The Many Faces of Fan Fiction

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Title: The Many Faces of Fan Fiction
Creator: Christopher Randolph
Date(s): 1978
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Topic: fan fiction and tropes
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"The Many Faces of Fan Fiction" by Christopher Randolph is an essay about fanfiction. It mentions Star Trek: The New Voyages and has a run-down of genres in fan fiction. It explains gen, get "em, Mary Sue, K/S & adult, and alternative universe.

The article was printed in Enterprise Incidents #6.

One interesting bit is that Randolph defined "get "em" as a death story and never mentioned hurt/comfort -- ""Get- "Em" stories never have a happy ending (well, almost never). In this type of story, one, if not all, of the main characters will no longer be alive when the end comes (literally).".

Specific Fanfiction Discussed

Some Excerpts

You can always recognize a "Mary Sue" character by the tons and tons of flowing hair, combined with long eyelashes and a heart that flutters when in the presence of her long-lost love, which can range anywhere from Captain Kirk, to Spock, to Sulu, to Riley, etc... Kirk or Spock are usually the prime targets, however... I"m sure the "hate mail" is going to flow in response to this treatment of Mary Sue stories, but infinite diversity is what Star Trek is all about. There will be some of you who will enjoy reading Mary Sue stories, just as there will be some of you who would prefer the general type Treklit, or even K/S. I am not trying to say that Mary Sue stories should not be written at all, for it is certainly up to the readers to decide on their own whether or not they want to read more of this type of material. Most of the Mary Sue stories are okay for light reading -- so long as you don"t allow yourself to take them too seriously. If you"re a fan of Gothic Romances, Mary Sue stories are probably for you.

Alternate universe Star Trek stories are not to be confused with sequels or prequels to MIRROR, MIRROR, This type of fan fiction is meant to offer alternative views of what could happen with the Star Trek charac- ters, given a different set of circumstances or surroundings. Alternate universe fan fiction is usually not intended to take place on the same time/space level as the Star Trek of the actual aired episodes, and is sometimes geared to appeal to certain interests of specific groups of fans.

The Kirk/Spock (K/S) relationship is, without a doubt, the most controversial subject ever to have been breached in fan fiction. To the best of my knowledge, the first stories on this theme began appearing just a little over 2 and a half years ago, and have grown from there. Gerry Downes" story, ALTERNATIVE, was the first highly recognized effort...

And since Star Trek takes place over two hundred years in our future, could we actually believe that our taboos and restrictions will still be valid concepts? While today any type of homosexual behavior is still looked on by a great number of people as "abnormal " and "perverse," would it still be considered that way two hundred years from now? It has only been in comparatively recent history that such strict morals and laws have developed the attitude which tends to make many people see "homosexuality" as a dirty word...

The Kirk/Spock relationship is one which has been explored quite freely in fan fiction, and which tends give us a different view of the tender, more emotional side of our heroes. Space, for all its virtues, is a vast expanse of loneliness, and if two people come find love in that expanse, it just doesn"t stand to reason that they would try to deny that love, especially not if they could accept this love within themselves. It is possible that the physical expression of love between Kirk and Spock might never develop, but there is nothing in aired Trek episodes to contradict the possibility...

K/S stories are obviously not for everyone, and all the zines which deal specifically with this theme, or "adult" themes in general, carry a restriction that you must be over 18 years old to order their zine. If you"re not completely open-minded and even somewhat liberated, you"d probably better not order this type of zine at all . The K/S relationship, a beautiful premise, is also a controversial subject, and is best kept in the hands of those who are willing to accept it the vein intended.

There are also a few good "adult" zines which deal specifically with the heterosexual contact in the Trek universe, though these are no where near as controversial as they were a few years ago when the first GRUP came along.

"Get-"Em" stories never have a happy ending (well, almost never). In this type of story, one, if not all, of the main characters will no longer be alive when the end comes (literally). And yet, some of the best stories available are to be found in this category. Most get-"ems have a purpose, other than the death of any of the characters to build on, and generally offer insights to the character which were previously undiscovered.

Reactions and Reviews

But, what an elegant article by Christopher Randolph! [1]

Also the Kirk/Spock relationship which is my main interest theme (the discovery that the K/S relationship, which to me has always been one of the most ideal and perfect formats upon which to develop friendship and brotherhood, is being "explored and developed" into a homosexual relationship is immensely disturbing to the point of fury and indignant outrage), and the standards and criticism required of fan fiction (by the time I was half-way through "The Many Faces Of Fan Fiction" I was totally unable to even think about picking up a pencil and resuming work on my ST stories and series that I have been eagerly and enthusiastically developing for the past two to three years. If they"re already "mediocre," "just plain dull,’ and so forth before they"ve even been finished, why bother?!)

