

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Helsinki, Southwest Finland 2 494 seuraajaa

Automated manufacturing of personalized medicine

Tietoja meistä

CurifyLabs is a Finnish healthtech company developing solutions for manufacturing personalized medicines in pharmacies and hospitals. CurifyLabs' automated on-demand manufacturing concept, “the Pharma Kit” and printable pharmaceutical inks, enable personalized mass customization of medicines, allowing patient safety and efficacy at a significantly lower cost. CurifyLabs was founded in 2021 by Charlotta Topelius and Niklas Sandler Topelius.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Yrityksen koko
11-50 työntekijää
Helsinki, Southwest Finland


Työntekijät CurifyLabs


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    Mayo Clinic is known for being one of the best hospitals in the world and we are thrilled to be part of this program!

    Näytä profiili: , Titta Houni grafiikka

    Senior Advisor at Business Finland USA | Health & Wellbeing

    🚀 Exciting News! 🚀  I'm happy to announce the selected cohort for the AMPlify - Accelerated U.S. Market Entry program 2024, organized by Business Finland in collaboration with Mayo Clinic and Snowdeal Cove Group.  🎉 Adamant Health 🎉 Klinik Healthcare Solutions 🎉 LS CancerDiag 🎉 Solid-IO 🎉 SpectroCor 🎉 Uniogen 🎉 Linio Biotech   🎉 CurifyLabs 🎉 Aidian 🎉 Misvik Biology 🎉 Surgify Medical Oy 🎉 Smart PD Solutions Ltd / Kiwecare   Congrats to our 2024 cohort! We’re looking forward to supporting your growth journey in the U.S. market! Business Finland Business Finland North America

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    We are speeding things up! ⏰🤩🤩✌️ Last week Team CurifyLabs kicked-off the fall season with our traditional quarterly workshop. This time our focus was on product roadmap, OKRs and sales. All team members shared learnings from the previous quarter and here are a few points: - Many team members mentioned how nice it was to meet users in Helsinki and validate our chosen approach. It was even mentioned that arranging the event was a career highlight! - Communication is king. Period. - Product development in a large VS small organization is different. Ordering a few new screws takes 2 minutes in a startup VS 2 months, heavy paper work, 3 signatures and a long approval chain in a large organization. The first approach is more fun. - The ride is not always smooth in a startup, but a positive mindset keeps you going.😁 Thank you CurifyLabbers for valuable insights! We ended the workshop riding a fast and furious speedboat 🚤and a slow and elegant wooden boat. Both rides took as from place A to place B, however most team members preferred the speedy version. Might have something to do with our speedy startup mindset. Every second counts. ⏰ We finalized the evening with a crayfish party and a group hugging session deluxe. Many inspiring words were shared by team members on our future journey in building a global game changer. Even a few tears of pride and joy united the team spirit. ❤️ CurifyLabs Rockstars are ready for a speedy fall! #teambuilding

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    • Kuvalle ei ole vaihtoehtoista tekstikuvausta
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    Izaskun Malo was interviewed on the topic of new technologies in compounding pharmacies. She is in charge of the Malo Manso Pharmacy in Spain and a pioneer for more than 13 years in magistral formulation. Malo got to know our technology through Pharmacie et préparatoire Delpech Paris and in this podcast she speaks about the future of manufacturing personalized medicine. Listen to hear thoughts at Spotify

    Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle Farmaschool, grafiikka

    1 324 Seuraajaa

    Hoy en nuestro podcast número 1️⃣6️⃣4️⃣ tenemos la suerte de contar con Izaskun Malo (@izaskunmalo ) líder de la Farmacia Malo Manso y pionera desde hace más de 13 años en formulación magistral, apostando de una manera más profesional. En la actualidad son un equipo de 6 personas que compatibilizan el trabajo en el laboratorio con el mostrador. ⚕️¿Estás lista para descubrir cómo la impresión 3D está innovando en la personalización de medicamentos? Porque vamos a ver cómo la impresión 3D puede transformar el tratamiento médico ofreciendo medicamentos personalizados que mejoran significativamente la salud del paciente. En este podcast, hemos querido hablar tanto de la importancia de especializarse en formulación magistral como la oportunidad que representa para la farmacia utilizar técnicas como la impresión 3D. Izaskun cuenta ya con experiencia en la misma gracias a los diferentes proyectos en los que ha colaborado 😎 👉🏽 Puedes escuchar este podcast 🎧 de camino a la farmacia, mientras te relajas o incluso en tus vacaciones, ¡aprovecha para aprender cuando y donde quieras!👌🏼 Gracias Izaskun Malo por tu tiempo Aprende con #Farmaschool ⚡ y fórmate con los mejores. Nuestro lema pionero desde hace 7 años.📍 #farmaschoolmola #izaskunmalo #3d #farma3d #farmaschool #farmacia #farmacéutica #instagram #podcastfarmaschool Escúchalo aquí: o en Spotify, Apple Podcast

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    We spoke with our customers, Dr. Marija Tubic Grozdanis (Clinical Pharmacist) and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Russo (Pediatric Oncologist) from University Medical Center Mainz, about the future of personalized medicine in pediatric oncology. "Question: How does automated compounding technology contribute to your work? What benefits have you observed? Prof. Dr. Alexandra Russo: Children often face more challenges than adults in accessing innovative therapies due to a lack of safety data and authorization for pediatric use of new medicines. On average, it takes about 10 years after a drug is approved for adults before it becomes accessible to children. Dr. Marija Tubic Grozdanis: While pharmacies can prepare individualized capsules or suspensions in the prescribed dosage, these extemporaneous formulations often have poor or inconsistent bioavailability, low quality, and low safety. This is typically due to insufficient personnel for handling carcinogenic, mutagenic, and toxic drugs, and the unavailability of necessary starting materials. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Russo: Furthermore, it's challenging for parents and caregivers to administer medication to children in the form of suspensions or capsule contents prepared at home. They must open the capsules under safety conditions, such as masks, gowns and gloves, and mix the powder with juices or food, like yogurt. These mixtures are often rejected or spat out by children. We are missing data on the stability of the medication for example in different pH values of the juices and therefore how much of the dose actually reaches the child. Clearly, there is an urgent need for more customized, safe, child-friendly, and tasty dosage forms, to ensure reliable and safe dosing. Dr. Marija Tubic Grozdanis: By using a validated automated compounding system, we can protect pharmacy and ward personnel from exposure to cytotoxic drugs. Moreover, manufacturing with a validated automated compounding process ensures that formulations have accurate and personalized doses with consistent quality attributes and stability. This process can also save time spent on preparation and cleaning procedures. Read more insights our website and thanks for the interview, Marija Tubic Grozdanis & Alexandra Russo! #futureofmanufacturingpersonalizedmedicine #pediatriconcology

    Success story, Mainz - CurifyLabs

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    🌿 Join us at CurifyLabs in our commitment to sustainability! Our Pharma Kit offers on-demand manufacturing, adaptive dosage for intensive care, easy cleanability, and requires fewer excipients. Let's work together towards a greener future in the pharmaceutical industry! 🌱 #Sustainability #Pharmaceutical #Innovation #CurifyLabsSustainability at CurifyLabs - Sustainability CurifyLabs

    Sustainability at CurifyLabs

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    Last week we hosted an event about the future of personalized medicines. Pharmacists and physicians from 12 countries participated in the event over two days. Key take aways: ✔️There is an enormous need for personalized medicine and practical solutions enabling better manufacturing methods are needed. In some countries nurses at the ward are allowed to distribute drugs mixed with food or juice, but pharmacists can’t do the same and are pressed with tougher quality requirements. This leads to situations where nurses are spending time on crushing tablets and mixing them in to for instance juice, without any knowledge on what this does to the physicochemical properties of the drug and dosage form. ✔️ 40 % of participants think that the biggest problem with current compounding manufacturing methods is that quality control is limited. We heard examples of how oral suspension mixes are commonly trusted on the market, although there are problems related to taste, stability and potential for dosing errors. ✔️ Clinicians and pharmacists need to collaborate and drive the change together. In some countries the collaboration between pharmacists and physicians is close and functioning well, whereas in some countries there is not much collaboration. ✔️Especially children are underserved when it comes to registered drugs. Big pharma does not have financial motivation to register drugs in doses which are suitable for children. There are many examples of what this leads to; for instance pregnant mothers mixing harmful drugs at home or no treatment at all. ✔️ Personalization is crucial also for elderly patients, in gender medicine as well as in oncology and veterinary preparations. ✔️ The preparedness for new innovations varies between countries, institutions and even people working at the same institution. Let’s think “how can we make this possible” instead of “this is not possible”. ✔️ Compounding pharmacists play a critical role in managing drug shortages and after the COVID-19 pandemic the preparedness is much better. However more work is needed and compounding pharmacists deserve more credit for the work they do. ✔️ Regulators are positive and there are many examples of this from different countries. Thanks to all participants, together we can change things for the benefit of patients! Psst.. If you think that this looks like an even that you would like to attend in the future, please send us a message at [email protected] and we will make sure to keep you posted.

