naakte vrouw
Liggende naakte vrouw
Liggende naakte vrouw
Twee liggende naakte vrouwen (keerzijde: Liggende naakte vrouw)
Oude verkoopster
Man met pijp
Verkoper op de oude markt te Gent
Vendor at the Old Market in Ghent
Boeren op de markt (keerzijde: Studie van vrouwen)
De Botermarkt in Gent
Zittende oude man
Rechtstaande vrouw
Zittende oude man
Zittende oude vrouw (keerzijde: Schets van een kop)
Profiel van een vrouw
Oude vrouw
Figuren in een wachtzaal
The Old Market in Ghent
Een koe wordt naar de markt geleid
Sites et visions de Gand
De Veergrep te Gent
Le Pont-Neuf te Parijs
Confrater, Peintre Flamand
De godvruchtige
De pijp
De grote stad
De uitkijktoren
Le paradis (Theater)
De uilenkot
Picadilly Circus te Londen
Fric naakt
Vieux pignons - Gand
Fruitmarkt te Gent
De O.-L.-V.-kathedraal te Antwerpen
De kathedraal te Bourges
De kathedraal te Bourges
Oude verkoopster in Brugge
Zittende knaap
Knielende vrouw in een kerk
Zittende vrouw in een kerk
Rolweg te Brugge
Het défilé van de burgerwacht in Gent
Kaai te Parijs
De Sint-Niklaaskerk in Gent
Le paradis (théâtre)
Les fleurs du vice
Portret van Cies de Kale (keerzijde: Studie van profiel en hand)
Portret van Cies de Kale
Oorlogsetsen en schetsen
Marktdag in Gent
Het steegje
Studie van drie mannen in profiel (keerzijde: Man in profiel)
Studies van mannen in profiel
Twee vrouwen op de rug gezien
Twee studies van een man op de rug gezien
Man in een café (keerzijde: Man op rug gezien)
Man in een café (keerzijde: Drie aanzetten van een kop)
Drie figuren in een café
Man in een café
Man in een café
Man met pijp
Twee mannen in een café
Figuren op de rug gezien
Figuren in een café
Twee mannen in een café (keerzijde: Man in een café)
Man in profiel
Vrouw met bontkraag
Vrouw in een café
Man in een café (keerzijde: Aanzet van een kop)
Man met pijp
Man in een café (keerzijde: Man in profiel)
Drie studies van een man in profiel
Mannen in gesprek
Twee mannen op de rug gezien
Twee mannen in een café
Vrouw in profiel
Man en vrouw in een café
Twee mannen in een café
Drie mannen in een café
Man en vrouw in een café
Man in een café
Man in een café
Drie mannen in een café
Man in een café
Drie figuren op de rug gezien
Drie figuren op de rug gezien (keerzijde: Schetsblad met studie van een pop)
Man in een café
Twee figuren in een café
Twee vrouwen en een man
Studie van man en vrouw in profiel
Man en vrouw in een café
140 etsplaten
De ma fenêtre 1929
Gezicht in een straat te Gent
Picadilly Circus, London
Sint-Veerleplein in Gent
Zicht vanuit mijn venster
Vision de guerre
Man met pijp
Picadilly Circus
Sitting Man
Zittende man
De Pont-Neuf in Parijs
Rond het Gravensteen
Portret van Jacobus Alijn
Het steegje, Gent
De breister
De verkoopster
Oud koppel, zittend aan tafel (uit de reeks Gens de chez nous)
De dood van Ieperen
De toren van de kathedraal van Antwerpen
Onze lieve Vrouwkerk van Antwerpen
Le Paradis Théâtre
Autour le Chateau des Comtes de Flandre Gand
Piccadilly Circus, London [Large Plate]
Weer Klept de Dood Over Vlaanderen
De Lochte Genteneers
The roofs of he Saint Nicholas Church
The roofs of he Saint Nicholas Church
The roofs of he Saint Nicholas Church
Decapitation Bridge
Decapitation Bridge
Theater - Opera glass
House by the water, Ghent
The Bayard Horse Parade
The old Burg Square in Bruges
The Antwerp cathedral
Dragon of Ghent
Dragon of Ghent
Platform St. Pierre / My platform Ghent
Old clock Rouen
Old merchant woman on a flea market in Bruges
Old Courtyard in Brussels
Saint Michael's church and bridge
Big City
Portrait with book
Theater - Tenor
Brussels alley
Bruges in watercolor
Saint Nicholas church in Ghent
Old alley in Brussels
Big City
Old Chinese woman
The printing press
A Town House
A Town House
Saint Nicholas Church
The Lieve quay
Sluice quay
St Nicholas´ Church
The Lieve quay
Sluice quay
St Nicholas´ Church
St Nicholas´ Church
Samson and Delilah
La Forêt
Campan war memorial
De kaaien in Luik
Het wrak
De kaaien te Luik
Paisatge romà
La fi de d'hivern
Cabinet de toilette
The carousel
Sketch of the October fair
End of winter
The Seamstress
Holy Scarabs
Praying Mantis - cicada - bumblebee
Large carder bee, buff-tailed bumblebee and big flies
Praying Mantis - bumlebee
Ground beetle - chafer - moth - burying beetle - moss carder bee
The boulevards
The boulevards
View on trees by a boulevard
Young man with his left hand on the table
The boulevards
La fontaine de la Vierge 'At night'
The boulevards
The boulevards
The Meuse (evening)
Snow landscape
Under the Snow
City at night
The laundress
Head of a young boy
The boulevards
Sommertag, Porträt meiner Kinder
Le Bain
Le Menhir
Le Quai de Kerity
Les Communiantes
Procession à Penmar'ch
Profil d'homme
The racecourse
The netters
Breton Peasants Seated beside a Menhir
Lähtö messusta Penmarchissa
Christ Performing Miracles
Wrestlers in Brittany
Mannen uit Bretagne
De rode clown
Madame Lucien Simon with her Children
Cirque forain, Finistère
Portrait of Madame Georges P. Vanier
Family Tableau
La lección de baile
Female Portrait
The Artist's Studio
Les lutteurs à main plate, Penmarc'h
Fishing Boats Docking
sardinerie à Penmarc'h
Saint Etienne du Mont
The Fair
The Races
A Parisian Funeral
Le goûter
Départ des permissionnaires de la Grande Guerre à la gare de Pont-l'Abbé
Dans la campagne bretonne
The side chapel
Les amis
En visite, soeurs quêteuses
Talking in the Twilight
Cirque forain en Bretagne
A Gust of Wind
Chevaux dételés
Fête foraine
Famille bigoudène en deuil
La Parade de foire
Le Brûlage du goémon devant la chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-Joie à Penmarc'h
Young lady at a dressing table
Le quai d'Audierne
Men and Women from Britanny in a Church
Jour de baptême en pays bigouden
Sœurs du Saint-Esprit
Le balcon de théâtre (The Dress Circle)
Cheval effrayé
Staging Post
After the War
La Famille Gayant
Intérieur de curé
Le 14 juillet à Pont-L'Abbé
Les gerbes
Etude de ramasseuse de pommes de terre
Le passeur à Sainte-Marine
Escena campesina
Bal à Pont L’Abbé
Soirée costumée au sémaphore
Religieuse et bretonnes en prières
The Studio of Emile René Ménard
Monument aux morts de la guerre de 1870
Monument to Victory and the Soldiers of Verdun
Saint-Gaudens war memorial
Valence war memorial
War memorial of Charenton-le-Pont
Bust of Christakis Zographou, Ioannina
monument à Frédéric Kirschleger
War memorial of Calvi
monument aux morts de Villers-Cotterêts
Evening Mist in Riverside Village
Kannon in a Cliffside Grotto
Summer Evening
Dogs from Europe
Old Monkey with Cherry in Autumn
Zen Eccentrics Kanzan and Jittoku
Tranquil Light (Jakkō)
monument à Joffre
Monument aux morts de Dijon
Monument aux morts de Grignon
Le Baiser de l'aïeule
La Comtesse Martine de Béhague, madame René de Béarn, dit aussi Réflexion
La Paix au foyer
Le Chevalier Raymondin et la Fée Mélusine
Jens Olsenin maailmankello
L'amore sparso per tutto
The Upper Ottawa, near Mattawa
Snow Clouds
Grace Lake
Carpet of Leaves
Lake Superior
Study for "Sumacs"
Untitled (Snow-covered Trees)
Rouge Valley, Thornhill
Study for "Festive Autumn"
Untitled (Lake Superior)
Port Coldwell (II)
Port Coldwell (III)
Port Coldwell (IV)
A Grey Day
Lake Superior
Algonquin Park Trees in Autumn
La Cloche Hills
Study for "Old Orchard"
Cranberry Lake
Hills, Cranberry Lake
Untitled (Whitefish River Looking South to Manitoulin Island)
Untitled (Industrial Building)
Sombre Valley
Untitled (La Cloche)
Autumn Foliage against Grey Rock
Port Coldwell (I)
Waterfalls on the Way into Nellie Lake
The Hilltop
Untitled (Trees and Valley)
Untitled (Landscape)
De griffie te Brugge
Cheval d'attelage
Étude de vaches au pré
Thatched Cottage in Winter Snow
El petó (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 061015-N)
Rotterdam Harbor
Gezicht op de Kolk in Delfshaven
Graanelevatoren in de Maashaven
Graanelevatoren, Maashaven
Gezicht op de Maas vanuit het oosten
De vaart te Zwartewaal
Wachten voor de sluis (Delfshaven)
Werkzaamheden aan de gracht
View of the Meuse River
Zalmvisserij "De Goede Verwachting" te IJsselmonde
De vissershaven van Scheveningen
Electrische kranen op een scheepswerf.
Gezicht op de Maas te Rotterdam.
Opstopping in de haven
Het s.s. 'Winterswijk' op de werf van Lith & Madern
Elevatoren bij de silo
De 'Insulinde' uit Wilton's dok komende
Het graven der Maashaven te Rotterdam
Rotterdams stadsgezicht
View from Rysy
Portrait of Virginie Demont-Breton
Portrait of Adrien Demont
The Motherland Crowning Her Heroes
Vasco da Gama before the Samorim of Calicut
Gerês, 1915
Love and Psyche
Aleixo de Queiroz Ribeiro's portrait
The Suffrage
The Constitutional Cortes of 1821
King D. Dinis practicing Justice
Portuguese Medicine
Coronation of King João IV
Girl with scroll
portrait of a African
Jesus (study)
Portrait of Teixeira Lopes
Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady (1908)
Portrait of Candido dos Reis
Female figure in the garden
Girl with mandolin
Portrait of Miguel Ventura Terra
Looking at the sea
Country landscape with female figure
Portrait of Manuel Bento de Sousa
Acclamation of King John IV of Portugal by Veloso Salgado
As Ciências Físico-Naturais
A Matemática
A Pátria coroando de louros o Soldado Português morto na Grande Guerra
Retrato do Conselheiro António Cândido
Physical and Natural Sciences
A Medicina Através dos Séculos
Retrato de Maria Amélia de Medeiros e Almeida
Flor do Mar
The Three Graces
An Allegory of Spring
A Springtime Idyll
The dance of the nymphs
monument aux morts
Market Scene in Venice
Stille Stunden
Al caffè
The crossing (The sailor's departure)
The Model
la gelosa
fanciulla con bambino in braccio
La Chioggiotta
La traversata (La partenza del marinaio)
Portrait of the artist Carlo Bazzi
Figura dormiente
Paesaggio lombardo
Golfo di Priaruggia
In Danger
canotti automobili alle regate di monaco - marina
Guglielmo Marconi
USS Maine National Monument
Bust of Christopher Columbus
Albert, Railway, and Victoria Bridges
Glasgow Cathedral
Glasgow Harbor
Broomielaw and Railway Bridges
The Clyde at Govan
Clyde at Cardross
Greenock, No. I
Loch Ranza
Sound of Kilbrannan and Entrance to Loch Fyne
Culzean Castle
Upper Green, Charterhouse
The Chapel and Founder's Tomb, Charterhouse
Charterhouse Schools, Godalming
The Towers of Charterhouse, Godalming
Bishop Street, Anderston
Trongate (Glasgow), Nos. 23-29
Old Bridge Inn, Partick, No.2
Tontine Building (Glasgow)
Sugar Sample Room (Glasgow)
Granny Gibb's Cottage, Partick, No.2
Old Balshagray
St. Enoch's Square, No.22 (Glasgow)
Dunlop Mansion, Argyll Street (Glasgow)
Wellfield House, Anderston
Old Houses on South-Side of Rottenrow (Glasgow)
Corner of Rotten Row and Taylor Street (Glascow)
Holmfauldhead House, Govan
Old Houses, Byres Road, Partick
North Woodside, Flint Mills
Old Houses, Govan Ferry
St. Enoch's Church, Glasgow
The Apse, St. Enoch's Church, Glasgow
House, Nos.26-32 Buchanan Street, Glasgow
Elphinstone Tower and Chapel (Glasgow)
Old House, Nos.174-6-8 Main Street, Gorbals
David Dale's House, Charlotte Street (Glasgow)
The Leaf Cart
A Valley of the Ardennes
Bookplate of Lessing and Edith Rosenwald
Bookplate of Lessing and Edith Rosenwald
Bookplate of Lessing and Edith Rosenwald
A Stairway in Genoa
Linlithgow Palace
Jamaica Street Bridge
Isles of Loch Maree
Valley of the Tay
The Scuir of Eigg
Two Bridges
