Naked Times/Issues 11-20

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Issue 11

One fan remembers how popular this drawing was: "Eons ago, some of us had t-shirts with this drawing on them. They said "Beat me up, Scotty"! Quite the crowd pleasers!" [1]
back cover of issue #11
inside back cover of issue #11, Gayle F

Naked Times 11 was published in August 1986, is 152 pages long and is a collection of 12 stories. It has a cover by Marilyn Cole.

This issue was edited by Alexis Fegan Black.

The art is by Marilyn Cole, Gayle F, Jacquelyn Zoost, Chiya, Shellie Whild, Vel Jaeger, Dragon.

From the editorial:

I am reprinting an "article" which appeared the August 22, 1986 issue of THE L.A. WEEKLY. I think all K/S fans will find this of special interest, and I encourage you to read this article with care. I'll avoid further editorializing here, except to say that I hope to print further discussion of this in ON THE DOUBLE, our new K/S letterzine/adzine which we hope to premiere later this year or early 1987. If you have comments or observations which you feel would be of interest to other K/S fans on any subject, please send them to Pon Farr Press... At this point, we have no defined deadline, and will go to press as soon as enough material is collected. Mainly, I would like ON THE DOUBLE to be a sort of "K/S Hotline" -- a place where K/S fans can communication, read, and write views on K/S zines, and can stay informed on where the genre is going. The article in L.A. WEEKLY is certainly a topic for discussion in that format, so please feel free to let me hear from you. I'm also collecting reviews oi K/S zines as well as ads from K/S editors.

I would also like to say that we now have a brand new, faster, stronger, better quality copy machine! Additionally, I would like to apologize for the less-than-perfect quality of printing on PFP zines over the last 8 months. As many of you know, I refuse to deal with printers after the incredible disaster I encounter with NT 4/5. So... that means having a copy machine taking up one whole room of the house. The last one, which was responsible for the printing on all back issues, as well as the printing on NT8, 9, and 10 was somewhat of a monster. Exorcisms didn't work, and neither did the machine. Luckily, after several threats to the company, we now have obtained the Bionic Copy Machine, which produces excellent quality in considerably less time, and with a lot less wear and tear on the editor. I you'll agree that this issue looks considerably better than our last two.

Also from the editorial:

... I would like to ask convention goers to please be advised of a few things. First, it has come to my attention that at least two different people have been xeroxing and netting pirated copies ofNAKED TIMES and other Pon Farr Press publications at conventions. The only authorized distributor at this point is KathE Walker (of DATAZINE). Occasionally, I may also send a few copies of zines to IDICon, SHORE LEAVE or other more typically "fannish" gatherings where K/S is "no big deal". It has, however, come to my attention that this person has been selling copies of my zines at the more major conventions, such as CREATION in San Francisco, and at MEDIAWEST this past May. Since my zines are never out of print, I cannot condone this, nor should any editor have to put up with it. Yes, I know who this person is, and I know of several other zines she has been illegally copying. If any editors are interested in putting a stop to this, write to me for further details, as I don't think it would be appropriate to print names and addresses at this point. Also, if any con-goers happen to run across copies of my zines which are not being sold as part of a private collection, I hope you will write to me and let me know. It is this type of indiscretion which leads to articles such as appeared in THE L.A. WEEKLY, and I hardly think the writers, artists and contributors want their material and their names being indiscriminately sold at conventions without their knowledge or approval. Also, several dealers have recently been trying to "get into" the K/S fanzine business. They are apparently purchasing the zines at full price, either through the mail under different names, or at conventions. Then, after placing the zines on the table in full view, they are charging as much as $45.00 for an in-print zine. While we certainly can't regulate what they charge, I think we can make a point of mentioning to these people that perhaps a public convention isn't the proper place to openly display a zine with full frontal nudity and Kirk and Spock wrapped in a sexual embrace. K/S is, after all, intended for mature audiences, and we try to make sure it stays that way. I have never seen a K/S editor be indiscreet at a convention, but I have recently seen at least two big-time "media" dealers trying to cash in on what they obviously viewed as a "quaint little novelty." Let's at least try to put a stop to this.

  • Self-Abuse Department, editorial (3)
  • K/S: Freedom of the Press?, an editorial about the news media article Sigh-Fi (5)
  • Sleepwalker, poem by Pam Smith (7)
  • Writing Contest Winners (8)
  • The Cocksman by Jenny Starr (The winner of the NAKED TIMES writing contest! Spock regrets his refusal to begin a relationship with Kirk after his captain and the rest of the landing party disappear while studying the planetʼs pre-industrial society. ) (9)
  • Last Night, poem by Carlin Rae Thorne (36)
  • To Spock, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (This is based on the zine Nightvisions.) (37)
  • Hologram, poem by Natasha Solten (38)
  • Andorian Interlude by Greta Fouland (Kirk and Spock use their free time during a diplomatic conference to take shoreleave on Andor.) (39)
  • Eagle and Hawk, poem by Kathy Resch (48)
  • Of Peacefulness, Happiness and Forgiveness by Charlotte Frost (Spock uses their shoreleave together to try to usage his bondmateʼs guilt over loving another when Kirk was on the Preserverʼs planet with Miramanee.) (49)
  • My Winter, poem by Sandee Maxwell (55)
  • The Choice, poem by Tere Ann Roderick (56)
  • Apotheosis, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (58)
  • The Small Voice by Robin Hood (Spock intervenes when Kirkʼs surly behavior after their run-in with Kodos begins to affect the crew.) (59)
  • The Magician and the King of Wands, poem by Natasha Solten (69)
  • Destiny in the Fog, poem by Karn Wills (70)
  • In Doubt of Sunrise by Keith Donovan (The only menage a trois story ever to appear in NAKED TIMES! A story we think even the most adamant anti-menage fans will enjoy. K/S/Starfleet intelligence!) (71)
  • This Night of Dark, poem by Shellie Whild (91)
  • Shadow-Land, poem by Tere Ann Roderick (Based on the Dreams of the Sleepers universe.) (92)
  • Rebirth After Pain -- Gene S. Delepenia (94)
  • Long Time Till Dawn by Ann Crouch (Kirk is disturbed by dreams he fears foretell the future.) (95)
  • How to Awaken, poem by Wendy Rathbone (99)
  • Burning Tide, poem by Dovya Blacque (100)
  • The Pleasure by Mara-Lyn Cade (slavefic, sequel to The Prize detailing the lives of the slave-Kirk and his bonded warrior-mate, Spock.) (101)
  • Dark Night Dreams, poem by Tere Ann Roderick (115)
  • Take Me, poem by Sandee Maxwell (116)
  • October 29, 2273, poem by Carlin Rae Thorne (117)
  • Love is Just a Book, poem by Natasha Solten (118)
  • Warrior's Bargain by DVS (A/U: The hazel-eyed Fenani merchantʼs price for the knife Spock buys is a night with the Vulcan warrior.) (119)
  • Cruel Air, poem by Natasha Solten (128)
  • Cabin Pressure by Alexis Fegan Black (Kirk and Spock are stranded in a crippled shuttlecraft, far from known starlanes and slowly running out of air. "We have enough oxygen for approximately thirteen days, twelve hours and twenty-seven minutes," Spock recited efficiently, trying not to translate the statement into the death sentence it was. "That is, of course, providing we attempt to conserve the shuttlecraft's atmosphere by sleeping more and employing controlled breathing techniques." Kirk stared at the Vulcan, blinked and stared again. Spock had such a way with words when discussing the inevitability of their own demise. He glanced at the viewer, caught the stars laughing at him, then returned his gaze to Spock. "Why?" One brow lifted. "Sir?" Kirk smiled faintly, wistfully. "Why… prolong it?" he clarified. Now, more than ever, he wanted, needed, to talk…") (129)
  • Captive, poem by Dovya Blacque (151)
  • The Lovers, poem by Natasha Solten (152)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 11

See reactions and reviews for The Pleasure.

See reactions and reviews for The Cocksman.

See reactions and reviews for In Doubt of Sunrise.

See reactions and reviews for Cabin Pressure.

See reactions and reviews for Andorian Interlude.

See reactions and reviews for Of Peacefulness, Happiness and Forgiveness.

See reactions and reviews for The Small Voice.

See reactions and reviews for Long Time Till Dawn.

See reactions and reviews for Warrior's Bargain.

[zine]: This ish leads off with a startling re-print of an article which appeared in an L.A. newspaper [2] "revealing" K/S to the public eye, complete with a full-nude by [Gayle F] (reprinted, I believe, from an early issue of Obsc'zine). A must-read for those K/S fans who like to stay abreast of how their "hobby" is rapidly becoming more and more "public". In the fiction department, NT#11 starts of with the winners of a contest originally started in NT9. The #1 winning story, THE COCKSMAN is among the most tightly-written, intricately-detailed K/S stories I've ever had the pleasure to review. I couldn't find any faults with it. Told in a somewhat "dry" style from Spock's pov, THE COCKSMAN is a chilling, perhaps even disturbing tale of kidnap and intrigue. And the solution is, of course, logical. As for the second and third place contest winners, I was, for the most part, unimpressed. Both stories (OF PEACEFULNESS, HAPPINESS & FORGIVENESS and AND0RIAN INTERLUDE) were well-enough written, but they failed to "grab" me with that "K/S feeling". THE SMALL VOICE is an intriguing story dealing with the aftermath of THE CONSCIENCE OF THE KING. IN DOUBT OF SUNRISE is perhaps the most unusual story in the zine, introducing a third party. Avin Ryce is a female Federation Intelligence officer being transported by the Enterprise to her next mission. Kirk, of course, falls into her bed even if not in love, and Spock's resultant reaction is wonderfully handled. A first-time story with lots of surprises and interesting ideas. LONG TIME TILL DAWN was an interesting little piece, though I felt more explanation was needed to clarify the point. A chilling story for those 35 & over, but the point could easily be missed by younger readers. THE PLEASURE by is the first part of a trilogy based on Ray Newton's THE PRIZE (pubbed in THE PRICE & THE PRIZE). It's an interesting story, somewhat sparsely written, dealing with a warrior Spock and his human slave (who else?), Jim Kirk. I enjoyed the alternate universe premise, and though I felt the story should have been longer, I'm assuming some of the loose ends will be tied up in the two upcoming installments (which the editor assures us have already been written and will definitely see print). WARRIOR'S BARGAIN by DVS (devious?) is another tightly-written piece of fiction set in a warrior culture. Normally, I don't care for a/u stories, but this one was compelling and tantalizing from start to finish. My only complaint is that I wanted more! The final story in the zine, CABIN PRESSURE, is exactly what the title implies. Set on a drifting shuttlecraft, the story deals with how a life can flash before one's eyes when one is facing imminent death. Some excellent dialogue in a simple plot which had me turning the pages in eager anticipation. The poetry in this issue is, for the most part, excellent. I was especially impressed with the work by Tere Ann Roderick, Dovya Blacque and Natasha Solten. Again, the art is quite good, though Ms. Black tends to use more illustration-type illos in recent issues. Personally, I find this quite enjoyable, and the works by Jacquelyn Zoost are very nicely done in this illustration-style. Marilyn Cole's slave-Spock cover is breathtaking, as is [Gayle F's] inside back cover. Overall, NT#11 is an excellent issue, with something for everyone and more to look forward to. Nice graphics highlight the printed word and, save for a few typos, I have no complaints with NT#11 whatsoever. Then again, considering how quickly NT has been coming out in recent months, I think the typos are a fair enough trade for the increase in K/S reading material! I ordered both NT#11 and A COLLECTION OF DREAMS at the same time, and received them less than 2 weeks later — a real surprise in this day and age of having to wait months, or even years, for a single zine. [3]

Issue 12

front cover of issue #12, Marilyn Cole -- Originally, the front cover of this zine was to be a different piece by Marilyn Cole, but a mix-up at the post office dictated otherwise. [4]
back cover of issue #12, Dragon

Naked Times 12 was published in December 1986 and is 186 pages long. It has a front cover by Marilyn Cole and a back one by Dragon. Interior art is by Carol Pierce, Ann M. Crouch, Jacqueline Zoost, Alayne, Gene S. Delapenia, Shellie A. Whild, and Vel Jaeger.

