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Dibisioa Gnetophyta
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Gnetophyta edo gnetophytes gimnospermoren dibisio bat da

Gaur egun Gnetophytak hiru genero ditu:

Gnetum adibidez: Gnetum gnemon (haziak jangarriak).

Welwitschia espezie bat: Welwitschia mirabilis. basamortuan bizi da, Namibian eta Angolan.

Ephedra (batzuk sandabelarra dira, efedrina).


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
Wikimedia Commonsen badira fitxategi gehiago, gai hau dutenak: Gnetophyta Aldatu lotura Wikidatan
  • Burleigh, J. G., and S. Mathews. 2004. Phylogenetic signal in nucleotide data from seed plants: implications for resolving the seed plant tree of life. American Journal of Botany 91: 1599-1613 (abstract)
  • Gifford, Ernest M., Adriance S. Foster. 1989. Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants. Third edition. WH Freeman and Company, New York.
  • Hilton, Jason, and Richard M. Bateman. 2006. Pteridosperms are the backbone of seed-plant phylogeny. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 133: 119-168 (abstract)