Thames Barges
A Lowland River: A Dry-Point
Strathendrick and Loch Lomond
Romantic Landscape
Highland Kitchen
Barochan, No.1
Thames Wharf
The Steps
The Wingless Chimera
The Wingless Chimera
The Scuir of Eigg
Old St. Etienne
Appin Pier
The Wilds of Lochaber
Sundown, Loch Rannoch
Rambelli, Near Rome, Italy
Goatfell, Autumn
The Bride
Morning in Lorne
Uplands in Lorne
The Old Revenge(large plate)
Holyrood in 1745
A Castle on Mull
A French Harbour
Cloister at Montivilliers
Loch Maree
R. 296. Waterloo Bridge, No. 2
R. 359. A Norman Village
R. 464. Royal Scottish Academy
St. Mark's No. 2
Ben Voirlich - Autumn
Durham Cathedral, interior
The marble arches of the Colosseum, Rome
Old Ravenna
The Hill of the Winds
En Provence
La rue Annette
Ben Ledi: Late Autumn
Rocks and Ruins
The Heart of Perthshire
The Bridge and the City, Berwick-on-Tweed
The Tay
Loch Nell
Ben Ledi
Rue du Bourg, Chartres
Stirling Castle
Die Brücke
A little town of Provence (1922)
Les Îles de Morar, Écosse
Bookplate of Lessing and Edith Rosenwald
Old Inverlochy
A Lowland River
Morning in Albyn
Glen Lyon - Evening Mist
Floods in Menteith
Ben Ledi
Hills of Ardgour
Vale of Forth
Loch Marie
Perthshire Heights
Loch Ness
Hills of Ardgour
Loch Syre
Loch Ard
Seas of Argyll
The Gargoyles, Stirling
Castle Urquhart
Ben Grian
Loch Chon
The Road to Lens
Near Cassel
Berthonval Farm, Vimy
Under Kemmel Hill
On the Vimy to Lens Road
L'Ablaine, Saint-Nazaire
Lorette Spur, Winter
Venetian Palace
On the Tay
Glasgow Cathedral and Barony Church
The Butterflies
Bothwell Castle
Broomielaw, Glasgow
Back Court, Trongate
In Kensington Garden
Mountain Scene
Tuscany Valley
Robert Lee's Workshop
Canongate, Tolbooth
The Hills
Uplands in Menteith
Bens of Mull
Winter in Menteith
Flanders from Kemmel
Battlefields of Ypres
Ben Ledi
Old St. Etienne
St. Paul's from the Thames
The Veteran
Dear Aunt Dorothy
Stirling Town
The Unicorn, Stirling
Greendyke Street
Highland Kitchen
White Horse Close
Old Age
The Three Barrows
A Fisher Lass
The Village Store
Across the Sands
The Watch Tower, Berwick
Sundown in Lorne
Ruthven Castle
The Hills of Skye
Hills of Ross
Castle Campbell, Dawn
Loch Lubnaig
Dunure Castle
Western Isles
Château Gaillard
Loch Trool
Battledore and Shuttlecock
The Firth of Lorne
A Castle in Morven
Dawn on Rannoch
The Courtyard, Venice
The Hills of Ardgower
Sunset on the Firth
Ben Venue
The Boddin, Angus
Loch Naver, Sutherlandshire
Ben Ledi, Sundown
The Eildon Hills
The White Sands of Morar
Hills of Ross
The Hills of the Dee
Loch Aline in Ben Morven
Head of Loch Ness
The Marble Quarry, Iona
Fort Augustus, Dawn
The Isles of Lorne, June
Lunan Bay, Angus
Berwick Bridge
Highland Landscape
The Norman Arch
La Roche, Belgium
April Snow, Ben Ledi
Morvern and Mull
Over the Hills, near Glasgow
View of Culzean Castle with Ailsa Craig in the Distance
The Peaks of Assynt
Ben Cruachan from Kilmelford
Cloister at Montivilliers
Morning in Lorne
Loch Lomond
Loch Ness
The Sanctuary
Departing Day
Ben Lomond
Glen Strae
Old Paris
The Lynn of Morvern
Loch Fyne
The Blue Pool
Figure Study
Thermae of Caracalla
Scottish Loch
Black House, Bruges
The Gateway, Bruges
La Roche
Black House, Bruges
The Meuse
The Belfry of Bruges
Old La Roche
Church of Our Lady, Dinant
A Valley of the Ardennes
The Abbazia, Venice
Rosslyn Chapel
Doge's Palace
The North Porch, Harfleur
Robert Lee's Workshop
Still Waters
Belgian Set: Damme [No. 5]
Dinant [Belgian Set: No. 9]
The Five Sisters, York Minister
The Five Sisters, York Minister
The Little Devil of Florence
The Desert
The Chimera of Amiens
Ben Ledi
Tewkesbury Abbey
Custom House
St. Mark's, No. 3
Ponte della Trinita
The Forth
The North Porch, Harfleur
St. German l'Auxerrois [Paris Set: No. 2]
Hotel de Sens [Paris Set: No. 3]
The Avenue
The Tweed at Coldstream
Robert Lee's Workshop
Murthly on the Tay
The Canongate Tollbooth
The Canongate Tollbooth
Still Waters
Evening on the Garry
Robin Hood's Bay
Mar's Work, Stirling
Damme [Belgian Set: No. 5]
On the Ourthe
After-glow (or Evening) on the Findhorn
Sketch on the Tay
Rameses II
My Little Lady of Luxor
The Turkish Fort
The Fisher's Hut
The Chimera of Amiens
The Wingless Chimera
The Wingless Chimera
The Boddin
Arran Peaks
The Esk
The Frews
St. Aignan, Chartres
Old Museum, Beauvais
The Rialto
Appin Rocks
Craigievar Castle
Veronica [North Italian Set: No. 2]
April Breath
Departing Day
Winter near Liberton, Midlothian
A French Harbour
Fairy Lilian
Mrs Thomas Annan
The Hills of Arran
Dark Angers
St Andrews
Stirling Castle
Isles of the Sea
Nightfall, Luxor
Balquhidder, Stirlingshire
Cir Mhòr (The Large Comb)
Interior of Durham Cathedral
The Waters of Lorne
The Battlefield of Ypres
The Ruins of Ypres
A Garment of War
Rambelli, near Rome, Italy
The Scottish Highlands (London, Midland and Scottish Railway poster artwork)
A Castle by the North Sea (Dunnottar Castle, Stonehaven)
The Baths of Caracalla
Shadows of Glencoe
Autumn Snows, Menteith
Stirling (London, Midland and Scottish Railway poster artwork)
The Summer Isles
The Wilds of Assynt
The Hills of Provence
Roman Campagna, Italy
Morning, Dunure
The Beggar
Thames Barges
Thames Warehouses
Thames Wharf
Houses of Parliament
Old Houses, Greenock
Greenock, No. 2
The Old Revenge
Upper Clyde Valley
The Clyde near Carmyle
The Cliffs of Aberdeenshire
Aberdeen Bay
Ailsa Craig from Arran
The Sound of Kilbrannan
A Perthshire Village
The Walls of Tillietudlem
Cadzow Castle
Cottage, Arran: Sunset
St. Mary's Loch
Tewkesbury Abbey
Smailholm Tower
The Steps
Rowallan Castle
Van Og's Houtkoperij
Corner in Amsterdam
A Rembrandt Farm
Old Houses, Stirling
Old Houses, Stirling
Three Vagrants
A Lowland River: A Dry-Point
Landscape with Trees: A Dry-Point
Bookplate of J. Craig Annan
Bookplate of W.B. Paterson
Rowallan's Towers
A Dutch Village
The Stairs, Rowallan
The Palace, Stirling Castle
Interior: Perthshire
River in Flood
The Building of the Ship
Father Ambrose
The Devil and the Fairy
A Border Tower
Porta del Molo, Genoa, No. I
Waterloo Bridge, No. 1
Jean: A Portrait
Broad Street, Stirling
The Palace of the Stuarts
The Gargoyles, Stirling Castle
The Gargoyles, Stirling Castle
The Vale of Clyde
A Venetian Palace
The Crucifix
Glasgow Cathedral Screen
"Ye Banks and Braes"
Cour des Bons Enfants, Rouen
Cour, Rue Ampere, Rouen
Cour, Rue Ampere, Rouen
Old Houses, Rouen
Dieppe Castle
Le Puits
Le Puits
Title Page
Bookplate of James Arthur
Bookplate of John Maclaren
Bookplate of Robert M. Mann
Bookplate of R.Y. Pickering, No. 1
Upper Green, Charterhouse
The Smithy
Church Interior, Venice
The Butterfly
The Monastery
In Stirling Castle
The Rialto
The Abbazia, Venice
Saint Mark's, No. 2
Venetian Street
Venetian Street
Joannis Darius
Ca d'Oro
Saint Mark's, No. 3
Elcho on the Tay
Rosslyn Chapel
Bookplate of Sir James Bell, Bart
Ponte della Trinita
Ponte della Trinita
Doge's Palace
Angers: Rue des Filles Dieu
Old Farm, Norington
Near Droxford
Winchester Cathedral
The Lea, near Ryehouse
The Lea, near Ware
Distant View of Winchester and St. Cross
On the Test
Almshouses, St. Cross
Kingsgate, Winchester
Beaufort's Tower, St. Cross
The Deanery, Winchester
The Lea, above Ware
The Chapel, Haddon Hall
The Windings of the Wye, near Bakewell
The Windings of the Wye, near Bakewell
The Valley of the Lathkill
On the Wye at Haddon
St. Laumer, Blois
Place Plumereau, Tours
The Forth
A Norman Village
The North Porch, Harfleur
Saint Germain l'Auxerrois
Hotel de Sens
Saint Gervais, Rue des Barres
Restaurant Cavalier
Rue St. Julien le Pauvre
John Knox's House
The Workshop
The Workshop
Sketch in La Roche
Old Saumur
Old Saumur
The Sycamore
The Avenue
The Tweed at Coldstream
Robert Lee's Workshop
Murthly on the Tay
Moray Firth
The Canongate Tolbooth
St. Merri
Still Waters
Evening on the Garry
Robin Hood's Bay
Robin's Court
Mar's Work, Stirling, No. 2
Old La Roche
A Valley of the Ardennes
House Front, Ypres
On the Ourthe
Afterglow (or Evening) on the Findhorn
Pont Neuf
The Five Sisters, York Minster
Ben Lomond
Lowland River: An Etching
Holyrood in 1745
Holyrood in 1745
Old St. Etienne
Castle Urquhart
Thermae of Caracalla
Old Museum, Beauvais
Bookplate of Roberta Elliot S. Paterson
Two Monks
Royal Scottish Academy
Royal Scottish Academy
Pap of Glencoe
The Frews
Souvenir d'Amsterdam
Doge's Palace
St. Laumer-Blois
The North Porch, Harfleur
Old Saumur
The Belfry of Bruges [Belgian Set: No. 6]
Notre Dame, Dinant [Belgian Set: No. 8]
A Valley of the Ardennes [Belgian Set: No. 10]
The Mosque Doorway, Cairo
Street in Cairo
The Tay
Paisley Abbey
Birth Place & Early Home of Professor Wilson
St. Mary's Loch
Perth Bridge
The Clyde near Carmyle
Houses of Parliament
Across the Sands
Old Age
Stirling Town
The Veteran
Bishop Street Anderston
Tontine Building, Glasgow
Old Balshagray
Zaandam Windmills
Storm Sundown [North Holland Set: No. 4]
Mariji [North Holland Set: No. 7]
Old Houses, Stirling
Title Page: William Hunter's Coat of Arms
Long Calderwood
East Kilbride
John Hunter's Book Plate with Armorial Bearings and Mrs. Hunter's Book Plate with her Monogram
A Border Town
St. Mark's Place, Venice [North Italian Set: No. 1]
The Monastery [North Italian Set: No. 3]
Venetian Convent [North Italian Set: No. 4]
A Lady of Genoa [North Italian Set: No. 14]
The Bridge of Sighs [North Italian Set: No. 20]
The Wine Farm [North Italian Set: No. 24]
Landscape with Trees [North Italian Set: No. 26]
The Smithy
St. Enoch's Church, Glasgow
The Chapel and Founder's Tomb, Charterhouse
Upper Green, Charterhouse
The Charter House Schools, Godalming
The Towers of Charterhouse, Godalming
The Crucifix
The Gargoyles: Stirling Castle
Downing Street
Venetian Street
Joannis Darius
Ca D'Oro
Angers: Rue des Filles Dieu
Distant View of Winchester and St. Cross
Kingsgate, Winchester
Beaufort's Tower, St. Cross
The Deanery, Winchester
The Chapel Haddon Hall
On the Bradford
On the Wye at Haddon
St. Laumer, Blois
Place Plumereau, Tours
A Norman Village
Saint Gervais, Rue des Barres [The Paris Set: No. 4]
Restaurant Cavalier [The Paris Set: No. 5]
Rue Saint Julien, le Pauvre [The Paris Set: No. 6]
The Avenue
St. Merri, Paris
St. Merri, Paris
Glasgow Cathedral
The Belfry of Bruges [Belgian Set: No. 6]
Old La Roche [Belgian Set: No. 7]
An Egyptian Mirror
The Palace, Stirling Castle
An Egyptian Mirror
Bookplate for James Curle
Father Ambrose
Hills of Tullock
The Leaf Cart
Title Page [North Italian Set]
A Venetian Fountain [North Italian Set: No. 7]
Via ai Prati, Genoa [North Italian Set: No. 8]
Venice from the Lido [North Italian Set: No. 17]
Ponte Vecchio [North Italian Set: No. 21]
The Palace Doorway [North Italian Set: No. 22]
Porta del Molo, Genoa [North Italian Set: No. 23]
Cour des Bons Enfants, Rouen
The Palace of the Stuarts
Hills of Tulloch
The Cairngorms
The Valley (or "Glencrutten")
Carselands (or "The Carse")
The Lochan
Appin Rocks
Appin Rocks
The Esk
Kerrera, No. II
Kerrera, No. I
The Tay
The Tay
Arran Peaks
A Queen of Chartres
Dinnet Moor
Lunan Bay
The Boddin
Ben Ledi
Bookplate of Anna Gordon Blair
Bookplate of Anna Gordon Blair
The Wingless Chimera
Mull (?)
The Wingless Chimera
The Chimera of Amiens
The Chimera of Amiens
Street in Cairo
The Mosque Doorway
The Fisher's Hut
The Desert
The Turkish Fort
An Egyptian Mirror
My Little Lady of Luxor
Rameses II
King's Chapel (Boston, Mass.)
