Los Angeles, CA

Okay, so it’s not the first time you’ve hooked up with a stranger at a party.

And it’s certainly not the first time you’ve woken up feeling like death after a party.

This is, however, the first time you’ve hooked up with a stranger at a party, woken up feeling like death… and discovered a newfound compulsion to drink human blood.

Time for you and your beat-up car to trek back across town to the party and track down this strange girl… before the sun comes back up.

an official selection of pride at play 2023

This is an interactive novella. You can play it on almost anything with a functional, modern, web browser. Its rough play/read time seems to be anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the reader and the choices made.

It is an adult story, and content warnings are included when running the game.

It is set in the same universe as Ruby Red Lips, a novella also available here on itch.

The game was designed & written using Ink.

If you'd like more information about the game, check out its page on my web site.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(56 total ratings)
AuthorElissa Black
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsHorror, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQIA, Queer, Vampire
MentionsMore Vampires!

Development log


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Dope, cool, nice. I just don't really have the words; great writing quality though. I must make you aware that you just got someone who's been struggling with lack of motivation(depressive episode) so much they've only been able to play short VNs, to read what is essentially a wall of text. Seriously, I must make you aware of that because that takes a hell of an engaging narrative to muster for me atp in my life so. Yea

Oh wow, thank you. 😊 That's fantastic. So glad you enjoyed it!

( 1)

oh my god!! i accidentally came across the novel while browsing vampire tag and its so good! reminded me of my VtM adventurs - very warm feelings. i was only expecting the vampire aspect, the rest was a surprise to me, but HELL YEAH, I'm totally into this find-that-girl-and-find-out-everything-about-what-happened thing, but gay, a 1996 vibe and a very tasty descriptions. thank you very much for the game, i will definitely check your other projects!

( 1)

Thank you. 😊 

( 3)

Holy shit! This is amazing i'm a vampire obsessed, bisexual bitch and this is right up my alley. Thank you so mucn for this fine piece of work. Side note: can someone please direct me to more games like this.

( 2)

amazing T T!!!!

( 1)

Thank you. 😊 

( 1)

you are so very welcome. I loved it so much!!!!!

(1 edit)

This may come off wrong but who are you sexualy attracted to. I mean like gender wise. Like are you pansexual, bisexual, lesbian etc. Again sorry if that's weird

( 2)

oh to kill assholes with your vampire gf... 

amazing story!! loved it <3

( 1)

Awww thank you. 😊 

Hell yeah!

Loved this! Enjoyed the story very much. As an 80's baby and a 90's kid, as well as a fan of vampires, this hit me in all the right spots!

Thank you so much. 😊 

( 1)

I completely dodged the vampire aspect? I went into this and was like aw oh no she's ill :( AND THEN I CAUGHT ON??? LIKE HOLD ON SHES A VAMPIRE!! It was a beautiful story, thank you for the effort oh my gosh <3

Haha. That must have been an interesting thing to realise! And thank you. 😊 

bro this was actually amazing !! i love this and the story was written very well !! epicc >:DD

Thank you. 😊 

this is fun :}!! epic vampire win

Haha. Thank you. 😊 

This was amazing, great writing, awesome story and really making you feel like you‘re part of the story. Glad I waited to play it until I knew I had enough time, as I couldn‘t stop playing once I began. I really hope there will be a sequel to this story! And now I go buy the other vampire story in that universe :D

Thank you so much. 😊 Yes, I have plans for a sequel (and a sidequel about a vampire road trip across country). Just unsure when I'll get time to do more than plan them out as bullet points!

(1 edit)

Oh that sounds awesome :D Really looking forward to these!

(And just take all the time you need, quality over quantity and there‘s already enough crunch in the game industry)

Yeah, there sure is!

this was amazing, like the story is just so well done

Thank you so much. 😊 

No Problem!!!!!

( 1)

this was so good, your writing fucks 

Haha thank you. What an amazing compliment. 😊 

I love this, it's such a good read!

Thank you. 😊 

oh my god this was so good

Thank you. 😊 

I fucking love this game. Do you have any other games like this.

Thank you! But no, this is for now my only piece of IF. I am planning more but don't expect them any time soon unfortunately.

this was so good! i love the creeping sense of dread throughout and i also love the moments of levity like with cynthia and mon. the ending is perfect too. much love <3

( 1)

Thank you so much. 😁 

( 2)

This was amazing!! I'd love to see more following these characters

( 2)

Thank you! I have a rough plan for a sequel, picking up a few weeks later, but haven't had the time to do more than figure out rough plot ideas so far.

( 1)


Aw thank you, that means so much. 😊 ❤️ 

( 6)

i played this again, and i loved it just as much as the first time i read it. i just love how human all the characters feel. everyone is just a bit awful in their own way. they're people, some better, some worse. but no one is perfect. and i love that.

( 4)

Haha. Thank you. I'm going to write that down - "everyone is just a bit awful in their own way".

( 2)

Really loved this. A fun exploration of the first night of being a vampire.

( 2)

Thank you! :-) 

When I try to download this game nothing comes up, is there something I'm missing?

There's nothing to download - it plays in browser.

So.  There are a handful of proofreading errors: "Julien" becomes "Fabien" at one point; I got the message about Mon emptying water into a bowl of noodles three times.

I'm pointing out these nitpicks because I hate the idea that there's even the tiniest thing wrong with the story, because it's good.  Like, really good.  Kept-me-turning-virtual-pages good.  Well-drawn characters (heck, I was starting to grow fond of the DJ by the end), very real setting, compelling story.  If this is your first solo game, I am dying to read the next one.  (Well, I mean, not like Lacey-dying.  But still.)

Hah 😊 Thank you!

I'll look at fixing those and put up a new version tomorrow!

The noodles bug is interesting - that was found and fixed during testing! Must have somehow gotten un-fixed...

Fixed! Thank you.