This issue was edited by Alexis Fegan Black.

  • Last Tango on Alpha Centauri, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (3)
  • Spitfire, poem by Lisa Joas (4)
  • Personal and Confidential, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (6)
  • Untitled #23, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (7)
  • Spoken in Silence, poem by Dovya Blacque (8)
  • Sweet Sorrow by Elwyn Conway (Spock volunteers for an expedition to the Andromeda galaxy after he and Kirk decide not to become lovers following their run in with VʼGer.) (9)
  • The Question, poem by cybel (34)
  • Gentleness by Charlotte Frost (After Kirk returns from the M/U, he and Spock discuss their counterparts while lying together in bed. "Kirk pulled off his shirt as he moved into his sleeping area. "It's hard to stop wondering how many other parallel universes there are out there. How many Jim Kirks there are, and what those Jim Kirks are like…" He dropped the shirt down the recycling chute and began to unfasten his pants. "Don't you ever wonder about all those Spock?" "I gave it much thought after hearing your initial report. I concluded that we do not currently have the technology to answer the question." He pulled his black shirt over his head. "Which means," Kirk said, taking off his last sock and tossing it and his pants in the chute, "that you've decided it's illogical to continue to dwell on the subject." Spock stepped out of his pants. "That is essentially correct…") (35)
  • Falcon Wild, poem by Robin Hood (40)
  • The Gift by Mara-Lyn Cade (Part II in the trilogy based on The Price and the Prize) (A/U: Spock sends Kirk a woman from Earth for him to have children with, but problems arise when the woman realizes that Kirk and Spock are lovers. "Go," Jim ordered, feeling his own heart's protest. "You must." The bonded mates shared a final frantic embrace before Spock quit their bed. Concentrating on dressing quickly, he snatched up yesterday's discarded dress. A bath and a change of tunic would wait. In defiance and desperation, he decided that he would travel with Jim's scent upon him, Jim's seed within him. Selon be damned!") (41)
  • A Persistent Flame by T'Hera (76)
  • Without Wings by Sandee Maxwell (78)
  • Captive or Captor?, poem by T'Hera (80)
  • Soap and Water by Robin Hood (81)
  • Untitled #13, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (84)
  • Speed of Light by Alexis Fegan Black (Kirk sees a illegal tape of Spock making love to a woman while on shoreleave and realizes his own love for the Vulcan when he reacts to the tape with hurt and despair. "Look, Jim," McCoy said, half stammering, "the manager of this hotel swore this was the only copy." His face darkened as he chewed his lower lip and rolled the damning tape over and over in his hand. "I certainly hope it's the only one!" Kirk leaned forward, battling the urge to strange the mystery out of McCoy. "I get the picture, Bones," he said, exasperated. "Now what's on the tape? You? Me?" McCoy didn't move, didn't breathe. "It's… Spock," he said at last. Kirk sat stone-still, not breathing. If he could read between the nervous lines of McCoy scattered explanation, it seemed the doctor was trying to tell him that Spock -- Spock of Vulcan -- had been filmed in the act of sexual passion. His face paled, heart pounding. "S-Spock?") (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories) (85)
  • Off Center Love by Zoey Brooks (As he and Kirk become lovers, Spock finds himself under a mental attack and later, his quarters are ransacked by an unknown assailant. "I'm sorry, Spock," Kirk offered sincerely. "Reminiscing seems to make you unhappy." "Do not be sorry, Jim. I am… pleased… you would find my life a source of interest." Kirk smiled faintly. "I guess I just wonder how a lonely little Vulcan boy managed to become such an accomplished… and… gentle man… one I care a lot about." Spock thought his heart would whirl until it turned to butter like the tiger's heart in the human fairy tale.") (117)
  • Love's Inventory, poem by Shellie A. Whild (154)
  • Return the Day, poem by Karn Wills (155)
  • Castaway, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (156)
  • Years Ago and Forever by Alexis Fegan Black (Kirk fears he may lose Spock forever when, after the fal tor pan, Spock does not remember his bond to Kirk and comtemplates returning to Vulcan permanently.) (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories) (157)
  • Ghost-Watch by Natasha Solten (186)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 12

See reactions and reviews of Off Center Love.

See reactions and reviews of Sweet Sorrow.

See reactions and reviews of The Gift.

See reactions and reviews of Speed of Light.

See reactions and reviews of Gentleness.

See reactions and reviews of The Shattering.

See reactions and reviews of Years Ago and Forever.

See reactions and reviews of Soap and Water.

[zine]: This issue of NAKED TIMES leads off with a cover by Marilyn Cole which is certain to get the attention of even the most thick-skinned person out there. The tenderness shown in this "winged-Spock" illustration grabbed my attention and prepared me for the good reading I was to find inside this zine. The lead-off story, SWEET SORROW, by Elwyn Conway has a premise that Spock is not only leaving Starfleet and Kirk, but that he is also leaving the galaxy on a science expedition to the Andromeda galaxy. Of course, when he returns, Kirk will be long dead. Ms. Conway beautifully captures Kirk's feelings, and we are shown the despair of a separation which is sure to be life-long. While I had some minor difficulty accepting certain plot complications later on in the story (such as Admiral Nogura being witness to the verbal commitment between Kirk and Spock), the writer convinced me that it was within the realm of possibility. GENTLENESS by Charlotte Frost is a post MIRROR, MIRROR story which, unfortunately, didn't seem to have much of a point. It is nicely-written with some intriguing dialogue, but I was left with a feeling of wanting more from this short piece. The accompanying Shellie Whild illustration is the latest in what seems to be a "trick" with artists to avoid drawing Kirk's face — and in this case, it works very nicely. (Don't get me wrong, I like Kirk as much as anyone, but from what I hear, he's difficult to draw, and it's interesting to see how artists forever have him with his back turned, his face in shadows, or, in this case, with a shirt over his head. THE GIFT by Mara-Lyn Cade is the second part of what we're promised will be a trilogy concluding in NAKED TIMES #14. I was impressed with the first installment, and even moreso with this second part. Ms. Cade gives us some good insights into a "slave" (in name only) Kirk and a Warrior Spock. This installment takes place primarily on Vulcan, and though I'm not normally a fan of alternate universe fiction, I found the characters and the action to be sufficiently intriguing, and I'm looking forward to the final installment. SOAP AND WATER by Robin Hood is a vignette told in the first person by Kirk, and is mainly a stream of consciousness (if I understand that correctly) detailing the captain's seduction of a very innocent Spock in a waterfall. Nicely done, with "fun" imagery and a satisfying conclusion. SPEED OF LIGHT by Carlin Rae Thorne is a "hypothetical" story in that it alters the "physics" set forth in ST as a whole. This story is tightly-written, and contains a love scene (which Kirk views on a tape!) between Spock and a female companion. Normally, I detest sexual interludes between anyone other than Kirk and Spock in my K/S zines, but I found this believable, necessary to the plot and erotic to boot. I am not aware of any other works by this author, but I'm hoping to read more by her in the future. SOL contains some thought-provoking ideas and left me warm and satisfied inside. THE SHATTERING is also by a writer with whom I'm not familiar — Jamie Lareson. And, like Ms. Thorne, I hope to see more by this author. This is a Gol story with a new slant in a tried-and-true plot (Kirk visits Spock during the Kolinahr). It is very "coldly" written, but with a purpose to the coldness. A haunting story that I'll read again. OFF CENTER LOVE by Zoey Brooks was perhaps my least favorite story in the zine, though not because of the writing (which was quite good). I have never been a fan of mystery yarns, so I may not be qualified to give an accurate review of OCL. As for the K/S elements, this is an established relationship story with K/S as a backdrop for the plot. For mystery fans, this story will keep you guessing. For K/S fans, I felt it could have used a "real" love scene as opposed to the implied ones. YEARS AGO AND FOREVER by Alexis Fegan Black (also the editor) was the first post-STIV story I came across, and I'm hopeful that it will be the last — not because of I didn't like the story (I did!), but because I'm not a fan of STIV, and "once is enough" for that theme with me. YEARS AGO AND FOREVER is an excellently done story, dealing with the premise that Spock's "professional" memories have been reprogrammed, but that he must re-learn his "personal" memories from Kirk, McCoy and others. We have here a very Spock-ish Spock and a very commanding though frustrated Kirk. What I liked most about this story was that the ending captured a feeling of STAR TREK which is missing in many K/S stories. Being a fan of the series moreso than the movies, it was refreshing to find that feeling again in a story which dealt with the theme of STIV. The poetry in this issue is average to good, ditto for the artwork. Since my main interest in K/S is plot and story, I tend to overlook art & poetry sometimes. As long as the artwork isn't intrusive and the poetry doesn't strain to rhyme, it's okay by me. (Oh, I can spot bad poetry and art, but it's not my primary focus). The one poem that stood out to me was LAST TANGO ON ALPHA CENTAURI by Gene S. Delapenia. The Jacquelyn Zoost illustrations throughout the zine were appropriate, and the Ann M. Crouch borders on some of the poetry were exemplary. All in all, a nicely done zine, presented in a neat format that's iattractive and functional as well. Well worth getting and well worth the price. [5]

Issue 13

front cover of issue #13, by Chris Soto: "The front cover is conceptually very interesting. Kirk and Spock are surrounded by a cosmic swirl in the shape of a figure eight—which is also the sign for eternity. Kirk looks like Alexander grabbing his destiny in the form of a star, but he also could be the Vulcan deity, Ta'ashala, who stole fire from the kingdom of the stars in a legend recounted in "The First Level of Hell", the final story in NT13. Spock stands behind Kirk on the front cover, a loyal Hephaistion." [6]
back cover of issue #13, by Chris Soto: "Yet on the back cover, he is far more glorious, with his long hair streaming. Stars and planets also stream from his open hand whose fingers are splayed in the Vulcan sign of greeting. He is obviously the deity Krebeshra, who reigned over the kingdom of the stars in the same legend I cited from "The First Level of Hell"." [7]

Naked Times 13 was published in March 1987 and is 160 pages long. It has covers by Chris Soto and interior art by Dragon, Jacqueline Zoost, Shellie Whild, Chiya, Caro Hedge, and Gene S. Delapenia.

