
The voice of The Apache Software Foundation

Boris Stoyanov – Cloudstack Poster

July 1, 2024

At Community Over Code Europe 2024 in Bratislava, there was a room of “poster sessions” – something you may have experienced before at academic conferences. Various individuals or projects provided a poster covering some topic, and then spent some time there discussing it with anyone who was interested.

I spoke with Boris Stoyanov about his Cloudstack poster, and what’s going on with Cloudstack.


Prefer video? That’s here.

Ivet Petrova Madzharova, Apache Cloudstack PMC member

June 24, 2024

At the recent Community Over Code, in Bratislava, I had a number of conversations with people in various roles at the Apache Software Foundation. One of these was with Ivet Petrova Madzharova, marketing lead for Apache Cloustack.

We talked about one of my favorite topics – getting involved in so-called “non-technical” roles in open source projects. This is another reminder that, no matter what your skills are, they are *desperately* needed by open source projects.

Prefer video? That’s HERE

Philipp Ottlinger talks about TAC, being a PMC Chair, and getting involved in open source

June 21, 2024

At the recent Community Over Code event in Bratislava I had a series of conversations with participants from across the Apache Software Foundation about how and why they got involved, and how you can get involved. Philipp Ottlinger is a member of the Travel Assistance Committee and is also the PMC Chair of the Creadur project. He talks about what skills you have to have in order to join an Apache project. In his view, curiosity, persistence, and ability to work with others rank higher than technical skills.

Prefer video? That’s over on our YouTube channel.

Brian Proffitt – VP Marketing & Press at the Apache Software Foundation

June 12, 2024

Have you ever considered getting involved at the Apache Software Foundation, but aren’t sure where to get started? No matter what your skills are, there’s a place for you.

At Community Over Code in Bratislava, I spoke with Brian Proffitt, VP Marketing & Publicity, about how he leverages his writing and journalism skills at the ASF.

Prefer video? That’s HERE.

Community Over Code Europe 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia

April 22, 2024

Community Over Code Europe 2024 (formerly called ApacheCon) will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, June 3-5 2024. Come join us!

Prefer video? That’s HERE.


Event site: https://eu.communityovercode.org/

How to get there: https://eu.communityovercode.org/how-to-get-there/

Schedule: https://eu.communityovercode.org/schedule/

Community Over Code North America: https://communityovercode.org/

Community Over Code Asia: https://asia.communityovercode.org/

Apache Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) – Chris Dutz and Atita Arora

February 15, 2024

The Apache Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) offers travel grants for individuals to attend ASF events, as an investment in our projects and our communities. I spoke with Atita Arora and Chris Dutz, past TAC recipients, about their TAC experience, and how it has affected their career and communities.


Prefer video? That’s here: https://youtu.be/7nY2rlnPISg

Cassandra Summit: Mick Semb Wever

January 17, 2024

At Cassandra Summit 2023, in San Jose California, I spoke with Mick Semb Wever about a variety of topics around the Cassandra Community, the new Cassandra Catalyst program, and open source at the Apache Software Foundation.

Cassandra: https://cassandra.apache.org/

Cassandra Summit: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cassandra-summit/

Cassandra Catalyst: https://cassandra.apache.org/_/cassandra-catalyst-program.html

If you prefer video, that’s here: https://youtu.be/ZfFYuzE_8PA

Cassandra Summit: Jon Haddad

January 15, 2024

At Cassandra Summit 2023, in San Jose California, I spoke with Jon Haddad about his decade on the project, and the changes he’s seen during that time. We also talked about what’s coming in the 5.0 release.

Cassandra: https://cassandra.apache.org/
Cassandra Summit: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cassandra-summit/

If you prefer video, that’s here: https://youtu.be/PqRmwYOE_N4

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