Geyser Batteries

Geyser Batteries

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing

Fast-Charging Ultra-Durable Carbon-Neutral Batteries -||- Always looking for talented multilingual electrochemists!

About us

Geyser Batteries is a Finnish cleantech startup developing and producing a new generation of safe and sustainable power batteries using proprietary water-based electrochemistry. Their patented technology is set to be a game changer in the transition to 100% renewables-based power grid by providing fast-storage batteries with a minimal cost per charge, lowest in class greenhouse gas emissions, maximum safety and ease of recycling. Being free of Nickel, Cobalt and other traditional electrode materials, Geyser Batteries' supply chain presents stark contrast to the challenges of the traditional battery industry.

Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Yrityksen koko
11–50 työntekijää


Työntekijät Geyser Batteries


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    We’re thrilled to announce that Geyser Batteries has been selected as one of the 10 companies to join the Large-scale Stationary Energy Storage group in the inaugural cohort of the D2XCEL accelerator program! This exciting pan-European scaling program connects over 200 investors, public and private lead customers, and innovation hubs to support deep tech and digital startups. We’re eager to dive into the program, where we’ll receive personalized guidance from experienced mentors and connect with experts on topics ranging from scaling and IPR to fundraising, helping us to maximise our impact globally. Let's get started!

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: D2XCEL, kuva

    695 seuraajaa

    🥁 And finally... We are really pleased to announce the selected companies for the Large-scale Stationary Energy Storage group, managed by partner BRYCK.COM, as follows: Geyser Batteries FLASC B.V. Fusebox Electriq Global Kite Rise Technologies PowerUP Energy Technologies STOFF2 Silbat Energy Storage Solutions Floating Power Plant HalioGen Power 👏Congratulations to all ventures for their outstanding applications and a big thank you to the selection panel members for their expertise and diligence! More on the D2XCEL scaling programme and participating stakeholders: #SustainableEnergy #ScalingProgram European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    It was a pleasure having you and sharing our latest developments! Thank you for your continued support. The right photo below showcases our cellblock prototypes during testing at VTT in 2022. Since then, we've made significant progress, including establishing our new home in Mikkeli. And there are even more exciting things on the horizon!

    Kaupunginjohtajan yritysvierailukohteena oli eilen Mikkelissä vuodesta 2022 toiminut Geyser Batteries Yritys on suomalainen start-up joka kehittää uudentyyppisiä, patentoituun vesipohjaiseen sähkökemiaan perustuvia suuritehoisia akkuja, jotka mahdollistavat nopeamman uusiutuvan energian käyttöön siirtymisen sähköverkoissa. Tuotteen kaupallinen potentiaali on valtava, sillä sille on kysyntää ympäri maailmaa. MikseiMikkelin tuella yritys löysi kotipaikkansa Mikkelistä. Tuskussa työskentelee 13 henkilöä valmistellen parhaillaan yrityksen pilottihankkeita erilaisiin projekteihin sekä Suomeen että muualle Eurooppaan. Lisätietoja kuvateksteissä. Lämpimät kiitokset erittäin mielenkiintoisesta vierailusta!

    • Takana vas. Hannu Mars (Etelä-Savon ELY-keskus), Timo Paakki (Miksei), Pekka Pöyry (Mikkelin kaupunki), Tiina Väkimies ja Anton Serbin (Geyser Batteries) sekä Jussi Heinimö (Miksei). Edessä vas. Janne Kinnunen (kaupunginjohtaja), Mari Meriläinen (Miksei) ja Geyserin toimitusjohtaja Andrey Shigaev.
    • Geyserin prototyyppien testaus VTT:llä
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    Last week, Suomen startup-yhteisö (the Finnish Startup Community) hosted an inspiring event on the “Vision of 2040: When Things Were Done Boldly and Fearlessly in Finland.” The Community envisions that by 2040, 1 in 10 of the world’s top companies will come from Finland. While this ambitious goal is still on the horizon, the panel discussion concluded with a thought-provoking question from the moderator Timo Ahopelto on what can be done to achieve the vision. The panelists provided many insightful responses, emphasising among other things the importance of a dynamic job market and the ability to attract bright minds and skilled hands from around the world to work and build new businesses in Finland. As proud members of Suomen startup-yhteisö, working toward a sustainable future alongside fellow startups, we couldn’t agree more. We believe there are three key pillars to creating a thriving environment for startups: maintaining Finland as an attractive and accessible destination for talent, ensuring access to diverse investment mechanisms at different growth stages, and implementing effective policies that support businesses—especially those that are strategic to the country's growth and industrial independence. With this support, we can truly position Finland as a global leader in many areas, including the green transition. A big thank you to Riikka Pakarinen, the CEO of the Finnish Startup Community, and the entire community for their unwavering support of startups. And, of course, thank you to the panelists for their valuable insights: Ilkka Paananen from Supercell, Miki Kuusi from Wolt, Peter Sarlin from Silo AI, Meri-Tuuli Laaksonen from Gubbe, Juha Vartiainen from IQM Quantum Computers and Herkko Plit from P2X Solutions Oy. A link to the recording (in Finnish) can be found in the original post.