Sketch on the Tay
Old Bridge, Whitby
The Little Devil of Florence
Lake of Menteith, No. I
Royal Arms of Scotland
Bookplate of Donald Grace (Cameron Swan)
Une Cour, Rue du Petit Salut, Rouen
St. Aignan, Chartres
Bookplate of Lessing and Edith Rosenwald
Mountain Tarn
Loch Eil
Lake of Menteith, No. II
Santa Maria
Tepidarium: Thermae of Caracalla
Glen Strae
Loch Aline
The Ferry
Sound of Kerrera
Loch Ard
Winchester Cathedral (Interior)
Title Page
Saint Mark's Venice, No. 1
The Monastery
A Venetian Convent
Print Paolo Salviati
Tintoret's House
A Venetian Fountain
Via ai Prati, Genoa
The Confessional
San Giorgio Maggiore
Two Bridges
The Butterfly
A Soldier of Italy
A Lady of Genoa
Two Monks
Church Interior, Venice
Venice from the Lido
Sketch of Venice
Farm Gateway, Campagnetta
The Bridge of Sighs
Ponte Vecchio
The Palace Doorway
Porta del Molo, Genoa, No. 2
The Wine Farm
Landscape with Trees
Portfolio Label-Design
The Dolphins
Zaandam Windmills
Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
Storm: Sundown
The Rokin
Van der Deevilij
The Arch
Van Og's Houtkoperij
A Dutch Damsel
The Market Boat
A Canal: Amsterdam
A Dutch Farm
The Flower Market
The Windmill
Fisher Folk
Dutch Interior
A Lady of Holland
Tabak en Sigaren
The Gateway of Bruges
336 La Roche
La Maison Noire, Bruges
The Meuse
The Belfry of Bruges
Old La Roche
Notre Dame, Dinant
A Valley of the Ardennes
Custom House
Waterloo Place
The Tower
The Horse Guards
The Admiralty
Downing Street
Waterloo Bridge, No. 2
Queen Anne's Gate
Henry the Seventh's Chapel
St. Paul's from the Thames
St. George's, Hanover Square
The Source of the Clyde
Upper Clyde Valley
The Clyde at Symington
Frank Merriwell
Sardinian Baptism
Madonna and Child with Saints Mary Magdalen and Sebastian
Madonna and Child
Virgin and Child with Angels
Virgin and Child
Fresco Fragment
Fresco Fragment
Fresco Fragment
Fresco Fragment
Fresco Fragment
Triptych with the Virgin and Child with Saints
Terrazza sul Lago a Mandello (Ajmone)
Palau de Justícia de Barcelona (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 052136-N)
Aplec de les Joventuts Carlines a Manresa (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 055505-N)
Aplec de les Juventuts Carlines a Manresa
Monument to Claudio López Bru, Cádiz
Fountain of Cybele
Monument to King Alfonso XII
Monument als Defensors de Girona
Zaragoza 1808 (al·legoria de la guerra de la Independència amb la basílica del Pilar al fons) (1908) (model d'anvers)
Barcelona dóna pas a la justícia (1908) (model de revers)
Al·legoria de l'art (1909-1912)
Carreras ciclistas (1909-1912)
El àrbol os dará sombra y provecho (1908) (model d'anvers)
Fiesta del árbol (1908) (model de revers)
Al·legoria al mèrit (c. 1908?) (model de revers)
Institut Agrícola Català de S. Isidro (1907) (model d'anvers)
Palacio de Justicia de Barcelona (1908) (model d'anvers)
Regatas a Remo (1909-1912)
Tiro al Blanco (1909-1912)
El treball i l'estudi (al·legoria) (1909-1912)
Figura al·legòrica de la República Argentina (1910?)
Dues figures femenines neoclàssiques
Verge amb el Nen (1909-1912?)
Figures al·legòriques del treball del camp (1907) (model de revers)
Aviación (1909-1912)
Premi de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona (c. 1908?) (model d'anvers)
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona (c. 1908?) (model d'anvers)
Festa de l'àrbre (relleu) (1908)
Retrat de Juan C. Cebrián (c. 1912?)
Jaume I, conqueridor de València (1907) (model d'anvers)
Record de la primera comunió (1911)
Regatas a Vela (1909-1912)
La benvinguda del nadó (1909-1912)
Diana caçadora ? (1909-1912?)
Bust femení nu, amb flors al cap i fulles a les mans (1909-1912) (model d'anvers)
Amoret i dos cors entrellaçats, símbols de l'amor (1909-1912)
Retrat d'home dempeus (Juan C. Cebrián?)
Virgen del Pilar
Al·legoria d'un naixement (1909-1912)
Velocitat (curses de cotxes) (1909-1912)
Cinquantè aniversari de la Caixa d'Estalvis de Mataró
Lliçó de natació
Sant Joan Baptista infant
Assemblea Municipal de Saragossa
A Lope de Vega
A Manuel Ruiz Zorrilla
A Francisco de Goya
Palau de Justícia de Barcelona
Aplec de les Joventuts Carlines a Manresa
X Congrés Agrícola a Manacor
XII Congrés Agrícola a Tarragona
XII Congrés Agrícola a Tarragona (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 055509-N)
XVI Congrés Agrícola a Igualada
XVII Congrés Agrícola a Tortosa
A Manuel Ruíz Zorrilla
Assemblea Municipal de Saragossa (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 055506-N)
Lo spitz di mezzodì da Brusa Adaz a Zolno Alto
San Francesco del Deserto
Pyhä perhe, kopio Rembrandtin mukaan
Juhani Ahon muotokuva
Sigrid af Forsellesin muotokuva
Antti kallioisella rannalla
Vanha nainen, Anna Richter
Järvi iltavalossa, mahdollisesti Tuusulanjärvi
Heikki rannalla
Firenzen poliisikuoro
Laiduntava lehmä
Isoisän opissa (Silakanperkuu)
Pojat verkkoja puikkaroimassa
Poika rannalla
Kylpeviä tyttöjä ulkosalla (Ulkona)
Ateria savolaisessa talonpoikaistalossa
Pallas Athene
Antti maalaa hiekassa
Maggie Gripenberg
Taiteilijaystävä piirtää
Pianon ääressä (Sally Piispanen-Basilier)
Antti rannalla
Antti Juhani
Pojat luodolla
Karnevaalit Firenzessä
Nuori nainen
Kärryä työntävä nainen
Lätäkön luona leikkivä poika
Pikku insinööri
Dancing Maggie Gripenberg
Omakuva vuodelta 1890
Grenade exploding
Autoportret - Tatar
Portret młodej kobiety w białej sukni (Portret Janiny Ostoi-Ostaszewskiej)
Studium do ataku husarii
Attack of the Husar
Maine Seascape
Interior for Nikolai Gogol's Play Marriage
A House with Flowering Trees along the Amalfi Coast of Italy
Maine Seascape
Bougainvillea on Capri
Arrival at a Russian monastery
Holy week in Russia
Les Faraglioni, à Capri
Ֆիննական գյուղ
Իժորա գետի վրա
Լճի տեսարան
Կիրովյան կղզիներում. Յախտ ակումբ
Ժելեզնովոդսկի մոտ. Բեշտաու սարի լեռնաճյուղերը
Երկու լճի տեսարան մակույկով
Կղզիներում. Մակույկների նավահանգիստը
Նկարիչների տան շենքը Երևանում. Նախկին մզկիթ («Երևան» ալբոմից)
Նկարիչների տան շենքը Երևանում («Երևան» ալբոմից)
Արարատը առավոտյան («Երևան» ալբոմից)
Արարատը երեկոյան («Երևան» ալբոմից)
Գեդարչայ կամուրջով («Երևան» ալբոմից)
The Princess of Wales Pub, Trafalgar Square: Mrs. Francis behind the Bar
Malcolm Drummond
Boyne Hill Vicarage, Maidenhead
Girl with Palmettes
The Garden
At the piano
Still life with coffee pot
The Tea Party
Foreshortened Male Nude
In the Park (St James' Park)
Charles Ginner (1878–1952)
Girl Dressing
The Artist's Desk
Queen Anne's Mansions
19, Fitzroy Street (Walter Richard Sickert's studio)
Backs of Houses, Chelsea
Wooded Pond
Fields and Road, Penn Street
Hammersmith Palais de Danse
Chelsea Public Library
Court Scene
Chelsea Public Library
Landscape with Trees
Seated Nude
The Stag Tavern
A Chelsea Street
The Coconut Shy (detail)
Brompton Oratory
Hammersmith Bridge
Near Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
The Park Bench
In the Cinema
Rytm Monument in Warsaw
Mężczyzna i kobieta
Akt kobiecy - tors bez kolan
Portrait of Kazimierz Wierzyński
Rhythm by Henryk Kuna
Study of a woman in a coat by Henryk Kuna
Woman’s head
Alina - dziewczyna z dzbanem
Michaelmas Daisies
Pinks in a Vase
Margery Williams
Rye, Sussex
Lucien Pissarro
A Study of Flowers
Old Woman in a White Cap
Portrait of the Artist's Sister, Rhoda
Portrait of the Artist's Wife
Lucien Pissarro reading
Summer Fields, Rye
Mrs Crump's Garden
Summer Flowers
Evening, Martigues, France (Bouche-sur-Rhône)
Breezy Day, Sussex
Self Portrait
Carreg Cennen Castle
Tulips in a Blue Bowl
Miss I. Aylward Lord
In Pont Street
Flower Piece
S. F. Markham, Esq.
A Freshening Breeze, St Briac
Major Armand Blackley (1891–1965), MBE, JP
Still Life, Tulips in a Blue Jug
Edith Matthews, née Meredith
Dartmouth, Devon
The Garden
Vase of Flowers
Night Scene
Portrait of the Artist's Mother
Tuntemattoman sotilaan hauta
Bust of Aristotle Valaoritis
Bust of François-René de Chateaubriand
Bust of George Karaiskakis
October Breezes
View of Le Havre
Escape from the Circus
The Process of Time
Anti-Tank Ditch
The Seven Legends: Self Portrait
Sappers Erecting Pickets in the Snow
Seacombe Ferry in Wartime
A Searchlight Battery
A Covering for a Gun Site
Building a Hutted Camp in Essex
A Searchlight Battery
Parachute Jump near Tatton Park
Take-off and Landing Field
The Advance, France: Burnt Out German Petrol Tankers
Holland: The Flooded Maas
Exercise 'Mush': Gliders Land on a 'Captured' Airfield and Paratroops Surround the Field, Waiting for the Unloading of the Gliders
Airborne Royal Army Service Corps Supply Dropping
The Break through, France: 'Marmalade Bridge', A Railway Bridge Crossing the River Seine at Rouen
The Beginning of the Advance, France: German Bridge Demolition
Germany: The Siegfried Line between Heerlen and Aachen
Loading Containers on a Dakota Aircraft
The Beach Head, France: The Search for Rubble; the Wear and Tear on the Roads Resulted in a Constant Search for Materials for Repair, Crushing Iron Ore in the Area of the Colombelles Factory near Caen
The Drop
Holland, Cold Holland
'Kilkenny's Circus': Parachute Training School Paratroops Undergoing Synthetic Training
Holland: Infantry of the 15th (Scottish) Division Taking Over from Hard-Pressed American Troops during a German Counterattack on the Village of Meijel
Breaking up the Attack, Holland: 25-Pounders of the 15th (Scottish) Division Firing towards Meijel
Inglesham Church and Rectory
Royal Engineers' Dump
The Industrial Battle: Tanks Ready for Shipment Overseas
The Minute Halt
Portrait of a woman
Sawtooth Falls
My Wife
Nudes in Landscape
The Brown Derby
A Public Servant
World Series
The Little Red Boat
Bucks County Landscape
Landscape with Boat
Ulster County Landscape
Rose of Sharon
Seated Nude
Untitled (Racetrack)
American Painting is Something for Women and Old Men
American Doughboy Bringing Home Victory
Dr. Mark A. Matthews
Winged Victory
Sumpf- und Teichvögel und See- und Strandvögel
Sumpf- und Teichvögel
See- und Strandvögel
Shemanski Fountain
Bords de Seine au crépuscule
Moonlit Night in the Montmorency Forest
Lever de lune sur un canal
The Deluge (L'Inondation)
Canal de Chelles (Clair de Lune)
Bord de mer, fin de journée
L'Allée d'eau
La Plaine bleutée
Notre-Dame at Dusk
Reformed Church of Bronxville
John Marshall (1840-1894)
Gerald (Jeremiah) O’Donovan (1871-1942), Novelist, Political Essayist and Irish Revivalist
Portrait of E. Magawley Banon
The White Dress (Lady Farrer)
The Deer Park, Powerscourt
Portrait of Lennox Robinson (1886-1958)
The Jewel
Trim Castle, County Meath
The Fine Art Academy, Antwerp
Shan F. Bullock (1865–1935)
Lennox Robinson (1886–1958)
The Estuary of the Shannon
Edward William Archibald Fonds
After A Game Of Tennis
The Green Hat, Portrait of Miss Guyatt
Women's Royal Air Force Workers Drilling at Andover Aerodrome
The Laurel Walk
The Bridge at Monxton
A la chaumière
Chibbet, Exmoor, Somerset
Cattle Market at Dinan
Oxen in Brittany
Village Green with Children
St Giles, Oxford
Sarson Farm, Early Spring
Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London
Cheyne Walk Gardens
Ships on the Thames
Cheyne Walk, April 1939
La Bretonne
Birthday Celebration
Garden Gate
Light Abstraction
Mrs Beasley
A.R. Orage
William Tyler
Air Marshal Sir Harold E. Whittingham (1887–1983), KBE, DGMS
The Manuscript
Lindsay M. Gladstone
Andrew MacLaren (1883–1975)
Francis William Troup (1859–1941)
Woy Woy
The pigeon loft
Kapteeni Pasquale
The mannequin
Falling tide
Sydney Harbour from Cremorne
Moonlight bathers
Sir William Herschel
A Carnival Souvenir
Mother Duck
Sheep Fanks
The Island of Davaar from Campbeltown Loch
Birds of a Feather
By the Shepherd's Fire
Hill Ewes
A Crofter’s Byre
Cowboy on Guard
Black Setter
Boy with Terrier and Pups
End of the Run
The Hen Roost
Cock, Hen and Chickens
First World War: Wounded Soldiers in Palestine Being Carried on Cacolets on the Backs of Camels
A Hard-Run Texan Cow-Horse
Heads of Two Dogs
The Sea
The Land
The Mountain
The Forest
Lux Aeterna
Project for A Mural
Project For a Mural
Decoration for Over-Mantel
Poikia uimassa
Female Nude
Summer at the Isle Skåtøy
Landskap fra Syd-Frankrike
From the Island Skåtøy
From the Island Skåtøy
The Seaward Skerries
The Laurent Boarding House, Grez-sur-Loing
Scene from Lommaryd, Småland
Landscape. Fjärås, Halland
September Evening
View from Kronobergsgatan 17 towards Kronobergsparken, Stockholm
Mest landskapsstudier. Skissbok, 75 sidor
Löst skissboksblad
Arkitekten Thorvald Bindesbøll i sin arbejdsstue
Fra et atelier
Landskab. Næstved
The Garden of Institution des sourds-muets
The New Hat
Johannes V. Jensen
Johannes V. Jensen
Portræt af den norske maler Thorvald Erichsen
McMillan Fountain
La Jeunesse
Michigan Memorial
Girl with Water Lilies
John Jacob Abel Plaque for the Research Corporation
Peggy Gantt
Mrs. B.
