Catherine Salmon

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Name: Catherine Salmon
Also Known As:
Occupation: Associate Professor of Psychology
Medium: Academic, acafan
Works: publications related to fandom include: Slash fiction and human mating psychology, published 2004 in the Journal of Sex Research and Warrior Lovers: Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality, published 2001 (both with Donald Symons)
Official Website(s):
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On Fanlore: Related pages

Catherine Salmon is an academic, with degrees in psychology and biology. Her areas of research cover a range of topics involved in evolutionary psychology and human sexuality including prostitution, dieting, birth order and pornography. She has written about fanfiction and fandom from an evolutionary psychology perspective in two published works.

She is also a fan and author who has participated in slash fandoms online and in the pre-internet days.

In 2001, she co-authored the book Warrior Lovers: Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality with Donald Symons. In 2004, again co-authoring with Donald Symons, the same sort of ground was covered in an article for the Journal of Sex Research, Slash fiction and human mating psychology. The article is also available online.

In 2011, Salmon wrote the foreword to Billion Wicked Thoughts by Ogas and Gaddam. They quote a portion of it — "You"re in for a treat." — on their website for the book.[1] A longer excerpt appears on the page for the book.[2] In his review of the book, Donald Symons cites Salmon as an example of a member of slash fandom who is not hostile to the book.[3]

See A 2001 Interview with Catherine Salmon.


  1. ^ Billion Wicked Thoughts page for "Praise", accessed July 25, 2011
  2. ^ Billion Wicked Thoughts, accessed July 25, 2011
  3. ^ Donald Symons review of Billion Wicked Thoughts on, accessed July 25, 2011