Edukira joan

Wikipedia eztabaida:Enbaxada/2006ko artxiboa

Orriaren edukia ez da onartzen beste hizkuntza batzuetan.
Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea

Interwiki Bot Status

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi. I would like to get my interwiki bot YurikBot marked as a bot in your language. The bot is already operating in almost 50 languages, and it would lower the server load and improve the quality of articles if all interwikies are updated at the same time. You can read more or ask questions here. I always run the latest version of the Pywikipediabot (i am also one of the developers of this project). The request for the bot status is here. Please support. Thank you. --Yurik (en) 23:36, 5 Urtarrila 2006 (UTC)

Página del euskera en la wikipedia en español

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

En el artículo indicado, hay un breve vocabulario. Al parecer está en batúa. Creo que sería una buena idea, para ilustrar al lector, poner las mismas expresiones en los dialectos más importantes, indicando el dialecto. Y en los casos en que todos los dialectos empleen la misma, especificarlo. Muchas gracias. Soy el usuario aepef de la wikipedia en español. -- 18:21, 8 Urtarrila 2006 (UTC)

La verdad es que esas expresiones que habeis puesto no varian demasiado de un dialekto al otro, y ni mucho menos varian todas. Solo unas pocas que no se si merece la pena poner. Ademas, sera bastante dificil encontrar por aqui a alguien que hable xuberera, lapurtera, baxe nafarrera, erronkariera o zaraitzuera. Renato Longo
Bueno, creo que alguno de estos se podria conseguir, pero bueno, de ellos depende. --ziberpunk 19:25, 9 Urtarrila 2006 (UTC)

Wikisource en catalán

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

En hay en marcha votaciones para obtener una Wikisource en catalán. Si alguien está de acuerdo en que se cree ya sabe. Y si la quiere en vasco también puesto que ahora no hay.

Hola, soy Willtron, de la Biquipedia aragonesa. He creado un mapa .svg en aragonés de los dialectos del euskara para el artículo sobre vuestra lengua en nuestra wiki, también lo he traducido a varios idiomas más como el inglés, francés y castellano. Podeis ver los mapas aquí en commons. Si quereis puedo hacer uno igual en euskara para vuestra wikipedia, solo necesito que me digais como se traduce la leyenda del mapa: Francia, España, Guipúzcoa, Álava, Bizcaia, Navarra y los dialectos Bizcaino, Guipuzcoano, Alto Navarro, Bajo Navarro, Labortano, Suletino y Roncalés. Un Saludo --Willtron 14:47, 12 Otsaila 2006 (UTC)

Muy buenas, muchas gracias por el ofrecimiento, te lo pongo aqui y en tu pagina de usuario de Aragones.

Francia -> Frantzia
España-> Espainia
Guipúzcoa-> Gipuzkoa
Álava-> Araba
Bizcaia-> Bizkaia
Navarra-> Nafarroa
Bizcaino-> Bizkaiera
Guipuzcoano-> Gipuzkera
Alto Navarro-> Goi Nafarrera
Bajo Navarro-> Behe Nafarrera
Labortano-> Lapurtera
Suletino-> Zuberera
Roncalés-> Erronkariera

Gracias de nuevo. --Ondo izan, Unaiaia (¿iritzirik?) 14:59, 12 Otsaila 2006 (UTC)

  • De nada, ya teneis el mapa puesto en el artículo Euskara. Si hay alguna falta de ortografía o algo mal decidmelo y lo cambio enseguida. Un saludo --Willtron 15:40, 12 Otsaila 2006 (UTC)

Escudo y bandera de Zumaia

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hice el escudo y la bandera de Zumaia y los incluí en el artículo, pero no pude poner nada como texto alternativo, si alguien puede poner escudo de Zumaia y bandera de Zumaia o similar le estaré muy agradecido.--Mikel 17:09, 14 Otsaila 2006 (UTC)

Hecho :) --Ondo izan, Unaiaia (¿iritzirik?) 21:04, 14 Otsaila 2006 (UTC)

User page translation

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi there, I am looking for someone who is able to translate my user page (en, fr, es) into Basque. Would anyone be so kind as to do this for me?
Salut, je voudrais le traduction de mon page utilisateur (en, fr, es) à le langue Basque, s'il vous plaît. Nickshanks 10:39, 19 Otsaila 2006 (UTC)

La imagen Irudi:Simpsons cast.jpg no incluye información de licencia. Esto ha llevado a que un usuario la subiese a es: pensando que era de dominio público.