Joseph Henry
Oh What Are the Prizes We Perish to Win
St Malo, Ville Close
Anticoli. Women by the fountain
Overcast Weather
Yngve Berg, 1887-1963
Konstnären Carl Frisendahls flyttning i Montparnasse, Paris
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Sven Lidman (1882-1960), author, missionary, married to 1. Carin Thiel, 2. Brita Augusta Otterdahl
Bertil Malmberg (1889-1958), author, married to 1. Gabriele Bürger, 2. Greta Hellströmer, 3. master of arts Tyra Görel Hanna Törngren 4. Carin Maria Svedberg
Emil Zilliacus (1878-1961), author, professor
Dan Andersson (1888-1920), author, married to Olga Emilia Turesson
Gustav VI Adolf, 1882-1973, kung av Sverige
Martin Kock
Simson och Delila, Operan 1903. Rollporträtt
Kungliga Operans kostymförråd
Kungliga Operans rekvisitaförråd
Kungliga Operans rekvisitaförråd
Kungliga Operans skoförråd
Teknisk personal på Kungliga Operan
Kungliga Operans tågvind
Kungliga Operans målarateljé
Kungliga Operans snickeriverkstad
Floden, Svenska teatern 1904. Föreställningsbild
Floden, Svenska teatern 1904. Föreställningsbild
Ett glas vatten, Dramaten 1903. Rollporträtt
Gertrud, Dramatiska teatern 1907. Föreställningsbild
Giorgione, Dramatiska teatern 1903. Föreställningsbild
Giorgione, Dramatiska teatern 1903. Föreställningsbild
Eugen Onegin, Kungliga Operan 1903. Föreställningsbild
Champagneön, Vasateatern 1903. Rollporträtt
Guld och gröna skogar, Dramatiska teatern 1903. Föreställningsbild
Florizel von Reuter, porträtt
Ebon Strandin, rollporträtt
Yvette, Svenska teatern 1902. Föreställningsbild
Yvette, Svenska teatern 1902. Föreställningsbild
Oscarsteatern, interiör
Oscarsteatern, interiör
Kungliga Operans kostymförråd
Kungliga Operans målarateljé
Floden, Svenska teatern 1904. Föreställningsbild
Guld och gröna skogar, Dramatiska teatern 1903. Föreställningsbild
Oscarsteatern, interiör
Kungliga Operans målarateljé
Oscarsteatern, interiör
Carl-Gustaf Berggren, 1909-1982, gift med Margareta Berggren
Landscape near Kutna Hora (Kuttenberg)
Still Life
Untitled (Bridge in Kolin)
Spiral (Spirala)
Abstract Photo
Primeval Forests
Primeval Forests
The Unsated Earth
Time Persists
From the series "Reflections"
From the book "Photography Sees the Surface"
Legs and crinoline
The Urn
Staircase of Old Prague
Snowscene with Farmhouse
Sunny Winter Day in Dalecarlia
Winter in the Forest, Dale Carlia
Early Morning with Hoar Frost
Snowy Landscape
In the Forest
Sunday in Winter, Felipstad
Demolishing the Old Orphanage, Stockholm
A Winter Morning after a Snowfall in Dalarna
Walpurgis Night in Bergslagen, Grangärde in Dalarna
Landscape from Grangärde
Motif from the Djurgården Plain
Snowy Glade in the Wood
View from Skeppsholmen
Lantgård, Capri
Coursan war memorial
Servian war memorial
grave of Pancol
Melpomène, muse de la Tragédie
Personnage en costume
Lionne avec deux enfants
Lionne portant trois enfants sur le dos
Portrait de Pierre Magrou, fils de l'artiste
Portrait de Jules Cadenat
Portrait de Jules Cadenat, bronze
Buste de fillette, Suzanne Belleudy
Bacchus et deux léopards
Valros war memorial
Autignac war memorial
Capestang war memorial
Castelnau-de-Guers war memorial
Hérépian war memorial
Nizas war memorial
Monument d'Alexandre Laissac
Poussan war memorial
Saint-Chinian war memorial
Sauvian war memorial
Grave of Fulcrand Coste
Grave of René Coulombie
Grave of Mayer
Grave of Antonin Cadelard
Grave of Meyer Rouville
Grave of Maurice Alba
Grave of A. Gaillard and J. Buron
Grave of Ollié - Mas-Roque-Deroys
Grave of H. Bresson
Grave of Auguste Chabaud (1882-1920)
Grave of E. Granaud
bookcase Anne Frank House
Cubist Analysis
The Manxman
Forced Fellowship - Sir Bernard Partridge
Sir Henry Irving (1838–1905), as King Lear, Lyceum Theatre (from 'King Lear')
Sir Henry Irving (1838–1905), at Rehearsal
Cascading Waterfall
The Church At Farnborough, Hanes
Cottage, Mill Beach
Green Park
Thackeray House
Flower Study
Abstract Composition in Black
Bird Nesting
Buckingham Palace from the Mall
Trafalgar Square IV – October 8th 1937
Cap d'Ail, France
Bungalows, Isle of Arran
Trafalgar Square
Two Figures
Victor Schoelcher
Sappho sleeping
Frédéric Cournet
Monument to Victor Considerant
Bust of Étienne Dujardin-Beaumetz
Decoration: Wild Geese
Still Life with Flowers
Hauled Up
In a Garden
F. O. Matthiessen on Balcony (1902-1950)
F. O. Matthiessen with Pawsey (1902-1950)
An Italian Scene
River landscape
In the grey of evening
Mentone beach
Two Madonnas
Card Players
Don Quichotte
Crying Clown
Lady with Opera Glasses
Landscape near Třeboň
Circus Rider (At the Holy Communion)
Reclining Nude (Shy)
Monument (Memorial of a Famous Man)
Clown Playing the Violin
Don Quichotte and Sancho Panza
Entering the Ring
Runaway Horses
Resting Woman
Black Men
Still Life
Villa in the Garden
Company in a Coffee Shop
Wedding Procession
Circus Performer on Horses
Black Warrior
Water Bearers
Trees in a Garden
Escape from a Burning Village
Rider by Seashore
The Head of Saint John the Baptist
Pink Sand
The Good Samaritan
Don Quichotte
Without Home
Reclining Female Nude
Study of the Watch
Taming a Horse
Reclining Nude
Feast in front of the House
Study for Riders
Spanish Toreador
Don Quixote
Rearing Horse
Pri vode
Na popravu
Bullock (Gypsy Fiddler on the Back)
Zátišie s hruškou
Jazdecká hliadka
Bez domova
Biely kôň
Klaunovo vystúpenie
Don Quijote a Sancho Panza
Pri potoku
V manéži
Oheň - Utečenci
Pig Slaughter
Bust of Václav Štulc
Stanisław Wyspiański bust in Łazienki Park
The creek
La hora del almuerzo
Boceto de los frescos de la iglesia de San Lorenzo, Roma
Paisaje de Tandil
Sleigh on the forest track
Martyr of Fanaticism
Natureza morta com caça
Retrato de Velha
Retrato de Tadeu de Almeida Furtado
Vista do Douro
Confidenciasj P da Conceição Porto Cliché de D. Alvão
Casa Valdés Bustamante
Statue of Hachikō
Statue of Saigo Takamori
Summer Scene with Solitary Duck amidst Rose Mallow...
Mt. Fuji
Gourd on Vine
Mount Horai
Flowers of Edo and Views of Famous Places
Nine-Character Calligraphy Couplet
View of Tyniec
Interior of a Church
Portrait of Mother
Poika ja kannu
Ranskalainen kyläkuva
Kaupungin rantaa
Katukivien hakkaaja
Maisema Suomenlinnasta
Tytön pää
Paisatge urbà
El Prat de Llobregat
Eastern Land
Turkeys (Sant Pol de Mar)
Terrers (Montgat)
Latin Sea
La nit (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
Un racó de Sant Cugat del Vallès
Mar llatina
Suburbis de Barcelona
Indiots (Sant Pol de Mar)
L'Avemaria (Pirineus)
El Prat de Llobregat
Terrers (Montgat)
Pantanos de Nemi (Nemi Lakes)
Ave Maria (Pyrenees)
Suburbs of Barcelona
The Night (Sant Cugat del Vallès)
A Corner in Sant Cugat del Vallès
Catharina van Rennes
Jan van Kan
Paul Kruger
Portræt af en ung kunstner. Maleren Aage Bertelsen
Harvest in Italy
Evening in the mess.
Tall trees at a lake.
Sunshine in a dense forest
Summer landscape.
Udsigt over nøgne træer
View of Sejerø Bugt, Denmark.
Gravel Hill across the River Shuttle
Carbo-Sales. El purgante
Paper de fumar Molí de Mornau
Portada Almanach 1902
Pare i filla i una balança al fons
Quatre ninots
Poesia. Oda
«Cuatro palabras fruto de un rapto de inspiración»
La Pavera
Marina (El faro)
Playas de Bretaña
Un paisaje de Bretaña
Cercanías de Capri (marina)
Riva degli Schiavoni
Jysk landskab. Klar dag i maj
Frederikke von Scholten, née Arendrup, the Artist's Mother-in-Law
Hedelandskab. Efterår
5th Danube regiment monument, Rousse
Паметник на Иван Вазов
Бюст-паметник на Георги Бенковски
Sõjaväelase portree
Maastik aprilliööl
Maastik merega
Maastik lapsega
Štúdia hlavy starca
Alfred Tennyson
Dinner-Time on Board the Timber Barque "Marie" Unloading at Conway
A Wintry Blast on the Stourbridge Canal
Per Horse-Power Per Hour, Whitby Harbour
Cottage and Harvesters
Kingston Bank, No.2
Entrance to the Mersey
The Timber Raft on the Rhine
Strolling Players, Lydd
The Snow Drift
A Sussex Down
Low Tide, the Evening Star, and Rye's Long Pier Deserted
A Slant of Light in Polperro Harbour, No. 1
A Yorkshire Road
Hayfield in Yorkshire
Shap Fells
When the Weary Moon Was In the Wane, Dort
Moonrise on the Bure
Ehrenbreitstein to Coblenz, No. 2
Moonlight on a River
A Roman Canal
The Mouth of the Thames—Isle of Sheppey in Distance
Sunrise o'er Whitby Scaur
Strand Gate, Winchelsea
Vesuvius from the Bay of Naples
Sir George Johnson, M.D., F.R.S.
Sir George Johnson, M.D., F.R.S.
Sir Francis Seymour Haden, P.R.E.
Madame de Lamballe
Portrait of Two Gentlemen
Lord Tennyson, No. 2
Sir Francis Seymour Haden, P.R.E.
The Anglers' Bridge on the Wandle
A Span of Old Battersea Bridge
Moonlight on the River, Lucerne
Vesuvius from the Bay of Naples
View of a River from a Terrace, Macon
View of a River from a Terrace, Macon
Falls of the Rhine, Schaffhausen
Falls of the Rhine, Schaffhausen
View of a Lake, Derwentwater
View of a Lake, Derwentwater
Huntsmen in a Wood
Huntsmen in a Wood
Shipping at the Entrance of the Medway, No. 2
Shipping at the Entrance of the Medway, No. 2
Shipping at the Entrance of the Medway
A Pastoral
A Pastoral
In Port, Volendam
Twenty minutes late
Kwakelburg, Edam
The Dijk Bell, Volendam
Sketch of Monnikendam in Distance
Southerness Light House
Fosdyke Bridge
Old Mill on the Wandle, at Mitcham
An April day in Kent
A Norfolk Plough
Strolling Players at Lidd, Kent
Langston Mill
Peveril's Castle, Derbyshire
The Strand Gate, Winchelsea
The 'Lusitania' Raft on Broadstairs Pier
Cornfield Ivinghoe
Sail-loft, Poole
Seine Boats, St. Ives, Cornwall
Breaking up of the 'Great Eastern' #2
Skies a'clearing. Sun a'shining
The "Victory" Coming Up Channel
Twenty Minutes Late!! No. 2
Entrance to Mersey
Entrance to Mersey
The Solway at Midday
Low Tide and Evening Star
Procris and Cephalus
The Mildmay Sea-Piece (on the frontispeice of the "Twelve Subjects" titled Sunset on Beach)
The Mildmay Sea-Piece
A Quiet Evening on the Ferry over the Blyth
St. Osyth Church
The Coast Road, Kingsdown, No.2, 1922
A Quiet Evening on the Ferry over the Blyth
St. Osyth Church
Newhaven, East Sussex
Exceat Farm and the Cuckmere Valley, East Sussex
Krajina pri Banskej Bystrici
Na Ipli
Scene from Concentration Camp
Churning Butter
Study for the Painting 'Life and Death'
The Prodigal Son
Landscape with Trees
Landscape with Travellers
In the Pub
Landscape with Procession
Madonna and Child
Small Village
Zátišie s hodinami
Motif from Dolný Kubín
Little Houses by the Forest
Following Footsteps
Hunter with Two Dogs
Resting Hutner with Two Reclining Men
Man Carrying a Deer
Standing Hunter with a Dog
At the Table
Landscape with a River
Symbolic Figure of a Man in a Folk Costume
Autumn on a River Bank
Hunter with Dog II.