This issue was edited by Alexis Fegan Black.

This issue is a "Special Metaphysical Issue," which the editor explains is not the same as the "occult."

  • Editorial (3)
  • The Logic of Love, poem by Cybel (4)
  • The First Time Among the Stars, poem by Cybel (6)
  • Different by Sharon F (7)
  • The Fragile Bottle by Robin Hood (Spock decides to leave the Enterprise after Kirk risks the ship to rescue him, but then receives a visitor who shows him what would have been if he had never been aboard the Enterprise. "You would be better off if you had never met me," the Vulcan stated, head bowed over the clasped hands. "Please, Jim, do not argue. We have had this discussion before and it always ends the same: you insist and I retreat. This time, I must insist: you would be better off if you had never met me…") (11)
  • The Bond of Love, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (19)
  • The Kingdom of the Crazy and the Sleeper, poem by Natasha Solten (20)
  • Sunlit Reverie, poem by Sandee Maxwell (22)
  • Enter, Janus by Zoey Brook (While ferrying diplomats to a planet wishing entry into the UFP, crewmembers begin having nightmares, causing suspicion in both Spock and Sarek regarding one of the diplomats. "McCoy frowned deeply. "I still don't understand, Sarek. What is this Gazad?" Spock took over when he saw his father was again deep in thought. "Doctor, the Gazad is the name of a being which feeds on others, similar to the Terran vampire. Yet unlike the vampire of your Earth lore, the Gazad takes energy, will, life itself… rather than blood.") (23)
  • Hope, poem by Cybel (40)
  • The Phoenix, poem by Cybel (41)
  • Warrior's Bond, poem by T'Hera (42)
  • The Realization, poem by Shauna Ann Mason (44)
  • Once Upon a Dream by Cybel Harper (Kirk is stung by a morpheus plant and canʼt be brought to consciousness until Spock enters into a meld with him. "Have you ever heard of an ancient children's story called Sleeping Beauty, Spock?" McCoy asked. "I used to read it to my daughter. It was about a princess who pricked her finger on a poisoned spindle and was doomed to sleep until awakened by 'love's first kiss'. A charming story." "But hardly helpful, Doctor. The captain's situation is scarcely comparable to that of a young virgin metaphorically awakened by the recognition of her dawning sexuality…") (45)
  • A Dream and a Promise, poem by Sandee Maxwell (47)
  • Silk Dream, poem by Natasha Solten (48)
  • It is Time, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (50)
  • Endings and Beginnings by Charlotte Frost (Kirk and Spock visit the Kirk farm after Kirkʼs motherʼs death, but Kirkʼs guilt at not being there for her more threatens to disrupt their stay.) (51)
  • Home, poem by Cybel (63)
  • Night-Frost, poem by T'Hera (64)
  • Feared Visage, poem by Faille (65)
  • Beyond the Void, poem by L.M. Kincade (66)
  • Beyond Eternity, poem by Sandee Maxwell (67)
  • Orion's Blue Moon by Jessica Eurlynne (68)
  • Impossible Possibilities by Unknown (Kirk and McCoy go to a fortune teller who shows each a part of their future, but since they seem to contradict each other, the warnings go unheeded.) (69)
  • Quarternion by Sunny (After Kirk and Spockʼs deaths, they meet another pair of famous lovers -- Alexander and Hephaision.) (75)
  • So Long Ago, poem by Sandee Maxwell (80)
  • The Reprimand, poem by Natasha Solten (81)
  • Have I Lost You?, poem by Donna Rose Vaderlaan (82)
  • "A Place of Red" | A Place of Red by Dovya Blacque (Kirk and Spock wake up to find that they have switched bodies in their sleep and decide to go to Vulcan for help when they find that their personalities are merging. "James Kirk washed his face in cold water, drew a soft towel across it, drying himself, then looked back in the mirror. The image didn't change. The face that looked back at him with utter disapproval was that of his first officer. His first impulse was to laugh, knowing hysteria when he felt it…") (83)
  • Bright Future, poem by Cybel (125)
  • Echoes of Love, poem by T'Hera (126)
  • Dark Fortress, poem by Sandee Maxwell (128)
  • The First Level of Hell by Carlin Rae Thorne (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories) (On a drunken binge after Miramaneeʼs death, Kirk makes a deal with an artist to transport the man to an uninhabited world in exchange for a picture that will give him “happiness”. "The collective energy of billions of minds, amassed over centuries of existence, can essentially create what is known in metaphysical communities as an astral entity." Kirk glanced up. "What do you mean?" "For centuries, Captain, a sizeable percentage of your Earth's population has subscribed to the belief in good and evil -- and in the physical embodiment of those concepts," Spock recited coolly. "It is a fact that energy can accumulate and eventually manifest into physical reality.") (129)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 13

See reactions and reviews for The First Level of Hell.

See reactions and reviews for The Fragile Bottle.

See reactions and reviews for Enter, Janus.

See reactions and reviews for Once Upon a Dream.

See reactions and reviews for A Place of Red.

See reactions and reviews for Endings and Beginnings.

See reactions and reviews for Impossible Possibilities.

See reactions and reviews for Quarternion.

[zine]: Before I begin this review, Alexis tells me that I should introduce myself. I am a 33 year old gay man (yes, we do know about K/S and many of us read it); I work for a gay magazine (published in Los Angeles) as a photographer and a freelance writer. I picked up my first K/S zine from Merrymen Press at the Creation 20th Anniversary Convention in Anaheim last summer, and have been hooked every since.

NAKED TIMES #2 was the first issue of this fanzine that I purchased (also at the Anaheim convention), and after reading just a couple of the stories, I knew I would be a converted reader. I've read several (but not all) of the other issues, and I feel that NT#13 is among the best so far.

The covers (by Chris Soto) are cleanly and neatly done, and accurately depict the metaphysical theme of this particular issue of NAKED TIMES.

The lead story, THE FRAGILE BOTTLE (by Robin Hood) is an interesting re-make of MIRACLE ON 34th STREET (in a K/S vein, of course), and details what might have happened had Kirk and Spock never met. The story is tightly written, with good dialogue and interesting narrative.

ENTER, JANUS (by Zoey Brook) is essentially a "Vulcan" story, in that it deals with Vulcan mysticism, Sarek plays a major role, and the premise is rather "spacey". I would have preferred to see more detail in this story, as I felt it was sketchy in parts. The affection between Kirk and Spock is well illustrated, however, and other than the fact that it could have been longer, it was an enjoyable tale.

The next story is more of a vignette, and is entitled ONCE UPON A DREAM (by Cybel). I took this to be both serious and tongue-in-cheek, a rather loose adaptation of SNOW WHITE. it's told with a clean, interesting style of writing, and despite the opportunity for it to stray off base, it sticks to the point and leaves me with a feeling of satisfaction and tenderness.

ENDINGS AND BEGINNINGS (by Charlotte Frost) is a Kirk-and-Spock-visit-the-farm story; and though I've read several of these tales in the short time I've been involved in K/S, this one is among the most interesting. It had nice characterization, gentleness between the characters, and a real potential to "go somewhere". My major complaint was that this story seemed to end too quickly, as if the writer ran out of steam or wasn't compelled to follow through on the 'bait' she put out in the earlier parts of the story. All in all, though, this is a well-written tale with intriguing ideas.

BEYOND THE VOID (by L.M. Kincade) is another vignette, and one which (again) was too short for my tastes. What's there is good, but I wanted to see the "consequences" of the decision described in the story.

Another story-vignette, IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBILITIES (by Donna Rose Vanderlaan) is a nice contrast to the two previous ones, in that it is more detailed and has the metaphysical "flair" I like to see. This is the story of a psychic giving a reading to Kirk and McCoy — a story which nicely illustrates how our perceptions are often very different from our reality. Nicely written, it has an eerieness that haunted me.

QUARTERNION (by "Sunny") is a Kirk/Spock meet Alexander/Hephaestion vignette, and one which didn't do much for me. I liked several of the ideas and some of the dialogue, but the premise was just too far out, even for science fiction.

The next story, A PLACE OF RED (by Dovya Blacque), on the other hand, is a wonderful tale of what might happen should Kirk and Spock exchange "souls" and become trapped in one another's bodies. Sound confusing? I thought so at first, but as I read on, I became more and more intrigued with the poetic style of the writing as well as with the poignant love story this writer had to tell." The dialogue is wonderful, and the "how we see ourselves in the mirror" attitude is a scream!

The final story, THE FIRST LEVEL OF HELL (by Carlin Rae Thorne) is certainly an interesting tale of "Kirk meets the devil". But instead of horns and a tale, the devil is a well-known artist skulking around a bar in Chinatown, San Francisco. This mysterious stranger offers to do a painting for Kirk which will make all his wishes come true. Subsequently, the story leads into a first-time encounter between Kirk and Spock — an encounter which is both harsh and tender. Personally, I preferred the more realistic "love/- hate" love-making experience which K & S share, though it's my understanding that many K/S fans might be made uncomfortable by it. This author captured an interesting aspect of gay lifestyles which kept me turning the pages until the story ended (happily, I might add) with a bizarre twist.

Overall, NAKED TIMES #13 is a good read, with only a couple of vignettes that didn't hold my interest. The zine is nicely produced, with several interior illustrations (mostly by Jacquelyn Zoost). It is printed in an easy-to-read format, with several poems as well as the more "meaty" stories. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate NT#13 as a strong 8 . [8]

Issue 14

front cover of issue #14, by Gayle F
back cover of issue #14, Jaqueline Zoost

Naked Times 14 was published in June 1987 and is 160 pages long. It has art by: Gayle F, L. MinoRis, Shellie Whild, Carol A. Pierce, Jacqueline Zoost, Dragon, Chiya, and Marilyn Cole (reprinted from Naked Times #11).

This issue was edited by Alexis Fegan Black.

From the editorial:

In many ways, the stories in this issue are unusual for NAKED TIMES — in that a couple of the offerings are of an alternate universe theme; and many of the stories in this issue deal with Vulcan in one way or another — either in philosophies, traditions, cultural attitudes and so on. I hope that many of you will write letters of comment to let me know how these stories are received, as we do strive to make NAKED TIMES a zine for the readers to enjoy. Personally, I'm always delighted with an alternate universe theme so long as it's well—done, and I hope the majority of you will agree.

Additionally, a couple of the stories in this issue are a bit more graphically "violent" than is the norm for NAKED TIMES. However, as the editor, it is my opinion that the violence as it's presented in these couple of stories is well-handled, and is crucial to the story. Which brings up the point of editorial policy. I will consider any and all stories so long as they are well done, and so long as there is no gratuitous violence. So... for those of you who may be sitting on a good story, fearful of sending it out because of certain elements, I hope you'll reconsider.

Anyway... I apologize for the fact that this issue is a few weeks late. This was caused by the fact that I sat down at the computer to do what I fully believed would be a short story. Well... almost 200 pages later, Year of the Ram was on the delivery table, and only now are the labor pains starting to disperse somewhat. YOTR is a K/S novel, so if anyone is interested, please send a SASE for more information.