Ignoro si en esta Wikipedia se admiten imágenes fair use, que es lo que parece ser (yo diría que los personajes tienen © por Matt Groening), pero en cualquier caso debería especificarse en la página de descripción.

Un saludo

Platonides 16:09, 12 Martxoa 2006 (UTC)

Hi! I need a translation :)

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Can you please tell me how should I write "wikipedia in basque" for our main page at wikipedia piemontèisa?. You can find me here pms:Utente:Bèrto_'d_Sèra

Ale, norbaitek erantzun dio. Ez du sinadura jarri, baina bueno :P --Ondo izan, Unaiaia (¿iritzirik?) 21:50, 10 Apirila 2006 (UTC)

De nuevo me trae aquí el asunto de las imágenes. ¿Qué tipo de imágenes aceptais aquí? ¿Sólo libres? ¿también fair use?

¿Qué plantillas de mantenimiento usais para las licencias? ¿Qué plantilla usais para marcar imagen sin origen/licencia?

Un breve vistazo a las últimas subidas no muestra ni una que indique la licencia, ni tampoco el origen. Inclusive para algunas imágenes que son libres, usadas en múltiples wikipedias.

Platonides 11:59, 28 Maiatza 2006 (UTC)

Writing about cities

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hello. I'm from Poland and I would like to write a few articles on I could start with writing about the biggest cities. I would just need a translation of these words:

  • X is a city in Poland with Y citizens.
  • It is situated on/by the X river.

If you feel that more info is necessary for a city (of course I will include maps, photos and whatever else is needed), just give me the translations and I'll do the rest. Eskerrik asko.

Airwolf 18:52, 16 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)

Hello Airwolf. The translation for those words are these:
  • X Poloniako udalerria da, Y biztanle dituena.
  • X ibaiaren alboan kokatuta dago.
It would be interesting to add a template on each article. I'll prepare now a new Template for Poland municipalities and I'll write again for telling you the whole article format. Thank you ;) --TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 19:14, 16 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
OK, I've written an article on Gdańsk. I hope I haven't made any mistakes :-). If not, soon I'll write a few more, similar ones. Airwolf 19:38, 16 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Hello again. I've created a new template for Polonian municipalities and I've used in the Gdansk article (we have moved it because of our characters convention). Now the article has a stub format, with it's template, and many more things. I've not filled the {{{eskualdea}}} (vaivoro) and {{{konderria}}} (Powiat), because I don't know them :S I think you can guess the meaning of the data, otherwise ask me for it. Thank you! --TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 20:17, 16 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Well, since you are so helpful, I've got the following questions and suggestions:
  • What does garaiera mean? Metres above sea level? And what does herritarra mean? Date of foundation?
    • Garaiera means the metres above sea level. Herritarra is the citizens name in basque, so leave it as -, and the date of foundation is sorrera.
  • What is the gehigarri izena in the template?
    • The gehigarri izena is for additional data.
  • I suppose sorrera is the date when the city stopped being a village and became a city (was given city rights). Would it be possible to add the date when the place was founded? (or is herritarra the date? :) )
    • Sorrera is the date of foundation. If you want a new line for the date when became a city, we can do it with the gehigarri izena option.
  • I would also suggest changing the sizes of the coat of arms and flag. Polish cities use flags very rarely (and the coat of arms very often);
    • Ok, I've done like that, but we can change it as you prefer.
  • How do you say and in Euskara? :P Because in fact Gdańsk is situated by two rivers: Vistula (which goes by the side of Gdańsk) and Motława (which goes directly through it). So please change Bistula (Wisła) ibaiaren alboan kokatuta dago into plural and add the river Motława;
    • In plural the phrase is Bistula (Wisła) eta Motława ibaien artean kokatuta dago.
  • What do you think about giving the IPA pronunciation (for example ['ɡdaɲsk]) in the articles? Polish pron. is difficult after all...
    • It can be interesting. I don't know anything about that, so you can add it as gehigarri izena... or it is the official name of the city? The official name goes in ofiziala.
  • If you have an idea what else could be added in the article (besides the number of citizens and the river), I would also be grateful for the translation. Because an article with just 2 sentences (sometimes one, not every city has its river :P) and a very big infobox looks a bit odd.
    • I think you can also add a section with the population evolution info, the number of citizens in 1960, 1970,... That can be named Biztanleriaren bilakaera as a new section. If I have any other idea, I'll tell you.

