Frederik Pohl
Frederik George Pohl Jr. (New York, 1919ko azaroaren 26a - Palatine, Illinois, 2013ko irailaren 2a) estatubatuar zientzia-fikzioko generoko idazle eta argitaratzailea izan zen.
75 urte inguruko ibilbidea izan zuen, 1937ko lehen poematik 2011ko azken eleberria argitaratu arte. 1959tik 1969ra Galaxy eta If aldizkariak argitaratu zituen.
aldatu- Gateway (1977) —Campbell Memorial, Hugo, Locus SF eta Nebula sariak irabazlea
- Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (1980)
- Heechee Rendezvous (1984)
- The Annals of the Heechee (1987)
- The Gateway Trip: Tales and Vignettes of the Heechee, (1990) (ipuin bilduma)
- The Boy Who Would Live Forever: A Novel of Gateway (2004)
Eschaton trilogia
aldatu- The Other End of Time (1996)
- The Siege of Eternity (1997)
- The Far Shore of Time (1999)
aldatuSpace Merchant s
aldatu- The Merchants' War (1984)
Beste eleberri batzuk
aldatu- Slave Ship (1956) (Galaxy Magazine 1956, Ballantine 1956)
- Edge of the City (1957), Ballantine paperback
- Drunkard's Walk (1960) (Galaxy Magazine 1960, Ballantine paperback 1960)
- A Plague of Pythons (1962) (Galaxy Magazine 1962, Ballantine paperback 1965)
- The Age of the Pussyfoot (1965) (Galaxy Magazine Oct. 1965-Feb. 1966, Trident hardcover 1969)
- Jem (1979) National Book Award irabazlea
- The Cool War (1981)
- Syzygy (1981)
- Starburst (1982)
- The Years of the City (1984) – Campbell Memorial Award irabazlea
- "Introduction"
- "When New York Hit the Fan" 1984
- "The Greening of Bed-Stuy" 1984
- "The Blister" 1984
- "Second-Hand Sky" 1984
- "Gwenanda and the Supremes" 1984
- Black Star Rising (1985)
- The Coming of the Quantum Cats (1986)
- Terror (1986)
- Chernobyl (1987)
- The Day The Martians Came (1988)
- Narabedla Ltd. (1988)
- Homegoing (1989)
- The World at the End of Time (1990)
- Outnumbering the Dead (1990)
- Stopping at Slowyear (1991)
- Mining the Oort (1992)
- The Voices of Heaven (1994)
- O Pioneer! (1998)
- All the Lives He Led (2011)
aldatuIsaac Asimovekin
aldatu- "The Little Man on the Subway" (1950) (James MacCreigh izengoitiarekin)
- "Legal Rites" (1950) ((James MacCreigh izengoitiarekin)
Cyril M. Kornbluthekin
aldatu- The Space Merchants (1953)
- Search the Sky (1954)
- Gladiator-At-Law (1955)
- Presidential Year (1956)
- A Town Is Drowning (1955)
- Sorority House (1956)
- Wolfbane (1959)
- Undersea Quest (1954)
- Undersea Fleet (1956)
- Undersea City (1958)
- The Reefs of Space (1964)
- Starchild (1965)
- Rogue Star (1969)
- Farthest Star (1975)
- Wall Around a Star (1983)
- Land's End (1988)
- The Singers of Time (1991)
Lester Del Reyrekin
aldatu- Preferred Risk (1955) Edson McCann izengoitiarekin
Thomas T. Thomasekin
aldatu- Mars Plus (1994)
Arthur C. Clarkerekin
aldatu- The Last Theorem (2008)