  • Editorial (inside front cover)
  • Safe Love, poem by Cybel (3)
  • Soon, poem by Malia Storm (4)
  • The Bond by Debbie Cummins (Kirk is unwilling to bond with Spock out of fear of shortening Spockʼs life should Kirk die first.) (5)
  • A Personal Experience, poem by Kaori (26)
  • A Shadow of a Dream, poem by Sandee Maxwell (29)
  • Strength, poem by Cybel (30)
  • Heartstrings by Angel C. Soie (After the shakedown cruise, Kirk is ordered to transport a famous musician but becomes jealous when Spockʼs music lessons from the man interferes with his and Spockʼs time together as they move closer to becoming lovers.) (31)
  • The End, poem by Shauna Ann Mason (41)
  • I Dream You, poem by Cybel (42)
  • Lady Amanda by Cybel Harper (While Spock recuperates, Kirk goes to Amanda to inform her of his and Spockʼs bond.) (44)
  • The Legacy Mara-Lyn Cade ("Part III of the trilogy based on The Price and the Prize) (A/U: Carolʼs death after giving birth to Kirkʼs son threatens to tear Kirk and Spock apart when Spockʼs true parentage is discovered and he and Kirk are sold into slavery. "Jim felt the hard fingers pressed to the flesh as if it were his own face Spock held. He gasped, feeling the power of the Elders slice into Spock's defenseless mind. The battered body stiffened in a pitiful attempt to evade their assault; but the Elders leisurely rifled the Vulcan's thoughts, his emotions, his memories. The violation centered on their union. Memories of shared times were dissected. The bond he and Spock had formed was touched, examined with disbelief which strengthened into disgust. Jim was on the outside now, no longer a part of the meld, no longer a part of Spock. He had no strength, no will to control his being. He allowed the guards to support his slumped body as he watched the savage mind probe terminated. The bond was broken.") (45)
  • The Vine, poem by Shellie Whild (83)
  • The Greatest Gift, poem by Shauna Ann Mason (85)
  • In Rain, Remember, poem by Sandee Maxwell (86)
  • Catalysis by T'Hera (Spock is drugged and raped at the prison where he is aiding in repairing the computers, which later brings on a premature pon farr just as he and Kirk are on their way to Vulcan. "Are you feeling all right, Spock?" Kirk had been watching the Vulcan as he diligently segregated the various ingredients of the carefully prepared casserole. Head down, brows knitted, he was arranging the food on his plate into small, neat piles. As far as Kirk could tell, he hadn't eaten a bite. At Kirk's question, the Vulcan started and looked up as if surprised to see him there. High on his cheekbones, bright color flared, and the hollows beneath his eyes were more pronounced. As if aware of Kirk's scrutiny, he turned his head away. Suddenly, a thought struck the human. He realized where he had seen that look before…) (87)
  • Duet's End, poem by Shellie A. Whild (129)
  • Riddle, poem by Cybel (130)
  • Wishing, poem by Cybel (132)
  • Hour of Loving by Painted Bird (After finding Spock, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery, Kirk and McCoy must help him through drug withdrawal and to regain his memory.) (133)
  • Book, poem by Cybel (145)
  • In the Darkness, poem by Shauna Ann Mason (147)
  • Forever One, poem by Cybel (148)
  • Another Mountain to Climb by Carolyn McTarrell (An imprisoned Kirk and Chapel are rescued only after being forced to have sex, and now Kirk must deal with what this will do to his and Spockʼs budding romance. "Spock, please let me explain. I know… Mu mmmfflfff nfhhfh glf fhfh…" It took a moment for the human to register the large hand over his mouth effectively silencing his speech. The arms that held him pushed and he fell/reclined to the hard bunk, felt a heavy body straddle his. He held his breath, with no idea of what was coming. He only knew it was Spock by the beard-depilatory scent the Vulcan always used.") (149)
  • Making a Captain by M.J. Merica (A/U: After saving the ship he is posted on, Commander Kirk is sent to Vulcan to participate in a survival course with the Vulcan, Spock. Sequel: Taking Command. "Kirk didn't have the slightest idea what to do, but he sent soothing pictures into Spock's mind… scenes from his childhood home in Iowa… oceans of wheat rippling in the breeze.. .the shady creed… the porch swing… billowing clouds casting shadows on the land… the old mother cat in the barn lazily licking kittens… ice skating on the frozen pond in winter… anything cool and lazy he could think of. It must have been the right thing. The body pinning him to the floor began to relax. //Spock?//") (151)
  • the inside back cover is a full-page ad for Year of the Ram

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 14

See reactions and reviews for The Legacy.

See reactions and reviews for The Bond.

See reactions and reviews for Catalysis.

See reactions and reviews for Making a Captain.

See reactions and reviews for Another Mountain to Climb.

See reactions and reviews for Heartstrings.

See reactions and reviews for Lady Amanda.

See reactions and reviews for Hour of Loving.

Issue 15

back cover issue #15
front cover of issue #15, by Jackie Zoost

Naked Times 15 was published in August 1987 and is 203 pages long. It has a front and back cover by Jackie Zoost. Inside art and borders are by Leo Minoris (this name is in the table of contents, but does not appear on any art), Pat, Carol A. Pierce, Shellie A. Whild, Dragon, Alayne, Ann Crouch.

This issue was edited by Alexis Fegan Black.

[from the editorial]: While NOM could be considered a "menage" story (though definitely not with McCoy as the third party), I personally feel that it had to be written in that fashion. YEAR OF THE RAM, on the other hand, is strictly K/S, and contains no menage-type material. Which brings me to a point: I've learned from doing ON THE DOUBLE that many K/S fans won't even read a story if they know/think it to involve a third party. And yet, it's my humble opinion that perhaps every story should be judged on its own merit. I hope you will read NIGHT OF MASTERY and that you'll write in with your letters of comment — on that story and on the entirety of NT#15 as well.

  • The Silent Apology, poem by Malia Storm (3)
  • Hero Worship by Natasha Solten (A post-"The Enemy Within" story) (After Kirkʼs two “halves” are reunited, Spock has trouble dealing with his disappointment with the “lamb” Kirk and his attraction to the “wolf” Kirk. "As Spock remembered the lamb-Kirk's hesitation and indecisiveness, and his total deference, the compassion the Vulcan had felt turned to ice, causing him to recoil. Seeing that part of his captain for the first time -- the child part, the weakness -- was akin to complete and total disappointment. He'd thought Kirk to be stronger than that, had counted on it many occasions in the past…") (5)
  • Memories of the Wolf, poem by Linda Frankel (19)
  • Bittersweet Memories, poem by Sandee Maxwell (20)
  • Taking Command by M. J. Merica (A/U: Now bonded, Kirk takes command of the Enterprise with Spock as his first officer. Prequel: Making A Captain. Sequel: The Safe Zone. "…If bonding to a Vulcan is the only way I can stay in space," Kirk said, "then I choose to do exactly what I did, with exactly whom I did." "But…? "I think Vulcans are basically dishonest, Spock. They underestimate humans… and themselves…") (21)
  • Paradise White, poem by Sandee Maxwell (32)
  • Brotherly Love by Deborah Cummins (Kirk and Spock crash on an unknown planet but are separated when found by different groups of natives and taken as peasant and nobility, respectfully. Sequel: Brotherly Love Pt 2. "Spock rose to his feet and stared out the viewer of the psor'tial shop. Warp speed had rendered the pace before them virtually featureless, a hazy mist of white as the stars flashed by. "We will run out of fuel in the Belarian System, Sector 18. There is a 73% probability that we will be captured by the planet's gravitational force before we lose all engine power. We have a 37% chance of a soft landing. That is assuming of course, that we have no further difficulties. With the sensors non-functional, there is no way to tell." Kirk's saddened smile reflected his own. "No… I suppose not…") (33)
  • From All Sides, poem by Jane Fury (89)
  • Soundings by David Alexander (While visiting a lesbian couple at a research station, Kirk and Spock finally come together when forced to share a bed. "Spock? What are you doing?" "Obviously, from the sounds coming through these walls, something is wrong," the Vulcan said. "They may need help." Kirk grinned, breathed and grabbed the worried Vulcan's arm before he could finish putting on his pants. "Hold it, Spock. There's no trouble, believe me. They're… He hesitated, not sure how to delicately tell his friend. He opted for directness. "They're… making love." Though he couldn't see Spock clearly in the darkness, he sensed the Vulcan staring at him…") (91)
  • Star Sailor, poem by Jane Fury (102)
  • Eye of the Beholder by Ray Newton (A/U: Vulcan and Earth are separated by an impenetrable cloud so when a human is being sold on Vulcan, Spock takes pity on the ugly being and buys him. Sequel: Second Contact. "Kirk sat upright on his couch at the foot of Spock's bed as the door crashed open and someone blundered into the room. He heard Spock's voice and was about to speak when he realized that his master was not alone. He could see a slim shape entwined with the Vulcan's and a sweet, cloying scent permeated the air. Coloring hotly, Kirk lay down again, pulling the blanket over his head as he feigned sleep…") (103)
  • Red Alert! Red Alert! Red Alert!, poem by Linda Frankel (135)
  • Buried Alive, poem by Cybel (136)
  • Night of Mastery by Alexis Fegan Black (Non-K/S story: Prequel: Year of the Ram. "The door to the small house opened, revealing a familiar, intimidating silhouette framed against the pale lighting within. "Sinta," Spock said, almost to himself, almost as an accusation. His vision blurred. Reality struck him like a hammer. Fire and ice fought a war in his mind, with Kirk being the victor's spoils. The ice gained a stronghold. The fire stormed, gathering angry strength. Then, without further ceremony, Spock passed out cold.) (also in Unholy Alliances) (137)
  • Spoken in Legends, poem by Alexis Fegan Black (202)
  • Stardust, poem by Cybel (203)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 15

See reactions and reviews for Eye of the Beholder.

See reactions and reviews for Night of Mastery.

See reactions and reviews for Taking Command.

See reactions and reviews for Brotherly Love.

See reactions and reviews for Hero Worship.

See reactions and reviews for Soundings.

