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Title: Otherwhere/Otherwhen
Publisher: Pon Farr Press
Date(s): 1990 - 1993
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS, K/S
Language: English
External Links: online flyer with story summaries
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Otherwhere/Otherwhen is a K/S slash Star Trek: TOS zine series for Alternate Universe stories. It was published by Pon Farr Press between 1990 and 1993 and has three issues.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, Marilyn Cole -- "Wow, what a beautiful Spock! Let me unchain him...." [1]

"Stunning long-haired slave Spock, beautifully rendered in pen and ink(maybe some pencil). Sexy and provocative with really excellent musculature and shading. Very imaginative chains adorned with jewels. I love the dark, come-hither look on Spock"s face. Very good printing on heavy, glossy paper." [2]

"This gorgeous cover of a kneeling, bejeweled Spock is famous among all K/Sers who have gazed upon this sensuous long-haired Vulcan, resplendent in his jeweled accouterments that are deceivingly chains of a prisoner." [3]

"...The size of this resolution does NOT do justice to the power and the beauty of this illo...everytime I look at it, something comes over me, I swear. For one thing, Cole has seamlessly reproduced Nimoy"s face...I"m not kidding, it"s virtually a photographic simulacrum...and those chains draping Spock"s muscular form...it"s like a dream . A WONDERFUL dream....always love artwork for slavefic/AU stories, even if slavefic is not a particularly strong draw for me, personally...but the art sure as heck is!" [4]

Otherwhere/Otherwhen 1 was published in 1990 and has 158 pages and a cover by Marilyn Cole

  • House of One Thousand Jewels by Susan Douglass (A/U: About to be bought by the cruel Lord Stonn, the young human pleasure slave pleads with his favorite customer, the Lord Spock, to buy him instead. Sequel: Northern Star. "Lord S"pock gazes at me. His midnight eyes are pools of sorrow, hisf ace flushes green. He removes my clutching hands and lays my shivering body upon the bed. He is silent. The flowing strands of his hair ripple across his broad shoulders. I cannot go to him. I cannot burden him with my misfortunes. I am nothing to him. I am only a whore, a warm, passionate creature to satisfy his lusts for a night…")
  • The Trolian Bridge by Anna Parrish ("Kirk watched Spock whenever he could. Peace filled the human. The only thing wrong was the guilt he felt. No matter how hard he tried to tell himself that there was no real wrong in what he was doing, he didn"t believe it. The chances of the other Kirk still being alive were slim. Still, this is my body now, he thought as he ran his hands over it…")
  • The Captain"s Boy by Patricia Laurie Stephens (A/U: Kirk “adopts” a young Vulcan prostitute. ""You"ll like swimming," Kirk said enthusiastically. Stormy was horrified. Kirk had been planning a little romantic interlude in the surf, but under the circumstances, changes his mind. Miserable looking little bastard, he thought as he rubbed the towel roughly over protruding bones an shivering, greenish flesh…")
  • Lost in the Mirror by Sharon Pillsbury (M/U: Events from Kirkʼs past stand in the way of Spockʼs desire to take him as his bondmate. " Kirk looked toward the science station, watched as Spock lifted a shaking hand to activate a control button. Far too pale, thin to the point of emaciation, he wondered if the Vulcan had been eating at all. At the end of each duty shift, Spock had gone directly to his cabin and remained there according to Farrell"s report. Kirk hadn"t been in a position to know. He, too, had sought the sanctuary of his own quarters, never leaving until it was time to report for duty. Locking himself away, hiding from the pain. Trying not to think of Spock…")
  • Seven Years Blues by Janna Steele (also in Unholy Alliances)
  • There is Always Hope by Linda Frankel
  • Thirst by Alexis Fegan Black
  • also art by Shellie Whild, Virginia L. Smith, Carol A. Pierce and poetry.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

[front cover art]: Wow, what a beautiful Spock! Let me unchain him....[5]

[front cover art]: Stunning long-haired slave Spock, beautifully rendered in pen and ink (maybe some pencil). Sexy and provocative with really excellent musculature and shading. Very imaginative chains adorned with jewels. I love the dark, come-hither look on Spock"s face. Very good printing on heavy, glossy paper. [6]