I've got an exam tomorrow so I won't write any more articles today but from tomorrow onwards you can expect many articles about Polish cities (18 are mentioned in Polonia so I'm going to create all that are missing. Gabon. Airwolf 21:01, 16 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)

Good luck then! Gabon! --TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 21:21, 16 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Have a look at Gdansk now. I believe it looks quite nice.
The articles could also have a gallery with the pictures of most important places. In that case - how do you say city hall, royal castle, airport and university? And how do you say gallery? And I could add a section Famous citizens.
city hall = udaletxea
royal castle = errege gaztelua
airport = aireportua
university = unibertsitatea
gallery = galeria
famous citizens = herritar ezagunak
We could also add the Polish pronunciation. Not everybody can read things like ˈwutɕ or 'ʒεʃuv, but someone who can will know how to read the words Łódź and Rzeszów. The pronunciation could go into the ifobox under Izen ofiziala (or in brackets in the same section). And yes, I'd like the infobox to have a section with the date when the city was given city rights.
Thank you for your kind help.
Airwolf 12:27, 17 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Looks like very well like this! Here you have the translation for those words:
  • City hall: Udaletxea.
  • Royal castle: Erregeen gaztelua. (that's the king's castle, isn't it?)
  • Airport: Aireportua.
  • University: Unibertsitatea.
  • Gallery = Irudi galeria
  • Famous citizens = Herritar ezagunak
I also think that the Polish pronunciation can be interesting. It can also be added in the main phrase between brackets, like this: Gdansk (polonieraz, ɡdaɲsk)... what do you think? --TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 12:39, 17 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
If I understand correctly, Gdansk (polonieraz, ɡdaɲsk) means Gdansk (in Polish: ɡdaɲsk). What about Gdańsk (pronunciation: ɡdaɲsk)? Airwolf 13:45, 17 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Pronunciation in basque is ahoskera, Gdansk (ahoskera: ɡdaɲsk). I told you the (polonieraz, ɡdaɲsk) option because is the one we have used in the most municipalities pages. If you prefer using the pronunciation word, feel free to do it: Gdańsk (ahoskera: ɡdaɲsk) --TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 14:45, 17 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Well, if it your habit at not to use pronunciation but the name of the language than of course i won't quarrell. :) I would also be grateful if someone wrote the article Bistula (maybe a translation of the first few lines of [1]?), because it appears or will apppear in many articles about the geogrpahy of Poland. Airwolf 15:06, 17 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)
Pronunciaton it's ok, since IPA it's not just Polish :D --Unaiaia (¿iritzirik?) 16:01, 17 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)

Quiero aprender euskera

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Soy un chico de Galicia de 18 años que probablemente vaya a Donostia a estudiar la carrera, y ya que voy allí, me parece lógico aprender euskera. Por donde empiezo?