[zine]: HERO WORSHP is a story of just that; Spock's reaction to seeing Kirk's 'sheep' and 'wolf' as separate entities. I won't spoil the surprise by telling which side of Kirk Spock found himself liking more or why. You'll have to read that for yourself. Ms. Solten's writing is poetic and tight and more than competent. This was a very good read. TAKNG COMMAND is a sequel to the author's story in NAKED TIKES #14. In this universe, Vulcan reins over Earth yet with a gentle and understanding hand. Vulcan also realizes that their own people do not function well in command situations so they place only bonded Vulcan/Human pairs in the top command positions on their starships. Not much happens in this story except a progress from where the story ended in NT #14 to the final step of Kirk 'taking command'. This is far from a deep story, but it is highly entertaining, well written and well presented. I didn't read the first part of BROTHERLY LOVE until I had NAKED TIMES #16 and could read the entire story at once. What this amounted to was a rather tired retelling of the trite "Kirk and Spock are trapped on a backward planet where Spock is captured and held by an evil man who has designs on his body until Kirk can rescue him with sundry and assorted predictable problems and moments of hurt comfort along the way" theme. While I enjoy h/c as much as the next guy, at times this story went beyond necessity to make its point. Ms. Cummins' characters are somewhat one one dimensional as her good guys are good and her bad guys are bad and there's no middle ground. Between parts one and two, this story could have been at least ten pages shorter. At times over written, at times boring, I feel that holding off to read part one until I had part two was not worth the wait. SOUNDINGS deals with Kirk and Spock 
realizing and expressing their feelings for one another while visiting 
friends of Kirk's who happen to be female lovers. I found this one on
the unbelievable, the situation being somewhat contrived. The
 story is not as interesting as it perhaps could have been, but it is 
not a bad read. EYE Of THE BEHOLDER is a delightful situation. The story takes place on Vulcan, a Vulcan that has never seen a Terran before and when they do, they find him (guess who?) nearly too ugly to took at. This is definitely a different twist to the old 'Spock-finds-Kirk-in-the-slave-market' scenario. This is very well written and plotted and the solution to Kirk and Spock's problem is extremely elegant. One of my favorite in the zine. But my favorite of all, and the reason I've chosen this issue of NT to review this time, is NIGHT Of MASTER. This is a sequel of sorts to Ms. Black's novel YEAR Of THE RAM. It is a sequel 'of sorts' because it can stand on it's own, but I'm glad I'd read YOTR first as it definitely added to the flavor and understanding of NIGHT OF MASTERY. The story opens wtth Kirk and Spock making love during which Sinta is brought up in a not very appropriate way. This is the first clue that Sinta needs Kirk and Spock. Eventually it is revealed that Sinta is in Pon Farr and in need of help. After some very difficult emotional moments between Kirk and Spock, the Enterprise arrives at Tholia and Kirk and Spock again meet with the Master first encountered at the temple at Ho Ling. The details of what goes on once the three are reunited are too intricate and wonderful to reveal here. It's enough to say that there are some tense moments, some sexually exciting moments, some warm and loving moments and quite a bit of excellent writing. How everything turns out is also too intricate and wonderful to reveal, but to those of you who hesitate to read something that is a 'menage a trois' because you hate someone interfering in Kirk and Spock's bond or whatever, should have no such fear about NIGHT OF MASTERY. There is no interference here, no usurping of the bond or of the love between Kirk and Spock. All three men come out better for the experience in the end, and, as a reader, so did I. NIGHT Of MASTERY is by far one of Ms. Black's best pieces to date. This is definitely something not to be missed. The art in this zine is visually striking. From the front cover by Jacouelyn Zoost to the mystical Eustrations for NIGHT OF MASTERY by Ann Crouch to the story borders by Alayne and Carol A. Pierce, this is a very nice looking zine. The only complaint I have about the art (and it is minor) concerns the first poem, "The Silent Apology". The illustration for this poem is lovely, but it is completely overshadowed by the sketchy, difficult to read calligraphy and the very average poem. I would have loved to have seen this illustration given its full due on its own page, unhampered by the poem that does not live up to the drawing. The rest of the poetry is your basic K/S poetry. NAKED TIMES 15 is well worth buying, if for no other reason than to treat yourself to NIGHT OF MASTERY. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give this zine a strong 9. [9]

Issue 16

front cover of issue #16, by Ann Crouch
back cover of issue #16, by Ann Crouch -- The editor thanks Ann: "Since we're premiering NT#16 shortly before Halloween, I couldn't resist using the 'Trick or Treat' cover by Ann Crouch -- which I think everyone will agree is something we'd like to find at our door on October 31st (or any other time, for that matter0> Thanks, Ann, for making this illo available to fandom so many years after the original art was accidentally lost." This art was also used February 1988 as the cover of On the Double #6

Naked Times 16 was published in September 1987 and contains 180 pages. The covers are by Ann Crouch.

This issue was edited by Alexis Fegan Black.

  • Editorial (inside front cover)
  • The Safe Zone by M. J. Merica (A/U: The Enterprise is ordered on patrol duty until changing circumstances pull them into the war with Romulus. Prequel: Taking Command. Sequel: Groundswell. "Just as Kirk entered the door, an ornate knife crossed his path at chest level, burying itself in the wall six inches above the face of a patient shackled to the bed. Deciding the patient was Romulan, he turned to see who the weapon's wielder was. A beautiful woman with large eyes and long lashes stared at him. "Just a little pest control," she explained. "Scotty won't let me slit his throat…") (3)
  • Shadowland, poem by Cybel (16)
  • Acknowledgment of Love, poem by Cybel (17)
  • The Shaktah by Zoey Brooks (The Enterprise is called upon to transport 3 “hunters” from a matriarchal planet being considered for UFP membership but one of them turns out to be the ruler of the planet, and an old acquaintance of Spockʼs who he would rather not meet again. "If you do this, Bri Sorani," Spock threatened, "at the first possible opportunity, I will end my life." "You, a Vulcan, end your life? Impossible." She moved closer. "When there is sufficient cause, even ending a life is justified, Sorani," Spock proclaimed…") (19)
  • The Enigma, poem by Cheryl Resnick (55)
  • Halfway to Paradise by Sandee Maxwell (His nakedness was covered in olive green. Dark hair, stirring slightly in the wind, hung past his shoulders. Dark eyes were enhanced by upswept, wing-like brows accompanying exquisitely elfin ears. From between his shoulder blades extended a pair of elegant, pale green wings. The winged one's gaze raked the golden perfection of the naked sleeper as he perched upon an outcropping of the wall just above the form. Indeed, the stranger had enough beauty to tempt an angel…) (57)
  • Rebirth, poem by Cheryl Resnick (66)
  • Introducing Old Friends by Faille (Kirk and Spock visit a scientist friend of Spockʼs who had been accused of murder. "Spock followed Melbourne 57 to her chair grouping and seated himself beside Kirk. The woman curled into a large armchair, automatically plucked a jade egg off the cluttered table, and began to fondle it. When Kirk noticed, he nearly sputtered water everywhere. He quickly set the glass aside. "Sorry…") (67)
  • Brotherly Love PART II by Deborah Cummins (the conclusion) (Because Kirk is thought of as a peasant, one of the nobility uses him as insurance to get Spock to have a relationship with him. "Spock cut off the words as the barriers formed around him. The captain must not see what he knew was about to take place. He fortified his mind, erecting the cold, impenetrable shields. He understood that this would inhibit his ability to black the pain in the hours ahead; but it was necessary. Kirk must not know. The door slammed shut behind him…") (95)
  • Portraits, poem by Cheryl Resnick (165)
  • Trick or Treat by James Carlson ("It's a pity Mister Spock couldn't be here tonight," Sulu said as the plans became more serious. "It would be interesting to hear his thoughts on the disappearances in the Triangle." I had just started to make an excuse for the absent Vulcan, formulating a response which would point out his reserved, un-partying nature when, for a reason I have yet to comprehend, I looked up and toward the front door that had been left standing open for any late-arriving guests. There was a Spock at the door…) (also in Psychic Storm) (167)
  • Soliloquy in Silence, poem by Cybel (178)
  • inside back cover is a full-page add announcing On the Double

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 16

See reactions and reviews for Trick or Treat.

See reactions and reviews for The Safe Zone.

See reactions and reviews for The Shaktah.

See reactions and reviews for Halfway to Paradise.

See reactions and reviews for Introducing Old Friends.

See reactions and reviews for Brotherly Love.

Issue 17

front cover of issue #17, by Ann Crouch, reprinted as the cover of On the Double #12
back cover of issue #17, by Jackie Zoost

Naked Times 17 was published in 1987 and contains 160 pages. The front cover is by Ann Crouch and the back by Jackie Zoost. The inside from and back covers are by Dragon. Other inside art is by Ann Crouch, Jackie Zoost, and Shellie A. Whild.

[From the editorial]: Welcome to NT#17! I've tried to do things just a little bit differently with this issue, and I hope you'll enjoy the changes. In this issue, we've "slackened" our guidelines just a little, though we've tried to maintain only stories with no undue violence, torture, or mayhem. The "looser" editorial policy for this issue only was done mainly to discover just what types of stories are out there -- and for the most part, I've come to the conclusion that the writers and readers are indeed more comfortable with the normal guidelines of NAKED TIMES (i.e., none of the ridiculous torture and cruelty in K/S that sometimes finds its way into print). I prefer to keep NT as a "loving, relationship" zine, (which doesn't mean that there can't be conflict between the characters -- just no undue physical violence!); and I was pleased by the submissions which came to me for this issue.

  • Vulcan Sunset, poetry by Zetta M.A. Hopkins (3)
  • I Follow Behind, poem by Robin Hood (4)
  • Do You Love Me, poem by Shauna Ann Mason (6)
  • Forbidden Colors by Jenny Starr (Though sheʼd like the captain for herself, Uhura steps in and helps Spock realize Kirkʼs love for him. "He makes love like he drinks fine brandy. He sips, nips, delicately tastes. He uses his tongue to enhance the sweetness. He closes his eyes in single-minded concentration, never forgetting to pay humble respect to the vessel of his pleasure. Captain James Kirk is a very heady experience…") (7)
  • You Ask, poem by Robin Hood (26)
  • He Who Waits by Mara-Lyn Cade (Spock waits in Kirkʼs cabin after purchasing slave chains to act out one of his loverʼs fantasies.) (27)
  • To Be, poem by Cybel Harper (32)
  • About Time by Lynn Shomei (Spock creates dreams for Kirk of their future lives together in order to overcome Kirkʼs reluctance to bond after he find out that he will be the submissive partner. "Do not be so certain of what you think you know. For all your power and physical strength, you are merely human." The "mere" human cringed suddenly at the use of that word as a diminutive, wondering how far the implication went…")
  • The First Move by Cybel Harper (Kirk and Spock are abducted a few weeks after Kirk takes command of the Enterprise. "You required my aid and I felt obliged to give it. "Because I'm your superior officer." "No, because you are James Kirk, and wherever you go, people will follow you, will give you their trust, their loyalty, and more. That is, I believe you will find, your destiny." Spock flushed, embarrassed at the unprecedented emotionalism of his avowal…") (33)
  • Thousand Years, poem by Robin Hood (48)
  • The Vulcan Foundling by Darla Michaels (A/U: Spock is orphaned as an infant and raised as a Deltan.) (49)
  • Broken Trine by Z.M.A. Hopkins (The Enterpriseʼs POV from Spockʼs death to her own.) (87)
  • The Gift of Dreams by Charlotte Frost (Ten months after becoming lovers, Kirk dreams of he and Spock in old age which helps him overcome his doubts to a bond between them. "Spock," Kirk said in a worried tone, "I wonder sometimes what it will be like when I die -- what will happen to you." Spock raised the human's chin. "We pledged the death bond long ago," he reminded. "I know," Kirk agreed quickly. "But even you more or less admitted that was a lot of Vulcan hocus pocus…") (91)
  • Idiot Savant, poem by Carol Turner (102)
  • Groundswell by M.J. Merica (A/U: Kirk and Spock are temporarily sent to Earth to recruit Terrans to help in the war against the Romulans. Prequel: The Safe Zone. Sequel: Making Peace. "The conversation ended with the barroom challenger taking a swing at the Vulcan. Spock let the punch land, but was moving in the direction of the force to lessen the impact. It looked more effective than it really was. Two more men joined in the fray, and within moments the bar was engulfed from wall to wall by a swirling mass of fists and flying bodies…") (103)
  • La Ronde by Connie Barron (The transference of Kirk and Janice Lester told in the form of logs and reports from several of those involved.) (115)
  • The Image in Your Eyes, poem by Shauna Ann Mason (124)
  • About Time, fiction by Lynn Shame (125)
  • The Needs of the One, poem by Cybel Harper (143)
  • Forming a Pearl, poem by Linda Frankel (144)
  • Fate Morgana, poem by Susan Catlin (146)
  • Yin and Yang by James Carlson (Spock goes to a martial arts “priest” posted to the Enterprise for instructions in love before going to Kirk to tell him of his feelings for him.) (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories) (147)
  • The Ocean of Our Dreams, poem by Linda Frankel (159)
  • Cocoon, poem by Alexis Fegan Black (160)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 17

See reactions and reviews for La Ronde.