[front cover art] This is the cover to Otherwhere, Otherwhen #1...it"s by the amazing Marilyn Cole, and the size of this resolution does NOT do justice to the power and the beauty of this illo...everytime I look at it, something comes over me, I swear. For one thing, Cole has seamlessly reproduced Nimoy"s face...I"m not kidding, it"s virtually a photographic simulacrum...and those chains draping Spock"s muscular form...it"s like a dream . A WONDERFUL dream....always love artwork for slavefic/AU stories, even if slavefic is not a particularly strong draw for me, personally...but the art sure as heck is! :D[7]

See reactions and reviews for The Captain"s Boy.

See reactions and reviews for House of One Thousand Jewels.

See reactions and reviews for The Trolian Bridge.

See reactions and reviews for Lost in the Mirror.

See reactions and reviews for Seven Year"s Blues.

See reactions and reviews for Their is Always Hope.

See reactions and reviews for Thirst.

Issue 2

cover of issue #2 by Marilyn Cole -- "A gorgeous Spock fantasy warrior nude on the front. It"s the type that lingers in your memory. Spock is sexy and muscular as usual. This picture is different because of all the flowing curves. The sword curves, his cape curves, his buns curve (of course), and his hair curves and flows. I think this is one of Cole"s better works. I would like to own it... even though I couldn"t display it." [8] -- This illo was also included in The K/S Art Project
flyer for issue #2

Otherwhere/Otherwhen 2 was published in 1992 and has 162 pages. Art is by Marilyn Cole and Jamie Belle.

  • Brief Encounter by Karla Kelly (After being mugged on a backwater planet, Spock is offered employment by the first officer of the Republic, James Kirk, who mistakes him for a prostitute. "Slightly dizzy, Spock leaned against an antique street lamp, rechecking his physical systems. The effects of the phaser stun seemed longer lasting than usual. Perhaps something in the atmosphere worked to prolong the sense of dislocation. “Well, I never thought I’d see a Vulcan soliciting.” Spock looked up to see a sandy-haired human smiling warmly at him. The human’s eyes raked his body with an intensity Spock could almost feel. The uniform announced its wearer as Frist Officer of the REPUBLIC, a starship sharing this leave planet with the ENTERPRISE. Before Spock could respond that he was not soliciting, the young man nodded sharply once, then said, “Come with me. I just got paid, and whatever you charge, I bet you’re worth it…”") (3)
  • My Slave, poem by Jamie Belle (10)
  • Dominance, poem by Jamie Belle (11)
  • Second Chance - novel by Patricia Laurie Stephens (On his way to Iowa following his motherʼs death, a depressed Admiral Kirk and his counterpart from another dimension trade places, each man believing they have nothing left to hold them in their own. "Jamie had never really been alone, not in the way he was in this life. He’d never felt what he was feeling now; a loneliness and longing that even the presence of friends could not appease. And he, as Jim surely did, could never justify a marriage such as his parents had. A marriage where one partner was gone for several years, then home for a few months, and leaving again. So he had no choice but to go on alone, restoring his – Jim’s – reputation. And he found himself understanding how Jim had paired up with the Vulcan; someone who was with him always, someone who could share every aspect of his life. It must have been perfect. So then, why had they broken up?")
  • K/S Vocabulary by Jamie Belle (161)
  • Love"s Flame, poem by Jamie Belle (162)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews of Brief Encounter.

See reactions and reviews of Second Chance.

Issue 3

cover of issue #3

Otherwhere/Otherwhen 3 was published in May 1993 and has 156 pages.

On title page:


This issue also prints a copy of Open Letter to Fandom by Alexis Fegan Black Regarding Zine Pirating.

The editorial is one that was also printed in 5 of Hearts.