No se si este es el mejor sitio para eso y tampoco se cuanto sabes; si no sabes nada o si no sabes nada de nada. Para empezar, te puede interesar este artículo de la wikipedia en español (también en ingles).—Barrie (erantzunak hemen) 18:15, 1 Uztaila 2006 (UTC)


[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hola, soy un colaborador activo de la Galipedia y de Commons. No sé si tenéis conocimiento de CommonsTicker, es un sistema para el seguimiento de las imágenes de Commons en las wikis locales, muy útil para conocer cuando se borra una imagen en Commons y queda el enlace roto en la wiki local, por ejemplo. Si os interesa tenerla en la Wikipedia en euskera puedo crear las páginas y templates necesarios para pedirlo en Meta, vosotros tendriáis que hacer la traducción y un administrador meter el código correspondiente en Mediawiki:Common.css, o bien si lo preferís indicaros los pasos que tenéis que seguir para implementarlo aquí, saludos cordiales--Rocastelo 09:54, 2 Uztaila 2006 (UTC)

I would like a bot flag to run my interwiki-bot TuvicBot (using Pywikipedia). This bot will run in manually assisted mode, adding and updating interwiki-links, using the Dutch wiki as a starting point. I'm mostly planning to solve interwikis that autonomous bot skip because they're ambigious. (And sorry for not speaking in your language :-()

I'm posting this here, because I couldn't find a local approval page. --Tuvic 19:37, 9 Abuztua 2006 (UTC)

If nobody has objections, I'll start my bot tomorrow. --Tuvic 19:26, 14 Abuztua 2006 (UTC)
Ok, TuvicBot is now bot. Thanks. If there are ever any trouble, my talk page is always open for suggestions or remarks. --Tuvic 12:10, 28 Abuztua 2006 (UTC)


[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Excusez moi de ne pas m'esprimer en basque mais j'aimerais connaitre les droits sur cette image et s'il convient de la passer en common pour le (elle est utilisée dans le wiki anglais : en:Image:Coatofbizkaia.jpg.Merci
Sorry, if i don't use your language but i want known which right is in use for Irudi:Bizkaikoarmarri.jpg for french Wiki. Thank. discuss 14:23, 10 Iraila 2006 (UTC)

Basque Music: Maitia Nun Zira

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Kaixo - I'm afraid I cannot speak Basque and have a question not directly related to Wikipedia, but this seemed like a good place to ask it nonetheless:

My father sings in a Welsh male-voice choir and recently attended a choral festival where one choir sang 'Maitia Nun Zira' which is apparently a traditional Basque song. I have the words but have never heard Basque spoken and could use some help with pronunciation. Could someone provide, or direct me to someone who could provide a pronunciation guide so that my father's choir could attempt it? I have music written by José d Uruñuela, but I do not have the piano accompaniment - if someone could let me know where to find it, I'd be very grateful. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this, and for my lack of knowledge of the language! Thanks very much... Yummifruitbat


Ne faudrait-il pas fusionner les catégories :

Toutes les deux ont un lien vers fr:Catégorie:Naissance en 1981

Merci de votre aide.

Vargenau 17:57, 16 Urria 2006 (UTC)

Egina. Ez dut frantsesez asko ulertzen baina hau txupatuta zegoen: fusionner eta kategorien izenekin. —Barrie(postontzia) 18:08, 16 Urria 2006 (UTC)

Kaixo, egia esan ez nekien nundik idatzi zuei galdera hau egiteko ta hemendik ikusi det aukera bakarra. Ez dakit nola hasi wikipedian idazten. Ez det asmatzen. eta ez det oso ondo ulertzen laguntzako tutoriala etab. mesedez esan zeinke nola egiten den?? Nere emaila hauxe da [email protected] Eskerrikasko Aioo

Euskaraz idazten baduzu, Txokoan egin dezakezu. Laguntza ez baduzu ondo ulertzen, agian gaizki antolatua egongo denaren seinale... Kabri, (erantzunak hemen) 18:24, 17 Urria 2006 (UTC)

Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- 01:53, 29 Urria 2006 (UTC)

Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire la différence entre les mots Aitzinako et Haraitzinako ? Il semble y avoir confusion dans les liens interwikis de catégories. Robin des Bois ♘ 06:50, 10 Azaroa 2006 (UTC)

Oubliez ça, j'ai eu ma réponse.Robin des Bois ♘ 21:59, 11 Abendua 2006 (UTC)