See reactions and reviews for The First Move.

See reactions and reviews for Groundswell.

See reactions and reviews for Broken Trine.

See reactions and reviews for The Vulcan Foundling.

See reactions and reviews for About Time.

See reactions and reviews for The Gift of Dreams.

See reactions and reviews for Yin and Yang.

See reactions and reviews for He Who Waits.

See reactions and reviews for Forbidden Colors.

[zine]: This issue of NAKED TIMES starts off with sensitive cover illustrations by Ann M. Crouch. The front cover depicts Spock contemplating the ancient Terran symbol of the Yin/Yang while the back cover of a portrait of Kirk in BREAD AND CIRCUSES. The first story, FORBIDDEN COLORS is an unusual piece for K/S in that it's told in first person, from the point of view of Uhura. (in this story, we are shown Uhura's desire for Kirk, as well as her subsequent recognition of Kirk's love for Spock. and vice versa. Told in a straight-forward yet poignant style for which this author has become known. An excellent read, with some powerful images. HE WHO WAITS is a short-short story which seems to be here strictly for the purpose of titillation. An enjoyable read because it makes no pretense of being "a real story", it is humorous as well as sexy. THE FIRST MOVE (by Cybel Harper) is a nice little story by an author whose name I don't recognize. But is this is any indication, Ms. Harper will be around for a long time to come. Even though The First Move" is not a new idea. It is told in a straightforward manner without the "purple prose" which many K/S writers fall into. The tension between Kirk and Spock is believable, and the story flows smoothly from dialogue to narrative. The plot isn't memorable, but this is a writer to watch in the future. THE VULCAN FOUNDLING is also a story by an author whose name I don't recognize. But it doesn't matter, as this story stands on its own. It is an alternate universe situation, wherein Spock Is raised on Delta due to the untimely death of his parents. With Deltan attitudes and his Vulcan "good looks', he makes quite a sight when he and Kirk meet for the first time at a diplomatic meeting on Delta. The writing in this story is slightly choppy in parts, yet the plot is sufficient to see the reader through any "bumps'. A very memorable story, with likeable "secondary characters in addition to Kirk, Spock and McCoy. BROKEN TRINE is the one story In the zine that didn't do anything for me. It was supposed to be touching and moving, told in a narrative style from the pov of the Enterprise. But unfortunately, even though it was only 4 pages long, it labored to make Its point. Not badly written, it just wasn't to my taste. THE GIFT OF DREAMS is a story that starts out making the reader believe one thing, then by the end of the story, comes full circle. Written in a sparse yet effective style, this story centers primarily on "the death bond", and on why Kirk and Spock disagree on this aspect of their relationship. A chilling little piece. This writer has a way with images and with provoking emotion in the reader. GROUNDSWELL Is the 4th part of the Consortium series which has been appearing In NT. In this segment. Kirk and Spock must visit Earth in order to "preach" the Consortium to Terra. Kirk finds it an abominably boring prospect and through his Ingenious efforts, manages to land himself and Spock In the 23rd Century equivalent of a bar room brawl. Humorous yet effective, a nice turning point in this series. ABOUT TIME is a story that starts off with a bang (literally and figuratively), and which doesn't let up until it concludes almost 25 pages later. This Is a very thoughtful story, in that it explores the K/S relationship through the medium of Kirk's dreams - induced partially by Spock through a meld. I've only read one other story by this author, but her work seems to be consistently well-written. ABOUT TIME is a sexy story as well as being a well-thought-out piece. Don't miss it. The final story in the zine is entitled YIN AND YANG. The first story I read by this author was in NAKED TIMES 16 - and in that story, I was almost convinced that Mr. Carlson Is one of the rare few male K/S writers. But upon reading YIN AND YANG, I'm back to wondering again. (Not that it matters one way or another; I'm just curious, like everybody else out there!). This story is told in first person from the point of view of a young woman who is assigned to the Enterprise as an instructor in martial arts. Through her working relationship with Spock, the reader is treated to a different viewpoint of the K/S relationship - a relationship which, in this story, is just beginning. Spock, being inexperienced and uncertain of Kirk's feelings for him, seeks advice from the "I" character in the story (her name is never given). The story is seductive, entertaining and powerful - a nice balance to Jenny Starr's FORBIDDEN COLORS which started off the zine. All in all, NAKED TIMES 17 Is an excellent zzine. The poetry is somewhat sparse (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), with the best being COCOON (Alexis Fegan Black); I FOLLOW BEHIND (Robin Hood); and THE IMAGE IN YOUR EYES (Shauna Ann Mason). The artwork is also limited in this Issue, but what's there is good. Jackie Zoost has a couple of excellent pieces, and Shellie Whild's illo for GROUNDSWELL is especially nice. As with all of the NAKED TIMES, the editing is consistently high quality, with the stories falling neatly and coherently onto the paper. A highly recommended zine! [10]

Issue 18

front cover of issue #18, by Marilyn Cole "Sorcerer Spock"
back cover of issue #18, Leo Minoris
title page, art by Kay Wells - I've loved this picture since the first time I saw it. Kirk and Spock are kissing and beginning the process of undressing each other - nice detail of Spock's waistband being open! Wonderfully romantic and erotic. [11]

Naked Times 18 was was published in January 1988 and contains 160 pages. The front cover is by Marilyn Cole, the back cover by Leo Minoris. Artwork by Marilyn Cole, Leo Minoris, Kay Wells, L. Morrison Flack, Virginia Lee Smith, Carol A. Pierce, and Shellie Whild.

From the editorial:

Welcome to NAKED TIMES #18, the first issue representing our "new look". I think you'll agree that the new format is much easier to read, as well as allowing for much greater versatility with stories, poetry and artwork. I'm really pleased to (finally!) be using a desktop publishing software, as I feel this will make zine production a lot simpler, and will give Pon Farr Press publications a neater physical appearance. If it appears on the surface that there is "less" to read than in the past couple issues of NAKED TIMES, let me assure you that there is, in fact, much more. With the joys of typesetting, a story that would have taken up 30 pages in former issues now takes only about 20 pages. So, essentially, despite the shorter page count on this issue, the reading material itself is greatly expanded. Future issues of NAKED TIMES will be back to the usual 150-180 pages, sometimes even more; but in the interests of getting this issue off my desk (thereby fulfilling at least one New Year's Resolution), 1 decided to go ahead with this issue being a few pages shorter than normal. But I hope everyone will agree that the quality of this issue's stories more than makes up for a few pages less in quantity....

All editors are always hearing the complaint that, There just aren't enough zines"; or, "Most zines just don't have the kind of stories I want to read in them". Well... an editor's common response is: "Write! Write what you want to read." Unfortunately, there aren't enough K/S writers. Zines can and will be created to accommodate good writers. And any writer can become a competent writer with just a little perseverance. So... if you've always been thinking about writing a story, maybe now would be a good time to do it. Any editor who's worth her so-called "salt" will be glad to help you become a better writer. So even if you're not an Isaac Asimov, a Harlan Ellison or a Diane Duane, it doesn't matter. One thing that's greatly disturbed me lately has been receiving letters of inquiry from fans around the country who very much want to write. The disturbing part is that many of these people have been rejected brutally by so-called fanzine editors. Now there's something wrong there, I do believe. The nature of fandom (and especially fanzines) is that we are, for the most part, amateurs. Sure, an editor wants to put out the best zine she possibly can, but that's never an excuse for out-and-out rudeness to a fellow fan. It's one thing to reject a story - and rejection is never easy to take or to give -but it's another matter entirely to tell someone that they should stop writing altogether. I've recently heard from a few K/S writers who were told that very thing, or were told that their writing was "garbage" (yes, that's an actual quote)...Sorry to have to bring this up, but upon hearing from several writers who have had similar experiences, I think something needs to be said — which is simply that editors with that type of attitude should perhaps just be ignored. If all editors sat around waiting for only the Leslie Fish stories or the [Gayle F] stories, there wouldn't be many zines. And those that did manage to exist would only come out about once every two years, so.... Anyway, the main point to all of this is that this is fandom. Let's face it, we aren't going to win any Pulitzer Prizes for K/S or even for "straight" STAR TREK. We aren't going to go down in the annals of American Literature. Zines exist for the enjoyment of those who read them and those who produce them (whether the editors, writers, artists or poets). It's unfortunate that a few folks seem to have forgotten that. Sure, any zine editor takes her zine seriously. But if she begins to take it too seriously, to the point that other fan writers are being hurt in the process, then it's time to step back and take a very critical look at things.

My humble apologies for climbing aboard a soapbox, but this is something I've always felt very strongly about An editor's job is to help a So, with all of that said, I hope everyone will understand a little more about the editor/writer relationship. I also hope it will give a better understanding as to why not every story is always "perfect" when it sees print in a fanzine. Zines are a hobby by all involved, done for the love of STAR TREK and for the love of writing, editing and publishing. Every story is somebody's "baby", and should be treated with kindness even if it isn't a perfect child.

