Daughter of the Inmara, and dragon that is a girl and an id monster. I frequently share my blog with the rest of my plurality. We write from personal experience. We also write novels, lately. And I will reblog from our side blogs occasionally. We are adult and elder by Tumblr standards. My pronouns are she/her. The Inmara's are they/them (plural).
If you are trans, non-binary, autistic, amistic (ADHD), disabled, plural (of any type), and/or therian/otherkin/alterhuman and enjoy novels with science fiction style settings, you might really appreciate our stories! If you want to practice using neopronouns, we’ve also got you covered.
so i'm asking this bc i don't know who else to ask and you seem to be someone that educates others on these matters. i'm trying to learn more about endogenics and systems in general and i've been looking through a bunch of sources and generally it's been understandable (natural plurality has been around since the 80s and plurality isn't inherently disordered, etc).
however i just can't understand how you could have sentient entities (people) in your head that are separate from you and your own consciousness. a common rebuttal to this is that i (and other singlets) also have a person living in our head, but...i don't regard my internal monologue as a person. it's just my brain processing the world around me and churning out a mental response. i don't actually think there's a person in my head - my physical body is the person and my brain is in my head, if that makes sense? i believe that the thing that makes people "people" is that they have a body. so because plurals don't have multiple bodies, how could they actually be multiple people??
What defines a person is largely a philosophical question.
I would argue that a person is the identity. It’s the memories and personality that makes someone up. I would refer to to John Locke’s definition of a person as “a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider it self as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places.”
To me, this is what a person is. This is distinct from the biological organism we refer to as a “human.” A human who is brain dead, therefore, would no longer be a person. And neither would an unborn fetus.
If someone could download their consciousness to a computer, they would be still be a person. If another person downloaded their consciousness to the same computer, with divisions between their memories, they would still be two people.
The computer analogy oversimplifies a bit. But I hope it can illustrate the concept for you.
You’ve also probably experienced a form of pseudo-plurality through dreams.
When I discuss my essential features of a headmate…
The autonomy and perspective criteria appear to be fulfilled by dream characters. They lack memory and awareness of the world outside their dream, but they check the first two boxes at least.
You can’t consciously control them, and they have their own perspectives and identities that are different from your own.
In my opinion, this is the most universal plural-adjacent experience.
If you want to imagine what being plural is like, it’s sort of like that. Imagine if a dream character woke up with you and talked to you in your head. You couldn’t see them except through your mind’s eye, but you could hear their voice similar to how you hear your own inner monologue. And that voice can also hear your inner monologue and respond to it, making an inner dialogue between two autonomous agents in the same head. And sometimes, that other agent would be able to control the body the same way you do.
Having multiple parallel consciousnesses in your head is pretty wild, but also possible.
Not just multiple autonomous agents with their own personalities, but two or more loci of awareness simultaneously sharing the brain’s processing of the senses, and aware of each other.
That’s a thing that is really, really hard for singlets to imagine.
It’s also super difficult to describe, because there’s no external analog to it, and most languages aren’t equipped to convey the experience.
For us, it is unsustainable. We can do it, but it also collapses as soon as we stop our effort. It’s kind of like split screen Golden Eye on the Nintendo, but full sensory and kind of fuzzy. It’s more like two people watching the same TV show but also watching each other, AND having sort of a telepathic link to each other’s minds.
We’re describing full cofronting here.
Most people experience it from only one perspective, with no telepathic link to their headmate. So they just notice their body taking actions they didn’t decide upon.
It’s real. It can happen for some people. You just sort of have to take it on faith about that, even if you can’t imagine it.
Look, if your Christian church has a deep cultural resonance with both the idea of that the relationship between humanity and the divine is made manifest in erotic desire and the idea that religious doubt is a holy experience, then sure, why not, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah can be a church song. It's not like we're saying Christians can't identify with those feelings.
But uh. Point me to a Christian church like that? I'm not even being snide – legitimately point me to them; they sound cool and I'd love to get to know them.
To be clear, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is a shul tune, and it should be a shul tune, and Jewish synagogues should absolutely use it. I'm not saying it shouldn't be used in a religious context. Quite the opposite, in fact!
I've seen so many Christians make a huge thing about how "it's not about religion, it's about sex" and like... the fact that Christians see those too things as opposed is rather at the heart of the problem, isn't it? Even the comments on this very post were headed in that direction before OP turned them off.
If you're struggling to understand this, maybe consider that when Jews in shul use a tune from a song which was written by a Jew, and which has unambiguously sexual themes, perhaps the reason is because, wait for it... our liturgy has those themes already. We're not using the tune without thinking of the words because we have some sort of weird Pavlovian reaction to the word "Hallelujah." We're singing Lecha Dodi to the tune of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
...because Lecha Dodi is already a liturgical erotic poem:
Book 3 - If it's important that those with privilege lift up those without, then the universe itself has a responsibility it's shirking: sunspot.world/outsider/
Book 5 (4 is still being written) - Your space enemies can use the same revolutionary space tactics you did to gain your space freedom (and you're still stuck with your headmates for life): sunspot.world/crew/
Book 8 (6 & 7 to be written): Earth's not ready for space nanites, but maybe a telekinetic alien will do - if they can handle being trans: sunspot.world/the-end-of-t...
Book 9 - There are plenty of fish in that tin can across the stars, they just look weird: sunspot.world/the-sun-also...
Book 10 - Bringing your space aliens to the family reunion doesn't HAVE to be a disaster: sunspot.world/the-dragon-i...
We’ve just watched something else, and now our answer has changed to something much better:
The Muppet Show
And this is what would happen.
We’d be the guest star, of course. Famed author the Inmara! And, of course, we’d have a discussion with Kermit about the nature of our name and how we have 4 million headmates and how we wish we could all have separate bodies.
And Bunsen Honeydew would overhear this and insist we join him on his next act, which we’d be delighted to do.
And, once on stage, he’d stick us in this big silver box that’s designed to transform us into 4 million muppets.
And, of course, the result of suddenly having 4 million muppets appear in a metal box in a theater would be an explosion that would be felt around the world.