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Synonyms: pay for printing
See also: Fandom and Profit
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P4P is an acronym for pay for printing (popularised 2020 ). When a fanartist is selling fan merch "P4P", that indicates the cost is to pay for production and the artist is not making a profit. The alternatives tend to be "for-charity", "for-profit", and free.

When 'pfp' is in all lowercase, the acronym might instead refer to profile picture.

Drama can arise when a fanartist is suspected of making a profit off of what they claim is P4P merch. There is also frustration around criticism of P4P merch when the artists are essentially donating their work and time solely for the enjoyment of the community. Discussion around Fandom and Profit has been going on for a long time and recent wank tends to follow similar lines of argument.

Fandoms where P4P is an established convention

Examples of P4P projects