Sentinel Slash Virtual Season Interview with GreenWoman

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Sentinel Slash Virtual Season Interview with GreenWoman
Interviewer: Sentinel Slash Virtual Season
Interviewee: GreenWoman
Date(s): 2000?
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: author interview; atuhor reference link; artist interview, Archived version
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GreenWoman was interviewed for Sentinel Slash Virtual Season, both as an artist and as an author.

Part of a Series

See Sentinel Slash Virtual Season Interview Series.

Some Excerpts from the Author Interview

I wrote fanfiction (for "The Man From UNCLE" and "Star Trek") as a teenager in junior high in the mid-sixties, before I knew fandom existed. I entered sf&f fandom in 1971, and started playing in media fandom and writing/illustrating for media "zines in 1980.

Friends from "Deep Space Nine" and "The Magnificent Seven" fandom kept telling me I"d love "The Sentinel," but we don"t get UPN locally and Fox didn"t pick it up. When the Sci Fi Channel announced it would begin running the show this past spring, I started looking for fanfiction online to read before the show aired and discovered 852 Prospect. Alyjude"s stories drew me the rest of the way in, and I was hooked on the relationship (even though I"d never been a slash fan) before I ever saw the show for the first time.

As someone who"s never been a slash fan prior to this fandom, and who rarely writes graphic sex, [bottom or top] not an issue that I"ve given much thought to; however, although I see them in an equal give/take sexual relationship, I think I more frequently see Jim on top and Blair on bottom because that reflects their physical interaction out of bed. For me.

In the 80s, I wrote some "Star Wars" fic for various zines. I also contributed fairly heavily (fic, cartoons, illos) to a pair of zines that focused on Harrison Ford"s various characters ("Star Wars," "Blade Runner," "Indiana Jones") and, in partnership with a friend, wrote a series of stories based on his character in "Heroes." I edited, wrote and illustrated the Buckaroo Banzai Fan Club newsletter, and wrote a few BB stories. Dropped out of fandom for a few years, and then in "96 started writing "Deep Space Nine" (mostly Odo). Since then I"ve been writing "The Magnificent Seven" and "The Sentinel." There"s even a bit of Jimmy Buffett fanfiction (Tales of the Key West Foreign Legion) on my website. Buffett guest stars in the stories, but they"re really about my fellow Parrotheads on the news group

I love reading and writing fanfiction. Henry Jenkins, Director of Media Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, calls fanfiction writers "textual poachers," and has a quote of which I am very fond; "Fan fiction is the way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of owned by the folk." That perfectly defines my feelings about fanfiction.

Some Excerpts from the Artist Interview

I started drawing for fanzines and convention art shows in the early 80s and continued throughout most of that decade, but I haven"t done any real drawing since then ... until now.

There"s a wonderful term in TS fandom ... "Angel Blair." I"d love to achieve a drawing of Blair that evokes that thought.

By choice, I only consider the guys as a couple, but I"ll try to draw whatever the author has written.