  • Editorial (3)
  • Joy, poem by L. Morrison Flack (7)
  • Your Touch, poem by Cybel Harper (8)
  • Contemplations/Contemplations by Charlotte Frost (Spock must find a way to relax his lover when Kirk, too tense to be penetrated, reveals his doubts as to his desirability now that he is growing older.) (9)
  • Myths, poem by Brenda Joyce (14)
  • Something Fishy by Venisa I. Duvetyn (M/U: While undercover to meet with members of the rebellion, Kirk is abducted by Orion slavers and is sent to work on a fish factory planet. "We cannot advertise that we are searching for Captain James T. Kirk of the ISS Enterprise," Spock stated. "That is the fastest possible method of guaranteeing his immediate execution." McCoy frowned thoughtfully. "I guess you're right. I can name a dozen planets where every inhabitant would just love to get their hands on Jim.") (15)
  • The Time, poem by Brenda Joyce (34)
  • Making Peace by M. J. Merica (A/U: The Enterprise is sent to pick up a Klingon delegation who want the Consortium to join them in a war with the Romulans. Prequel: Groundswell. Sequel: The Velvet Glove. "What thee is about to see," Kirk said to the healer with a perfectly straight face, glancing occasionally to Spock, "is a human ritual that has come down from the beginning. It is the heart and soul of the human institution of marriage. It is called a family squabble. Wise men keep out of it: but since I question whether Vulcans posses the elusive quality of wisdom, let me make this perfectly clear. If you must observe, keep your big mouth shut, healer. Do I make myself absolutely clear?") (35)
  • The Pearl, poem by Kimberly Sara Huntington (46)
  • Silver Walls, poem by Cassia Williams (48)
  • Someone To Watch Over Thee by James Carlson (Spock, Kirk and an ambassador are given aphrodisiacs by the leader of a hedonistic society and itʼs up to the security men to make sure they get who and what they need.) (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories)
  • I Will Walk with You, pome by L. Morrison Flack (58)
  • Pool Play, vignette by Kimberly Sara Huntington (59)
  • The Dynasty of the Clan by Zoey Brooks (A/U: As Surakʼs reforms take hold, Spock is forced to give up his chiefdom for a monastic life. "That one has been stricken from the records," the monk explained. "He now does not exist for us, nor ever did. We are forbidden even to say his name. He was sent out." Kirk blinked. "Sent out? You mean alone, in the desert?" The monk nodded.")
  • Vulcan Incubus, poem by Carlin Rae Thorne (79)
  • Damp Wishes, poem by Robin Hood (80)
  • The Shepherd, poem by Kimberly Sara Huntington (82)
  • The Gol Letters by Carlin Rae Thorne. This story was the inspiration for No Better Mirror by Charlotte Frost. (Apart, Kirk and Spock each write letters to each other, each believing that the other will never read them. "Dear Spock: These dreams will have to be enough. Tomorrow morning I go in for the psyche-evaluation required for my promotion to the admiralty. I intend to pass it one way or another, with or without you or anyone else. Bones is off in Atlanta giving enemas to horses, and you're on Vulcan being a horse's ass. Maybe the two of you should get together. But I can't quit living that easily. I'll take the promotion if it's offered, and I'll be the best damned admiral Starfleet ever had.") (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories)
  • Ritual for One at Gol, poem by Alexis Fegan Black (93)
  • Recluse, poem by Natasha Solten (94)
  • Second Contact by Fiona James (A/U: 16 years after Kirk is stranded on the Vulcan side of the space. cloud, a Terran ship makes it through and Spock fears that his bondmate will now wish to return to Earth. "A problem, Mister S'Kirk?" Spock asked, coming onto the bridge. "That ship, sir." Kirk indicated the viewer, adding over the bondlink, It's a Federation Starship, Spock. Spock glanced at his mate. Your people?" It is a sequel to Eye of the Beholder) (95)
  • Death Bond, poem by Brenda Joyce (114)
  • Rain Dance by Alexis Fegan Black (When Spock realizes that his link to TʼPring is not broken, he tells Kirk that he needs to return to Vulcan to procure another bondmate, but Kirk is uneasy about Spock leaving and not coming back.) (also in Speed of Light... & other K/S stories) (115)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 18

See reactions and reviews for Contemplations.

See reactions and reviews for Second Contact.

See reactions and reviews for Rain Dance.

See reactions and reviews for The Dynasty of the Clan.

See reactions and reviews for The Gol Letters.

See reactions and reviews for Something Fishy.

See reactions and reviews for Someone to Watch Over Thee.

See reactions and reviews for Making Peace.

Issue 19

front cover of issue #19, by Dragon
back cover of issue #19, by Dragon

Naked Times 19 was published in April 1988 and contains 160 pages. It has covers by Dragon. The inside front and back covers are by Jackie Zoost. Other interior illos are by Virginia Lee Smith and Jackie Zoost. The zine was edited by Pagan Blue.

There is no poetry in this issues. The editor notes they ran out of room and they "decided to do something different this time around."

From the editorial:

I'd like to thank Deborah Cummins for her wonderful novella, THE MISUNDERSTANDING, which appears in this issue. I think you'll all agree that Debbie is one of the best K/S writers in fandom these days, and we're hoping to have more work from her for future issues. Also, a special thanks to Zoe Brook for a really unusual piece, HOME BY THE SEA; to Cybel Harper for her tender story, JOURNEY'S END; and to Sharon Pillsbury for MIRRORED GUILT. Completing the list this time is Carlin Rae Thorne's UNHOLY ALLIANCES, which also turned out to be a mirror novella. We didn't exactly "plan" to have two mirror stories in the same issue, but since that's how the chips fell, we're glad to do it. Needless to say, this editor is fond of that universe.

  • Mirrored Guilt by Sharon Pillsbury (M/U: After Bob Wesley is assassinated by Finnegan, Kirk tries to take out his anger and guilt for not being able to stop it on Spock. "You're out to take over the ship," the captain of the ISS Enterprise accused, brandy bottle in hand. "You are aware that I have never sought command," Spock replied coolly. "And you think I believe that?" Kirk smiled dangerously. "Before you put a knife in my back, I plan to…" "A knife?" Spock mused. "If I wanted to kill you, I would need no weapon." The Vulcan rose slowly and walked over to Kirk, placing his fingers at the back of the human's neck. "Tal Shaya is a most effective method of killing, it would take only a slight pressure." His fingers lightly brushed against the nerve points…") (5)
  • "The Misunderstanding" by Deborah Cummins (While giving Kirk a backrub, Spock picks up on Kirkʼs feelings for him which gives him hope for a relationship between them but both menʼs fear and hesitation create problems that are compounded when a female diplomat and her aide come aboard. "Spock could no more leave Kirk's side than he could exist without breathing. If his mood hadn't been so black, the irony might have amused him. The cause of the suffering was the lure that kept calling him back, kept him tied to the human's side as if he were bound with a thousand chains. So he stayed. For four years. And repressed the sorrow, the pain, watching Kirk seduce women by the score, fall in and out of love, turn to him for help and consolation before delving once again into another relationship. The list seemed endless. Spock buried the hurt, smothering it in rejection and denial. Kirk didn't love him.") (17)
  • Home by the Sea by Zoey Brook (Kirk and Spock take shoreleave at a house left to Spock by an old friend but the hostility of the populace and the possibility that Spockʼs friend was murdered are just two of the mysteries that come up during their week there.) (81)
  • Journey's End by Cybel Harper (After Kirk almost drowns while surfing, Spock confesses to a fear of drowning so Kirk decides to help him overcome it. "It should have been easy. The water was shallow enough to stand up in, and Kirk had reacted quickly enough to prevent Spock from inhaling much, if any water. But all of that didn't take into account the Vulcan's strength or the depth of his panic. He fought Kirk, throwing the weaker human from him with a force that drove the air from Kirk's lungs and plunged him under water with barely enough presence of mind to hold his breath…") (119)
  • House Warming by Zoey Brook (Spock's eyes widened in horror as he looked at the large clearing directly ahead. Two tall posts faced him each with a pile of dried branches arranged around its base. Torches from the townspeople lit the night, and a hushed whispering could be heard throughout the crowd. Instinctively, Spock leaned for a nearby officer, pressing his fingers deep into the unsuspecting man's neck. The man fell quickly as Spock turned to free Kirk, stopping in terror when he saw another officer pressing a knife to the human's throat. "Stop or I'll kill him right now." The Vulcan wondered if it would be best to let the man do just that rather than have Kirk tied to the post…)
  • Unholy Alliances by Carlin Rae Thorne (M/U: Entering pon farr, Spock takes shore leave and buys a human slave,only to find that he has gotten more than he bargained for when it turns out that the slave is the brother of the new captain of the Enterprise, who has been murdered.) (also in Unholy Alliances) (131)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 19

See reactions and reviews for Journey's End.

See reactions and reviews for Unholy Alliances.

See reactions and reviews for House Warming.

See reactions and reviews for The Misunderstanding.

See reactions and reviews for Mirrored Guilt.

See reactions and reviews for Home by the Sea.

[zine]: NAKED TIMES 19 starts off with some very unusual covers by Dragon - long haired versions of Kirk and Spock that caused me to smile.

Stories include THE MISUNDERSTANDING by Deborah Cummins, deals with a miscommunication between Kirk and Spock, leading to turmoil and trauma in the relationship. This novella is intriguing at the same time it is frustrating - frustrating in the sense that the sub-plot of terrorists seemed extraneous. But the interplay between Kirk and Spock is excellent and, as with all of Ms. Cummins' works, this is beautifully told. MIRRORED GUILT by Sharon Pillsbury is a "mirror" universe story with a lot of tension between the characters, some "raw" sexual material, and the typical "mirror" harshness. A good story, but not one of my favorites due to its "rushed" feeling. Should have been several pages longer.

HOME BY THE SEA by Zoey Brook is one that, when I first started reading, I thought was going to turn into another Kirk-and-Spock-visit-the-haunted-house yarn. Much to my surprise though, this story is tender and well thought out, with the characters expressing genuine emotions. My only complaint with this one was minor - in that I wondered why one of the boys didn't immediately start to question when bizarre occurrences began. The answer is simple: if they had, there wouldn't have been a story.

Perhaps the weakest story in the zine is JOURNEY'S END by Cybel Harper, a short piece wherein Spock must face his fear of water and swimming. While the writing is good and the idea interesting, I had a problem accepting that a Starfleet officer wouldn't be able to swim, at least in an emergency situation.

My personal favorite was UNHOLY ALLIANCES by Carlin Rae Thorne. In this story we are presented with a pon-farr "mirror" Spock who is true to the mirror universe character. We also meet Kirk - a young and unwilling slave who nonetheless understands the meaning of not biting the hand that feeds him. A seductive though occasionally harsh story that almost sent me into pon farr.

The art in NAKED TIMES 19 is unremarkable and sparse, and though I've always been a lover of K/S art, I didn't miss the illustrations because the stories were exceptional. There is no poetry which, again, I didn't miss. The format is double column, unreduced type, with a very professional appearance.

Highly recommended, particularly for THE MISUNDERSTANDING and UNHOLY ALLIANCES which, together, fill over 3/4 of the zine. [12]

Issue 20

cover of issue #20, Michael Verina
back cover of issue #20, DEW

Naked Times 20 was published in July 1988 and contains 152 pages. The front cover is by Michael Verina, the back by DEW. Art by Virginia Lee Smith, Dragon, Siobhan, Kay Wells, and Jackie Zoost.

From the editorial: "Greetings and welcome to NAKED TIMES #20 - a celebration of over ten years of zine publishing for Pon Farr Press. I am especially pleased to thank Mike Verina for the cover, and I'd like to use this opportunity lo encourage (beg, plead with, and otherwise whimper) for him to return to fandom in an active capacity once more. You're one of the very best, Mike! I would also like to thank each and every contributor in this issue, and to welcome some newcomers to NAKED TIMES. I think you'll all agree that Addison Reed's story, ONLY THE WIND, is an excellent addition to the zine. And Martha Selena Brown's GOING PUBLIC makes what I consider to be one of our best "opener" stories ever. Thanks to both of you for a job well done. Also, NAKED TIMES 20 sees the first published K/S story of a new group of writers called Triad. Thanks, you guys, for a wonderfully funny and erotic story. Also, for those of you who have enjoyed M.J. Merica's THE CONSORTIUM series, there's a special surprise in this issue for you. Thanks to Ms. Merica for this "epilogue" - which I personally hope is the first in a series of epilogues!"

