Hello everyone!
I’m a little late on my report, but [finally] it’s here now. It’s been hard to conciliate college and GSoC but I’m making good progress on my task.
As I told you before, my first task is to make Tracker capable of indexing files on removable devices on an application basis (on demand). It means making the Tracker API easily capable of receiving calls from applications to index a given device.
Currently, Tracker uses a GSettings key to flag whether or not removable devices and optical discs should be indexed. In these first 3 weeks I’ve worked on a mechanism to escape the strict duality dictated by these GSettings keys.
I’m working on building a method for tracker-miner-fs which receives a GMount object as a parameter, adds this GMount to the Tracker Store, and call the indexer to perform its job.
The next step is to tie these mechanisms up to the DBus name of the calling application in order to finally make it work on an application basis (on demand).
You can hit me anytime on IRC. Let me know if you have doubts/questions/suggestions.