Hunter with Dogs
Resting Farmers
Seated Woman
Dogs Fighting
Rainbow over a Village
Boar Hunt
By the Campfire
Reclining Woman
Girl in front of a Shepherd's Hut
Running Hunter with a Rifle
Two Reclining Dogs
In the Pasture
Boar Hunt
Motif from Circus
Picking Potatoes
Carrying the Sick
Standing Huntsman with Two Dogs
Blue Bay
Winter Landscape
Reclining Nude in a Garden
Resting Huntsman
Sunset in the Mountains
Walking Hunter with Dogs
Reading Old Lady
Hunter with a Fox in His Hand
Hunters and Death
Group of Men in the Woods
Hunter with his Prey
Figural Study
Peasant Woman
Mountain Landscape
Mother with Children
Head of a Woman in Profile
Portrait of a Woman
Over the Prey
Hunter Shooting
Hunter in a Blue Forest
Head of a Man in a Hat
Man's Face
Portrait of a Young Woman with a Braid
Woman's Bust
Furnace Operator
Night Hunt
Shooting Huntsman
Sketched of Galloping Horses
Zvoz dreva
Slovak Family
Sawing Wood
Still Life with Apples
Hunters with a Hunted Wild Bear
Krajina s domami
Reclining Dog
Bull Fight
Seated Man
Man with a Dog
Hunting Motif
Woman with a Basket
Galloping Horses
Dedinský motív
Fairy Tale Motif
Cigánka a škovránok
Oravec - štúdia
Pastieri koní
Portrét dievčaťa - Vierky Gacekovej
Pohľad na Dolný Kubín
Zvážanie dreva
Hlava ženy
Hlava muža
Kubínsky potok
Oravský motív
Z Lužnej
Do poľa
Nad dedinou
Choč a žena
Pastier s koňom
Portrét muža-autoportrét
Cesta na Rovišne
Domky na Orave
Pri vreci
Z poľa domov
Otec s dievčatkom
Splašené kone
Portrét chlapca v klobúku
Večerná krajina
Sediaca žena
Paseka v horách
Muž na brehu rieky
Poľovné psy
Pred búrkou
La mort (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 153364-000)
Nu femení (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 042126-000)
Retrat d'Alma Dolores Bastián
L'Esperit popular
International. December
Lippincott's December
infant bed of Amsterdam
Borstspeld (S98/1)
Herr von Salzmann
Bildnis des Dr. Benno Geiger
Restaurant in Kappeln
Bildnis des Preußischen Ministerpräsidenten Dr. Friedberg
Der Vater des Künstlers
Bildnis des Kunsthistorikers Adolph Goldschmidt
Женски портрет
Папрадишко-велешки црковни градители, зографи и резбари
Портрет на Јован Зографски
Портрет на игуменот Спиридон
Портрет на момче
Портрет на селанец
Портрет на сопругата Сава
Rahvarõivais naine poisiga
Portrait of Leonard Cox
May Flowers
Mural Study
The Rose
A Lady
Young Boy in a Sailor's Costume
Portrait of a Young Girl
Allyn Cox
Karierte Welt (Checkered World)
Untitled (Bridge and Fog)
Man Jumping
Shadows in Office
Untitled (Elizabeth Bridge and Bridge Chain)
Due prigionieri Gallas tradotti davanti a Ras Makonen
Semiramide muore sulla tomba di Nino
Le port de la Joliette à Marseille
The Fountain
Paysage de la Bléone à Digne
Le Courrier
statue by Maurice Sarkissoff in Ariana Parc, Geneva
Still life
Forest Landscape
Peedu. Elva
War memorial of Péronne - rue Béranger
The Spring
In the Park
Tallinna reid
Tallinna sadam
Tallinna tänav
Sadam Tallinnas
Tallinna vaade
Tallinna katused
Tallinna motiiv
Natüürmort puuviljadega
Vana Tallinn
Tallinna motiiv
Vana Tallinn
Tallinna motiiv
Vanalinna motiiv
Tallinna vaade
Vana Tallinn
Vanalinna tänav (Tallinna motiiv)
Tallinna sadam
Toompea katused
Naise portree (Hilda Tonat)
Talvine Tallinn
Tallinna vaade
Pöide maastik kirikuga
Saaremaa maastik
Tallinna vaade
Tallinna sadama motiiv
Monumento ai fratelli Pasini
Salomé holding the severed head of John the Baptist
Hlava chlapčeka
Podobizeň Eduarda Édera
Podobizeň premonštára
Ženský akt s tigrom
Hlava chlapca
Podobizeň muža s fúzami
Mytologická scéna
Podobizeň Eugena Deila
Podobizeň muža s fúzami
En gård i Vendsyssel. Solnedgang
En lille pige
In autumn
Víctor Balaguer inv 2155
Ex-libris Canibell
An Eight-Pointer in the Mountains
A View of Lesser Town from Vrtbovska Garden
The Gate of Strahov Monastery
Three cats
Four kittens
Three Women
Gracht en Grote Kerk te Dordrecht
Haven van Dordrecht met Grote Kerk
Princess Juliana Memorial
Still Life (Mug and Bowl of Cherries)
Late Night Snack
Still Life with Oranges
Peaches in a Pail
Landschaft mit weißen Segeln
Mann mit Strohhut
Kinder im Garten
Heavenly Gloria
Stilleben (Abstrakt komposition)
Abstrakt komposition (Chinatown?)
Portrait of Dirk Fock
Jonkheer Bonifacius Cornelis de Jonge (1875-1958). Gouverneur-generaal (1931-36)
Kensington Gardens
View in Bath, towards Beechen Cliff
The Circus at Bath
Music Hall Audience
Thérèse Lessore - Bruges - Café Chantant
The Days Work - Hop Picking
Theatre Audience - Thérèse Lessore
Men and Women with Baskets - Thérèse Lessore
Old Woman - Thérèse Lessore
Parcels Office - Thérèse Lessore
Women Seated - Thérèse Lessore
Saturday Evening
Brighton Fishermen
Place d'Aix, Marseille
Kensington Gardens
Victoria Park – 'Let's Go Home Sis!'
Thé dansant
Hop Gardens, Kent
My Little Piccaninny
Entrance to the Pump Room, Bath
Corridor of Flowers (Bath Flower Market)
The Reflective Horse
Mr Fossett: Circus at Bath
Walcot Street from Hedgemead, Bath
Pulteney Bridge over the Avon at Bath
Walcot Church, Bath
Swainswick Valley, Bath
Scenes from 'The Duchess of Malfi', Performed at the Haymarket Theatre
'The Taming of the Shrew'
Scenes from 'The Duchess of Malfi', Performed at the Haymarket Theatre
Circus at Bath
The Friends of Muskie the Lion
Pulteney Bridge, Bath
The Serpentine in Spring, Hyde Park, London
Circus at Bath, Mr Barratt and Patch
The Crescent, Bath
Fair, Lower Common Bath
The Islington Twins
'Miss Lulu' and 'Mr Harry', Circus Scene
Swallow's Circus, Royal Agricultural Hall
Islington Circus
Swallow's Liberty Horses
Euston Theatre of Varieties
Walcot Church, Bath, Somerset
The New Cap
Swallow's Circus, Royal Agricultural Hall
Swallow's Circus, Royal Agricultural Hall
The Daredevils
Islington Circus
Islington Circus
Islington Circus
The Rifle Range
Adelaide Yelving in the Circus Ring
Flute and Harp
Walcot Street
Pas de deux
Work, Work, Work
Kensington Gardens
The Garden Window
Slovenski skladatelji
Sir Arthur Ernest Cowley (1861–1931)
The Honourable Mr Justice Rigby Swift, MP for St Helens (1910–1918)
Kubistická kašna na severovýchodním konci Mánesova mostu v Praze
Kubistická kašna na jihovýchodním konci Mánesova mostu v Praze
Ein Maientag
Springtime in the mountains
The Arrival of the Bishop
Wedding under the Trees
Bouquet of Flowers
The White Horse
Emblematic Violet Vase of Flowers
Girl on a Horse
Les Rois mages
Bouquet de fleurs
Bouquet de glaïeuls
Nature morte
Autoportrait ou Simone Mary Bouchard au début de sa carrière
Fillette nourissant ses chats
Panel of a Screen
Gentle Spring Brings Her Garden Stuff to Market
Die Eismänner
Die Steinträger von Ragusa
Landschaft mit Felsen
Portrait of Frau von Birkenreuth, 'Das Lila Staatskleid'
Der Geier im Felsengestein
Der Apfelbaum
Landscape with trees and geese
The surge in Lacroma
Burgruine auf Felsen (Die Hohenstaufenburg, Duino)
The Birch Wood
Forest fairy
Felsenlandschaft bei St. Canzian
Femme nue assise
Portrait de femme
Last of the Wild Horses
Redmountain From Nelsons
The Last of the Wild Horses
Wild Horses
Dangers of the Mail
Summer Lunch
Dry Sand Molding of Dredge Bucket Lip - Taylor Wharton Iron and Steel Company Est. 1742
The Ruins on the Dunes
Auratum Lilies
Still Life
Victorian Still Life #1
Untitled (Smelting)
Hand Grinding Castings - Taylor-Wharton Iron and Steel - Est. 1742
Green Sand Molding - Taylor-Wharton Iron & Steel
The Electric Furnace Taylor-Wharton Iron & Steel Company Est 1742
Goethe-Denkmal Darmstadt
Paisatge de l'Exposició de Filipines
Bust de soldat. Model d'estudi
Portrait of Pere Casas Abarca
Exposición de retratos y dibujos antiguos y modernos
Exposition de portraits et dessins anciens et modernes. Barcelone 1910
Exposició de retrats y dibuixos antichs y moderns. Barcelona 1910
Exposición de retratos y dibujos antiguos y modernos (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 000446-C02)
Retrat de Pere Casas Abarca
En el coro
Vacunación de niños
The Cliffs at Mesnilval
River Scene, Evening
Esquisse pour la salle de mariages de la mairie d'Asnières : Paysage. Péniches sur la Seine, avec le pont d'Asnières
Esquisse pour la salle des mariages de la mairie d'Asnières : La Seine au pont d'Asnières
Esquisse pour la mairie d'Asnières : La Seine au pont de Clichy.
Esquisse pour la salle des mariages de la mairie d'Asnières : Paysages. La Seine avec les ponts de Saint-Ouen et de Courbevoie
Esquisse pour la mairie d'Asnières : La Ville d'Asnières et la Seine
A hard rider
I Say
a Leicestershire man
Descended from Edward Longshanks
Raby Castle
Dog and Pheasant (1)
Hunt Terriers (1)
Hunt Terriers (2)
English Setter
Dog and Pheasant (2)
The Driller
The End of Day
Man of Steel
Llibreria de F. Puig y Alfonso
Fountains in the Court of Oranges
Fountains in the Court of Oranges
Bathpool Bridge, Taunton
The Shingle Reach, Roughmoor, Taunton
The Convent Walk, Taunton
The Willow Bridge
From the Kastaki Gate, Tangier, Morocco
Alfred James Hipkins
With thy Sweet Fingers
Provenzalische Landschaft
Houghton Bridge, West Sussex
Ypres Salient, Dawn, February 1918
The Coat of Many Colours
The Picnic
HRH Arthur (1850–1943), Duke of Connaught, President of the Royal Academy of Music (1901–1942)
Mary Ginnett
Mary Sitting in a Wood
Four Trees and a Building
The Secret Bather
Sir William H. B. Ffolkes, Bt (1847–1912) (after Oswald Hornby Joseph Birley)
Hampstead Heath, London
Lady with a Blue-Brimmed Hat
Child in a Green Cape
Mary under Sunshade
Portrait of an Unknown Girl
Head of an Unknown Lady
Ruined Castle
Female Nude
Portrait of a Man
Unknown Lady
Little Venice
Portrait of a Lady
Boy's Head
The Picture Book
A June Interior
Cathedral Façade
Landscape with Farm Buildings
Country Lane
Seascape with Fishing Boats
Shipping in the Thames Estuary
The Pool of London
Marion Blythe
A Lesson in Chess
John Wight Duff, MA, DLitt
John Wight Duff, MA, DLitt
Sir Robert Alfred Bolam
Silver and Spode
W. L. Renwick, Regius Professor of English and Rhetoric at the University of Edinburgh
Vase of Flowers
Buđenje fountain
Far and away
Christmas Eve
Lady in a Green Dress
News from Abroad
Neighbourly Gossip
The Stolen Interview
The road to the beach
Sailing Ship
Fuji San
Grey summer
Evening Landscape
Central Australian landscape
(Horses and binder)
Valley of the Goulburn
Heading for the ranges
Bush Landscape
Oxcliffe Marshe, 1900
Portrait of Pieter Antonie van der Lith
Passengers in the Tram
Passengers in the tramway
The Keizersgracht in Amsterdam
The Artist's Mother
Mother and Child
Grandmother's Help
Portret van Pieter Antonie van der Lith, hoogleraar Mohammedaans Recht te Leiden
The Marshes
Charles H. Woodbury
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Zinnias and Marigolds
The Adriatic Sea
Self Portrait
Moonlight, Woodstock
Tropical Castles
Gulf Stream
Butter and Eggs Cross
Peonies and Deer
Burnham Beeches, Buckinghamshire
Nature morte aux poissons
Nature morte aux prunes et pêches
Nature morte aux prunes
Stilleven met vissen
View of the Harbour at Marseilles
Stilleven met perziken en druiven
Stilleven met perziken in mand voor landschap
Chinese schotel met vruchten
Femme du Pollet à Dieppe
Still Life with Chinese Rug and Fruit
Still Life
Still Life: Flowers
The Sewing Maid
Assorted Flowers in a Vase With Grapes and a Peach on a Table
Le Moulin à vent
Le Doux foyer d'Armor
Landschap (Paysage).