  • Editorial (3)
  • If Only I Could Tell You, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (4)
  • Going Public by Martha Selena Brown (Kirk and Spockʼs tent is bugged while theyʼre on their “honeymoon” on a planet where the populace is very conservative and theyʼre relationship would be thought something they would try to hide. "Kirk flushed. "They want a kiss, Spock," he whispered in some embarrassment. "Each of them" the Vulcan asked incredulously. "No! Between us.") (5)
  • Vulcan Anew, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (20)
  • Against the Current, poem by Linda Frankel (22)
  • Things Worth Celebrating by Charlotte Frost (Kirk and Spock decide to tell Spockʼs parents about being lovers when Sarek and Amanda are on board the Enterprise. Prequel: The Faces Of Love. "Amanda sighed. "I don't think anyone who's never been a parent could understand, Jim. I wanted so much for Spock. It seems he had everything against him from the time he was conceived…") (23)
  • One Foot in Reality, poem by Sara Rodale (36)
  • The Velvet Glove by M.J. Merica (With Terrans now unbridled, the Enterprise is sent to find a new planet for Earthʼs expanding population. Prequel: Making Peace. "It's time for the fledglings to leave the nest, Kirk decided. No one stays home forever… just isn't natural. Wise decision", Spock said. Kirk spun around to find the Vulcan standing in the doorway. "When did you get here?") (37)
  • Mother Son, poem by Robin Hood (46)
  • The Sun Within, poem by Linda Frankel (48)
  • Who Am I? , poem by Dana Austin Marsh (50)
  • The Unknown Quantity by Rachel Abbot (While totally drunk, Kirk kisses Spock but is unsure of a future together when Spock tells him that although he would enjoy touching Kirk, he would only become aroused during pon farr. "Transfixed, Kirk stared. The richly somber robes fell elegantly around Spock's slender frame in precisely arranged folds. "I don't think I've seen you in Vulcan dress before, Spock." "It seemed appropriate," Spock commented darkly. "Tonight I am not your first officer. Tonight, I am Spock of Vulcan." Kirk swallowed. "That sounds ominous…") (51)
  • Dark Absence , poem by Sara Rodale (69)
  • Ghostly Encounter, poem by Linda Frankel (70)
  • A Flower of Stone, poem by Robin Hood (72)
  • The Sting by Triad (Out of funds while on shoreleave, Kirk takes McCoyʼs suggestion to sell his services after Spock agrees to buy him dinner. "No, really, Spock. I couldn't borrow money from you." He looked down at the table, his fingers toying with the gold utensils. "I wasn't thinking of a loan." Kirk's head popped up. "Are you suggesting…?" He paled slightly.") (73)
  • Heroes Are Made, poem by Robin Hood (83
  • Milestones, poem by Cybel Harper (84)
  • Cut Flower, poem by Linda Frankel (86)
  • Only the Wind by Addison Reed (While on shoreleave, Kirk and Spock stumble on an abandoned railroad station where they are forced to spend the night due to the storm that has arisen. "Jim, you hardly touched your dinner, and in our two point six kilometer walk subsequent to that time have answered me in sentences of no more than three syllables each." "Mm." "That, since it contains no combination of vowels and consonants, does not even quality as a single syllable." "Sorry." "Two.") (87)
  • Heph's Journey, poem by Natasha Solten (103)
  • Aging Gracefully, poem by Dana Austin Marsh (104)
  • What Fools These Mortals Be by Cassandra (As an Apil Foolʼs joke, Kirk is talked into setting up Spock so he will think that he has awakened in the mirror universe-in his captainʼs bed.) (105)
  • Out of Nothing, poem by Robin Hood (112)
  • Through the Flames, poem by Cybel Harper (114)
  • The Legend, poem by Dana Austin Marsh (116)
  • To Journey's End by Ursula Tulle (Amanda bullies Spock into proposing to Kirk, but after he is turned down, both men have difficulty with what has happened until Kirk finally realizes that the ship canʼt be all there is to his life.) (117)
  • As Night Follows Day, poem by Cybel Harper (149)
  • If, poem by Cybel Harper (150)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 20

See reactions and reviews for Going Public.

See reactions and reviews for What Fools These Mortals Be.

See reactions and reviews for Things Worth Celebrating.

See reactions and reviews for The Velvet Glove.

See reactions and reviews for The Unknown Quantity.

See reactions and reviews for The Sting.

See reactions and reviews for Only the Wind.

See reactions and reviews for To Journey's End.

[zine]: NAKED TIMES 20 starts off with a slick cover of a very nice Michael Verina Spock. It's soft, sweet, and gentle - the type of art we need to see more of in fandom. The back cover, by Kay Wells, is also an unusual piece - very nicely done with a very "spacey" feeling to it. The stories inside the covers are also very nice, with ONLY THE WIND really standing out from the rest. I have read and enjoyed Ms. Reed's work in other zines such as AS I DO THEE and FIRST TIME and I'm glad to see that she's branching out into other areas. ONLY THE WIND is the chilling story of a haunted train station that Kirk and Spock find themselves wandering into during leave. But this is not your usual shore leave yarn, in that the sexual aspects are minor indeed, and the characters undergo the type of conflict that anyone who's ever been in a relationship can sympathize with. By far, ONLY THE WIND was the most impressive piece in NT20. Running a close second is GOING PUBLIC. This is another author I've been seeing more from lately, and I hope this trend continues. This story is a departure from her usual work, in that it involves a great deal o f humorous situations. Not actually a "humor" story in itself; GOING PUBLIC is a story that I could compared to "A Piece of the Action" or other Trek episodes in that vein. THE VELVET GLOVE a is yet another story in the "Consortium" series, and it's probably the best yet. When I heard that this series had concluded in a previous issue of NT, I was sorry to see it end, so this sequel was a welcome addition to the zine. THE STING is a humorous story, and even though it's predictable throughout, the writing is good and it's a step above the majority of Trek humor I read in zines. WHAT FOOLS THESE MORTALS BE is a cute idea, but one that could be considerably longer. It read more like an outline than a fleshed-out story. An interesting idea, but one that could have used more work. The same could be said for THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. However, I would like to say that this story represents a major step in improvement in Ms. Abbott's work. The story reads smoothly, dealing with a misunderstanding over a woman, and a drunken kiss between Kirk and Spock. Again, an old idea, but it was done well enough, with good dialogue and narrative throughout. THINGS WORTH CELEBRATING is a story that, when I started reading it, I thought: 'Not another anniversary story. I was hoping that my feelings on that would change, but they never really did. This is a story concentrating on Kirk and Spock telling Sarek and Amanda about their relationship after it's been established for a year. As usual with Ms. Frost's work, it was very well written, but this particular story didn't do anyhing for me. Sweet and sexy despite my negative comments, it did work, and would be an excellent story for someone who's never read a similar plot-line. Another excellent - and long - story in NT20 is TO JOURNEY'S END. Now this story alone is worth the price of the zine. Beginning after JOURNEY TO BABEL, it details how Kirk and Spock come to be lovers - using bits and pieces from actual episodes to make point. This story is beautifully written, moving along at just the right pace. The underlying sub-plot of Amanda and McCoy also gives it a very human touch. NAKED TIMES 20 is also a beautifully produced zine with 2-column printing, typesetting, and stunning graphics and poetry borders throughout. The interior art, mostly by Jackie Zoost, Virginia Lee Smith and Dragon is nice, with Jackie's portrait of Kirk on page 148 really standing out. Also, the small illo by Siobahn on page 48 is truly stunning, in the style of Oriental cut block. The poetry is a smattering of good to wonderful. I especially enjoyed "Ghostly Encounter" and "Against The Current" by Linda Frankel; and "A Flower of Stone" by Robin Hood. All in all, NAKED TIMES 20 is a good mixture of loving, sensitive, sexy and humorous stories. Definitely recommended to all K/S fans, this issue wouldeffective for newcomers. Well worth the price. [13]

[zine]: Note; this is a K/S zine dealing with same sex relationships, and contains explicit text and illustrations. An age statement is required when ordering.

Naked Times is a lone running and consistently quality series of K/S zines. It is, well desired and produced, and can be recommended to those who enjoy the subject. The editor promotes new authors as well as established writers in the field, and within the limits of the genre the stories cover a variety of topics.

There are the stories in this issue:

  • 'Going Public', by Martha Brown, has Kirk and Spock on a shore leave camping trip. Their equipment is bugged In an attempt to blackmail them, an attempt foiled by Scotty and McCoy.
  • Things Worth Celebrating', by Charlotte Frost. After a year together, Kirk and Spock inform Sarek and Amanda of their relationship.
  • The Velvet Glove', by M.J. Merica, ia an a/u story, epilogue to a series. The Enterprise ia ordered on an exploratory mission to locate colony planets for Terra.
  • 'The Unknown Quantity', by Rachel Abbot. Kirk and Spock both want to bond, but neither is sure of the other's feelings. Kirk confides in McCoy, who persuades them to talk.
  • The Sting', by Triad. Kirk is broke, and McCoy refuses him a loan, but suggests he sell his favours. Spock takes him up on the offer. Amusing - and not to be taken seriously!
  • 'Only the Wind', by Addison Reed. Kirk is feeling bored. A ghostly experience in a deserted train station offers diversion.
  • 'What Fools These Mortals Be', by Cassandra. As an April Fool joke, Kirk attempts to make Spock think he's in the Mirror universe.
  • 'To Journey's End', by Ursula Tulle. Set just after 'Journey to Babel'. Amanda and McCoy conspire to get Kirk and Spock together.
The zine is completed by an excellent selection of poetry, high quality illos, and a good use of graphics. I have ordered from this editor for several years, and have always found her reliable. All other issues in this series are available. Alexis also produces 'On the Double', a K/S letterzine, and has a number of genzines on her list, including the original manuscript of 'Killing Time', by Della van Hise, as it was first sent to Pocket Books. So, if you've ever wondered what changes a publisher can ask for, here is a chance to find out. [14]


  1. ^ Alayne Gelfand 's post to the K/S Zine Friends Facebook group dated Sept 11, 2014, quoted with permission.
  2. ^ This article was called Sigh-Fi.
  3. ^ from On the Double #1
  4. ^ "I would also like to again thank Marilyn Cole for the magnificent cover which inspired the title-story Of STYX AND STONES. This is the cover which was originally supposed to be on NAKED TIMES #12 — the cover which managed to get lost in the mail for over 2 weeks, and gave both Marilyn and I a minor coronary arrest. Marillyn was kind enough to do another cover for NAKED TIMES #12 (the beautiful Winged Spock/Fallen Kirk); thus, I became inspired to write STYX AND STONES. Again, Marilyn, thanks." -- from the editorial of Styx and Stones, see that page for the original image
  5. ^ from On the Double #3
  6. ^ from The LOC Connection #10
  7. ^ from The LOC Connection #10
  8. ^ from On the Double #4
  9. ^ from On the Double #5
  10. ^ from On the Double #6
  11. ^ from The LOC Connection #16 (1990)
  12. ^ from On the Double #19
  13. ^ from On the Double #10
  14. ^ from IDIC #12