call me Sass, many chronic health issues,
Adult Supervision Required, Results May Vary



Among the smartest and longest lived animals we can ever hope to interact with and it was willing to learn this stupid trick to amuse its human friend.

Thank you patient bird.


Grief is so strange.

For 15 years, I slept in the same position because every time I went to sleep, my cat Margot would nestle in the crook of my arm. For 15 years I slept on my back with my right arm curled around her, her head resting on my arm like a pillow. So when she died, I suddenly couldn’t sleep. I tried all sorts of things, like putting a stuffed animal in that spot. Nothing helped. For me, grief sleeping was and is the worst.

So for 1.5 years, I’ve been trying to learn how to sleep without Margot. And I was starting to figure out a new position when… Gremmi started assuming Margot’s old spot, the crook under my arm next to my side. And now I can’t sleep because that’s her spot, and Gremmi isn’t the same size or build and it’s too different and also it feels like a betrayal because that’s her spot.

Grief is strange and time is a weird soup and it’s another morning Gremmi is sleeping in Margot’s spot so I wake up crying.

Love isn’t meant to stay inside. It’s meant to travel from the heart to the hands and out into the world around us. But when the love can’t get to the places or people it’s meant for we get grief. Grief is love enduring loss.

Pets have a unique way of knowing things about us. The sort of things that make us wonder if there isn’t an angel whispering in their ear. They feel our love, they feel our sorrow, and they want to help the hurting. Maybe Gremmi just sees a convenient spot to snuggle, maybe she figured out you missed something there and wanted to help, or maybe, just maybe, Margot whispered in her ear “give the love that I cannot”. Either way, Gremmi saw a love shaped hole and decided to fill it.

Breathe and release your heart from the idea that love can die. Cry happy tears that we live in a world where love can take whatever form it needs to so we can feel it. How wonderful that you have been so blessed as to be loved like this!



guys you don’t understand i love big buff horses so much


draft horses you are gods most perfectest creations

maedhros horse




Do not quit alcohol cold turkey

Do not suddenly stop drinking alcohol as a new years resolution if you have been consistently using alcohol most days

Your body gets used to the presence of the alcohol as a sedative in your system

Suddenly removing the sedative you are chemically accustomed to is like suddenly removing the wall you are leaning on - you will topple over

You brain electricity gets overexcited

This causes seizures

This causes sudden onset dementia (Wernicke’s encephalopathy)

This causes brain damage

If you use alcohol often (even in moderate amounts)

Or in large amounts

Or you have ever noticed you get shakey tremors and anxious when you stop drinking

Then your body is chemically dependant and you need to be very careful coming off alcohol otherwise you will cause brain damage

Slowly wean down the amount you drink over days or weeks

Talk to a doctor about your goals to quit and ask about support options

Medically supported withdrawal is a lot safer

If alcohol withdrawal goes badly there is a 15% chance it will kill you.

Do not go this alone

You deserve to be safe

Please reblog this or other similar posts and talk about it with people around you

Support your friends to be safe

Remember the Cold Turkey Rule:

Quitting drugs can make you feel like you’re dying

Quitting alcohol can make you actually die

Do No Do This Alone

You Are Worth Helping





Adam West Batman could beat Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man in a fight send tweet

I fully believe that 1960s Batman could beat MCU iron man with some kind of bs object on his utility belt like the Bat Fusion Reaction Destroyer or something that would cause the arc reactor in his chest to explode but somehow also not kill him and then Robin from the sidelines would be like holy nuclear fusion Batman how did that not blow up all of New York City and then Batman would be like simple he’s been lying about his cold fusion reactors this whole time and then he’d tie up Tony Stark with the bat grappling hook

MCU iron man’s biggest character flaw is that he always assumes that he’s the smartest and most charming person in the room and that everyone else is an idiot whereas 1960s Batman is both smart and operates on cartoon logic. Iron man has one good multipurpose tool whereas 60s Batman has a seemingly endless tool belt. He’s the superhero version of Mary poppins or bugs bunny. He will simply win.

If literally any of you doubt me then look at this image:


As you can see, my argument is bulletproof.



The thing about Roy and Riza is that there’s a lot of discussion about what to do if you do the unredeemable, the unforgivable, which is very much part of their arc, but I think it leaves out the fact that they are redeemed and forgiven. Where’s that Arakawa quote that says fiction allows for people to be saved who wouldn’t be in real life or something like that. You get it. The story doesn’t end with the unforgiven it asks ok what are you going to do about it. It says they can never forget their past actions, those will be part of them to carry until they die, but they aren’t lost to them.


do you get it do you see the heart of the story do you understand why no one in this story is truly damned that is the hope for those who change for the better and the tragedy of those who fall!!!!





Line weight. Perspective. The tilting of the head. Expression. Volume.

This early Modern human knew exactly what we learn to this day in order to create the illusion of life in 2d art.

Whoever they were, I admire them as much as every other great master.






hi!!!!! i’m an actual librarian who has encountered this very situation before!!!!! and while i commend & admire op’s willingness to help another patron, this is why you really really should have a library worker, not another patron whom you don’t know, assist you with tech & information related issues in the library!!! because we are trained in how to handle this exact sort of thing

tl;dr: use proton mail. i’m not gonna gatekeep this info. it does not require a cell phone number, so it’s my go to for patrons in this situation!!! while i am acutely aware of the harm done by the digital divide & how many people are getting left behind as our world gets increasingly tech dependent, the situation is not hopeless. there ARE provisions in place to help the people most affected, and those provisions are usually wearing glasses & cardigans & sitting behind the circulation desk

librarians are not glorified bookworms!!!! we are information professionals who are highly trained in how to handle these sorts of seemingly impossible binds!!!! ask us for help!!!!!! as i always tell my patrons, that’s what i get paid the big bucks for







i still think a looney tunes battle royal would outdo fortnite

bro you got one time to chase after someone and run into a wall thinking its a tunnel, or drawing a hole on the ground to fall through

god smokecloud fights would be so fucking funny

the option to hold out a hand for an alliance and its a 50/50 where you either form an alliance or its an electric buzzer thingy

blast someone with a shotgun up close and it turns their beak backwards


i just think this would be funny maybe im just 60 years old