Vissersboten in de haven van Dieppe
portret "Jan Herman van Heek (1873-1957)" op doek door Alexis Vollon, 1937
Girl Seated at a Table Sewing
Portrait du général de division Callet
Arthur Hoppock Hearn
William T. Evans
Henry Ward Ranger
John Schuyler Crosby
Isidor Straus (1845-1912)
Francis Hardon Burr (1890-1914)
Levi Guernsey Curtiss (1803-1833)
Mrs. Daniel Willis James (1833–1916)
Lady Marjorie Gordon (1880–1970)
'Monarch': Head of a Terrier
James Clark, Esq.
Lieutenant-General Sir Walter Kitchener (1858–1912), KCB
Plas Mawr, Conwy
View from My Window
The End of the Village
Fresh and Breezy
A Study, A Grassy Bank, with Trees
Old Skelwith Bridge, Ambleside
Coming Rain
The Old Millhouse, Milnthorpe
A Wet Day (near Skelwith)
Throw It Again (Companions)
Piccadilly Circus at Night, London
HM Queen Victoria (1819–1901)
Francis Glisson, MD (copy after William Fairthorne)
J. J. Shannon, R. A.
A Night in Central Park
John Muir
Richard Mansfield in Clyde Fitch's Beau Brummel
John Burroughs (1837-1921), Litt.D. 1910
Samuel Lewis Penfield (1856-1906), Ph.B. 1887, M.A. (Hon.) 1896
Portrait of Mrs Gorges (née Kelly)
Richard Mansfield (1854-1907)
Henry Jackson (1839–1921), Fellow, Vice-Master and Classical Scholar
Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857–1935)
A Summer Lane, Penycoed
Towy Valley Farm
Madame Craeybeckx
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Evening Peace
The Church of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Ter Hoye Beguinage in Ghent
Farm at Dusk
Blue Barge on the River Scheldt
The Morgue (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Ter Hoye Beguinage in Ghent)
The Old Tenant
Hoofd van een vrouw
A Country Inn
William Garnett-Bottfield, Mayor of Bishop's Castle (1888, 1896–1899, 1901–1903)
J. W. Green (d.1932), Chairman of the Brewers J. W. Green Ltd (1897–1930)
Grey November, Founders' Landing, Southold, Long Island, USA
Still Life with Fish
Still Life with Dead Game
River Cagnes
Still Life
Effet nocturne
River Scene with Telegraph Poles
Johann Strauss II (1825–1899)
Sir John Ogilvy (1803–1890), 9th Bt of Inverquharity (after George Reid)
Standing Male Nude
A Refugee
Northampton from Hunsbury Hill
On the Ouse
Silver Birches
'Cock Inn', Kingsthorpe, Northampton
Landscape, Lake with Swans
Joseph Hodson
On the River Trent
Landscape with Windmill
Robert McLean (1858–1930), JP, Mayor of Durham (1912 & 1922)
Quintin Hogg (1845–1903)
Alice Hogg (1846–1918)
Portrait of a Gentleman (thought to be Quintin Hogg)
Chateau Gaillard
In the Cotswolds
Ceylon Landscape (No. 4)
The Flowers of the Fields
The Prodigal Son, Evening
Ceylon Landscape (No. 2)
Ceylon Landscape (No. 3)
Cloud Reflections, Sea of Galilee
Palestine Landscape (No. 1)
Evening, Galilee, Eastwards towards the Jordan
Ceylon Landscape (No. 1)
Sunset on the Cotswolds
The Flowers of the Fields, Galilee
Sea of Galilee and Mount Hermon
Combat: The Cock Fight
Palestine Landscape (No. 2)
Evening, Sea of Galilee
Nazareth from Mount Tabor
Palestine Landscape (No. 3)
Near to Nazareth
Haytime, Gloucestershire
Harvesting under a Stormy Sky
Sleepy Cockerel
In the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire
Sunset from Mount Lavinia, Ceylon
The Way to Emmaus
The Silver Sea
Sea of Galilee
Huttleston Rogers Broughton, 1st Lord Fairhaven, (1896-1966)
Huttleston Rogers Broughton, 1st Lord Fairhaven, (1896-1966)
Marjory and Anne
The Smiling Amazon
G. Monk (Old Iron Portrait Collection)
Man with a Lute (after Anthony van Dyck)
Dr James Fowler Tocher (1864–1945)
Ernest Thesiger (1879–1961)
James Fowler Tocher
Edwin Stanley Hall (1881–1940), PRIBA
William George Stewart Adams (1874–1966)
John Ledingham (1875–1944)
Reverend John Paul Stewart Riddell Gibson, Fourth Principal of Ridley Hall (1927–1945)
Simon Denis St Leger Fleming, Royal Horse Artillery
A Lady Seated on a Balcony
Portrait of Hope Lisle
Thora with Flowers
Thora with Goldfish
The sleepy model
Forest Row, Sussex, the Golf Course
Mellte Falls
St Ives
Peel Harbour with Peel Castle in the Background, Isle of Man
Fleshwick, Rushen
Clay Head
View of Malines
A Stirlingshire Farm
Cruive Dykes (Craigforth)
In a Flemish Town: Bruges
Quai d'Or, Bruges
Still Life with Lemon and Glass of Wine
Kenneth Mackenzie, Provost of Stornoway (1922–1925)
Louis Bain (1872–1946), Provost of Stornoway (1925–1930)
Captain William Wright, Master of Trinity House (1939–1947)
Captain Robert Meikle, JP, Master of Trinity House (1927–1937)
Corner of the Fife Coast
Satsuma Vase
John Allen Drummond Young, c.1920
Still Life with Lemon and Glass of Wine
Murdo Maclean, Provost of Stornoway (1916–1919)
Roderick Smith, Provost of Stornoway (1919–1922 & 1933–1939)
Lockwood Viaduct
Summer Skies and Sunshine
Sybil Crozier Smith (d.1960), Wife of Major General Sir James Lauderdale Gilbert Burnett of Leys, 13th Bt
William Low (d.1936)
W. Norman Boase (1870–1936), Provost of St Andrews (1927–1936)
Sir Richard James Meller (1872–1940), JP, DL, MP, Charter Mayor of the Borough of Beddington and Wallington
Frederick Richardson
Lady McKay
Sir George Mills McKay of Rothay Manor (1869–1937)
Harmony (Cattle Watering, Pevensey, East Sussex)
Adelaide Crescent, Brighton, East Sussex
The Witness, St Paul's in the Blitz
Constable's County
An Earnest Movement in Andante (Charles Heywood, Violinist)
Deepening Shades
Hayfield near Trent Baths at Nottingham
A Country Lane
Sunset on Putney Heath
Roses and Carnations
Self Portrait in a Trilby
The Road to Roehampton, Putney Heath
A Pathway, Putney Heath
Bowl of Roses
Portrait of a Man
Portrait of an Old Woman
A Bowl of Anemones
Female Figure Seated
Portrait of a Man Wearing a Fez
Portrait of a Moroccan
Cottage at Slindon, Sussex, opposite the Village Club
After Rehearsal
The Mirror
Chloë Boughton-Leigh
The Island, Marsden
Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould (1834–1924)
Richard Carter, Father of the Artist
Adrian George Licrece, Esq. (1870–1948)
The Reverend J. Henry Smith
Agnata Frances Ramsay (Mrs Montagu Butler)
Mrs Anderson Rodger
Anderson Rodger (1868–1909)
Gladys Bullough (1888–1975)
Lieutenant Colonel Walter Raleigh Chichester Constable (d.1941)
Edith Smyth-Piggot (d.1937), Wife of Lieutenant Colonel Raleigh Chichester Constable
Colonel H. R. Wallace of Busbie
Duncan Darroch (1868–1923), 6th of Gourock, Renfrewshire, Lord of the Barony of Gourock
Elizabeth Darroch of Gourock (d.1958)
Frederick Margetson Rushmore (d.1933), Master (1927–1933)
Brigadier John Ambard Bell-Smythe, CMG, CB
Evening, Loch Linnhe
Scalloway Castle
A Western Sea
Ships at Sea
Len Harvey
Still Life with a Wine Bottle
From My Study Window
The Student
An Old Kitchen
Rome, from The Pincio, Piazza Del Popolo, 1933
View of Carmarthen Quay
Island Wharf, Carmarthen
Tenby Harbour
View of a Coastline
View of Ferryside
A Carmarthenshire Farm
Carmarthen Quay
The Wheelwright's Shop
The Birthplace of John Edward Champney
The Monument, St Mary's Church, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire
Mrs Hirst, 1887
James Elijah Bartlett (1853–1941), Chairman of the Public Library Committee (1925–1936)
Cattle in a Mountain Landscape
The Book Worm
A Girl Sitting Reading
Still Life with Chinese Jar and Oranges
Still Life with Jug and Apples
Bertha Herkomer (1858–1945)
View of Richmond Castle and the Green
The Convent, Mallorca, Spain
A Winter Sunset, Mid Quay, Greenock, 1888
Seascape (Sailing Boats in Bad Weather)
The Day of Rest, Winter
Evening in the Meadow
Stormy Weather, Largs, 1919
Summer Moonlight, Firth of Clyde
Haddock Fishers, Ballantrae
Back to the Clyde – Sunset
Ducks and Ducklings on Pond
High Street Renfrew, 1888
Gentleman Reading a Newspaper
Paisley Cross by Moonlight
A Devon Lane
Sunrise on Clyde
Ducks and Ducklings
The Old West Kirk, Greenock
Old Greenock of Bygone Days
Brigantine in a Breeze
A View of William Street from Mid Quay, Greenock
Robert Cochran (Ex-Provost)
The Duck Pond
Sir William Henry Bragg (1862–1942)
An Imaginary Friday Evening Discourse Scene – 'Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen'
An Imaginary Scene Showing a Friday Evening Discourse during the Blitz
Victoria Drive
David George Ritchie (1853–1903)
Puddlers at a Staffordshire Puddlers Workshop
The Temple of Isis at Philae
Pyramids at Giza
The Great Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak
The Colossi of Memnon at Thebes
The Temple of Kom Ombo
The Nile at Aswan
The Sphinx, Gizeh
The Temple of Kom Ombo
Flowers in a Blue Vase
Scottish Landscape
Sea and Fish
The New Dress
Flowers and Pears
The Yellow Door
The Spotted Jug
The Red House, Hampstead, London
Cottage with Stream
Scottish Landscape
A Russian Village
Russian Village, Winter
Cactus and Apples
Lonely Shore
Black Bottle and Onions
Scottish Fisherwomen
Self Portrait (The Artist in His Studio)
Fishing off the Coast of Scotland
The Emigrants
The Model
Morning Mist
The Candle
The Schooner No. 3
Wood and Lake
The Window
The Right Honourable Stuart Rendel (1834–1913), 1st Baron Rendel
William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898)
Sir James Fritz James Stephen, Bart. , K. C. S. I.