[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Ola, perdón por no charrar en basco, tos charro n'aragonés que creigo que toz me replecarez. Soi fendo en o Biquizionario os articlos d'os meses de l'año. Toz os meses de l'año en aragonés tienen etimolochía latina, ye dizir probienen d'o latín, eszeuto un d'ers, "abiento" , que nomás ye parexito á l'asturiano "avientu" y á lo basco "Abendu", ye por ixo que creigo que l'orichen d'ista parabra ye basco, como muitas otras aragonesas. Manimenos no soi seguro á lo 100%, si bi ha belún de busatros que sape bella cosa toz agradezería que me o dixeraz, tamién me intresarba saper o senificau, si bi'n ha de "abendu", ye dizir, como por exemplo "chulio" biene de Chulio Zesar, de que biene "abendu". Ta rematar tamién tos combido si querez adibir bella cosa en o biquizionario aragonés-Basco/basco-aragonés ya que autualmén no bi ha que 6 y 16 dentradas y a yo me parixen poquetas ta la importanzia que tien o basco en a formazión de l'aragonés. Un saludo, eskerrik asko. --Willtron 23:53, 24 Azaroa 2006 (UTC)

Willtron: contesteiche na túa páxina de discusión na wikipedia en aragonés. / Willtron: aragonesezko wikipediako zure eztabaida orrialdean erantzun dizut. --A R King 10:14, 27 Azaroa 2006 (UTC)

Polish cities once again

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi, welcome again :) Becoming an administrator of the Polish Wikipedia mobilized me to come back here :)

I'd like to return to writing about Polish cities (there are still quite a few to be written) and I'd like to add some info to the articles that already are here. For this reason could you please tell me how do you say Sister cities or Partnering cities in euskara? I mean something like this: en:Gdańsk#Sister_cities. Airwolf 21:38, 11 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

P.S. A little private request: could you tell me how to say "more than a club" in euskara? I mean the phrase that is used when referring to FC Barcelona. Because I see from the article that talde bat baino gehiago da is is more than a club and I need just more than a club. Thanks for this too :)

Hellow Airwolf. Here are the translations you've requested:
  • Sister cities >> Hiri anaiak.
You can see an example in the article about Bilbo. Hiri eta herri anaiak means Sister cities and towns. I would use this second heading.
  • is more than a club >> talde bat baino gehiago da.
Anyway, maybe it changes depending on the context it is used. I will feel better if you tell me the complete sentences. —Barrie(postontzia) 12:02, 16 Abendua 2006 (UTC)
Thank you. The more than a club (without "is") is intended by me as a headline of an article about Athletic, so there won't be anything in front or behind it. Airwolf 14:33, 24 Abendua 2006 (UTC)
Airwolf, I would translate "Athletic is more than a club" to something like "Athletika talde bat baino gehiago da." Let´s do one thing, tell me when you finish writing your article and I will have a look and try to correct any grammar/spelling mistakes, just tell me when you are done, alright? Usogorri; (postontzia) 18:59, 24 Abendua 2006 (UTC)
Thanks, but in fact I've got no idea, when I'm going to finish, beacause it's no imposed job, just my self-study of Euskara (God, I love this language :) ), which is right now in bits and pieces. You know, it's not easy to study a language when all you have is Wikipedia and this. Airwolf 22:08, 24 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Totally agree. Well, if you need any help, please ask, I will be more than happy to help anyone that has any wish to learn such a complicated language as ours. Meanwhile, let me ask around if anyone knows of some method in the net or something that can help you. And good luck! Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:51, 8 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

I ditn't find local request page, so I write it here:

Please for bot flag for my bot. It's interwiki bot working on cs:, it does non-controversial automatic interwiki addiction, but his main domain is human assisted problematical interwiki (this operation is working on about 120 languages at same time, but maximal about 20 pages per day).

Sometimes this bot do standard interwiki addiction, but only in the languages with bot flag.

Bot is based on pywikipedia. Already with bot status (cca 40 languages): cs, eo, sl, pl, de, sr, hr, da, en, el, es, it, sk, sh, vec, ro, no, ... (see here Awaiting for bot: some more languages...

If you have any question, please write it to my discuss page JAnDbot 08:52, 22 Abendua 2006 (UTC) / JAn