    Key Opinion Leader Meeting - Key Takeaways

    Key Opinion Leader Meeting - Key Takeaways

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    Jana Lass & Tartu University Hospital - thank you for being top innovators of personalized medicine!

    Näytä profiili: , Yury Kiselev grafiikka

    MD, PhD. Senior scientific officer at EMA. Associate professor.

    #innovation #estonia #personalisation Imagine you have a medicine available only as a 100 mg tablet 💊 , but it needs to be administered to various people, from newborns to elderly individuals with poor kidney function. Some need just 4 mg, while others require 170 mg. How do we manage this? Is it feasible to accurately divide a tablet into 25 equal parts and give those tiny bits to a child? This is a global challenge, and many people are working to find solutions. Important regulatory measures have been introduced, and while the situation is gradually improving, personalisation of doses remains difficult in many cases. So, what do you do as a healthcare professional when the suitable formulation does not exist or is unavailable in your country? You innovate! Last Monday, while on holiday in beautiful Estonia, I had the opportunity to visit my dear colleague Dr. Jana Lass at Tartu University Hospital. She demonstrated a relatively simple technology they now use clinically to create drug-loaded, tasty jelly drops tailored to specific patients. Essentially, you mix the active ingredient with a jelly base, place it into a syringe, set it into a machine, and let it drop the jelly into a sealable plastic tray, like a pill blister. This allows for the creation of individual "pills" with precise amounts of the drug, providing fantastic flexibility. They started with one medicine a few months ago and now have 16, all approved by the national regulator. There exist various and may be better technologies for such personalisation, and this is not to endorse the use of any of them. They certainly do not replace the broader European and global efforts to improve the availability of flexible formulations. However, this Estonian example is, for me, a great case of real innovation in a small but agile country: identifying a problem, searching for a solution, trying different approaches, and achieving results. Little buzz, a lot of benefit for patients.

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu kohteelle CurifyLabs, grafiikka

    2 494 Seuraajaa

    We did it again! We are proud to announce the renewal of our ISO 13485 certification, reinforcing our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction. Why ISO 13485 Matters Quality Assurance: Ensures our products meet the highest quality standards. Regulatory Compliance: Facilitates market access and approval processes. Risk Management: Focuses on identifying and mitigating risks throughout the product lifecycle. Customer Satisfaction: Consistently delivers products that exceed customer expectations. The Renewal Journey Internal Audits: Evaluated and improved our quality management system. Training and Development: Kept our team updated with the latest standards and practices. External Audits: Underwent a detailed independent audit to verify compliance. Continuous Improvement: Implemented corrective actions and improvements based on audit findings. Our Future Commitment Renewing our ISO 13485 certification is a continuous process. We are committed to upholding these standards, focusing on quality, safety, and customer satisfaction as we innovate and develop cutting-edge products that make a difference in patients' lives. Thank you to our dedicated team, especially Quality Manager Farnaz Shokraneh, and customers for your support. Together, we will continue to uphold the highest standards and set new benchmarks in the industry. #CurifyLabs #ISO13485 #QualityManagement #Innovation #CustomerSatisfaction #RegulatoryCompliance

    Renewing Our ISO 13485 Certificate: A Commitment to Excellence at CurifyLabs

    Renewing Our ISO 13485 Certificate: A Commitment to Excellence at CurifyLabs

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2 209 701,00 $

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