Henry Neville, Baron Gladstone of Hawarden, Fourth President of the College (1928–1935)
Henry Neville Gladstone, 1st Baron Gladstone of Hawarden (1852–1935)
The Right Honourable William Gladstone (1809–1898) (after John Everett Millais)
Portrait of a Woman Holding Roses
Andrew Coates
John Burns (1815–1910), MD
Sir Francis Norie-Miller of Cleeve (1859–1947)
Evening Meal
Dutch Interior – The Seamstress
Last of the Handloom Weavers
A Stitch in Time
A Perthshire Stream
Mrs Andrew Coates
The Little Sister
Mending the Net
A Yorkshire Dale
Fylde Landscape
Ship up the Creek (after N. Green)
Steamship in Moonlight
Sailing Ship under Reduced Sail (after Edward Hoyer)
SS 'Adriatic', the First White Star Liner to Come to Southampton Passing Down Cowes Roads, 31 May 1907
Western Esplanade, Southampton
SS 'Titanic'
Old Waterloo Bridge, London
Launch of the 'Fuji' at Blackwall
The Shipyard at Night
‘HMS Thunderer’
Battle Cruiser HMS 'Princess Royal' in the Floating Dock, Portsmouth
Harvey’s Shipyard
Samuel Crompton (1753–1827)
Summer Evening
James Alexander Panton (1838–1908)
James Leigh Hunt (1784–1859)
Gouliot Caves, Sark
David Blackley, JP, LCC
Bridge Street, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, in Winter
John Caius (1510–1573)
George Forrest Browne (1833–1930), Secretary of the Local Examinations Syndicate (1869–1892), Bishop of Bristol (1897–1914)
Joseph Humphry, Mayor of Sudbury (copy of a self portrait)
Alderman George William Andrews
Sir George Murray Humphry (1820–1896)
William Cavendish (1808–1891), 7th Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University (1861) (copy after George Frederic Watts)
Self-portrait with stunned mullet
Dry grass landscape
Old Lady in a Shawl
Goose Girl
The Cornish Coast near Porthcurno
Shore Scene
Richard Heape
Robert Taylor Heape (1848–1917)
Robert Taylor Heape (1848–1917)
Benjamin Heape (1780–1847)
George Gordon Byron (1788–1824), 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale (after Thomas Phillips)
Study of a Man, Head and Shoulders
La Magra, Sarzana, Italy
Monastery, Paleokastritsa, Corfu
Alpine Flowers
Fulham Hospital after Bombing
St Paul's Cathedral from Watling Street
London Dock Fires, 1940
Song of Spring
Olive Gatherers
Bringing Down Mountain Grapes
Rezzolla Loggia, Pugliola, Italy
Harbour Scene with Large Sailing Vessel and Small Craft
Almond Blossom, Majorca
The Village Street
The orchard
Iverna Gardens, Kensington
Ivy Ball in fancy dress
Maquette voor de medaille voor het memoriaal Guillaume Verspeyen
Le Semeur
Monument to the Unknown French Soldier
Mémorial aux Héros laekenois
Bateaux indochinois sur le fleuve rouge
Dreef te Gompel
Kapel te Mol
Kempisch landschap met schaapskudde en herder
Kapel Balen - Schoor
Rockbound Coast, Cape Ann
Gezicht op kerk te Westerbork
Moroccan with fruit basket
Heidelandschap met herder en schaapskudde;
Gezicht op Dordrecht
Channel to the Mills
The Prince of Wales (Edward VIII)
Boy with blond hair
Die Godts armen veracht,namaals zijn vergelding wacht
Näköala ikkunasta
Manola (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1109)
Paisatge (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1114)
Cap masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1178)
Dona ajaguda (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1079)
Dona ajaguda (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1085)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1078)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1080)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1083)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1084)
Dona ajaguda (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1071)
Jove tocant la flauta (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1065)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1049)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1050)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1068)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1051)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1072)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1075)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1076)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1087)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1088)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1089)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1052)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1054)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1055)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1057)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1059)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1060)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1063)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1066)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1069)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1053)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1056)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1064)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1067)
Vell assegut (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1061)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1058)
Dona asseguda (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1077)
Dona asseguda (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1082)
Gitana (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1086)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1073)
Nu femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1081)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1062)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1070)
Nu masculí (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1074)
Personatge (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1090)
Arco Iris (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1098)
Autoretrat (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1093)
Baco (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1179)
Noi (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1097)
Noia (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1094)
Paisatge (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1099)
Vaca (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1095)
Cap femení (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1177)
Àngels (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 1100)
Hooded Warblers, study for book Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom
The Embattled Farmer
Franklin MacVeagh
Increase Mather (1639-1723), after van der Spriett
Study for Portrait of George DeForest Brush (1855-1941)
The Reaper
The old people
L'Étang fleuri
Le Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre
Paris Street Scene by Mimis Vitsoris
Große Pinien (Landschaft mit Ziegen)
Frühstück im Freien
Ferme an der Côte
Stilleben mit Zitronen
Monhegan Headlands
Golden Day
Death Valley, II
Sunlight in the Valley
Dame Edith Evans (Dame Edith Mary Booth)
Woman Strolling
Voters Puppets
Market Place Mexico
Untitled (New York Skyline)
Vieux Port and Notre Dame de la Garde, Marseilles, France
Cofradias, Easter Procession, Seville, Spain
Landscape with Temple
Potten met primula's
Portrait of Israel Querido (1872-1932)
Portrait of Willem Anthony Paap (1856-1923)
Portret van Is. Querido
Stilleven met Judaspenningen
Landwirt in der Stube
Der Besuch
Carrer i catredral de Chartres (1912)
El Torín. Plaça de toros de la Barceloneta. (1910)
Stilleven met dode eend
Weißes Haus mit Weg
Silleben mit Kartoffeln
Landschaft bei Biesenthal
Nackte Frau
Landschaft bei Biesenthal
Blick auf Biesenthal zur Apotheke
Badende Knaben
Frau mit Hut
Portrait of a young Lady
Motion Picture
Head of a Young Girl
Stephen Salisbury III
Harper's Weekly. Sportsman's Number
The Inland Printer. April
Bandvinken in kooi
De tuin van het Tehuis voor Oude Lieden aan de Amstel
Spuistraat bij het Kattegat
Stilleven met oliekachel
Boulevard Saint-Denis
Stilleven met brood
Charles Dealtry Locock Fonds
Still Life
Pyramidal Forms
Skyline Drive
Three Horses
Vertical and Diagonal
Still life with skull and candle
In de zeventiende eeuw
Old Antique Shop
Still life with ara
Peonies in blue pot
Still life with flowers
Portrait sculpté de Joseph Serre
Proveniershuis te Rotterdam
Portrait of Jan Fabius (1904-1955)
Landschap met boerderijen aan de waterkant
View of Hattem
In het wiegje
Stilleven (groenten)
Landschap met kerk en fabriek; op achtergrond Hengelo
Hofje (vermoedelijk in Twente)
Poort van een buiten te Katwijk (N.H.) in de winter
Herderin met schapen aan bosrand
The Tambourine Dancer
The Tambourine Dancer
Algerian Woman
The Turkish Rose
Stilleven met vogelkooi
Retrato de António Tavares Festas
Azenhas do Pavia
Peasant couple
Retrato de D. Belmira Augusta Pereira Santos
Figura de menina
Retrato de Francisco Cardoso de Almeida Mesquitela
Igreja de Repeses
Retrato de Manuel Pais Pereira
Retrato do Dr. Afonso M. Pinto Veloso
Menina - Efeitos de Luz
Menina das Camélias
Mulher orando à lareira
O "Van-Rouge" de Santiago
Paisagem com casa
Parque do Fontelo - Alameda de Árvores
Parque do Fontelo - Capela de São Jerónimo
Parque do Fontelo - Árvores Frondosas
Praça de Camões - Viseu
Quinta de São Miguel - Viseu
Back from the Field
Retrato de D. Eugénia Cândida da Silva Mendes Viseu
Retrato de D. Gaudêncio José Pereira
Retrato de Francisco de Almeida Moreira
Retrato de Homem
Retrato de José Ribeiro de Carvalho e Silva
Retrato de Menina
Retrato de Mulher
Retrato de Plácido António Vasconcelos Maya
Retrato do Padre José Dias
Sol da tarde - Azinheiras (Marinha Grande)
Um caminho em Manhufe
Velho Peralta - séc. XVIII
Manessebrunnen Zurich
Monumentalbrunnen mit Steinrelief und Sitzbänken
Grosse Steinamphore
Fountain with Male Sculpture and Bench
Monumentalbrunnen mit Standbild am alten Bahnhof Wiedikon
Pilgrim Fountain
Brunnentrog mit Relief "Fischfang"
The Buller Gorge
Silverstream, Hutt Valley
The Dart Valley, Wakatipu, from Paradise Valley
Alma, Belmont
Clinton Canyon
The Whanganui River
Lake Rere, Wakatipu
The Sea Brethren
Tara Tara Mountain, Whangaroa Harbor
Le Gibier
Nature morte aux oignons
Portrait Rosar Lanzlott
Wandbrunnen Zürichbergstrasse 24
Wandbrunnen mit Löwenkopf
Fish market fountain
Brunnen mit Nymphe
Dolphin Fountain
Columbine and Pierrot
Blood or Bread: Others are giving their blood - You will shorten the war - save life, if you eat only what you need, and waste nothing. USFA no. 16
Hun or Home Buy More Liberty Bonds
Het Noordeinde, Den Haag
King Camp Gillette
F.A. Dixon
Fishing Station
Gatineau Landscape
Percé Rock
Street Scene
Low Tide, Coast of Massachusetts
The Coast Farm
An Interesting Story
On the Beach, Basseterre, W.I.
Autumn in the Gatineau
The Harvest Moon
St. Thomas Harbour
A Little Puritan
The Photographer
Golden Age
The Beach, St. Kitts
Old Fishing Station, Percé
Head of a Girl (Mädchenkopf)
Pejzaż o zachodzie słońca
Bucking Bronco
Blackfoot Women Moving Camp
Sioux Chief
After the Buffalo Hunt
End of the Race
The Stray-a-Way
Herding Cattle
Calf roping
The Stage Coach
Madonna with Child and St John
Christ's Head
Portret Heleny Modrzejewskiej
The Quartier Latin
Sainte Odile guérissant un jeune aveugle
Walter fighting at the Wasigenstein
Vissersweduwe met zoon
Street in Normandy
monumento ai Caduti del Secondo Reggimento Alpini
The Spinners
Die Gärtnerei
Badende Frauen
Weiblicher Akt in Landschaft
Ernte im Hochsommer
Weibliche Akte
Groentevrouw in de jodenbuurt
Zelfportret Marianne Franken
Drie kinderen
Portrait of a girl
Schaal met vruchten, fles en glas
Portrait of a boy in a red pullover
Vaas met bloemen
Portrait of lady with a hat
Fles en fruitschaal
Stilleven met bloemen
Stilleven met druiven en tinnen kan
Portret van Betty Niza Tal
Marjo Tal
Betty Niza Tal
Stilleven met poppen en trommel
Oudere dame met cape
Jong meisje met das
Dame met hoed en ontblote schouders
Meisje met baret
Jonge vrouw met zwarte hoed met kinband
Jongen staand met driekleur
Man met pijp
Gitaarspelende vrouw
Jongen in matrozenpakje
Portrait of Rene Henri Maurice van Loon (1890-1943)
Riddersporen in glaasjes
Gezicht op het Damrak
Jac. van den Bosch in het atelier van Alex Sleeswijk
Portrait of Paul Frederik Zeeman (1887-1984)
Kopf einer alten Frau mit der Hand am Mund
Reverend John M. Walden
Woman Sitting at Kitchen Hearth
The Spinet
Minute Man
Green Dragon Tavern, Boston
Courtship of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins
Seated Man
Wladimir B. Krzyzanowski (1824-1887)
Cadillac Founding City of Detroit
Loyalists Driven from Their Homes
Revolutionary War Drummer
Pere Marquette Reaching the Mississippi River
Visit to the Mint by President Washington and Party in 1792
Contemplative Pilgrim
The Blacksmith
Minute Man
The Great Review at Morristown, 1780
William O. McDowell (1848–1927)
Visitors at Washington's Home, Mount Vernon, Virginia
Mrs. Joseph Pollock Dunsmore (Margaret Annette Ward, 1827–1912)
Thomas Satterwhite Noble (1835-1907)
Oliver D. Norton, MD (1821-1907)
Mrs. John Ward Dunsmore (1870-1945)
Figure for "Battle of Springfield"
Figures for "Battle of Springfield"
Soldiers of the Royal Irish Regiment
All's Fair in Love and War
The Story of the Battle
Coach at Mount Vernon, Virginia
While the Wheel Hums
Signing the First Recorded Deed in N.Y.C
Figures of Revolutionary War Officers
End of the Furlough
Figure for "Valley Forge"
Major Lewis Asks Washington's Consent to His Marriage with Nellie Custis
William Osborne McDowell (1848-1927)
Mount Vernon, Virginia
Figures for "Interview Between Admiral Lord Howe and the American Committee of Congress"
Figure for "Capture of General Nathaniel Woodhull"
Figures for "Capture of General Nathaniel Woodhull".
Washington's Tomb, Mount Vernon, Virginia
Rostrum and Fireplace, Independence Hall, Philadelphia
Kitchen, Mount Vernon, Virginia
Hut Camp of the 17th Regiment of Foot, Inwood Hill, New York City
Excavating the Hut Camp of the 17th Regiment of Fort Inwood
Mess Tent, Veteran Corps of Artillery, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Figure for "Defense of Fort Washington"
Camp Building, Veteran Corps of Artillery, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Camp of the Veteran Corps of Artillery, Tuckahoe, New York
Camp Scene, Veteran Corps of Artillery, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Camp of Veteran Corps of Artillery, Kensico Dam, N.Y.
Mess Tent, Veteran Corps of Artillery, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
S. Edson Gage (1865-1943)
John Ward Dunsmore (1856-1945)
Mrs. Murray Entertaining the British Officers
Captured Flags from Yorktown Laid at the Feet of Congress
Figure for "Defense of Fort Washington"
Figure for "Defense of Fort Washington"
Benjamin Franklin–Printer
Figure for "Defense of Fort Washington"
The Geographer
The Petition (sketch)
The Petition
Washington Examining Plans for Battle of Long Island
Figures for "Bloody Footprints in the Snow"
Figures for "Bloody Footprints in the Snow"
Palisades of the Hudson Fort Lee, N.J.
General Casimir Pulaski (1748-1779)
Dutch Lawyers - 1630
Sketch for "The Message from Lexington"
Wool Spinning
Wool Spinning
Detroit Museum of Art Records, 1883-1919
Portrait of a Girl
Le laboratoire municipal (préfecture de police, boulevard du Palais)
Promenade en yole
Falaise entre Perros et Trestraou
Une messe à Notre-Dame-de-la-Clarté
The Town Hall, Brussels (Royal Collection RCIN 406380)
The Town Hall, Brussels
Empress Maria Theresa
Family Merriment
Podobizna M.S.
Vlastní podobizna s modrým pozadím
Schlafraum auf Wangeroog
On the bank of River Seine
"Vive l'Empereur" statue
La Victoire en chantant
La Belle de L'ete
A visit with grandmother
Garden with Tulips
Still life of food
Allegory of spring
Zimná krajina
Pohľad na schody Pri starej vodárni na Vodnom vrchu
Mestské opevnenie Laurinská 24
Scharitzerov dom v Bratislave-miesto dnešného divadla P.O.H.
Bratislava - Zámocká cesta
Dvor domu na Zuckermandli
Bratislavský klariský kostol
Dunajské rameno
Schody do záhrady
Garbiarov dom v Bratislave
Krajinka s riekou
Pár z Limbachu
Zrúcanina kláštorného kostola
Bratislava - Radnica v roku 1825
Interiér múzea v Bratislave
Hrad Lietava
Bratislavské okolie
Portrét Mateja Béla
Dvor Académie Istropolitány v Bratislave
Pohľad na domy z vtáčej perspektívy
Švábski vysťahovalci
The Northwest Arm, Halifax
The Pink Coat
Castle and Viaduct* (verso)
The Poplars (Pull's Ferry, Norwich) (recto)
The 'Derelict', High Tide, Whitby, North Yorkshire
Evening Stillness
View from Vågå
Kornfeld vor einem Berg. Kreuzbach bei Fischbach im Riesengebirge
Valley in Kasagi
Interieur aus Schloß Paretz
Paysage Nocturne
Starting the Day
Der verlorene Sohn
Meine Frau
Fischer im Sturm
Der barmherzige Samariter
Portret van mr Marten Mees, bestuurder van de Holland-Amerika Lijn
Self-Portrait in front of the Easel
Koksende Hure
Petit Port--La Corniche, Marseilles
Seated Nude
Marseille, Steamship in the Harbor (Marseille, Dampfer im Hafen)
Seated Female
The Suffering Ones
Aufzug der Polizei von Bagdad
Two Lions (Zwei Löwen)
The Tightrope Walker (Die Seiltänzerin)
Spieler (Stevenson) [Gambler (Stevenson)]
Tom Mix I
Markt (Market)
Self-Portrait (Selbstporträt)
Hindu Village (Das Hindudorf)
Uble Street (Uble Strasse)
Don Quichote
Porte d'Orleans
Tom Mix II
Tom Mix II
Tightrope Walker (Seiltänzer)
Tightrope Walker (Seiltanzer)
METROPOLIS, Neun lithographien von PAUL GANGOLF...
