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از ویکی‌واژه





خطای لوآ در پودمان:languages در خط 258: attempt to call method 'fixDiscouragedSequences' (a nil value).

  1. دورگویال سیار؛ دورگپال سیار:
    He left his mobile on the train.
    Let me give you my mobile number.



خطای لوآ در پودمان:languages در خط 258: attempt to call method 'fixDiscouragedSequences' (a nil value).

  1. متحرک؛ سیار:
    You've broken your ankle but you'll be fully mobile within a couple of months.
    It's important to keep the joint mobile while it heals.
  2. حرکتپذیر؛ سیار:
    He uses a mobile laboratory.
    a mobile medical unit