For those of you who have read my letter on zine pirating (May, 1993 issue of THE ZINE CONNECTION), you know how I feel about this practice and you know why. For those who haven"t read that letter, let me simply say that zine pirates are putting us all in serious jeopardy. Yes, even you. As a reader of K/S, you want new zines, right? What you may not realize is that, in order to produce new zines, an editor has to be able to sell the zines she has already printed. In "the good old days" (let"s say 4-5 years ago), an average print run of NAKED TIMES was 400 copies (down from 500 copies in "the golden ages" — "smile"). That has now dropped to less than 150 copies and is steadily declining. Based on reviews and comments I receive through the mail, I don"t think it"s the quality of the zine itself. Nor do I think it"s entirely due to the fact that I"m admittedly sometimes slow in filling orders. My zines are widely available at conventions, and they aren"t selling "in person" either. And after hearing from a fellow editor some of the things going on at conventions, I"m not surprised that the zines aren"t selling.

In short, it has come to my attention that a lot of people will buy one copy of a zine at a convention and then run it down to the local copy shop to make multiple copies — which they sell to their "friends" at their cost. This may seem like a fine deal on the surface, since you can often buy a zine for half of what it would cost to buy it from the editor. But, what these people aren"t taking into account is that the editor is the one getting screwed — big time! Since the editor doesn"t pay only for printing, but must also recover all the other costs involved with producing a zine, the original copy of the zine does cost more. As an editor, I"m paying not only for printing, but for contributor"s copies (often 15 or more!) half-tones on cover artwork (which often run $35.00 each or more); office supplies; supplies for the laser printer; shipping of zines to and from the printer; postage to send the zines to an agent at a convention; agent"s fees for selling my zines; and so on. So, in other words, I cannot "compete" with the gals at conventions who set up copy machines in their rooms or go to the local copy shop and sell my zines at their cost. Obviously, if I can"t compete, I can no longer do zines and I will have to fold — after over 12 years of publishing. People like to complain that "zines are too expensive", and thus they justify buying them from a friend at her cost. In the end, what"s happening is that the editor is providing fandom with a zine master instead of with a zine. And if that"s the case, I know a lot of editors who will be folding up shop very quickly. A few years ago, there was a major problem with mass pirating — i.e., little shits who would photocopy everybody"s zine and sell them openly at conventions. We"ve been largely successful in discouraging this practice (mainly through loud confrontations at conventions where the pirates were unable to justify their actions in front of a crowd). Now, unfortunately, the pirating seems to be primarily people who are xeroxing "for friends". But, please, consider this: if only 20 people in all of fandom are each making 5 copies of a zine for their friends, the editor just lost the sale of 100 copies. I know for a fact that this type of thing went on at this year"s REVELCON. (Recent correspondence with Candace Pullein, however, has reassured me that the con committee neither knew about this nor condoned it — and they are actively seeking ways to prevent and discourage it at future conventions). Fans would purchase one copy of a zine from my agent and then take it to the local Kinko"s (we have verification of this by the manager of Kinko"s — so we do know the names of some folks who are doing this), where they would make 5 or more copies to sell or give to their friends. Guys, figure it out. Whether you"re the one doing the xeroxing or the one buying from your friend, you"re killing fandom. It really is as simple as that — and sooner than you think, you aren"t going to have any zines because editors won"t be able to produce them. Unfortunately, zine production is turning into a venture not unlike shareware software for computers. In theory, even though shareware is free, if you use the program, you"re bound by the honor system to send the publishers of the program the user"s fee. I can see a time down the road when editors are going to start asking for similar concessions — i.e., if you received the zine photocopied from someone other than the editor, maybe you should send the editor the cost of the zine (or at least the same amount you paid to the pirate). I am not suggesting this as an alternative, because we all know only too well that the honor system usually isn"t (which is why many shareware companies fail and why zine fandom will soon fail, too). All I"m saying is that I can and do see the end of the road for zine fandom crystal clear. It"s a wonderful hobby and it"s been part of my life for many years, but if sales continue to be as poor as they"ve been for the past 2 years, I will be ceasing publishing at the end of this year. We"ll see. Finally, to those who have always been supportive of zines and editors, please be aware that you"re appreciated. In the hubbub of trying to deal with the negativity, it"s easy to forget about the good people out there who do make a difference. Again, to anyone who has purchase this zine from me or from one of my agents, I do thank you, and I hope more people out there will learn a valuable lesson from your example.