Brücke [Bridge]
Warenhaus [Department Store]
Der Morgen [Morning]
Der Abend [Evening]
Die Nacht [Night]
Strasse [Street]
Der Hafen [Port]
Mees naisega
Naise portree
Naise portree
Landscape from suburb of Tartu
Poisi portree
Tartu vaade kaubahooviga
L'Epte à Giverny
The Policeman Entering a Town
Le berger
Vlkolínec pri Ružomberku
Miklušova väznica
Vnútro kostola sv. Jakuba v Levoči
Vnútro košického dómu
Na púti v Levoči
Z Levoče
Still-life: flowers in a vase
stillife a vase roses porcelainfigure
Pariksen tuomio
Letzte Schicht
Pri starej bráne
fisher-people at the shore working
Herbstliche Baumreihe
Bahnhofsplatz München im Winter
Calendulas and Asters
Chapel of St. Anne (St. Tropez)
Overlooking the Mediterranean
The Green Pot
Port of Douarnenez
Fisherman's Bride
The Bay of Douarnenez, Tréboul, Brittany
Shadow and Sunlight
Mittendorf, Outskirts of Munich
Mouth of the Pawcatuck River, Watch Hill, Rhode Island
A Quiet Spot
In September
Het uitrijden van Emma en Wilhelmina van paleis Noordeinde, Den Haag
Blés en Cerdagne
Oliviers de Majorque
Pêchers en fleurs
Plage d'Argelès
Black Cap
flora fountain
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Targad hommikumaalt
Lapsed purdel
Aktid maastikus
Figuraalkompositsioon "Ahastus"
Naine hülgega (visand)
Naise portree
Monstrumid (Sfinks ohvriga)
Daami portree (visand)
Kompositsioon (Triptühhon)
Lamavad aktid
Mooloki otsus
Naise poolakt
Kaks figuuri maastikus
Lamav naisakt
Mütoloogiline stseen
Peekri ulatamine (Kirke ja Odysseus)
Naisakt (Euroopa rööv)
Naine peegli ees
Naise pea
Lamav akt
Karika ulatamine
Kompositsiooni visand triptühhonile
Amor ja Psyhe
Moloki Parise otsus
Naise pea
Aktid maastikus
Kompositsiooni visand
Naise pea
Leda luigega (sketš)
Triton ja mereneid
Naine kalju ees (Andromeda)
Kompositsioon (Kirke ja Odysseus)
Figuurid maastikus
Sfinks ohvriga
Naine vee ääres
Naine maastikus
Naisakt maastikus
Grupp karikaga
Stseen interjööris
Naise pea
Naisakt tritonitega (visand)
Maastiku etüüd
Aadam ja Eeva
Mooloki otsus
Õnnistav Kristus
Kompositsioon (Charoni paat)
Naise portree
Kompositsiooni visand triptühhonile
Naised maastikul
Leda luigega
Akt maastikus
Istuv naisakt
Kompositsiooni visand
Leda luigega
Naise pea
Leda luigega (õli visand)
Mooloki otsus
Naisakt maastikus (Supleja)
Maastik jahimeestega
Charoni paat (kavand)
Lamav naisfiguur
Naised vee ääres
Peekri ulatamine (Kirke ja Odysseus)
S. Thiago. Commissão Geographica e Geologica de Minas Gerais Flha. Nº. 32 (N1O1
Lagôa Dourada . Commissão Geographica e Geologica de Minas Gerais Flha. Nº. 27 (N1E1
Naise akt
Naise portree (visand)
Naise portree
Apokalüptilised ratsanikud
Naisakt müüri taustal
Naise akt maastikus
Maastik veskiga
Mooloki otsus
Poolakt (visand)
Akt musta rätikuga
Naise akt (visand)
Akt maastikus
Rannamaastik figuuridega
Lamav naise akt
Istuv naine puu all
Naise akt
Naise akt (visand)
Forging the 9-inch Shell
Heating Billets for 9-inch Shells
Toronto City Officials Escorting First German Submarine in Canadian Waters
physiographic regionalization of the United States
Ink & printing colors factory A. Calff
Mehe portree
Hans Bernhard Schwerin (1898-1945) ancestry
Portrait of the sisters Eva (1925-1942) and Annemarie Loepert (1929-1942)
Frl. Bührle
Aksel von Nolkeni portree
E. von Nolkeni portree
Alice von Nolkeni portree
Naise portree
Mehe portree
Vanema mehe portree
Mona Lisa
Tundmatu mehe portree
Maal. Dr. Paul Schneideri portree.
Family talk
Haapsalu motiiv
Tomb of the Ribaudo family
Tomba Jonassohn
Pulpit of Nostra Signora della Misericordia Shrine
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Portrait of Johannes Borcht (1618-1652), echtgenoot van Catharina Nijenborch
Velas secándose después de la lluvia. Chioggia
(untitled) takahe by Lily Attey Daff
postcard of yellowhead and whitehead by Lily Attey Daff
Monument aux morts de la guerre de 1914-1918 de Hyères
Flowers in a Vase on a Table with a View to a winter Landscape beyond.
A sunlit Interior with Summer Flowers on a Ledge.
Still life with a blue vase.
Still life of rosehips in a blue vase by a window.
Flowers in a windowsill.
Still life with a bust and flowers.
Still life with samovar and tableware in silver.
Still life with chestnuts and a green vase.
Still life with tulips in a vase.
Dusk on the Seine before the Pont Neuf, Paris.
Summer flowers.
Roses in a Vase.
Peonies in a Vase.
Country house.
Still life with snowberries in a chinese vase.
Still life with chestnuts, bowl and flowers in a vase.
Portret van Johan Hubert (Jobs) Bonjer, wij-bisschop van de Vrij Katholieke Kerk
Drie apocalyptische ruiters
Sint-Nicolaas te paard met figuren uit zijn legende
Willem van Aquitanië als ridder te paard
Simon von Cyrene wird gezwungen Christus das Kreuz zu tragen zu helfen
Ontmoeting van Christus met Maria tijdens de kruisweg
Doop van Christus in de Jordaan
H. Familie
Petrus Canisius met aartsengel Michaël
Gekruisigde Christus met Maria en Lidwina
Portrait of Joannes Gerardus van Schaik (1871–1956)
Astrolabe: Stellar Compass
River Scene
View towards the Leander's Tower, Bosporus
William Temple Hornaday
Moine en prière
Portrait de Joseph Légaré
Ōtahuhu World War One Memorial
First World War Memorial
Sir Joseph Ward Statue
Papakura-Karaka War Memorial
Stillleben mit Orangen
The Haystack
Untitled (Portrait of Mary Smith)
A Breezy Day (Waikanae River)
By the Stream, Otaki
The Quarry
Pine Glade on Sand Dune at Otaki
An Evening Study
Untitled (Stream with rocks)
Portrait of the Artist's Daughter
Untitled (Stream crossing)
Untitled (Gathering)
Untitled (Gathering)
Untitled ("t's the old old road and the old old quest...")
Untitled (Hymn of Pan)
Queen Margaret Landing at London Bridge
Untitled (In Memoriam)
The Gold Turban
Titus Oates in the Stocks
Untitled (Portrait of a schoolgirl)
Reminiscences of the Bush
Untitled (Man with a sword)
The Russian Head-dress
The Blue Smock
Untitled (Mount Egmont)
Untitled (Prophet)
Untitled (Mountain scene)
Untitled (Mountain scene)
Untitled (Saint with halo and sword)
Untitled (Hydrangea)
Untitled (Coat of arms)
Untitled (Coat of arms)
The Camp
The Favourite
Untitled (Patea River, Taranaki)
Sketching, Otaki
Under the Trees, Otaki
Untitled (Lettering exercise, Read not to contradict...)
A Portrait (The Blue Feather)
The Crinoline
Lilian (Portrait of a Child)
Rahere doing penance in the Crypt of St Bartholomew, London
Pam and the Yellow Jersey
On the Wings of Song
Untitled (Flower study)
Untitled (Lunette)
Untitled (Roman Lettering)
Untitled (Roman Lettering)
Untitled (Chelsea China)
Untitled (Display of Autumn Shoes)
Untitled (Hydrangea)
Untitled (Hydrangea wallpaper design)
Untitled (Plant study)
Untitled (Plant cuttings)
Untitled (Iris)
Untitled (Plant cutting)
Breaker Bay, Wellington
Untitled (Head of a Camel)
Untitled (Red geraniums)
Untitled (Lion)
Untitled (Fuchsia)
Untitled (Crab apples)
Untitled (Tulip design)
Untitled (Heraldry)
Untitled (Amaryllis)
Untitled (Morris & Co. Oxford Str.)
Untitled (Iris)
Untitled (Leaf designs)
Untitled (Butterfly)
Robin Hood Bay, Yorkshire
Untitled (Hydrangea)
Place M. Nicholas, Antwerp
Robin Hood Bay
Untitled (Iris)
Untitled (Seascape)
Untitled (Rocky shore)
Untitled (Banana)
Untitled (Garden in fog)
Untitled (Flags)
Flamborough Head
Untitled (Cottage)
Untitled (Apple)
Untitled (Sunlit landscape)
Untitled (Coat of arms)
Place M. Nicholas, Antwerp
Untitled (Church through trees)
Untitled (Hydrangea)
Untitled (Amaryllis)
Opslag van hout in de omgeving van het Buizengat te Rotterdam
River Meander
Conway Valley
Welsh Lake
Pontcysyllte, Denbighshire
Winter Scene
Landscape with a Path
Neuve-Chapelle Indian Memorial
Portrait Moritz Grill
Monument of Beethoven
Intérieur de la cathédrale Saint-Nazaire
Le cour de dessin
Fleurs et Cité
Fleurs et paysage
Nude Girl
Staatsminister Friedrich von Brettreich
Бюст-паметник на Маестро Георги Атанасов
Landscape with a cart
Ault Park Promenade
Mount Adams
Late Summer
View from Sandomierz
Portrait of a little girl with flowers
Still Life
Motif from Hel
Still life
Landscape (Kazimierz Dolny)
Still life – Roses
A Photo Finish, by John Henry Hintermeister
Watch 'er Fly, Gramp, by John Henry Hintermeister
Touchdown by John Henry Hintermeister
Golden Pheasants by John Henry Hintermeister
Morning Walk by John Henry Hintermeister
A Safe Crossing by John Henry Hintermeister
Village Blacksmith by John Henry Hintermeister
Foundation of the American Government
Woodcocks feeding by John Henry Hintermeister
"Siesta" (Hochgebirgslandschaft mit Kühen)
Italienisches Mädchen
Erschreckte Pferde
The scorn
Javaans kindermeisje
Still Life with Blue Jar between Dish with Apples and Tulips
Die Giftpflanzen Deutschlands
Gustav Ernst Theodor Schmidt (Vater des Künstlers)
Am Bahnübergang
Hafen bei Sorrent
Weidendes Pferd
Alte Frau mit Fischen
See mit Segelbooten
Am Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten
Sommersonne in West-Dievenow
Lake with boats in the morning
Head of a Girl
Self-portrait with a straw hat
Female bust
Self-portrait 1919
Young girl with bouquet
Young woman with dogs
Little girl with cat
Young girl with macaroons
The bouquet of anemones
Back nude
Sitting nude
Portrait of an inhabitant of Rabastens
Portrait of an inhabitant of Rabastens
Portrait of Georges Gaudion
Portrait of Giovanni Leonardi
Rose glass
Schneelandschaft (Dachau)
49th Division Memorial
Portrait of Dr. Hahn
Frank Gardner Hale Jewelry and Enamels
The Lighthouse at Cape Inubō
Standschützendenkmal Sillian
Stillleben mit Interieur
Le Monument aux morts de Béziers
Velimezis collection
Still Life
Schilderij, olieverf op doek, voorstellende een vaas met pioenrozen, vervaardigd door G. Murman, 1944, werktitel
Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
Vrouw met bloemen en dode vogel
The Coronation of their Majesties George VI and Queen Elizabeth
Mountain of Lierna
Laundress in Lierna
Prima Fioritura a Lierna
Montagne a Lierna
Borgo Lierna
Contadina con Gerla a Lierna
Cadon le foglie a Lierna
"Old gentleman" with student cap
Manto Mavrogeni (bust)
Magnolia Macrophylla
Home Place
Stilleben mit Kerzenleuchter vor einem Spiegel
Winter in the Harbor
Olympic Poster, Berlin 1936
Girls with Bicycles entering Woods, circa 1890
Ferris Wheel, after 1893
Baby in Coffin
Portrait of Mrs. John Coleman
Small Girl in Coffin
Cabinet of Skulls
Snake Charmer
Portrait of Young Woman with Veiled Hat
Extended Family of Bill Jay
Couple in Field
Four Ho-Chunk People on a Bridge
Ho-Chunk Women in Buffalo Dance Lodge
Portrait of Marie Big Hawk and Her Baby
Studio Portrait of Two Standing Ho-Chunk Women
Memorial Anchor Wreath
Bust of General P. van Ham
Monte Amiata Cross
Bau der Mülheimer Brücke
Kreuzwegstation XI
Johannes statue
reliefs of four evangelists
Madonna on the St Mary's Church
reliefs angel with arma Christi