Hank Green

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Name: William Henry "Hank" Green II
Also Known As: Hank Green
Occupation: Youtuber, Musician, Entrepeneur
Medium: Video
Works: Vlogbrothers, DFTBA Records, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries/Pemberley Digital
Official Website(s): Official Website


Fan Website(s):
On Fanlore: Related pages

William Henry "Hank" Green II aka Hank Green is a American YouTube creator and entrepreneur.


Hank Green first rose to prominence as one half of the Vlogbrothers channel, created as a way for him and his brother John Green to keep in touch. In particular, his song Accio Deathly Hallows garnered a lot of attention from the Harry Potter fandom.


Post-Vlogbrothers Career

Hank is also responsible for the Crash Course and SciShow youtube channels as well as Pemberley Digital, which produced The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and all of the spin-offs. He also published his debut novel in September of 2018, titled An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. The sequel novel, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor, was published on July 7th, 2020. Despite both being New York Times Best Sellers and Hank's existing fanbase, there are very few fanworks for either.