A deep breath and several hours, of reflective and contemplative introspection later, I calmed down -a little. Whether it be rationalization, self-defense of my ideals, standards and precepts, or whatever, I asked myself who is Christopher Randolph, Gerry Downes and ENTERPRISE INCIDENTS that their opinions, standards and viewpoints should so upset me? Answer: Because I am succumbing to a basic ego/personality weakness of mine, that of crediting the opinions of others as more valid and defensible than mine.

Poppy-cot! I disagree with Christopher Randolph and Gerry Downes. Yet, as I think Gerry Downes indicated in her article "Alternative Thoughts", the exploration of the varieties of human behavior, questioning the established, the roles people play and why, does offer an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. My opinions, standards, and views differ immensely from theirs, yet it is not total and absolute for I found some of what they had to say interesting, agreeable, thoughtful. I am just taken aback at the difference of conclusions that can come from the same foundation.

Nevertheless, the difference does compel me to look within myself, examine my concepts, beliefs, and opinions, and consciously establish and express my own stand and viewpoint and its validity, for myself, and someday--if by some miracle my abilities develop to such a point--to others.

From my own self-analysis I believe what has disturbed me the most is my ability to put aside that which so intensely bothers me so as to "see" and enjoy what was formally a past time of immense delight, recreation, and pleasure as I once did. By that I mean that I am very angry -both at myself and those of the differing opinions -that I can no longer read and enjoy a Kirk/Spock story without wondering and being on my guard as to what the author is implying.

I guess what I"m experiencing is the "death of innocence" and the deep emotional/psychological turmoil such a process entails. On an intellectual level I say that perhaps one day I may be grateful and appreciative for what is in all probability an opportunity for me to grow and develop a stronger awareness, confidence and ability within myself, but at the moment I can only feel that I"ve lost something very dear and cherished. This naturally leads me to want to break off all chances of further upsets which would be to not purchase your zine ever again, stick exclusively to the fan fiction of writers whose views, opinions and outlooks are similar to mine and therefore to be trusted, accepted, and enjoyed without reservations, and keep my own fan fiction to myself.

Alas, while such actions would be a soothing relief and peace to my mind, they would also deprive me of the chance and desire to read, enjoy and share the many viewpoints of which I would find inspiring and thought provoking and an addition to my own thoughts and dreams. My one comfort and relief is that in my venture into fan fiction (for in case you haven"t realized by now, I am a newcomer) I will not have to worry about purchasing any "adult" zines unknowingly and without warning. I am very grateful for that restriction, and that there are zines that I will be able to purchase and read without undo distress.


Hopefully, I will be...mature?...enough to not judge the presentation and enjoyment quality of your magazine by one issue. I will try, but Star Trek to me is a form of entertainment, relaxation and hope from the often time trying and bitter rigors of life and reality. I found little entertainment and relaxation in your magazine, at least not enough to outweigh the disturbing aspects. So at the moment your magazine does not appeal to my needs. Yet, it may very well be that it is fulfilling needs that I am unaware of and/or not mature and knowledgeable enough to realize exist and need attention. Time-and my own reasoning?-will tell, I guess.

I don"t know if it is proper to say thank you for the opportunity to express my hostility to some of the aspects of your magazine, but I"m doing it anyway. [2]

Fan fiction is subject very near and dear to my heart, and for that reason I"m very grateful for the expansion of your format. However, this article by Christopher Randolph leaves something to be desired. In his introduction (paragraph 3), he covers himself by stating "...I"ll never be able to discuss it all adequately...," and (boy!) was he right. I feel that he left out many basic zines. Perhaps, if Mr. Randolph had not used so much space discussing certain stories at length, he could have given a better overview of zines in general. He states in the same paragraph that the article "... is not intended as a review of specific zines or stories," and then immediately uses about 12 column inches discussing a single story called "The Weight" in the "General" section. Perhaps, some background on zines would have been helpful, along with mentions of some of the very first zines such as Spockanalia, which is again available in a reduced format set of five zines. There are dozens of good general zines other than WARPED SPACE. Even if Mr. Randolph didn"t go into any detail at all, a simple listing of them would have been helpful to the neofan.... In the "Alternate Universe" section, Mr. Randolph does mention several of the most well known alternate universes, but manages to leave out one of the very important ones, the zines called Alternate Universe 4.... Also, I"m not a die-hard Kraith fan either, but the stories are exquisitely and intricately written and certainly deserve better than the very poor description they received... They are certainly some of the most detailed ST fiction ever written, and worth of a more comprehensive statement. Kirk/Spock"s "liege" relationship is only a very small part of this universe. In the "K/S & Adult" section, Mr. Randolph apparently things that only "adult" fiction in Trekfandom is about Kirk and Spock. What about the beautifully written Kirk/Uhura series in Delta Triad? Obviously, another major oversight. Also, once again, the stories he has chosen for examples in this section are out of print. [3]