    Näytä organisaatiosivu: Suomen startup-yhteisö, kuva

    8 751 seuraajaa

    Suomen startup-yhteisö järjesti maanantaina 19.8 Visio 2040 -tilaisuuden yhteydessä paneelikeskustelun. Jäsenyrityksillämme oli mahdollisuus seurata keskustelua verkossa. Keskustelussa nostettiin esille poliittisten päätösten vaikutukset yritysten toimintamahdollisuuksiin, regulaatio, rikkinäiset työmarkkinat sekä se, miten varmistetaan riittävä työvoima tulevaisuudessa. Kiitos vielä Herkko Plit - P2X Solutions Oy, Juha Vartiainen - IQM Quantum Computers, Peter Sarlin - Silo AI, Meri-Tuuli Laaksonen - Gubbe, Miki Kuusi - Wolt ja Ilkka Paananen - Supercell sekä keskustelua kommentoineet Nasima Razmyar ja Martti Hetemaki. Keskustelua moderoi Timo Ahopelto. Paneelikeskustelu on julkaistu kaikille katsottavaksi täällä 👉

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    Geyser Batteries is on a mission to deliver the greenest and cheapest MW-minute storage. A megawatt for just a minute might not seem like a typical task for a battery, but it's vital for grid stability. As renewable energy sources like wind and solar proliferate, our power grid is becoming less stable and more decentralized, leading to more frequent imbalances. These imbalances occur due to the asynchronous nature of renewables, and while solutions like hydropower, Power-to-X, and long-duration storage can help manage the intermittency, they are all too slow to respond to sudden energy peaks. And in the world of energy, even a delay of seconds to minutes can be critical, making this response time essential for maintaining grid stability. This is where the importance of MW-minute storage comes in, helping grid operators to bridge the critical minutes-long gap before slower technologies take over. Unfortunately, existing solutions fall short—minutes are too long for traditional supercapacitors and too short for conventional batteries to operate efficiently. But for Geyser Batteries, a minute is the sweet spot. Our technology is specifically designed to offer a cost-effective and sustainable MW-minute storage solution, playing a vital role in decarbonizing our future. #EnergyStorage #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #GridStability #EnergyTransition

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    It’s summer! While much of Europe is already off enjoying their holidays, our dedicated team in Mikkeli is hard at work! In just a few months, we'll be delivering our prototype modules to our partners at Fraunhofer IEE for extensive testing as part of the AGISTIN (Horizon Europe project) project. The AGISTIN project aims to demonstrate how integration of innovative storage, like Geyser Batteries, сan: ✔ Reduce the need for grid connection capacity by up to 30% ✔ Reduce grid congestion ✔ Improve grid resilience ✔ Significantly cut down the cost of renewable energy integration Exciting times ahead for sustainable energy solutions and for Geyser! Enjoy your holidays, and stay tuned for more great updates about #NewGeyser upon your return! AGISTIN is supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under agreement 101096197. #Innovation #Sustainability #EnergyStorage #RenewableEnergy #TeamWork #AGISTIN

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    The fresh start of #NewGeyser in Mikkeli also gave a chance to re-think our choice of electrode materials. In 2018 we started from the use of activated carbon cloths. It was a challenging material to work with, expensive and creating dependency from a single supplier. So by all means it was not the ideal material for us. Our PoC with Shell in 2022 put a pressure on us to find the cheapest, most performant, and sustainable electrode material to replace the old one. And as challenging as it was - we succeeded. Our team analysed various carbon materials from the EU, North America and Japan, and one thing was clear: it’s feasible to use carbon black, one of the most abundant and cheapest forms of carbon. This meant a whopping cost reduction of 90% and a wide selection of materials that could be sourced anywhere, Europe included. Not to mention its strong performance and a potential for an even lower carbon footprint. So we are proud to say that a challenge does not always mean a failure, in our case - it’s a leap forward. On the photo: our bare cells before sealing. Yes, with bipolar design we do not need any materials for cell packaging! #EnergyStorage #Innovation #Sustainability #Breakthrough

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    We were planning the relocation of our R&D to Mikkeli since 2020, which significantly helped us in 2022 when we had to relocate almost immediately, even before securing funding for that. 2022 was incredibly challenging—emotionally, financially, and operationally. Parting with some of our original founders, who chose to stay close to their grandkids, was a difficult but expected step. However, we were unprepared for the immense bureaucratic barriers in winding down our branch office in Russiа and importing our equipment to the EU, which combined kept us from actual development work for over 12 months. Naturally, we were thrilled to resume product development in Q3 2023 at our new 400 sqm facility in Mikkeli, thanks to Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy|Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd and the renowned Finnish tech entrepreneur Hannu Savisalo. These challenges have only strengthened our resolve. Geyser Batteries is being built with a vision that by the end of the decade, our technology will be the primary choice for the high-power energy storage market. We will accept nothing less! On the photo: our first settlers in Mikkeli in summer 2023 :) #NewGeyser  #EnergyStorage #Innovation #Sustainability #Resilience

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Geyser Batteries, kuva

    2 449 seuraajaa

    "What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger”. In 2022 we closed our R&D in Russia, lost a co-founder but saved the technology and the team. Awfully lot of time was lost too, but… In 2023-24 we’ve built a new foundation for Geyser that gives us more strength and clarity than ever to fight the good fight for fossil-free future energy system. In the next months we will be sharing here on LinkedIn, how we re-built Geyser, what we learned and what the new Geyser is all about. Follow Geyser Batteries to hear about experiences of restructuring leadership, securing regional support in Finland, finding perfect beachhead market and building sustainable supply chain whilst slashing costs. Comment below, what other experiences you want us to share! #NewGeyser #energystorage #geyserbatteries #powerbatteries #futurenergysystem

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