Aboriginal Rock Art, Anbangbang Rock Shelter, Kakadu National Park, Australia
According to ozoutback.com.au, it shows Namondjok, a Creation Ancestor, with his wife Barrginj below, the Lightning Man Namarrgon to the right, and a group of men and women with ceremonial headdresses underneath. These Spirit figures were repainted between 1962 and 1964, the last major rock painting at the Anbangbang Art site in Nourlangie Rock.
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{{Information| |Description = Aboriginal Art, Anbangbang Rock Shelter, Kakadu National Park, Australia |Source = Thomas Schoch at http://www.retas.de/thomas/travel/australia2005/index.html |Date = created 07. Aug. 2005 |Author = [[User:Mos
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