But, what an elegant article by Christopher Randolph! [4]

I found Christopher Randolph"s "The Many Faces of Fan Fiction" the most interesting as an intro for new readers, though I was incredulous that a writer could consider "Get "Em" stories (one of the Big Three put through painful experiences) without once mentioning the definitive "Logical Conclusion" by Paula Smith (printed in MENAGERIE 7/8). [5]

Even if Mr. Randolph didn"t go into any detail at all, a simple listing of some of them would be helpful and informative to the neofen.

In the "Get-Em" section, the author primarily uses as his examples stories that you can no longer get (believe me. I"ve tried). This is extremely frustrating for the new fan. Mr. Randolph doesn"t even bother to discuss them in a historical context with the mention that they"re out of print. There happen to be some very good stories in zines currently available -- why doesn"t he mention any of those?

NOTE: At the time the article was written, those zines weren"t out of print as we had purchased them 5 months prior to the publishing date, but unfortunately by the time we published EI#6 they were indeed out of print, although the editors of those zines plan to publish a "J. Emily Vance Collected" in the near future.

In the "Alternate Universe" section, Mr. Randolph does mention several of the most well known alternate universes, but manages to leave out one of the very important ones, the zines called ALTERNATE UNIVERSE 4. I"m amazed that he would leave this one out -- the exciting "universe" of Lightfleet.

NOTE: even old Chris Randolph doesn"t know everything or even about everything. Should anyone wish to do an article annotating the one in EI#6, I"d be happy to consider using it.

Also, I"m not a die-hard Kraith fan either, but the stories are exquisitely and intricately written and certainly deserve better than the very poor description they received in the first paragraph on page 46. They are certainly some of the most detailed ST fiction ever written, and worthy of a more comprehensive statement. Kirk/Spock"s "liege" relationship is only a very small part of this universe.

In the "K/S & Adult" section, Mr. Randolph apparently thinks that the only "adult" fiction in Trekfandom is about Kirk and Spock. What about the beautifully written Kirk/Uhura series in DELTA TRIAD? Obviously, another major oversight. Also, once again, the stories he has chosen for examples in this section are out of print. Having said all the above, let me add that I did enjoy this article. I"m just sorry it was so very limited in scope.

The final paragraph of the article mentioned writing to the Welcommittee for additional information. The inclusion of the address of the STW might have been helpful, as well as a mention of the STW catalog, which is where all the zines are listed. Also, the bi-monthly newsletter SCUTTLEBUTT is a must for those fans interested in keeping up with what is currently being published, what"s out of print and unavailable, what"s out of print but still available, planned zines, ST auctions, etc.

NOTE: Not anymore. Scuttlebutt plans to suspend publishing with #16. Such is the fleeting life of many zines in ST fandom.

Lastly, if there is an ST fan anywhere who has not read STAR TREK LIVES, but is interested in fan fiction, he/she should be advised that this paperback book contains some wonderful descriptions and history of fan fiction.

6) Listing of Recommended Zines. My main complaint, of course, is that the list is not long enough. A magnificent novel you omitted (and perhaps you could include as a future review), is Passages by Susan K. James. This is an extremely well-written psychological Kirk story, which I"m sure is still in print.

NOTE: I asked Chris about "Passages" and he threw up his hands in horror at mention of the story, which he doesn"t believe is in print anymore, and which Chris describes as a bizarre Hurt/Comfort story in which Kirk loses his legs and Spock comforts him, for the entire story. Chris doesn"t think much of it. [6]


  1. ^ from a letter of comment by Jeannine Atchison in Enterprise Incidents #7
  2. ^ from a letter of comment by Alinda Alain in Enterprise Incidents #7
  3. ^ from a LoC by Elaine H in Enterprise Incidents #7
  4. ^ from Enterprise Incidents #7
  5. ^ from Dixie Owen in The Clipper Trade Ship #24 (1979)
  6. ^ from a letter of comment by Elaine Hauptman in Enterprise Incidents #7