Elvis Has Left the Building

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Title: Elvis Has Left the Building
Author(s): Salieri
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: Elvis Has Left the Building

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Elvis Has Left the Building is a Jack/Daniel story by Salieri.

Reactions and Reviews

I love humor. You show me a story that will make me laugh and I will be your adoring slave for life. (Or, okay, until I get distracted by the next funny thing. I can"t help it. I"m easily swayed.) And when I found this story - well, I remember I"d been reading through a siege of really great but really painful SG1 stories, and wondering if maybe this wasn"t the fandom for me, and then I found this, and I realized that it so was. Because any fandom that can contain both this story and the brilliant but painful The Cost of a Used Spaceship (by Marie Blackpool) is most definitely a fandom for me.

What we have here is - well, a great team story, for one thing. Because nothing brings a team together like getting routinely outmaneuvered by a moose, am I right? And - but what else do I need to tell you? SG1 + Moose = awesome beyond all words. It"s fun, it"s funny, and there"s no prior canon knowledge necessary. Go for it.[1]

Okay, yes, it"s a moose story. But it"s a really, really funny moose story, with solid writing, voices, and characterization -- she doesn"t sacrifice the characterizations to support the funny. In fact, the characterizations are what makes it so funny, because if this ever happened? This is exactly what would happen. I giggled my way through the whole thing. The slash is extremely mild -- gen fans would have no problems with this one at all.[2]

Interesting. SG-1 is terrorized by an invisible, teleporting, Swedish moose. Sounds hysterical, but not really all that funny. Or my funny bone is broken.[3]
