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Ruvyironza maayo

Iwde to Wikipedia


Ruvyironza (ko Luvironza) maayo woni maayo nder Afrik,ko woɓɓe ɗon laami nder maayo Nile,ko woni maayo ɓurɗum ɓure nder duniyaaru.O ɗon ƴiwo dow hooseere Kikizi nder Burundi, o ɗon ƴiwi dow maayo Rurubu haa maayo Kagera nder Tanzania,diga ɗon haa maayo Victoria.[1]E nder nder nder 182.4 km (113.3.)[<span title="What does this total length refer to? It reads as the total distance to Lake Victoria, which must be wrong. The German wikipedia article gives the length of the Luvironza/Ruvyironza as 110km, which looks about right on the map. The combined length of the Ruvyironza Rurubu is longer than 182km. (June 2022)">clarification needed</span>]