PS — Editors might want to consider including a copyright warning on each page, since copy shops are leary [sic] of getting sued for infringement of copyright. In future zines, this will be my practice — just as the headers on OTHERWHERE/OTHERWHEN #3 now give the title & author, future issues will have a similar header stating: COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL - DO NOT PHOTOCOPY. Any editors with the ability to use headers & footers might want to incorporate this practice. It won"t stop "em, but maybe it"ll slow "em down.

  • Fail the Night, poem by Robin Hood (4)
  • The Gift by Anna Parrish (Spock meets a Kirk from the A/U. "“Sometimes second best is almost as good as the original,” a voice said from beside me. I shifted my attention and saw a young man. He was blond and sturdy, with twinkling hazel eyes and an unruly lock of hair that tickled his forehead. I saw the resemblance between him and James Kirk immediately. He looked like Jim did the very first time I saw him, the day he took over the ENTERPRISE. His scent was so much like Jim’s my whole body tingled with awareness. He grinned knowingly at me. “You don’t know me, not exactly, but I’ve seen you around Starfleet Headquarters.” “Indeed?” How odd to hear my timbre sound so composed…") (5)
  • Joining, poem by Jamie Belle, illoed by Belle (13)
  • Hollow Eyes, poem by Robin Hood (14)
  • Mirrored Passion Redux by Shelley Butler - a novel expanded on a short story that appeared in Naked Times #26, Mirrored Passion. (A/U: The transfer to the M/U lasts 3 days and in that time both Spock and Kirk believe that they have fallen in love with each otherʼs counterparts. "He regarded the human with the pleasure of discovery. For he was as aesthetically beautiful as his own captain, but with the intriguing difference of his innocence. It was becoming too seductive, too beguiling. He had to maintain control. It was only by control that he had become so successful in the Empire. By mastering any weakness and without the encumbrance of emotional desire, he knew exactly how to govern others. And now into his universe comes this human who dares to tear apart his kingdom, to devastate the perfect order of his world. And yet the thought of succumbing to this man was almost irresistible. So as he carefully removed his hand from the paradise of Kirk’s mind, the feelings he had held dominion over for so long came pouring forth in a torrent and he was helpless for the first time in his life…") (15)
  • Dreamer"s Night, poem by Robin Hood (123)
  • The Answer, poem by Jamie Belle, illoed by Belle (124)
  • Beauty and the Vulcan Beast by Anna Parrish (Humor: A retelling of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.) (125)
  • Hard Copy by Alexis Fegan Black (Kirk steals an information disc from the M/U Spockʼs desk and finds that things did not happen quite the way he remembers while he was in the M/U. "When the Empire’s most infamous Vulcan had turned his back (gone to the head, actually), Kirk had palmed the disk and slipped it in the waistband of his trousers. Maybe he’d been hoping that sinister Spock would catch him. (He didn’t.) Or maybe he’d been wondering if the Vulcan wanted him to take it. (So he did.) After all, he rationalized, it was just lying there, an open invitation sealed with a warning. Bait – especially to anyone who knew any version of James Kirk.") (141)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for The Gift.

See reactions and reviews for Beauty and the Vulcan Beast.

See reactions and reviews for Mirrored Passion Redux.

See reactions and reviews for Hard Copy.

A planet where magic is the norm would be an ideal planet for our two guys to get together. I don"t think Spock needed to stay so long on the planet before they met, but that"s just nit picking. I loved the dragon. [9]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #50
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #50
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #21
  4. ^ Nym posting in March 2014 to the K/S Zine Friends Facebook Group, quoted with permission.
  5. ^ from The LOC Connection #50
  6. ^ from The LOC Connection #50
  7. ^ nym posting to the K/S Zine Friends Facebook group dated April 4, 2013, quoted with permission.
  8. ^ from The LOC Connection #39
  9. ^ from Come Together #3